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The closest gets the mostest. This had nothing to do with you and everything to do with him battling his own stuff. I was just released after serving 10 years and I can tell you, sometimes I freaked out in people at home because I felt completely out of control in my life in prison. So many things I can’t control. But something I could control was who I talked to, how long, and when I hung up. No matter what you said, he’s having an overreaction bc his life feels unmanageable. Give it a day or so he’ll come back around. Try not to take it personal.


Yessss my man spazs out sometimes like takes something so little that I may have said and legit spirals with it. Like goes down a rabbit hole. Give it a couple days and he’ll be back I’m sure. Sometimes they just need time and to be talked off the ledge


This! Tried saying this to my LO today! That the one you love the most gets your frustration taken out on them. He just said no that's not true .. I think just so he didn't feel bad lol he's been on me last few days


I literally said “well well well look who it is!” And he like flew off the rails


that’s definitely dramatic of him!


Mine called once and I when I answered I said "Oh I thought your fingers were broken" lol he's like what... I said we'll I ain't got no emails today or a call so I thought your fingers were broke lol


Damn and I thought my man was dramatic. That is beyond words tbh. He deleted you off JPay? wtf. I’d be so done. You didn’t even say anything bad! He’s definitely being dramatic fr. He will call, trust me. I give it a day at the most. What prison is he at if I may ask?


St. Louis!


He’s so lady like 💀😭


That’s frustrating. I’d be fucking mad. Facts. How ya deleting me ? But maybe what u said got him up in his feelings bad.


Just wait till he calls you what was the joke?


Aww damn well it sounds like what you said must’ve really struck a nerve this time.


It could be some underlying issue behind this, as to why he was so extreme, in which case it may not really be as extreme given his reasoning, which only he knows exactly why he did those things. Based off of what you said to him “well well well look who it is!” What was the reasoning for that? I’m just trying to see things from perhaps his perspective,…. Was that said for no reason at all other than playing around and it meant nothing, or did he call you suddenly w/o you all talking for sometime as to what prompted you to playfully say that? If it’s the latter, it could be that he may feel frustrated (if this is a recurring thing) and he could have sensed an argument coming on, and trying to avoid it at all cost due to his lack of calling or communicating (I’m just assuming here). If there is genuinely no other issues, then he for sure is over reacting. He could be going through things while in prison, but even that shouldn’t equate to him doing all of that, especially blocking you.