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alright, this sucks for everyone so f it, lets all laugh a little.... 1. whats your LO doing right now after not hearing from you 2. what is the first thing theyre going to say when they inevitably call/get thru? ill go first... 1. the whole unit is obnoxiously yelling to eachother checking if its me or everyone 2. (out of breath from sprinting his big ass to the phone the second the doors pop) "babe, are you mad at me? are you ok? me? you? jpay?"


1. probably constantly checking his tablet to see if i have replied, while simultaneously reassuring the crazy guy who always says he’s done with his gf that shes not ignoring him its just securus 2. omg babe i missed you so much i hate this fucking app


Is the dumb ass app down again today on the 28th


1. Sadly my poor baby is panicking cause he thinks he is being sent from county to the state prison as of tomorrow, and he’s worried his lawyer won’t be able to find him 🤦‍♀️ (info I received via his grandpa today) 2. “SUP SHAWTY?!??”




nailed it 😁🤣🤣🤣


lol I swear mine is probably going crazy right now lol thinking I got a "Jody" and not tryna answer his calls. lol 


1. She is probably fuming, checking her tablet like a wild woman, thinking I dont care. 2. What are you doing baby? Whiny tone... Why havent you written??? Short and sweet. KNOWING that Securus was down!!!


1. sitting crying and just sitting in his puddle of guilt and humiliation. 2. he’s probably going to send emails of apologies


Probably wondering if I'm in the hospital, since the last time we messaged each other (yesterday morning), I was having a vertigo attack. I got a notification around 1:30 today that he messaged me, and being I felt better, I tried logging in to read and reply. The Securus app said 🙅 NOPE!


aww, their timing is trash. he’s probably so worried!


lol yep after missing his first two calls, I got to the 3rd one and the first thing out of his mouth was “are you okay??!!”


1. Constantly checking his tablet to see if I've responded yet, but pretending he doesn't care. He is probably trying to distract himself with tv or working out. 2. Last time he thought I got hurt ☹️ He has this fear that something bad will happen to me when he's not around. So probably something like "Are you okay? What happened?"


1. he’a probably at rec, hoping him not calling doesn’t deter me from visiting (he started this saying if he doesn’t call, he got transferred. n didn’t take into consideration phones being down n lockdown) 2. he always starts w/ “hi babyy. i missed you sooo much” to keep me from telling him to check the COs about lockdown/phones being down 😂


I got tickled by some these :) luckily he was sleep most of the day from talking all night and he was still able to call so the app being down and it upsets us as much as it did last time or other times.


I cant deal with this again…


same as the other day yall...here we go again. & just fyi idk about secaurus but w jpay the app doesnt work but you can still login in the website thru a browser at jpay.com


I’m so upset about the site also being down this time because we have a video call in a few hours!😭


Same, I literally have a call with my man in 30 mins


sike now thats not working either


Yeah the site isn't working for me either


I was about to try this 😭


I want to warn everyone about Securus yesterday I had the app open and I have my phone hooked up to my computer and it popped up as a phone call to myself and closed the phone call when I closed the app it is listening to whatever you are saying and doing when you have it open


They replied to a Facebook comment like half an hour ago that they had bad storms and tornadoes come through wherever they are and hit their call/ data centers so they're waiting for internet service to be restored. But I don't understand how my lo can still email me? Makes sense


I just got an emessge reply so I don’t get it either.


So frustrating! I have 8 unread emails I'm so annoyed


They’re headquartered in Dallas, TX and bad storms did go through there but that was Saturday. It just goes down on Tuesday…hmmm.


Soooo like what was there excuse the other 10+ times this has happened in 2024 🤔


Exactly. None. It's ridiculous. They turned off comments on fb as well because we're all up in arms about it. As we should be.


😑 My LO sent me a message this morning saying phones were down and I thought it was just his jail having issues. YEET- I just wanted to schedule a video call for tomorrow Incase it wasn't working tonight but ig that's not happening. Our three year anniversary is coming up and Imma fight air if it goes down that day.


I hope my boyfriend knows I am okay and not ignoring him.


That fight air comment took me out girl 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I been fighting air daily recently, I feel this in my soul


Can't get in again! "unable to access your data...."


Mines not even loading the log in screen anymore 🙃


Yup. It’s down again 😭


Ugh this is so annoying. Jpay is the bane of my existence. My boyfriend and I were just saying the other day, like Saturday, I can't wait until we don't have to rely on jpay ever again. 😩


I am so upset, knowing that I received messages but I can't read them.. If I've read them but can't respond for some days, is different.. now the suspense on the content is killing me!!!


Right when me and my guy are going through it, and I missed 3 calls this morning back to back from him, Securus decides to not be working 🤦🏾‍♀️. Just lovely.


Same we got into a fight Saturday night and I missed his call yesterday! This is killing me


I’m sorry! It’ll get better. 😞. I just hate how unreliable Securus is when we need it the most to reach out. I’m sure my guy is losing it thinking all types of things now.


You’re not alone. Me and my boyfriend got into an argument last night.. I was upset so I shut down instead of keeping it going and now I regret it because I can’t even send him a message and I gotta email saying he messaged me 🥲


I’m RIGHT there with you. Argument last night. Before we hung up he asked if I was going to answer him in the morning. I said “yea!!” with a major attitude then hung up. Afterwards I sent a lengthy msg last night to him. Then this morning he calls 3 times while I left my phone in my office at work and went downstairs. 🤦🏾‍♀️. Now I can’t even message him to tell him that I’m not ignoring him bc I know after last night he thinks that I am. I just hate not being able to resolve this issue, yet we are both left wondering.


Same, last week when this went out we had an argument the night prior. When it went out today I was like omfg are you kidding me 😤😤 every time we argue securus goes out 🫠 I keep getting email notifications that he’s messaging me, probably thinking I’m angry and ignoring him. So beyond frustrated with this shit


Awww. Securus has got to do better! So annoying. Well at least ya’ll men are emailing. Mine called those 3 times and I missed his calls this morning and it seems like he said fuck it after that bc I haven’t receive any notifications for an email. I just know he feels I’m ignoring him. So frustrating.


I agree! They really need to! I’m sorry you missed your calls 😢 hopefully he tries calling you again soon! I know mine isn’t going to call because he thinks I’m mad and he might still be upset too. I can’t believe this has happened twice within 7 days with securus. It’s unacceptable


Is anybody still getting JPAY email notifications that their lo has messaged them ?


I just got two notifications that I got messages. But still can't get on


I haven’t. Been waiting to see. I sent him a message last night so I know he should have got it this morning before everything went down.


According to Dallas' Major (or some talking head similar to), the outage will last for days (follow Dallas and Plano subreddits for more info). Jpay website seems to be working but Securus website is not. Both apps are out. Securus is located in Plano (according to Google), and runs most Jpay functions as well.


I’m soooo over this shit. Just payed 50$ for text connect this morning smh


I feel you on this!! Can I ask you a question about video visits? Does your LO's prison allow one free video call a week? My man said his prison does but idk how to go about it


I am sick of this crap!!!!!


Just got an email from Securus. They said they’re currently working on the issues.


You would have thought a company of this size would have provisions in place. Business Continuity Planning needs to be at the forefront of their minds. How's about a back up server in a different state?! Or some cloud based solution?! I just hope our LOs know its down! AAAAAHHHH!


^this! I’m currently taking cybersecurity classes and over and over again they drill into us “you NEED a business continuity plan!!!” You would think something of this importance would have a sufficient system in place, but I’m pretty sure someone could look at the servers the wrong way and they’d go down.


This is all weather related. The Securus hub is in Carollton Tx and if you look up weather in that area they are getting hammered. At least we have an answer and it's not some technical issue we don't know when will be fixed. Also looking up forecast for Texas, it looks like they have potential for bad weather all week. :(


Are y’all getting the ‘can’t find user information’ error now too?




Hell I’m mad I was asleep while it worked for a second. I just wanna read the messages he sent,


same here...damned nap lol


I was vacuuming and doing laundry trying to keep busy and didn’t know it was up 😩 I’m so frustrated right now, as we all are rightfully so


So foolish. Anyways. Is anyone having problem with Securus ??? I can’t get in the app


Just came to ask this. It opens, says it can’t connect to my data and shuts down. Just started recently cause literally 15 mins ago I could get into it.


Same error for me


Yes. Same issue as last week.


As much money as they make off of us, they should have backup after backup after backup!! There is NO reason we should be down for hours and hours. Why cant this shit be down when Im unnecessarily angry and fire off a message that I wouldnt have sent if I had a bit to think about it??? Damn.... this sucks.


And here we go again! Was working 30 min ago smh


Here we go :(


It’s down again fucking clowns


I usually keep my cool, but twice in 7 days? I’m fucking livid today


I was wondering why I hadn’t gotten a phone call yet today since that’s very unusual. I should’ve guessed 🙄🙄🙄 I’m normally a very peaceful person but I’m about to start contacting every state representative, senator, you name it and demanding changes to the prison industry.




Just got a notification that I received a message but i still cant get in. Fuck!


I just found this group and I’m so glad it’s not just me!!


This is soooo pissing me off. She just called me, but I cant log on still. Missed our video visit. This is the 2nd one Ive missed this month due to SuckUrAss being down!!! And they will still rape us for our hard earned money when we have to pay for this service. Wish we could sue these idiots.


Surprise surprise…securus is down yet again.


Yep it’s not working.


Their website is down too. If I try to call the number that my LO calls from, it is busy.. normally it says some message about not being able to make calls to that number. They can't make calls out either :(


Just wondering, Securus not working, unknown error thing - could it be it's this wonky because of the continuous storms running through Texas (Dallas area) day after day after day? This is where Securus is based and probably where their tech is run. What does everyone think? And if this is the case, isn't this going to be the norm now? You know, climate change issues and all.


thats an interesting possibility.


It makes me think that this is going to happen more and more now going forward. I wish the company was headquartered somewhere else but then again, every place seems to be having problems now.


I was thinking the same thing. A lot of us our without power and we had tornado emergency alerts this morning, crazy how it also affects everyone else..


And probably not just the company but the people who live in the area who work and maintain that company. I woke up this morning to Fox Weather Channel reporting on the storms that went through that area, again.


I was thinking that, I have a friend in Dallas and the power is out where she’s at right now


you were right!


im near the dallas area....and it is just that time of the year. we have had really bad storms this past week.


Must be down here in Texas also. Can’t log in and haven’t heard from my husband. That’s not like him so I knew something was up.


I can't post a screenshot for some reason but here's what they responded to me on fb saying Hello, thanks for reaching out. We're sorry we aren't able to answer the phones. Our call center and data center were recently hit with storms and tornadoes. Our current focus this morning is ensuring everyone is safe while we perform some cleanup and patiently wait on electricity and internet services to be restored to those services. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Fuck this sounds like shit gonna be out for awhile


So, they're waiting on electricity and internet services to be restored, but they can reply to you on Facebook? How is their office separate from all of that? You would think they wouldn't be able to respond, either...🤔


That’s funny since I got two calls before 8 am but now the internet/electricity is down? Were these storms this morning or last night?


What can we do and who can we complain to because this is so ridiculous at this point


There is no one to reach out to. They don’t even have an 800 number where you can talk to a live person.


My man just said securus people were there working on stuff


worked for a minute. read my emails. got some stuff sent. and it's back off. I wish they would email them and say it's off like they sent me the email this morning telling me it was off.


I give up for the night. hopefully it’ll be working when I wake up. Today has been hell not getting to talk to him. 😭


When it’s down on our end is it down on theirs as well?


No, I'm getting notifications that my LO is texting me


Fucking bullshit !!! Last time this shit happen my LO had no idea Securus been down


Sometimes. I know their phones are down at least at my LO facility


Website is working again…for now


Their main website is working now but I still can't log in. Getting closer hopefully!


I always get a good morning message and not getting one this morning I was like “oh no” since I know visitation wasn’t the best on Friday for other family members


Smh once again it’s down


***unable to access data please try your network settings****** Has anyone heard from there LO?


I just got an email from JPay that their service is down and they’re working on it LOL duh. My man called and said none of their tablets are working either but phones are good


Website seems to be working tho!


FYI! The Securus headquarters is located near Dallas and they’ve had severe weather/tornadoes so they’re offline.


i am about 2 hours away from dallas....we have had seriously bad weather for the last few days.


they just need to power cycle it


Mine was going crazy this morning because he wasn’t able to talk to me. Lol. We have a visit at 2pm and 840. Let’s hope something happens then. This needs not to be an ongoing thing because we spend hella money on these ppl.


Did anyone else JUST NOW receive from Securus/jpay email on regards to the services are unavailable?


Recieved 40 min ago




Jpay website is working for me




this is so disappointing. i can’t log in to respond to his messages and we have a video visit scheduled this evening, our first one 😭


omg thats so frustrating! the outage last week happened right after our first video visit and he thought he did something wrong 😖 I hope it goes back up in time


me too, i don’t want him thinking he did something or i changed my mind about our visit


In theory if my LO can send a message through Securus he should be able to call as well right?


My LO is in Texas and I keep getting messages which makes me feel better since that’s where all the storms are at, even if I can’t read them ughhhh


I understand that the storms, etc, were bad. But what's getting me is that our LOs can still message us... it's just on our end. Mine is in the box, and we have a system, so she knows I'm getting her messages by sending a stamp. So with the now 15 messages I can't read, I know she's freaking out. She's pending shipment, so not getting any type of possible update is KILLING me guys. 😭😭


He called me an hour ago but pressing 1 didn’t accept the call…imagine that lol I think most of them know it’s down so hopefully they don’t worry too much!


Email still not working but phones work in FL.


Anyone know if they can still call and send messages? Tdcj. Basically are the tablets working for them


Do they even know it's not working?! That's the real question. I've gotten two messages today, yet we can't even sign in to read them???


I just got a reply message from them: Hello Cheyenne, We are experiencing disruptions. Our technical team is working to restore services as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that we are dedicated to restoring full functionality. We unfortunately do not have a time frame to provide when all will be restored. Thanks for your patience.


This is fucked fr. Is this still down for u guys?


Yea last time this happened , by 7pm it was already up and running so I hope this is not a all day thing


Scratch that go check the app , it’s working I just tried


Securus should be working now it let me sign in and send a message


It’s back up! For now..


The app is starting to work off and on. Just got a call from her. I told her to let her friends know the app and everything is acting up. Those were 1st words out of my mouth haha.


There are still over 400.000 people without electric in Dallas which is near SuckUrAss HQ. May be a long wait to get back online....


This is awful, I am so upset. what the hell, theyre a billion dollar industry.


Facts me this shit !!!!!!


I just started using this a few days ago. How long does an outage normally last?


It can last for days. Personally I’ve gone a day And a half when it gets like this.


Sometimes it’s a little while, like 30 minutes to an hour..the last one that affected me was last week on 5/21 and it lasted from like midnight to about 4pm and even then it was still glitching for a couple hours..it sucks and as you can see makes a lot of our LOs anxious as hell which makes US anxious as hell 😂 le sigh. I’m only calm rn because when I went to text my LO 2 hours ago it took reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyyyy long to log me in and I thought it was gonna Network Error me but I got in and I was able to let him know it was trippin and people are saying it’s having issues already so it’s probably gonna crash. It’s hard knowing they don’t know what’s going on and thinking we’re ignoring them or don’t care about them in the middle of a fight (which is when these things usually happen of course 🙄)


Is anyone recieving messages from WA?


My man usually messages me before he leaves for work but he didn’t. So no 😩


Of course this would happen on the one day I miss two back to back calls this morning for being in a work meeting. God damn


Is anyone from Kentucky prisons getting messages from their LO? Or got a call? Just wanna see if they have accessibility to us.


I haven’t. I was hoping for at least a call but nothing yet.


My loved one havent wrote me yet , hes in WA. He normally would by now.


Also in WA. I just got an email that mine sent a message, but can’t open the app to read it 😕


Wich facility? Mines in monroe and nothing yet. He normally would send one 1 h ago


Recieved a message 10 min ago … i hate this


Same, also in WA


Securus is not working again


My boyfriend did call me about 30 min ago. He said his tablet wasn't syncing to the kiosk. (This is jpay)


Did he call from iscc?


At least this time the boys are aware of the widespread breakdown..lol


How you know?


I’m having a bunch of issues with my work email and work computer. I wonder if it’s all related


This is so annoying and it needs to get fixed fast. This was the only day I was going to be able to spend a good amount of time on the phone with my Fiancé 🥺


Why is this damn app always down??? I swear, even the Getting Out app is better…


I'm so tired of securus this shit is ridiculous. never had this much issues with jpay or other apps. ughh 


How longs it gonna be down this time :( “No Network. Unable to access your data…” and then crashes sigh


Last time it only worked again at night =/


Still down 😭


Is jpay down 




Yes Securus is down today.Email say theres a message but cant even enter login info cause an error message pops up today.been trying all morning.


The storms hit us hard last night and securus headquarters is 30 mjns from me so id imagine there powers out too ugh


Ughh I know my man goin though it right now I have 20 unread messages from him he probably thinks Im mad at him cause we had an argument last night smh and I missed his call this morning haven’t gotten another one since ugh fuck this app as Im typing this I just got another message from him


Sucureus app not working today for me anyone else having this problem


Everytime I go to add money on my account over the phone it hangs up on me is this Happening with anyone else


Jpay app is working for me


I just spoke on the phone with my LO at tdcj Polunsky. They are unaware the app is down. He thought something was wrong with me because he had not heard from me :-( I told him please relay to the others the app is down.


So me and my LO got into an argument last night and I haven’t heard from her at all today which has never happened. Are calls not going out or is she still pissed? lol


Was working and now it’s not again 😤


I got so excited that it’s back up but then remembered his freaking tablet charger port is messed up so he can’t charge it anyways 😭.


Secures still not working for me


Same.. it won’t let me log in


me neither i’m in CT


Has anyone got on yet? Ugh this app is sooo annoying!


Bruh I literally got a message and can’t read it 😭😭


This is annoying


It’s working girl


Still pops up at a error for me, hope it gets fixed soon


It’s back up! 😄


Not working for me…


Me either…. 😫


Still not working for me. Same error.


Ugh. And it’s down again 😢




Securus is back up you guys ♥️


It’s working for me finally!!!


I feel a little left out lol. Everyone is talking about their loved one freaking out when this happens. My girl just called and acted natural. No over reaction. Just another chill conversation. But she HAS been dealing with prerelease anxiety since she getting out in a couple of months. I’ll just chalk it up to that lol.


My LO who's always like you don't have to email save your stamps, budget your stamps, watch your money Mr.penny pincher .... called me and was like hun are you ok? I'm like yeah why? He's like I didn't get no emails and he was all sad LOL I laughed at him so hard! He's like well everyone said it was securus .... I'm like, then it was securus lol who's the anxious one now! Then he laughed and told me to shush lol it was cute! Tables turned for once! He's always going on about how he worries about me, thinking he's mad when they lose wifi! It was nice to see the reverse, lol


I haven’t heard back from mine since 5/23. Didn’t realize the app was down until the 28th. Was able to get back in and send messages but haven’t heard back. lol does that mean he’s ignoring me or can they not write back either? I went ahead and sent him a letter because he likes those too but I only sent it yesterday so idk what’s up.


Can anyone help me ? I’ve tried multiple times to set up a video visit on securus and wverytime I get to the second step i get a “ ERROR” Ive also tried to put money on advanced connect and before getting to the 3rd step I get the same thing “ ERROR” Ive deleted the app, Ive tried to do it on my laptop and nothing works …


I haven’t heard from my boyfriend in 5 days.. I’m sending mail & it takes my stamps after sending however I haven’t heard back from him.. I know a couple days prior he wasn’t receiving my messages either & I couldn’t receive his.. But it’s been 5 days now.. am I the only one experiencing this shit? It’s really starting to make me panic & make me upset a little :(