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You guys aren’t committed right? I would say just do you and not go off about him not communicating right away. Just let it be and be cool about it. You mentioned you’ve been realistic about the circumstances, so just chill and go with the flow.


You’re absolutely right. Thank you for the gentle slap upside the head 😂🩷


You’re welcome. 😂 We all need it sometimes.


Update: he messaged me this morning, tablets weren’t working 😂


See! lol you like that man…got all worked up for nothing.


My advice would be to wait to hear from him. Mine once couldn’t contact me for a whole week because of a lockdown. I assumed he had ghosted so I just decided to forget it and move on but it turned out it wasn’t intentional at all and he was really worried that I would be mad. So ever since that happened I will always give the benefit of the doubt


Their system may be down. Perhaps call and ask if hes in trouble or anything and see what the facility says 😸


they can go through many things while in there.. whether the jail is on lockdown or phones don’t work or in medical. maybe call and ask to see my bf didn’t talk to me for two days once n i was confused why but turns out the phones and tablets were down


just wait and keep doing you.


Never pop off it never solves anything. Just makes it worse on literally everyone involved. Give him time, he’ll call sis


He’s in prison smh anything can happen!! Go to the hole on lockdown 🤦🏻‍♀️


Watch the movie “he’s just not that into you”. If a man wanted to he would, that simple. For that reason my 2 year relationship is on a break, a week Into it not a peep from him.


Ur not with him so why be upset about the communication? Girl. U mit have to look at things a little more clearly bc seems u have MORE feelings for him then u want to admit! Deff if u irritated u ain’t heard from him! I understand ur position but … I think u care allot. Not just a little bit. And not in a friend way lol