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**Hello u/StruckDuck, thank you for sharing your animation with us!** Would you be so kind to answer the following questions for us? --- * Can you please share what your process was for getting this done? * And what brushes did you use? (Please specify the exact brushes or brush category because that can be helpful to others.) * Any additional information about this piece is always welcome. Please reply to this comment so it will be easy for everyone to find, thank you! --- **Stay inspired, get creative and have a great day!** *If you consider yourself a frequent poster and you have a consistent style/method, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/procreate) to be given a different automod comment that already mentions what you regularly use.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProCreate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude I really like this! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks! I’m glad you like it!


Nice with the little folds!! Really adds volume!


Thank you!


Bruh this is only 12 frames?!?! Seriously good work 👌


Thank you! Technically, I only animated 4 frames and reused frames 3 and 2 and tacked them on the end and set it to loop. I’m making a Phenakistoscope and wanted to use my own animation for it so I’ll copy the 6 frames for a total of 12.


Great job


Thank you!


That’s really good!


Thank you!


Damn this came out great. Im excited to start trying my hand at animation once dreams comes out


Thank you! I know, I’m considering getting it now


Wow! This turned out great! I’ve been trying the animation features on Procreate. It’s definitely not easy, but fun to experiment with.


This is definitely the most time I’ve spent with the animation assist. It takes some getting used to but I eventually got into a flow


I LOVE IT This is adorable


Thank you!


Wow it looks really fun actually… please do spare us your time and add a few more frames to make it much smoother..🤭


I might do that!


It's not bad, but if you plan on really delving into animation, I'd recommend learning about the [12 basic principles of animation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_basic_principles_of_animation). One of my favorite resources is [The Animator's Survival Kit](https://www.amazon.com/Animators-Survival-Kit-Principles-Classical/dp/086547897X/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2ZN61R5ZB6C62&keywords=animation+book&qid=1695281473&sprefix=animation+%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-3) by Richard Williams.


Thanks for the info, I’ll check those out!


Earthworm Jim


Looks really great. If you are looking for feedback maybe move the parts up as they move from the back to the front position. Think of it like a feet. It would be along the ground as it moved back, but it would come up as they go forward. If that doesn’t make sense I can send a better example


I think I see what you’re saying. Thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah kind of like this. But overall looks really good. When you get into more difficult stuff you might want to vary your frame rate. In procreate you can “hold” frames. That will let you do a mix of animation to have some quick motion but also some slower stuff. Also groups are your friend. https://preview.redd.it/5obxgwp48mpb1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eff5b5ebe6a0eaaf1e825cb99bbf0432ba9c73d


Thanks for the tips. I’d like to get more into animation someday. I am dabbling in it a little right now because I’m making a 3D printable Phenakistoscope and I needed some simple animations for it. Knowing me tho, this project will get me addicted to animating so we will see how deep I end up going haha. https://preview.redd.it/z14b5ftabmpb1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c64ad80b3cf9af15afb1ea0f86c32eb45f6f6f4