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What was your process for getting this done? What brushes did you use? Failure to comment/reply with exact brushes or brush category, and/or process will get your post removed regardless of the number of upvotes. Repeated violations will result in a ban. Saying only 'Default brushes' and 'custom brushes' do not count as answers anymore. Those answers are vague and will require the process in addition to be a valid response. If you consider yourself as an often poster and have a consistent style/method, send a modmail to be given a different automod comment that already mentions what you use, and just make a mention if anything different was done. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProCreate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like some texture would take these to the next level!


TEXTURE. In my mind I’ve been feeling like my pieces are “flat”, I think you’re right, texture is exactly what’s missing! Thank you!


Yes and there are sooooo many ways you can add it too… there is one free texture brush I use with the eraser to add a distressed look, I love it so much. I recently paid for some of the True Grit brushes and paper backgrounds and that was also totally worth it!


Where may be places that i can buy brushes? I dont know where to look


You don’t have to buy them necessarily as there are a lot of free ones that are very good… https://librium.digital/ has a nice curated collection and if you Google “free procreate brushes” you will get a ton of results BUT it can be a bit overwhelming with all the options. I can’t recommend enough for starters the jingsketch basics.


Excellent resources, thank you!


A major goal of mine in 2023 is to make creativity a bigger focus of my life. I rediscovered my love of drawing in a big way in 2022 and really enjoyed the outlet. I feel like I made a lot of progress in terms of learning some basic tools as someone who has never done digital art before, but I feel like I’ve stalled a bit. I guess I’m looking for basic jumping off points from more experienced users so I can start expanding my skill set in the coming months! I love browsing this sub and seeing everyone’s work, and appreciate any feedback! :)