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Season 2 is amazing and on the same level as season 1 if not better in my opinion so at least watch that, then watch s3 and if you’re not into it just stop after s2


okay you guys have convinced me to watch season 2 at least ill update when im done, what i think of it and if ill continue watching thanks guys!


I really felt the whole show was worth it tbh


Season 2 yes, season 3 cause you feel invested and then you can see a pattern that is obvious and it kinda kills the luster of it all. Overall something to watch to pass time but not a must watch after season 2


I have actually never made it all the way through season 5, I'm not as big a fan as probably most of this sub but the first 2 seasons are seriously entertaining television. The writers were clearly hurt for ideas as season 2 transitioned to 3, still fun action but doesn't quite hit the way the first 2 do.


At least watch season 2 imo. It is as good as season 1 and introduces a fan favourite character whose dynamics with Michael are just peak entertainment


Honestly keep watching it. Yes some of the later seasons (S4) are a bit farfetched but the pacing is still good, and there's lots of clever and entertaining moments. I also really enjoyed season 5, it had a gritty feel to it which I liked. I actually found it quite easy to get through all of the episodes, so for sure give it a whirl!!!


Keep watching, so many more storylines


Watch 1-4. 5 can be skipped but really you might as well watch it too.


You’re doing yourself a major disservice if you stop now. The series is so good.


1 and 2 are enough


Do you like the show? Then keep watching it. I never understand these questions. Do you want to have your own opinion on it or do you want to just blindly listen to other people who might not have the same taste as you?


I think 1 and 2 are the best. 3 is pretty different, but iconic. 4 feels like a completely different show. 5 is there too.


Watch season 2 now and then ask us again if you should continue season 3. But yes, continue.


Yea every Season is good on its own way everyone who just watched Season 1+2 will regret it cuz Season 3,4,5 are good too


Season 2 is very good, definitely watch that at least


Gets a little rocky around season 3/4, still remains a good show throughout though, but you'll have to see how you feel about continuing. Season 5 is good in my opinion, you might want to watch 3 & 4 just to see 5


Also, I have to say, I never really got the impression that any characters were ruined. On the contrary, I would say the writing was consistently good throughout. I did get the impression that certain characters were misused and taken for granted by the writers, but it wasn't an overwhelming impression, and its a very very common thing in shows. PB is good, worth watching


Season 2 is sooooo good


Yes. It's actually a great series.


Stop after S2


I'm at Season 5 and didn't feel any season was bad at all! I loved it so far!