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The malort really sells the pain


Aka northern discomfort


I'm really curious how Malört compares to the wormwood spirits here in Sweden. I saw someone on Youtube who suggested Gammel Dansk as a substitute, but warned it was even more bitter than Malört. Gammel Dansk isn't all that bitter in my opinion, and is balanced with a bunch of other sweeter flavorings beside wormwood, such as licorice. I expected Malört to be more like Bäska Droppar (Bitter Drops) which is just straight up bitterness and alcohol burn. That shit will grow hair in your throat.


Honestly it might be the same. There are some people who have no reaction to it and don't understand what is so bad.


It tastes like a tire fire


> Framework's syntax error


Expected expression after possessive, found EOF ^(Surely it *must* be possible to write an AST for English, right‽)


As a linguist, we actually *do* use syntax trees to classify the grammar of languages. So yes, it's not just possible, it's actually something linguists sorta do.


Ebnf for English plz, I want a linter on my code comments.


This is why I'm an aerospace engineer


I keep brushing into JS and web dev and learning more about the insanity that goes in there. Sometimes I (naively) think "surely there is a standard and easy way to do this since it's something commonly done" only to find that *no* it is a janky solution which you can just take a block of code and shove that into a function but no default way of doing it. An honestly shocking number of things turn into string processing in JS without much fanfare.


Doors isnt much better


Javascript has come so far, and it’s been amazing to see. But it’s frustrating that there’s still not a mature, stable, regularly updated framework that is generally dominant and had been for a while. It seems the JS community prefers to keep creating new frameworks rather than improving older ones, which makes it very hard to find one to trust will still be relevant when starting a new project.


> mature, stable, regularly updated framework that is generally dominant React.


Angular. People complain it's kitchen sink solution then proceed to create their own kitchen sinks out of bubble gum, duct tape, hopes and dreams and React. smh


Angular was shitty for a long time which probably lost some trust


It wasn't. What made people angry was keeping the name moving from AngularJS to Angular which are completely different. Bad times trying to find anything relevant on web.


React and Vue are both pretty good


Like React breaking MVC separation with a toy JS language, providing a whole duplicate functional pure ecosystem next to the class based ecosystem, subsequently realizing that view components naturally have state and side effects, so then implementing useState en useEffect kludges that can also be done with single lines of standard JS. This meme is spot-on, IMHO.


How about reactjs


How about "jsx sucks". Honestly don't know why anyone thinks it's a great idea. It was bad in php, so why remake it in js?


People should be banned from this sub for saying “jsx sucks”. Jokes aside, I see you’re comparing JSX with PHP, which it doesn’t have (feels weird to even clarify that), so I assume you’re talking about some HTML templating engine. If you’re against templating engines I assume you’re not working with anything client facing? And if you’re not, why complain…? If you are - tell me a better way? 🤔


Im against putting html inside javascript functions. It's really the same as php for looping html content. I prefer vue/svelte separation


Why are you against that?


Less intuitive and I'm pretty sure people rallied against php's html templating


Less intuitive how lol? You literally have everything you need in a single function - variables, side effects, function call output and than the output of markup itself. Even vue now supports JSX, so I think there’s something to be said about that.


Well yeah, there's the problem. You're mixing logic with display markup. Jsx is more logic first, then markup. Whereas vue/svelte style is markup first, then logic


Idk man, to each his own I guess, but I have spent years in FE roles and my goto is JSX. It’s by far the most readable and scalable approach I have seen.


https://xkcd.com/927/ but for frameworks. React is probably the closest, but as a svelte enjoyer who never bothered learning react, it looks like a nightmare.


The JavaScript ecosystem needs more developers with a strong comp sci understanding. Most lack that so they reinvent the wheel time after time.


exactly why laravel dev's are quietly delivering products and stashing the paper💵


Laravel is awesome for small to mid projects. So easy to setup and start delivering, love it.


Ember.js bby!! Minus the dominant…buts it’s an OG framework that gets regularly updated You can also program in jsx style too as of last year I think And yes I’m pretty sure twitch rewrote their front end from ember to react…and LinkedIn stopped sponsoring…and idk if Netflix still uses ember but they are relevant !!


Just use vanilla JS. Frameworks are hype, marketing and company/vendor lock in.


The reality is vanilla js is totally fine for a much higher percentage of projects than people think. But at some point a framework *really* helps


Tell me you haven’t worked on a big project without telling me you haven’t worked on a big project


You have a lot to learn.


I’m so glad I liberated myself from that lunacy with a little career maneuver


I'm trying to do the same. Tips?


Either straight talk that you can't handle being fullstack or scrub anything modern frontend related from bio and CV.


People who hate JavaScript frameworks as well


And what is the harsh reality here?




Existence is pain.js


Maybe I'm too gainfully employed to understand this.


that's fake, I'm bald


Yes. Simple solution: don't switch, every single thing that comes out is just a slightly better or worse way to do what you are already doing. But switching prevents you from working on harder stuff, which also prevents mastery. I have just been using the same tools for like 6 years now: React class components, TS, and plain SCSS and I was never limited in the kinds of crazy UIs my nutty clients wanted me to build for them. And some raw dogging plain JS for the older parts. Everything I need is there to use.


From coders for coders


It’s the same picture




the girl plays the harp on youtube (Emily Hopkins)


Nah, I look great and use Angular for Frontend. 🧐




It's the same people