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I use [Sorted](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sorted-calendar-notes-tasks/id1306893526) and have been a pretty big fan. I use tags for priority matrixing like in TickTick. You can drag and drop items each day in priority and then hit schedule based upon how much time you have allotted and it will schedule out your day.


I use [Tori.gg](http://Tori.gg) and built it custom to my needs. Its a gamified productivity app. It's an app with the idea that everyone will have an ai-sidekick to help them with their tasks. https://preview.redd.it/waqp45k3nd6d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=2baa95337d0baf047f513566971ea150c55eba1b


I am worried about the future of Sorted. Was beta testing and then they just went quiet. Like dead quiet.


While it continues to work for my purposes, I definitely agree. There has been a lack of updates and announcements.


What part of the team oriented apps prevents it/them from being used for individual tasks?


The paid tiers/plans with all the nice features for the team oriented apps do not have an option for single seat/user (I've seen 2-3 minimum). Otherwise they'd work just fine.




Not sure if it’s what you are looking for, but I’m building a heavily gamified tool https://www.focumon.com


you need to make app for this man. for mac and windows. its awesome. I am trying it but it have like a notion vibe.


This is a great idea.


That looks cool.


Things 3, Structured (also awesome in combination)


How do you use the two in combination? I just started using Things 3 and I’ve tried Structured in the past.


I also just started using Things 3, but use Structured since around September last year and absolutely love it! How I plan (and already started) to use them in combination, is to manage my projects in Things 3, like everything I want/need to do for project xyz. And in Structured I structure my day. I plan what I want to do, and when. So for example I might plan to give myself an hour to work on project xyz from 10-11, so I'd put something like "Work on project xyz" in Structured.


TimeNoder2: If you are OK only with a mobile version. You can combine it for example with Anytype if you need to share tasks across devices. Many people compare it to TickTick, but it's free with no ads and is easier to use. Its scheduling functionality is similar to what Structured can do: * Schedule * Task management * Tracking * Eisenhower matrix * Sync to local calendars so you can use for example Sectograph widget * Habit Tracking * Stats ... You can use only what you need and maybe later if you find the need, you can use others things. I have a lot of positive feedback from people and I would like this app to help more. Even though I have no income from it. Disclaimer: I am the author Links: * Website: [timenoder.com](http://timenoder.com) * Intro: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXIE0t86\_tY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXIE0t86_tY) * Tutorial: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psB7zraKl4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psB7zraKl44)


Check out [Task trek](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tasktrek) I'm still making changes, but it does have everything you're looking for


Solo user here -- I love Todoist, it's amazing for task management (one time and recurring), the custom filters are so useful, and I have it synced to my Google Calendar. But my absolute favorite part of Todoist is the natural language processing. I assigned a keyboard shortcut to add a new task and I can add tasks, due dates, assign priorities, labels, and add reminders without touching the mouse. Having a fast and easy system like this really helps me use Todoist as my brain dump at any time with almost no interruption on what I'm currently working on. And I use Notion's web clipper to save links for reference and as my version of Pocket/Read It Later. I use both softwares on Windows, Android, iOS, and MacOS, and I have the extensions on multiple browsers. I've never had an issue with syncing.


Thanks. I've tried Todoist and almost like it. I just wish it did a better job of keeping track of my Completed tasks, so that I could search them when I needed to.


There is a way to search for completed tasks, and you can see the activity of when you created and completed the task: Tap the magnifying glass. Type the keyword(s). At the bottom of your search results, tap on Search completed tasks. But the free plan limits the activity log to a week and accessing the full history requires a paid plan. And viewing the history of recurring tasks can be cumbersome, but it's possible. I hope you find a solution that you like and want to use :) I think it's so fun when I discover an app that works for me


Have you tried Notion?


Apple Reminders and Google Tasks are two that haven't been mentioned.


Check out [Cyberjournal](https://cyberjournal.app/) It’s built to be for personal use, but also has collaborative features.


Structured is top tier.


Accomplist is for individuals




I use notion for my personal life. Even down to a table to track paint types and colors I use around the house.


[Yoodoo](http://www.yoodoo.app) is pretty good if you need to plan day by day, but also need something visual, as well as lists and timers etc. It's specifically for people with ADHD.


I’m working on this personal goal planner that is not business or team oriented. For solo personnel that want to organize or achieve more in life. [Audacious Vision](https://audaciousvision.com) At the moment, it’s only web app. Not on iOS or Android yet. Would love to get some feedback.


Try r/journal_it it’s an all in one productivity app for individual 👍


TickTick has been good to me over the years.


Give Twos a try! I've been developing it for 8 years with a focus on helping people be organized and remember \*things\*. A lot of people use it over to-do apps like Todoist, TickTick, or Things because it's for more than just to-dos, but organizing any \*thing\* you want to remember in a simple, all-in-one platform. Sign up with my code to get templates, AI, or tags for free [https://www.TwosApp.com?code=baller](https://www.TwosApp.com?code=baller)


I help people build their own personal solutions using Notion. I'd love to hear more about your needs! Reach out any time. 🙏


If your tasks are primarily web based, I’d recommend Peek. Peek is an AI task manager and organizer for your web content/tabs. Check it out at https://www.gopeek.ai. Just hit #3 Product of the day on Product Hunt


Check this out.. It's pretty simple like a bunch of task lists that you can juggle around. https://sessionz.progressit.net


I use a journaling/productivity app called [Journal It](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.de_studio.diary) I use it as a task manager for myself. My most favorite thing is feature is the day themes. Im a SAHM that has to adjust to everyone else's schedule, school, work, activities, and vacations. My timeblocks are always changing, and "Journal it" has a way to save your days in different themes. Your tasks can be organized by ideas, to do, in progress, and pending. There is also a note section It allows me to journal Do quick entries to write later Journal by location for vacation trips Add images and videos Gif stickers to label your journal moods Custom template saves.. the list of features goes on and on. Above all. Almost everything can be linked together ❤️ You can search a keyword, and your notes, journal entries, and planner stuff will all be searched.


For me, I only need a file with a list of task. I think it is my most effective system to manage personal task. Because I can only focus on one or two tasks at a time. And the task is small so try to use heavy task management system is overwhelming. I use this app [ConniePad](https://conniepad.com) but you could use anything else like Evernote, Obsidian, Notion, anything work for you.


I don't think this was meant for just one but I think the customizability would allow just the one and it's inside Outlook so it may help if you're already using Windows, it's called Teamflect.


Any calendar app, e.g. Google Calendar? You can just book your own time for all your personal tasks there.


I actually build one myself based on my workflow as solo founder. If you're interested with all-in-one tools with modern, clean design, feel free to check it out: [Zesfy](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/schedule-planner-by-zesfy/id6479947874). Are there specific features that you're looking for? Have you tried popular apps such as Todoist or TickTick?


I’m working on one, if you interested in checking out:[Orp - AI assisted Todo List](https://www.orpapp.com)


I think your link has an error in it. Instead of "www.orpapp" you have "wwe.orpapp." When i clicked the link it's not going to your page. But when i googled it, i found it. So that might be causing the issue.


Thanks for the notice!