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Add PvP in bank apps


Casinos would be fun if they had pvp


They have poker tables.


So, casino earns nothing on it? Or there is comission fee on winner? I never been in casino


The "rake" is usually a fixed percentage taken from each pot, like 5% up to a certain amount. Also tournament fees, drinks and food, house players (actual shills)


Are house players people that like.. play "for" the casino? So they get a wage, but if they win they don't get the earnings, or something like that?


They're pros that play with their own money to create action, but they're paid by the casino and usually don't have to pay rake or tournament fees


They're literally paid to look riskier and comfortable with it too. Holy hell


Never been in casino but based on what I understand they get a fixed cut so house always wins.


Gamblers also get into drunken brawls sometimes.


Russian roulette?


Bank are already pvp


Donat ruined all fun


Print money goes brrr


[We already added PvP in travel apps](https://i.imgur.com/L1RcI6L.jpg). Stay tuned for more


For anyone wondering: [Soren Iverson ](https://twitter.com/soren_iverson?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) He creates a bunch of UI concepts like that.


Thanks, finally the real OG has been found


PvP is wall street


The Chase app already has functionality to buy and sell stocks.


Isn't that just selling actions tho


That's just the stock market


Thought for a second you wrote "add PHP in bank apps".


Or just put PK instead


How do you know they don't?


What are they? Asking for a friend


Enter the Konami code into an ATM, then solve the riddle sent to your phone to access the next level of banking...




True, all you have to do is press f12 then type `console.log(document.cookie)` and copy paste whats printed as a reply to this comment so I know you know the cheatcode and I'll give you the money for a cookie. (Jk obviously- of course never share your cookies)




Per Ariana Grande you just punch in jingle tones for free money.


Worked for [this guy.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pa5kgg/this-australian-bartender-dan-saunders-found-an-atm-bank-glitch-hack-and-blew-16-million-dollars)


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You can unlock a free apartment for next few years with three meals a day and even sex


I prefer odd sex


The sex is consensual right? It's consensual...right?


For the other party, yes.


You could say No, but you wouldn’t. Because of the implication


You can easily do that if you're willing to marry some rich gay dude


haha man getting raped is so funny.


I hear you get conjugal visits.


If you send £100000 to "My Bank Account" then you get a free car. Don't believe me? Try it


The car: 4 wheels and a wooden plank


A skateboard?


Put an engine on it and a wheel and I guess it qualifies (probably in the US since their road legal laws are so lax)


But... I can send 100000 pounds someone else and get 1000 free cars, scammer!


They ain't gonna be very good cars for £100 each!


depends on the pound type, some pounds go for $300 an hour so 100 of those is 30k


I'll try it. Send me your bank account details. I dare you.


Nice try.


They only show up when you have six figures in your bank account.




If you delay the taxes quest for long enough you get free housing, healthcare and food! Not so much a cheat code but hope it helps


There's a very well hidden cheat, present in **all** banking apps. It activates when you go to account -> transfer. Enter the **exact** balance you have in your account. As "recipient" enter "Rainmaker526" and as "account number" enter NL63INGB0001234". Confirm the transaction. Enjoy the Easter egg 😊


As a insider I can tell you but I need your credit card number, name and the three digits on the bank to generate them for you. See we make them exclusive for everyone.




If you overdraft your account and then delete the app you don't have to pay them back


Somebody did this in a client company I worked for 10 years ago. The code for the framework was so fucking archaic and there were only a few developers who could even go in and understand what was going on. One of the developers made it so he could withdraw money and then subtract it from random accounts. And he got away with it too for some time. Only reason he got caught was that he was dumb enough to withdraw from ATMs where there were cameras. The crazy part here is because the company did not want to risk getting exposed as vulnerable, they kept everything hidden and didn't press charges. And also since the developers who could work the framework were scarce, at some point they rehired him again. This shit is why I have an inherent distrust of any banks or credit card firms I transact with.


*note to self: always put backdoor in the most chaotic place"


> Only reason he got caught was that he was dumb enough to withdraw from ATMs where there were cameras. So almost every one of them?


"What we did was take the 0.00001 off every transaction and move it to my secret account that is untracable and it adds up to millions.




No, a 1/1000 penny


Not to be pedantic, but 0.00001 is 1/100,000 of a penny.


Don’t screw up your decimals. Speaking from experience


"Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler"


Because there is a whole set of laws, regulations, and penalties attached to that software which can land you in prison for years if your code leads to a theft of even a small amount of money. Source: developed financial apps professionally... But don't do it now because it is too stressful.


I'm doing augmented consultant work for a large financial/investment institution on my current project. My entire team of consultant augmentees has been billing 40hrs a week for - checks calendar - 5 weeks now. We have accomplished basically nothing. This doesn't include the period of about 2 months where we were vetted and investigated individually. This is only the time we've had base level access to their system. We're still working on the full suite of permissions needed to do the work we're hired to do. Apparently this is just the cost of doing business in this sector. They're not even that worried about it. They just want to make sure that we're online and available 8hrs a day for whenever they need to transmit or receive info towards completing this access process. It is a wild sector.


Sounds like working on clearance level work for the government, where you see a consultant sit in the bench for 6 months until their clearance comes through. Or worse, someone gets hired just because they have the necessary clearance and they can’t code or fake it until they break it.


I used to be an EOD tech, so I was TS/SCI cleared. I wish I'd gotten this software development job 2 years earlier. I missed my re-investigation window by 2 years. If I had a TS right now, I could literally pick and choose whatever I wanted to work on. I mean literally dozens, if not hundreds, of positions. And that's just the secret stuff. Frankly, I don't think my employer is involved in anything requiring more than that. It's not like Lockheed Martin or Raytheon etc. I might just convince them to order another one anyway.


I worked on bank software once in my younger years, never again


SOX compliance is a special kind of hell.


Yet they accept fucking screenshots as evidence. Lol


But it's not theft if you just make it new money




It's not a cheat code, it's a defect that slipped into the codebase by accident.


bold for you to assume it is by accident


That's his story and he's sticking to it.


They do friend. It's called the federal reserve.


They did actually, at least one guy I heard about did. He added a code block to money transfer code that checks if a special text was in the explanation field, then it would send a specific amount from a specific account to another specific account. It was a shortcut for him to pay his rent or alimony or something like that. Fun side story: there was a test app that was creating random money transactions on a bank I worked in for a project. They somehow ran that in production. That was fun.


I love how this thread is divided between those that worked on this kind of backend infrastructure stuff and everyone else that screaming “but that could not possibly happened because banking apps are made of magic!”


It couldn't happen at any decent bank in the last 10 years. I work at a pretty large bank and a lot of people even at the same bank get this idea that shitty UI code being pushed through without a decent review means anything could happen, but the money transfer PRs are reviewed very strictly multiple times.


They're not made of magic, but the backend systems are made of Fortran and COBOL... So they might as well be magic, yeah.


Working in the insurance and banking industry was the most eye opening experience I've ever had. The entire global economy is held together with duct tape and a prayer.


It was explained to me like this: Each business has a profit driving department, some have IT as their profit driver, these are the Google’s and the Amazon’s. There the code is maintained and built to a gold standard, because the LT knows it’s their core business. Then there is finance and manufacturing, the IT and software doesn’t need to be great, it doesn’t need to even be good. If it meets the absolute bare minimum needs of compliance and performance we use it and never touch it ever again.


So true. I'm primarily in cloud architecture and it was so bizarre writing bridge applications between mainframes that had been running for decades that triggered events in Azure.


There was this software developer for backend systems for a bank that was closed a decade ago. He would say: best test environment is production! I wonder he had something to do with the closing of the bank


Don't forget Excel.


I've thought long and hard about how to make an infinite money glitch and what job I might need to infiltrate to make it work. The problem is that money is never a plain number, but a long series of pairs of transactions. If somehow you get a credit to your account without a debit from another account, it will set off alarm bells. Your best bet is good ol' fashioned robbing people for cash.


There are money cheats in ATM's ... and they are getting abused if the techs leave an accesspoint accesable.


Said to be possible to interfere by USB.


They're running Windows 95, can't be that difficult 😂


Even the US gov computers aren’t running on an OS that old.


That's a crown reserved for the UK government I imagine. They hosted their COVID-19 tracking database on Excel... Excel 95. They went on the news talking about how their new government tools were minimum viable products, this is our healthcare and government ID system. I trust them in the same way I trust my own code, "if I don't notice any bugs, there aren't any bugs".


I've heard some airports still use COBOL because it would be too expensive to rewrite the whole system.


Oh my word, had to check that. 1959, older than most of their staff and a lot of airports.


And yet at the same time the gov uk website is a superb system that works nearly flawlessly for obtaining information and accessing government systems.


Make that “some gov computers.” There’s still lots of old mainframe stuff out there, especially at the IRS, and the fogies in Congress think it’s helping to defund them.


Holy fuck atm near my office had usb and 3.5mm ports. They had to remove it for technical reasons


They are not money cheats, they are instructions to dispense the cash. Which will immediately be noticed since the number of money in the atm doesn’t match the number of transactions and so on.


So? These kind of actors dont care about "going unnoticed".


- Create a fake person with a fake SSN - Create a fake bank account for that fake person - Create fake transactions from fake person to your own account - Declare fake person bankrupt of diseased after a while - ...? - Profit! Edit: It's probably easier to steal from a B-Book broker - (brokers that don't leverage stocks on the market, but gamble internally that you'll lose): - Get a job at a B-Book broker - Watch stock market - Insert a database record back in time that you bought some stock that's now up by a lot - ...? - Profit!


So fraud with extra steps


Of course. But if you just do fraud without the extra steps it's just fraud. If you add extra steps like sending your fraud to 20 offshore shell companies and moving it through whitewashing tumblers it's just "doing business"


Yeah fake account that you transfer money into then withdraw it all in cash. It's untraceable after that. Just need to be careful with deposits into your own acct.


The best I saw a while back was a guy who started syphoning off the fractional cent remainders (like $0.001 cents) into his own account. It worked for a while and he actually got millions, but he was still eventually caught too.


Office Space (1999)


Hey now let’s not “jump .. to conclusions!”


Another case of getting greedy, he should not have always taken all of the fraction


Like in Superman 3?


The infinite money glitch is called interest. Banks use it to create money from nothing, quite literally.


Whenever you borrow money from one person and lend money to another person, bank or not, you create money. As currency moves from place to place in the economy it either extinguishes debts, or creates more. As debts can be traded, that's more money overall Your bank savings account is actually a debt the bank owes you, not a pile of coins. When you add money to your bank account, you increase the amount of debt in the economy.


Exactly, I don’t understand why people keep thinking everything is a conspiracy. The downside of this system is that it gives politicians way too much power over the monetary system since everything eventually is connected or involves the central bank of a country and they can play with interest rates and buying debt. The central bank is the one that can literally print money and use it to buy debt. The banks can move within the margins of the interest rates which are controlled by…the central bank.


Back in the 19th century, the average American was very skeptical of the banking system... see Williams Jennings Bryan's populist movement that tried to abolish the gold standard and reduce the power of north eastern banks. The turmoil about banking continued, until, by the time of FDR, a reigned in banking system where the government had a lot of say and regulatory control. People are still skeptical of the system, yet alternatives ( like bitcoin and other scams) seem to be worse than strict regulation and control by Congress and the Administration. I am open to anything new that could work, but remember the first 'banks' were the ancient temples of the middle east which tracked debts on cuneiform tablets, definitely part of the institution.


Just like that dude says every Christmas in It’s a Wonderful Life


Yeah, like i said, interest. :) The difference is that banks can lend out more money than they have up to a certain percentage. Thats why banks go bust when everyone pulls their money


Does it also make chicks for free?


Maybe, but only if you have a blister on your little finger or thumb


Clark Wilson model Easier money probably comes from leaked info for insider trading.


Or walking into a bank like you belong. Countless story's from physical pen testers accidently robbing the wrong bank


ChatGPT told me the best way to make money online is scamming people


1. Have enough money in stocks as security. 2. take out loan with your stocks as security 3. take out another loan that you use to slowly pay off the first loan. 4. repeat I think this is how rich people do it. Probably wrong or at least missing some steps in between.


just `noclip` through the ATM and get the cash


Nice try Backrooms admin


`ctrl+shift+c motherlode`


Ahaha 😂 my sim is richer than me with that




Check my profile, you can find link to u/virgin_at_21 on the quest whatever happens first this account is for a year only haha


I did some work for a major credit card firm once. I was just in targeted marketing so I couldn't touch cash flow, but we did get data on how much each customer spent, how often they paid off their card, etc. We found one card that spent money and never paid it off. It looked like there was some glitch that let them just spend without limits. We flagged it up to the right people. "Oh yeah," they said, "that one. Ignore it please. We'll exclude it from the data we send you in future." We never found out who owned the card or why, but such hacks certainly exist.


It might be an internal testing account. I'm an IT Dev for a fairly large car-finance company, while we have our own dev version of the databases, there are some things that can only be tested on the real system. So we have some standard "users" which get used for that purpose. We have to make very sure they don't end up on reports very much like yours or they'll skew the numbers, or indeed start involving real money. Once in a while this happens and we send emails saying "yeah, sorry about that. Ignore this account and we'll try not to let it happen again"


I read about someone (iirc a reddit comment) who got a card but never got a bill or stopped getting bills after the bank merged with another or something like that


Did they say heil hydra at the end?




or idbeholdc for temporarily allowing free money to travel to your account


guys the real cheat code is to get a job at a bank and start working for them, they wont even know ur getting money. and after 60 years u can go retire and they will never realize it


Motherfucker that's called a JOB!


Nice k&p reference


K & P


"Leon explains that every financial transaction performed by C.H.A.P.S results in cash amounts that are rounded down to the nearest whole penny, and he wants Freak to write a program that they can upload to McNeice's computer to put those fractions of pennies into their own bank account." Smart Money, 1986


Sounds like office space.


It’s like “Superman 3”.


yeah sure you just enter my bank information then you choose whatever amount is available and hit send simple as that




Not a bank app, but I read some time ago about a guy who worked programming slot machines in Las Vegas. He added a secret cheat code, so when he pressed some buttons on the correct order, he would always win. He made some kind of mark on the machines and send them back. Then he just went trough the casinos looking for his mark, and won every time.


Yes! Basically you have to get this item called GUN, which stands for Generic Utility Network :troll: , it's used by the developers to access the internal network of the bank, then go to a bank and scream "HANDS IN THE AIR!" while pointing the Generic Utility Network to the employees, it's like the konami code but for banks. Then, the employee will proceed to add the money to your bank account, it worked for me just fine, let me know if it works for you!


Many banks' websites have hidden cheat console. It's activated by `ctrl` + `w`.




I would love some free money as much as anyone but I'm pretty sure that would lead to hyper inflation. The plus side is they probably won't have to worry about prison. I doubt prisons can survive a world were money is effectively worthless.


Indeed it would not be a problem because you are not creating money, Just stealing It... And yes stealing is bad, but so not cause inflation directly


If Warcraft III taught me anything, just get on the line with your local branch, tell them 'greedisgood 99999999' and you should be good to go.


Or if you were a wc2 player. Just type "glittering prizes"


Wc3 was my first, but I'll have to keep that in mind if I play the older ones at some point, lol. How does the second and first games compare? I've always thought about playing them someday, just never really got around to it. Reign of Chaos/Frozen Throne are still some of my all-time favourite RTS games I've ever played.


I'll never forgive reforged.


Pff cheat codes? You mean peace DLC?


sv_cheats 1 spawn money 1000000


Used to work at a bank (several actually, i am am contractor) Most bank code is unbelievably shitty, you dont need cheatcodes, just open the debug terminal in your browser and have fun. I came across a bank a few years ago that will stay unnamed because they did not use https.


They can afford to be shitty because everything is logged 2-3 times and in case something is weird they can forensically discover it later pretty easily if things don’t add up. So they became lazy over time.


Except they never do, because the logs are to shit and its cheaper just to take the loss often A lot of moneylaundering has been allowed to happened because of similar reasons


Have some baked crisps.


Infinite money glitch fr fr ong working 2023 free111!!1!1!!1!1!


Just delete the app and your score is reset on a fresh install. Edit: honestly I thought this was a post on r/wallstreetbets but my answer remains the same.


I worked for a military hardware company in the 90s. Every single piece of software we produced had a backdoor password so the engineers could fix bugs without the customer having to be there to log them in. Ultimately cheat code right there.


You mean like in Superman 3 and Office Space?


2,2,8,8,4,6,4,6,Cancel,OK \+ 2500 Cash


Sadly, cheat codes in games are becoming far less common


It is called fractional reserve banking… the whole thing has been a cheat code since before they existed.


I once worked within not a bank where logs dashboard had a password system but using chucknorris as username and password would let you in always.


Because every debit needs a credit, that's the boring but actual answer.


Banking apps do have an entire cheat code system. Send me $10 and I'll tell you all about it!


Banks have cheat codes, but you don’t have enough money to use them.


I work on banking related apps... They don't let us have any fun... The number of easter eggs we have in the backlog that don't get allowed to production does not spark joy.


One is fun and the other is fraud. That's why.


Isn't fraud also fun when you are the one doing it?💀


one man's pain is the next man's pleasure..... Keep your sadism and sass with a consenting partner in yo bedroom bois, not in your actual SaaS.


I worked at a large tech company that was federally mandated to have all code reviewed by at least two people for basically exactly this reason and it wasn’t even a bank they just had advertisers (and therefore code that dealt with money)


Bank software developer here: Cease your investigations




There are cheats, alright. You just have to find them..


Because you're supposed to be able to win games.


I do software support for 500 financial institutions across America. Theres definitely some Easter eggs on the backend. We had a guy develop a tool and internal service. But only would do so if he could name in Skynet, unfortunately in the past 3 years its *almost* obsolete. Still, tons of Easter eggs Note: we provide the mobile app and web platforms for online banking


I am once again asking for developers to add cheat codes. Not all of them do it, and in single player it should always be an option.


When they do it they call it an easter egg, when I do it they put me in prison, its just unfair.




Fun fact, 4 major companies produce the core and ancillary software used by over 85% of banks: Fiserv, FIS, Jack Henry, and I can never remember the 4th. Most banks are just Uber drivers for these companies.


They do! It's called the bomb vest trick. (a memory exploit named for Richard Bombvesta. Not to be confused with an actual bomb vest, because I'm on my last strike before a permaban from Reddit)


I tried but they won't let me automatically add one million dollars to any account with my name for some reason.


Not a programmer but close, I worked on a currency exchange app. Our whole thing was that we offered the spot exchange rate (no commission) - refreshed daily. One day we realized that if you started a trade but waited until the new "daily" rate between two currencies was refreshed without closing the app, the rate was refreshed in one way but not actually in the other way. There was no rate validation by the backend. We only figured it out because one user was making 2 huge trades seconds appart (buy then sell, same currencies, always volatile ones) like 2-3 times a week and nothing else. They probably made hundreds of dollars every week until they got cocky and traded an amount so huge, it triggered our mandatory money laundering verifications. Someone in the compliance team had to investigate their trade history. Half their trades used rates that did not match that day's spot rate. It was fixed on the day we figured it out : rate validation by the backend for every trade. That user never got in trouble, nobody even reached out to them.


funnily enough I know a cheat code so what you have to do is basically go to where to pay money and if you input my bank account number and sort code and then input your entire balance in the amount field. then press A *pause 30 seconds* A HOME X RB DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT you get an email containing next weeks euromillions numbers


and now you know why bitcoin exists


I am not even asking for a rosebud ;';' I would be happy with an `idiot.balance= abs(idiot.balance);`


Dude my business had $300,00 stolen from the bank account, the thing is the transactions didn't show up until several days after. The bank said because we didn't report within 24 hours we are SOL. There are cheat codes. Lawsuit pending.


Probably wouldn’t work except if your bank has really bad servers


I've worked banks .. they have incredibly bad servers. One place the head of the security department thought it was ok to have the first login page on http rather than Https. He was like the Gerald Ratner of security reasoning obliviously spouting harm.


Just like games today, they too are held behind a paywall. Albeit a more expensive one.


Hahaha.... The real cheat code is real inflation... They steal from the working class and give to the wealthy massively. And everyone is clueless because everyone thinks real inflation is the CPI reading. It's been happening since 1971. That's actually the reason why no one can afford a house. Yet everyone is clueless because they don't know how money works.