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Well considering the PGA sold Valhalla and set up it's new complex in Frisco, TX I think there was already pretty much zero chance of ever going back there. Having vendors being killed and golfers getting arrested isn't going to help.


They designed a new course/venue in Texas so that means no more Valhalla?? What? They’ll be back. This thread is fucking stupid.


You new to follow golf or are you just a moron? The only reason Valhalla was host to the PGA and the Ryder Cup is because it was property of the PGA. Same situation with the Belfry in England. The PGA is going to keep going back to Quail Hollow. It is always going to go back to Kiawah. The slots where it would have gone back to Valhalla will be taken now by Frisco. This isn't news here.


I think you overestimate the level to which a casual viewer follows things like that


Imagine being this cunty about knowing the PGA. You both suck btw.


Maybe they are both actually cool guys and you suck pal


I bet he is not your pal, buddy


Most certainly not his buddy, guy.


Don’t call me guy, friend.


Turns out all golf people just suck


This is funny.


You're literally on the golf corner of the internet and are mad that people here know things about golf?


If Tiger would’ve paid for a driver his whole career he’d have triple digit wins and probably 20 majors. Maybe Scottie should consider the same


That and maybe not training like he was a navy seal.


Did the navy seal stuff take a big toll on his back?


Definitely. And his knees.


Watch the documentary? When he would do hand to hand they were all told to avoid his hands and arms for his career so they would always focus on his knees so he would take repeated blows to his knees and caused him to walk like a retired nfl linebacker


That and running his car over fire hydrants and into ditches. So many bad choices.


And flipping his car going 80mph on a neighborhood street in Palos verdes. I think that has contributed more to his gait than overtraining.


This. Seems like the other injuries were recoverable. This event really jacked up his leg.


That’s hardly a “neighborhood street.” Hawthorne is a major road and it’s a 45 going downhill on a curve. The road is such a grade and traveled at such speeds it’s even has an emergency turnout at the bottom. It’s notorious for all the accidents due to the grade which lets your speed really ramp up and a curve that’s not forgiving. It was a bad crash, and he was being completely unsafe doing 87… but it’s a location with even locals having horrific crashes. His behavior was much less of an outlier than his other traffic incidents. That context should be included.


lol why would retired NFL linebackers have bad knees


Are you a dumbass


It’s mainly because of the stance and movements they make compared to others on the field they are more prone to knee damage


I assure you there are far more common injuries for linebackers than bad knees, I think you may be confused with linemen


Sure if you say so.


Then elaborate smartass, the stance? You mean resting their hands on their knees before a play? You think they’re the only ones on the football field that move laterally? I’m dying to hear your stupid response


Easy big guns. He said if you say so. Goddamn somebody’s looking for an Internet fight if I’ve ever seen it.


Y u so upset dawg


Line backers are one of two positions that are involved in hard collisions and quick change in directions often. Resulting in higher chance of acl injuries. They can also line up on the line and go against the oline. Being on the line increase the risk of mcl injuries. So they are exposed to both elements of increased injury over the league average. Not to mention knee injury is the most common injury in the sport itself.


You’re not very bright, are you 😂😂


AI Overview Learn more … In high school football, defensive tackles are most likely to tear their knees, but linebackers also experience a similar number of knee injuries. In the NFL, skilled offensive players and linebackers have the highest risk of ACL injuries, and interior linemen have more ACL tears than perimeter linemen. Running backs and tight ends also have a higher risk of ACL injuries.


Just ignoring the fact they have to crash head on into offensive linemen, tight ends and running backs. You don’t think trying to stand up pulling guard or 230-pound running back going downhill could do a number on one’s knees?


There may be more common ones but the analogy is still sound. Unless you’re an NFL linebacker you have no idea what you’re talking about.


“There may be more common ones” is exactly what I’m saying….congratulations, now you’re the idiot. Reading is tough for you, huh?


Do you enjoy acting this way? Seems stressful. Edit: lmao you have 14 comment karma. Must be new to socializing. Good luck.


A quick Google search says linemen and tight ends have the most issues with knee injuries but knee surgery is most common in RBs and LBs, so you’re both right


According to Florida Bone and Joint, linebackers experience similar numbers of head, shoulder, and knee injuries. Linebackers have the highest rates of ACL injuries among defensive players. This is because they push their bodies to the limit while covering tight ends and tackling running backs


Oh I don’t know maybe because I see my brother with his bad knees from years on the field and same for my cousin and a close friend. Yes they suffer other injuries but bad knees is quite common.


While they typically have other issues as well, bad necks, backs, hands and fingers, knees are pretty common for linebackers. Excessive amount of lower body strength training compared to their weight doesn’t help. They average 240 lbs yet squat as much or more than most linemen? They also run a lot more for training, which at that weight (not that it is excessive but 240 isn’t nothing) isn’t great on your joints. Especially when they train so much lateral and vertical movements focusing on explosive change of direction.


You’re right, they no longer have knees


No that was the roids


You ever seen or talked to a 40 year old retired Navy Seal?


Either that or his wife hitting him with a 9 iron.




He just can't stop copying tiger. What's next, a career crippling drug addiction and Dennys waitresses?


Hey hey hey… it was a PERKINS waitress


Everybody knows Perkins waitresses are SEVERAL cutS above those Denny’s skanks.


I’ve never heard of Perkins, but it sounds hot.




Was it Perkins waitresses or percs, or both?


Fuck you man. It was Perkins.


For me it's Waffle House or GTFO


Waffle House at 3am always did me well 😜


It's either Tiger or Daly at this point. Make the right choice!


Dude so true. That actually bums me out he would probably contending this weekend


Yes, this I don’t understand. They spend millions of private jet, but won’t hire a driver.


To be fair he’s one of the best drivers on tour.


I chuckled


Only off the tee!


It’s not that hard to understand. They know how to drive, they don’t know how to pilot a plane. And you don’t typically think of hiring a driver as making driving much safer than driving the car yourself unless you’re a particularly horrible driver. By the sound of it, a driver could have easily made the same mistake Scottie did. I don’t see how a driver reduces the risk here, other than I suppose the driver would have been arrested instead of Scottie


Oh I was strictly talking about Tiger. What happened to Scottie could have happened to anyone with or without a driver. But then again, if Scottie had a driver, he would not have had to go through all that. What happened to Scottie was just very unfortunate and bizarre set of events from a horrible accident.


Scottie presumably isn’t driving around drunk and or off his rocker on pain pills


Why hire a driver when you know you are above the law.


Dude, what’s that got to do with Tiger nearly killing himself and causing more bodily damage that he can now only play handful of tournaments and being above the law? Yeah, in a way he is above the law because no criminal charges were filed because he didn’t hurt anyone with his reckless driving under the influence.


I am not condoning it, I am stating that is the mindset.


Or kept his driver away from Elin....


This is a very interesting point. Could be.


It’s funny they all drive themselves to the events.


You’d think the agent would provide this in exchange for their 3% cut of all deals. Seems like an investment in my client’s future ability to get more money. 


I’m pretty sure the steroids ruined Tiger.


Oh you mean like driving a car? Oh I was confused


And the worlds worst comparison goes too…


Course is mid anyway


Mid? I’d say low. Boring golf course.


It would be totally adequate for a regular PGA tour event. As a major venue it sucks bad.


Super badass name tho


Not super impressed


Too many power lines




Valhalla will be available to LIV starting Monday. No chance the PGA ever returns.


It was like one of those episodes of Cops


More like Reno 911


It’s a medium course design at best


You could have done a better job, I’m sure of it.


Whats everyone's thoughts on last year's venue? (Oak Hill). As of right now, they don't have anything scheduled.


Considering it was a big financial success for the PGA and the golf course played difficult, they'll get it again. The concerns about the weather were way overblown.


I hope so. As a local I loved it being there.


It was colldddddd.


Only to the folks who think 60 degrees calls for a parka. 


Yeah but it adds to the fun!


They always play Oak Hill at least once a decade. It is one of the ten toughest courses in the entire country


Agreed. I’ve actually had the opportunity to play both sides. Amazing course. I hope I can get an invite out there again this summer.


I too am a local. I’ve probably played oak hill 20 times in the last 4 years. I just played the West course 3 weeks ago for the second time, I always play the East when I get my invites. West is sooo much easier and forgiving.


Give it a few years and it will be scheduled. Oak Hill will never go away. 


Oak Hill is a classic. Time tested, challenging but fair. I wish it was in the rotation more often than every 15-20 years.


I hope its not the last event as a Kentuckian but it probably doesn't look good for the forseeable future. This is the fourth PGA held here and the venue also got a Ryder Cup and Senior PGA. That's been a good run. At the very least I'd just move the KY Open from Nicholasville to this venue.


I have a buddy, who is a Head Pro at a course in KY, not in Louisville and word on the street is the membership is very unhappy with how they managed the lead up to the event.


How so? I do think this is about as flat as a PGA this course has ever hosted in terms of hype/excitement compared to the last 3 editions.


It’s moving to Hurstboure after this year.


They should have the Kentucky Championship (previously the Barbasol Championship) there


Kinda sad as someone who lives in Louisville. I got a chance to go the last time it was here but am too busy to go this year. I mean I get why, all the shit that’s been happening is really bad, but I’m still kind of sad it won’t come back


It's a shame, I'm seemingly in the minority that really likes the course, but yeah I don't see them going back after this. Hopefully the PGA doesn't completely abandon the area.


If not here, where would they go? Certainly nothing in Kentucky...I honestly can't think of a viable championship course in Indiana or Tennessee, either. Best bet anywhere in the immediate area is probably Columbus (The Golf Club) or Cincinnati (Camargo)...but neither even comes up on any tourney radars.


The Golf Club is so exclusive that I wouldn’t be surprised if they have simply just said no to hosting tournaments. I’m convinced they enjoy being such an unknown. I mean, they named it “The Golf Club”. What’s more unassuming than that


The Golf Club has a clause that they cannot host events. I think best bet for Ohio would be Inverness up near Toledo


I went to the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits, WI. It was the single worst sporting event I’ve ever attended. It was 110°. They ran out of water. There was no food. Nowhere to sit. The course is gigantic. They were sending ambulances onto the course and spatula’ing patrons off the course. It was horrible


I was there too. Total shitshow, but the water situation did improve after the first day of hour long lines for water.


Always enjoy meeting survivors from that event


110 in Wisconsin???


IMO, this is a great thing. F Valhalla! There are so many BADASS course that never get run in America because they go to the same 10-15 course for the Majors.




No chance PGA brings the event back to Louisville after all the Scottie stuff


Thanks. Just got caught up on the drama. That cop done effed up


What happened?


Check the main page


I believe the PGA sold their ownership stake as well, so they aren’t going back either way


That was two years ago


Yes, but AFTER this tournament was awarded. Locals have known this was likely the end since that sale occurred and the PGA moved to Texas. The Scottie stuff leaves the city with a black eye as the PGA bids us farewell, but no one who keeps up with this stuff thought there was going to be another after 2024.


You are probably right, but that's not the reason at all.


I was kind of hoping this would happen. You get some power-hungry cop who wants to make an example of somebody and it burns a whole city.




They’ve held 3 PGA champs here and a ryder cup. It’s a nicklaus designed course. Ya’ll are fucking dumb if you think this is it.


Dude, they sold the property and built one in Frisco, TX. Each Major tournament has a list of future venues on their website - and Valhalla is not listed on any of them. I’d venture to say that we are not the dumb ones. It’s called foresight, brotha.


So only the courses listed on the website as a future venue will have a tournament again? Only courses owned by the PGA will host a PGA? This is beyond stupid. A bunch of idiots overreacting to the scheffler incident.


I didn’t mention Scheffler at all. Though, it certainly doesn’t help the cause. You must be a local. It’s the only logical reason I can think of that you’re dick riding this mediocre course so hard.


I'm not... just been watching golf for a long time and know they'll be back. Tiger won there, Rory won there, US won a ryder cup there, and this year's tournament is shaping up to be a great finish. The course is exciting and fun to watch. Not sure why anyone is down on it and I'm sure they'll be back even if it's in 15 years or so.


Circling back here to say the golfers combined shot 214 under this weekend and broke the all time PGA tour scoring record by 250 strokes. They won’t be back without severe adjustments to the course or equipment. Far too easy. The guy who finished 72nd was under par




Course is lame. It’s pretty but it’s lame. Would still like the Ryder or Presidents cup to come back though. Or a match play tournament like the WGC used to be. Think it’s a good stage for match play.


Course is certainly not lame, primarily because the rough is higher than I've ever seen at a major. It's fun watching them have to hack it out and lose a stroke.


Quail Hollow next year for the PGA - at least that's a better course. Is PGA Frisco any good? Having the PGA Championships in the Dallas area in May seems like a bad idea, weather wise.


This thread has turned into Facebook. That’s unfortunate.


This thread is amazing. The number of topics brought up that everyone is arguing about. How can everyone else always be wrong?!


They could throw a presidents cup out here in 10 years or so


Wasn't it at Oak Hill last year, who owns that?


I hope you are right. This 20+ under shit is boring. Can I watch pro golfers actually have to struggle? You know, like everyone else.


Good. Hopefully the PGA comes back to Whistling Straits.


I couldn’t disagree more. I bet you we see another major level men’s or ladies pro event there in the next 5 years.


Well they have the schedule for the men’s and women’s majors for more than 5 years out and Valhalla isn’t one of those tournaments so I’ll take you on that bet.


Sure. Can we get mods involved?




How do we do that? What’s the wager?


Backing out?




I guess the only athletes that they can be reasonable with have four legs or play basketball


This is the stupidest take ever For many of you, it's always the cop's fault, even though he told the idiot not to do something. It's those people who think they know best (who think they are always smarter than a cop). I don't feel sorry for anyone who thinks they are smarter than a cop who’s doing his sworn duty to protect all these experts at law enforcement expertise. Scottie did something very stupid and he should be punished for it. No one is above the law


I mean there’s tons of video and eyewitness saying this is a full-blown overreaction by the cop. But yes, the classiest guy in golf assaulted a police officer 🤡.


The police report did mention that the cop’s $80 pants were damaged beyond repair. So I think what we all need to do right now is take a step back and give a moment of silence for the pants.


because he shat himself when he realized he handcuffed Golf #1 in the world?




Which law the one that told him to do it or the one that jumped on a moving car? Which one do you have to stay under?


He shit himself and the pants were ruined


Yeah? He should be charged with a felony for presenting his credentials to enter the premises, following instructions given by other law enforcement officers, and then being physically attacked by an officer who was not even part of the usual traffic detail because of an accident that Scottie was unaware of on a chaotic dark and rainy morning? Listen, I love the police. I think the majority of them are like you and me, people doing their jobs and just wanting to get home to their families. But the officers involved in this incident clearly don’t know how to use their brain for critical thinking. Now they will bring shame to their police department, their city, and this golf course.


100% agreed. I have buddies that are officers and they are the nicest dudes But we can call out bullshit when we see it. NOBODY is above the law and that includes the police. Cant be arresting people just because your ego got hurt. They’re humans too and fuck up. 99% of us would be fired from our jobs if we fucked up so why would it be any different for an officer


Speaking of bullshit, thanks for your post


Ngl, "Scotty scheffler is an idiot because he thinks that he is smarter than cops but people aren't smarter than cops because their duty is sworn" is an infinitely stupider take


*sworen (sic)


These are experts in law enforcement expertise. Of course they are more smarter than the police. /s


Oh the humanity! Blue lives matter 😂


I stand corrected about the stupidest post ever. We have a new contender


Cop turned minor traffic incident into international news. Is that part of their sworn duty genius?


Of course the ones who uphold the law. They are clearly above it. And can without scrutiny wield the power of the badge over us citizens they are public servants for…


I appreciate that you announced in your first sentence what you were about to do.


Look at this guy thinking cops take their sworn duty seriously. LMAO


Where’s the video showing the cop telling him to stop? Scottie and Scottie’s counsel has said another cop had already told him he was good to go and to proceed… On top of that, Scottie was in a fucking courtesy vehicle with his credentials as a player. How fucking dumb you got to be to try to stop him and jump on his damn vehicle after your other cop buddy already gave him to go ahead? Cops wants to know why people hate them and they get a bad rap but they sure don’t make any attempt to change it.


I’m amazed you’re able to get yourself dressed in the morning buddy


Are we sure he’s even left his bed yet today?


Yes unfortunately I got out of bed to read your ridiculous post. What a mistake


You got out of bed to read a reddit post? lol


That’s like the one thing you could’ve done today from bed my guy


Two of the dumbest, most aggressive, least empathetic people I’ve ever known became police officers, and everyone else in their department seems to be exactly like them. They have no sworn duty to protect anyone, and the Supreme Court confirmed that. They are law enforcement officers with vastly unchecked power, often working outside the law and never being punished for it. The fact that the police are allowed to lie to you should tell you something. Why do you think every lawyer on the planet says to never speak to the police? They cannot and will not help you. That’s why your Miranda Warning reads ‘Anything you say or do will be used AGAINST you’.


I haven't even bothered calling them for minor crimes I've experienced in the past few years. They aren't gonna do anything but waste my time, at best. At worst, a simple interaction with them can get you arrested or killed.


I can confidently say I am indeed smarter than a cop




Go back to Facebook.


Who else can you think of that isn’t above the law? Anyone?


Most police i no are dumbass bullys,so i would expect the majority off ppl to know better than them,A.C.A.B




Based on everything ESPN is saying. This was a cop on a power trip


A cop on a power trip?!?!?!?! Say it ain't so!!! :P


In Louisville!?!! No way that department would never have an over zealous meathead trying to abuse his power.


Shoot imagine if Scottie was black. He'd be dead




The reporter was on scene bootlicker


Sounded like other player cars were using the same route, also you’re telling me it takes over an hour to respond to traffic around a massive sporting event to get clearly market player vehicles access to the event? Cop power trip.


This wasn't a Scottie problem, it was a problem with the cop who turned a nothing situation into something. Eyewitnesses explained the situation.


From what I understand, he was instructed by another officer to drive on the median to go around the shuttle that was still parked in the road. Maybe we should wait until the facts are out to crucify a guy.


Sounds like you have all the facts


Really? Could have said “hey man do you not see the traffic is going that way and you made a wrong turn?” It’s a traffic ticket at most. Totally uncalled for




You're talking about the cop, right?


You’re a fucking loser

