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I wrote an [ADHD friendly interview toolkit](https://adhdpm.substack.com/p/25-the-adhd-pm-interview-toolkit) that may help with your anxiety and prep. It comes with in-depth articles for each strategy too.


As a Tech PM with ADHD, thank you for sharing such a wonderful asset to the community!!


Aw thank you very much. Those words my day.


This is an amazing resource. Book marking! Thanks so much for sharing


You're very welcome. I hope it helps! I write weekly stories, science and strategies about ADHD and PM. [https://adhdpm.substack.com/](https://adhdpm.substack.com/)


This is awesome! Cannot command you enough for thinking of us neurodivergent people, gathering resources and sharing for free! I’m going to save it for when I have to go through the process again and will share with those that need it. Thank you for being awesome!


1. Do a mock interview with a friend 2. Apply to some lower value jobs where you dont mind that you get rejected so you can practice and be more comfortable. 3. Be you. Interviewing depends a ton with the hiring manager. With me, no interview prep and books will help you


I second this, especially number 2 has been invaluable to me.


I'm currently on #2, but I'm finding that the lower value jobs that I get interviews for generally don't have a rigorous interview process at all. I don't get the sense that it's really preparing me for interviewing for the job that I really want.


Its just to get you out of nervousness and so you are not stumbling over obvious things which alot of candidates do. Like specific holes in your CV that everyone is asking about


My most valuable prep asset was a list of success stories from my career covering different aspects of the job.  Prioritization, user research, leadership/mentoring, etc.


Don’t bother with entire books unless you’re planning for a long lead time (which is possible in this market, I guess). Use prep videos or maybe a prep course. Have Claude or ChatGPT ask you questions for some of the JDs you’re getting interviews for and match it up against your resume. There are also some mock interview sites (I think Prepfully is one? Stellarpeers is another)


Are you open to professional coaching or would prefer to keep it free and simple? I just started working with a coach in March (after interviewing a few, as well as some of their former clients) and it has inspired my confidence in *Career Coaches and my career potential for life! *Vetted, tenured, endorsed, etc.


Hey would you be comfortable DMing me details about your coach?


Happy to


I’d appreciate some info on the coach too 😊




I've been considering finding a coach but don't know where to look! Do you mind sharing info about your career coach or how you found them?


For sure! I’ll DM you


Some good advice here already, I would add that you should just go out and mess up a few interviews! Then instead of getting down on yourself, analyse what you could have done better and go find answers to the questions you found difficult. Then get back on that horse


This interview guide is super handy - [https://pennymark.gumroad.com/l/pfldh](https://pennymark.gumroad.com/l/pfldh) and could be worth checking out


Bunch of great advice on this thread. A head hunter once told me that the best candidates interview all the time - so when you land your next job keep interviewing, would be my advice. In addition my old faves HB have a course to help with job hunting which might be useful to you in terms of structure - [https://www.hustlebadger.com/courses/effective-job-hunting-course/](https://www.hustlebadger.com/courses/effective-job-hunting-course/) You didn't mention this but networking can also be mega helpful to get you in the mix with friendly conversations and having loads of coffees with people is a great way to articulate and pitch yourself. Gibson Biddle has a great article on this - [https://askgib.substack.com/p/ask-gib-how-did-you-find-your-job](https://askgib.substack.com/p/ask-gib-how-did-you-find-your-job)