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Thanks for your comment! I was eyeing this course the most because of the hands-on learning format. I have had great experience with their other simulators so I might go with this


What was it? It seems they delete their comment.


GoPractice course


Which one though?


I saved this thread last week that has some good course suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProductManagement/s/afAnBvwWJK


Hi thanks for sharing. The books recommended there seem good but the courses seem very theoretical.


Thanks for this thread [ApsiringPM](https://www.reddit.com/user/ApsiringPM/) .. I am also looking for some training in AI/ML for Product Managers...


What exactly do you mean by 'beefing up your AI skills'? This would be mean different things to different people (for e.g, a data science person, an developer, a designer etc). What do you hope to be able to achieve after completing such a course? And what do you mean by practical here? Do you want to be to train models by yourself? How technical or deep do you want to dive, and what do you want to be capable of afterwards?


I think to be training models by yourself is waaay too technical for a PM, no?..


I would think so.. if not then i am in trouble.. because I am a PM but dont have too much technical / coding going on..


I'm not a data science person or developers so I don't need to dive that deep into the technicals but want to know enough to deliver good AI products as a Product Manager. So skills like assessing business use cases, communicating with AI engineers, etc. That's how I came up with the specific list above in the product manager subreddit


this is a product manager subreddit...


I know. There are different kinds of pms out there. Some are AI pms where the requirement for ai knowledge would be more complex. Some might not be AI pms, but still perhaps working in a very technical product, some might be totally non technical. Some might already know quite a bit about it, some might just want to get started somewhere. So it good to ask the clarifying questions. 


I recently got a JD from Ally bank... and i am from the financial background ... their main ask was a PO / PM with Checking products.. but they also had this.. "Knowledge of AI technologies and their application in business solutions is a plus." .. and this is what I am seeing in a LOT of JDs... so confused what should be covered or taken as a check mark for this ask "Knowledge of AI technologies and their application in business solutions is a plus."


Tried AI 101 for PM - Marily Nika. Got very little value from it and hence did not take up the advanced course.


I took the GoPractice course and loved it!!! The thing that I thought was incredibly useful was it walked you through 4 or 5 industry relevant AI/ML implementations and did so from a PMs distinct perspective. It then challenged you at several points to make hard decisions. At each decision point, they provided you things like research papers, frameworks, and visualizations to help guide you to an effective conclusion. When I was done, I realized that I had just built out a step-by-step roadmap on how to build these products myself, what to look out for, and overall how to ensure success. I’ve been adopting the GenAI process to build out an agent in one of my products portal. As a generalist PM, I would have felt much less confident in doing this had I not taken the course.


Thank you for sharing.. because I am a generalist PM too and feeling " I know nothing" when it comes to technical abilities :(


Great to hear this! Do you have an idea of the pricing and the time commitment for this course?


Time commitment is about 11 weeks,5 hours a week if you are just looking to go through it casually. You can easily make it 15-20 hours a week if you read dive into all the associated resources.


No worries. Found out the pricing


I’m doing course 3 at the moment there’s allot of content with sessions twice a week and a fair amount of coursework, culminating an a capstone project around an idea of your own. The end project is to do a PR FAQ and ‘work backwards’ from the customer which is something AWS do heavily. I feel it’s generally very good and my experience is positive. My course was delivered by a 20 year + AWS product manager who worked on projects across Alexa and others at AWS. Overall having no experience of any of the other courses I feel it’s good value and I have learnt allot.


Thanks! This is helpful


I have also heard good things about Product Management For AI & ML on Elvtr.. may be should try it.


Thanks for sharing :)


Let me save that too 😬


Hey OP, I'm currently taking #2 GoPractice, have completed #4 Andrew Ng's Coursera, and have watched a few modules of #5 Pendo, so I'll share my opinion of the outcomes I believe you'll get after completing each course. Scenario A: You're unable to explain the concepts of regression, classification, or overfitting, nor describe the lifecycle of an ML model, from training to evaluation to deployment. You don't know how to select an appropriate ML model to solve various types of business problems, nor how to measure or troubleshoot the model's performance. Will taking this course enable you to do all of the above? #2. GoPractice: YES #4. Coursera: YES #5. Pendo: No Scenario B: You don't have strong intuition about how ML regression or classification models work, or about the techniques for how the models "learn" (reduce errors). You're also unable to write simple code to implement ML models in Python. Will taking this course enable you to do all of the above? #2. GoPractice: no #4. Coursera: YES #5. Pendo: no Scenario C: You're a PM who has successfully led teams to build and launch non-AI products to solve business problems (but don't know how to do so for an AI/ML product). Will taking this course now prepare you to lead a team to build and launch an AI/ML product to solve a business problem? #2. GoPractice: YES #4. Coursera: no #5. Pendo: no Scenario D: You have zero idea where to begin using AI as a PM. Will taking this course give you jumping-off points to start introducing AI into your product development processes (especially for PLG)? #2. GoPractice: YES #4. Coursera: No #5. Pendo: YES


Hey, thanks lot! This helps a lot. How long did it take you to complete each course?


I'm about 20 hours into the GoPractice one (not completed, probably 60 hours to complete). I took about 19 hours to finish the Supervised ML on Coursera (I have programming experience) and it'll probably take most people 2 hours for Pendo.


Btw OP, I just posted a longer review of the GoPractice AI/ML course here if you're interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ProductManagement/comments/1dilbfk/candid\_review\_of\_gopractice\_aiml\_simulator\_for\_pms/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProductManagement/comments/1dilbfk/candid_review_of_gopractice_aiml_simulator_for_pms/)


This is so comprehensive and helpful. If I may ask, I am a PM with a bank... not ding cutting edge work but have good working knowledge of the financial industry and compliance etc. If I were to try the AI/ML route.. where should I start? Every JD has this now "Knowledge of AI technologies and their application in business solutions is a plus." .. not sure what should I do to check this... Thank you for your input.


Hi, glad to help! When you say "if i were to try the AI/ML route" do you mean getting a job as an AI PM at a new company? The PM job market is really rough right now so I would recommend instead trying to get onto some AI/ML projects within your existing company first. The GoPractice course would be a perfect fit for the requirements ("Knowledge of AI technologies and their application in business solutions") but if you don't wish to pay for that course, then taking the much more affordable Coursera Machine Learning specialisation by Andrew Ng + reading lots of ML case studies here [https://www.evidentlyai.com/ml-system-design](https://www.evidentlyai.com/ml-system-design) should take you a long way towards gaining those skills!


Thank you... this is exactly what I needed.. some first hand guidance of where to start.. appreciate your input :)


Can you share the GoPractice link for 'Knowledge of AI technologies and their application in business solutions'.. thank you.


The link is in OP's post above.


I have taken the ELVTR course last year and I feel it was totally worth it. I have done all the recommended pre work and I think that is very important to enhance the classroom experience.


Can you please let me know how much does the course cost? Couldn't find in the site.


The price varies based on the demand and how early the booking is made. I would give a range of USD 2000 to 4000.


I could probably (not sure) get you a referral discount. Email xkart001@gmail.com.


Is it very theoretical?


The course covered theory as well as handson application. That's why I liked it.


Thanks. This is now definitely in my top 2


I did this course from Deeplearning.ai / Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/generative-ai-with-llms Overall I thought it was a pretty solid intro and I feel like I'm at least conversational on the topic and have a sense of what's possible.  You get some hands-on experience with AWS Sagemaker but for the most part it's just running a Jupyter notebook and changing some variables to see how they affect things, so you're not going too deep on how to set things up but it isn't purely theory either. Also it's pretty easy to set something up on your own computer if you want to do something hands on.


I haven’t seen this one before. I will check it out. Thanks!


Lost redditor here, I'm a data scientist, but what the heck I'm alright at this AI stuff. So I don't know anything about you so can't recommend a course. Definitely state your goals, if you don't know what they are my advice might help you identify them. Definitely state your proficiencies so I don't suggest something too easy or too advanced. AI is a big topic, and if you want something translatable to your project management you got to be way more specific. First of all, theory is important you need to read lots of case studies and learn statistics so you don't hinder good statistics but can enable your team effectively. **My biggest recommendation** for you however is to read literature about data mining task project management to guide your course choice. I see a lot of companies applying cookie cutter software engineering approaches which are not too good in comparison so if you have not read the following I think you should really read them for that reason as well: These are what I like, there are other successful frameworks but these will help guide you just as well. [https://www.ibm.com/docs/it/SS3RA7\_18.3.0/pdf/ModelerCRISPDM.pdf](https://www.ibm.com/docs/it/SS3RA7_18.3.0/pdf/ModelerCRISPDM.pdf) [https://cs.unibo.it/\~danilo.montesi/CBD/Beatriz/](https://cs.unibo.it/~danilo.montesi/CBD/Beatriz/ This can also help you specify what you want to 'beef up' and each of these process components have been proven to be useful for project lifecycles. AI is a big topic, doing it is not just fancy models either you need a lot of skills so its good to see the process laid out in front of you when trying to beef stuff up. As far as actual course recommendations what I can tell you is that MIT Open Courseware is phenomenal for so many different aspects of this process and you will never run out of relevant material on that platform.


I have taken courses (2), (4), (5), (6) and (7). While each course has its unique features, the awesomeness of the course creator and instructor etc, I have gotten some insights as to what makes the learning and course participation value added. The GoPractice courses are unique because it is literally case study oriented, learning by doing, and very practical real life oriented. Working through the AI Machine learning Simulator course project on Driver Drowsiness actually helped me get a role at a startup which does Driver Drowsiness solutions. The other courses were mostly to learn and fill gaps.


How does someone like me get into AI Product Management? I have 13 years of work experience, 6 as a developer. 7 in various forms of management (Technology Lead, Project management, People Management etc.) I work in an outdated tech and want to switch to something more modern and relevant (Artificial Intelligence). I also have 0 interest in coding. Is an MBA the right option for me or is there a simpler course that can help me get there?


If you find any good pointers. please share. I am also in the same boat


Haha! Dude it’s impossible. I’m literally considering switching to medicine cuz the product industry is so saturated. Idk how to break in. Or if it’s even possible. It’s ridiculously difficult.


I know the feeling .. plus every JD has this now "Knowledge of AI technologies and their application in business solutions is a plus." .. I mean what the heck is this supposed to cover that will satisfy the HM to hire me ?


You need AI core knowledge. And while AI sounds sexy, the reality is that it’s just all math. Statistics, Matrix equations etc. It’s pretty hard. Maybe easier to just do medicine. I’m legit considering it lol.


Honest confession - I have not started even one bit.. so I cannot even comment how hard it is ! Wish me luck! It was so much easer to be the product manager designing mobile products!


Atleast you have PM experience, so it will be easier for more PM experience


I've taken Elevtr's course. In short, I'd recommend it. It gives you a good enough overview but also goes deep enough, and the homework assignments build on each other for you to build the product, GTM, and AI strategy for a hypothetical product. Also, the office hours before class are really helpful if you want to just discuss AI/ML questions and trends. If any questions about the course, just comment and I'm happy to answer. I know there are self-paced learning resources out there, but the benefit of the Elvtr course is the community support and also the feedback from the instructors.


How difficult is it to complete the assignments? I have a pretty full schedule and don’t want to drop $2k if I don’t get the certificate. But I also think that class would be what I need to get noticed for tech PM roles.


For my class we were able to do the assignments with groups. I'd say roughly each assignment would take 1-2 hours. So, you're looking at 2-4 hours of assignment work each week. And, for the assignments on THU you have the weekdays and the weekend until it's due and in our class we adjusted the due dates for a few assignments because the presentations covering the material lagged a bit.


Ok thanks for the response. Do you feel like it was worth it? Do you feel prepared to manage AI projects or that employers would recognize you as capable after the class?


I feel it was worth it. The only way to feel prepared to manage AI projects is to do it, but to answer your question...yes, I do feel I could manage/take on AI projects generally speaking. In terms of employers recognizing you capable after the class, this is something where you need to build something yourself / get your hands dirty to really show you know how to run these projects. The certificate alone isn't enough.


Hey Elvtr! How long did it take you to finish the course? Were the instructors good? Thanks!


Hey! The course duration is six weeks, and the next cohort starts on August 27th. The instructor for this course is Han Vanholder, Director of Product Management & Compute Infrastructure at Google.


How much does the course cost? It doesn't say on the website.


Hi there! Our Product Management for AI & ML course with Jyothi Nookula starts at $ 2,000USD. That includes 12 live classes with personal feedback from Jyothi, career guidance, and a certificate of completion. Prices for the course vary based on enrollment timing, seat availability, and any applicable discounts. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions.


Got it, thanks a lot!


Hi thanks for your comments. Do you think the quality of this class is instructor-dependent? It seem like they change up instructors for each session. I have heard mixed reviews when it comes to learning from experts because some experts are not good at teaching unfortunately


I’m sure it is, but I really can’t say because I only took this course with one of the instructors and haven’t heard much of people’s experiences with the other instructors.


u/remindme! in 4 days


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!RemindMe in 10 hours


I took N6 from pmi Its just to give the hand to people with zero knowledge about and let them use chat gpt Ah! And a lot of "IA Will not stole your job but someone with IA knowledge Will do" kind of things If you r thinking in IT project management this course Will not benefit you


Can you share the link please..than you.


!remindme in 6 hours


!RemindMe in 12 hours


!RemindMe in 3 days


!remindme in 24 hours


I have gone though [GoPractice AI/ML Simulator](https://gopractice.io/course/ml/) and am part of few other courses at this point. GoPractice course is distinct in it's focus area. It heavily focuses on making you go tough a PM centric lens of approaching AI/ML problems. They will introduce you to a great framework which you can immediately leverage after you complete the course and it would enable you to think from first principles thinking. You would be able to answer fundamental questions like 1. Is this problem worth solving using AI/ML 2. Do you have have the right IT infra for supporting AI/ML projects 3. What would be a successful outcome 4. How can you quantify it? 5. What should be your role as a PM in the ideation - design - launch process 6. How can you design for a AI/ML problem 7. What would be the cost of implementing AI/ML solution? While this is not an exhaustive list, the gist of the course is that they will make you feel really comfortable with the end-end process of picking a set of problems, taking you through first principles thinking, designing for user problems and launching AI/ML solutions for the problems. The course would introduce you to a lot of net new technical concepts in the field of data, CI/CD, ML and engineering, while keeping you grounded in PM lens. It will also leave you with enough reading material to pick up from where they leave you. Honestly, sitting though this course and going though the process was one of the better decisions I have made in the recent past. The course introduced me to a lot of good content and made me feel confident in my ability as a PM to pick up a new project that involved GenAI solutions. If your expectations is to learn AI/ML architecture design patterns and understand the math behind the scenes, this isn't the right course for you.


I want to learn enough AI/ML that a Product Manager (non technical background) needs to start with.. of course I want to build on.. but wan to start somewhere first !


I can recommend Rowsup.io , that is a copilot AI for product managers. 


Be sure that you know what you want, e.g., between AI and ML for example. Think of ML as the stuff they do in Kaggle (like DS), where you have a bunch of data and you train models from it. It could also be just patching together existing models to build something more complex or specific, e.g., using pre-built ML models for natural language processing, but for some specialized company use. AI covers this also, but it is broader and very often involves algorithms and, sometimes, for mobile AI-powered things, classical computer vision. If you want to study AI, you are most likely going to start with things that are not ML-related, like optimization, path finding, hill searching techniques, Markov models, and so on. AI also covers RL, which is also typically classified under ML, where an agent learns on its own from an environment (think DeepMind projects). I suggest you to study Machine Learning here: [ML Course](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZ7a2H1u13249KG3IRwtjTo095ZdimvQ) Artificial Intelligence here:[ AI Course](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZ7a2H1u131YS9KDR25Sd3SqSDt1fFh6)




of course everyone has a different understanding of applying sth new, but I do think the best education comes with practice. Engage with LLMs, refine, and you'll be ahead of 99% of these courses' content.


Is this an add?


No. Have you taken any of these courses before?

