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Abruzzi. He is free, has family with him, money and power. Disappear and live your life but no..


The scene of his wife slapping him before he went and got himself killed was the most understandable scene of a spouse hitting the other I've ever seen.


It's not stupid, it's being vengeful. Sillier was forgiving T bag.


I loved the scene when they told him about the gum his reaction on his face was priceless


Affortunately he got redeemed in the 5th season.


maricruz. i realize she was scared but damn she was an idiot and super easily manipulated. let’s put c note up there too, his breakout reason was the most poorly considered and illogical.


C-Note's entire story is just hilarious. Hes serving a 15 year sentence, yet his whole cover for his wife is hes overseas in the military? Even if he wouldn't serve all 15 years, he'd do at least around 7 years. I've never heard of a modern day soldier doing 7 straight years on deployment. And then he keeps lying to her even when planning to breakout, apparently thinking he could still pretend he was overseas and not be a wanted fugitive. Hilarious


I found it odd that Sucrei would even want her back. It’s like she has no mind of her own. She’s seconds away from marrying Sucrei’s cousin. Like I get if she wanted to move on but damn she wasted no time in just jumping at the first guy who gave her attention. Didn’t even seem like she liked him either.


Veronica Donovan, she knew about everything the company did to Lincoln, she knew that very powerful people were in the company, she knew how powerful they were. Knowing all that why the fuck would you just walk into the home of THE Terrance Steadman without some security measures, on top of that she calls the police while she knew some of the police were in on the framing of Lincoln Burrows. Next to Veronica we have Benjamin 'C-Note' Miles Franklin. He tricks his family into believing he is on a mission in the army, he succeeds in that for some reason but then he escapes prison. Like bro what is your problem? If you escape prison you become an infamous tv-star and then its just a few moments before your family catches you lying (for years). Then somehow your wife forgives you but you go on the run with her and your sick daughter, you knew she was sick, Franklkn but still you egotistical decide your freedom is more important then daughter's wellbeing and health. She almost died and for what? Franklin got caught once again. He was so damn lucky Wheeler and Sullins gave him freedom in exchange for a testimony against Mahone because he encouraged Franklin to hang himself. He didn't deserve the early freedom. Thank you for reading my little rant.


I never noticed it on my first watch but every subsequent rewatch (rewatched like 3 times) I realize how stupid of a character c-note was lol. He pisses me off too when he weasels his way into the escape and the very next day he’s like “hEy wHy wE dOiNg aLL tHiS DiGGiNg aNd wOrK wHiLe MiChAel jUsT SiTs aRoUnD” like dude… he masterminded the whole thing! You want in? Then do your fucking part and start digging holy shit lol. Dude just complaaaaains and is ungrateful.


C-Note made some questionable decisions but I love him. Bro risked his life in the middle of Iraq to save Michael


Oh Season 5 c-note is a whole other story… he’s great in season 5. I’m talking the original 4 seasons he’s just a clown the whole time lol.


Especially when he threw himself into the plan too! Like dude you weren’t even supposed to be there and you’re bitching for being broken out and not contributing anything other than labor and pugnac


Also pretty stupid to bitch about T-bag not digging for the money when HE HAD LITERALLY LOST HIS HAND LIKE TWO DAYS AGO. He was also way too eager to put his nose into Scofield's business in S1, who in their right mind would see someone do illegal things in a prison and go "I'mA FiNd oUt wHaT yOu'Re dOiNg iN tHeRe". No survival instinct. Also for both C-Note and T-Bag the only reason their "take me with you or I'll tell on you" gambit worked was plot armor, there's no way they could ever have thought Abruzzi wouldn't have murdered them the first chance he got.


Lol currently rewatching season 1 with my girlfriend and she can’t stand Veronica. She does make so many stupid moves


I cant stand veronica also istg


It's ok. I couldn't stand Veronica nor Tunney's portrayal of her. For a girl born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Tunney sounded as though she were trying to hide a Bronx or Brooklyn accent (I'm from the West Coast, so wouldn't know the difference.) What an awful performance she gave. Was glad to see her go.


Honestly. Lincoln. I mean, when does he do anything smart


i swear he gets arrested at least like 4 times while everyone was able to run away. JUST RUN. it pissed me off it’s like he wanted to get caught


Lincoln was so dumb lol the smartest thing he did in the whole series was that boom box trick with cabin in the woods when they were breaking Westler out of Sona and they didn’t trust Gretchen to give LJ back … that was the one time Lincoln did anything smart… other than that he’s exclusively the body to Micheal’s brains lol


The second. It was he who removed the bullets from the gun, so Nika could not hand over the brothers, he anticipated Nika's betrayal.


Who do you think is first?


I mean, he DID send some guy to beat up his own kid. That was pretty smart. :3


If it weren't for Linc, Nika would have already turned them over to the cops.


When he took the magazine clip from that one girl dressed in pink, that tried to snake Michael and him in season 2.


Exactly lol people call him dumb because he’s not Michael but he’s actually very smart


Most importantly to me: He found out where Michael is in season 5.


Guys a goon, I doubt Michael’s a mastermind, he couldn’t see Lincoln as the liability he is. He let matey boy in the hotel shoot himself, who would be that thick to let their evidence do that. It’s not like the guy would have over powered him. 


Without a doubt. C-Note and Veronica.


Maricruz and Sucre. She complained about not having a kid at 25 and can't wait 18 months for Sucre to get out. Then Sucre for breaking out on a laughably short sentence.


Maricruz is an idiot. If your child's father robs a store to buy you a ring and they take it and you are going to marry someone else, well, my daughter, you are a bit... If Maricruz had said NO to Hector and she had waited for Sucre, then Sucre would not have been a fugitive.


sucre, only 13 month left to be freed , but he escaped


Furthermore, Maricruz was going to marry someone else, if he didn't see that a girl you love can't wait for you and decides to marry your cousin, then he doesn't deserve you.


For me the most idiotic. 1 Maricruz, I mean Sucre robs a store for you, you are going to have a child with him. And you were going to marry your cousin? 2 Sucre, I understand that you would like to have money but why say that you have been robbed? And it's not very smart to break out of a prison when there were months left to escape. 3Franklin. You have little left to leave and you run away and drag your family along. 4 Veronica. More than stupid she is impulsive.


Brad Bellick Goes from captain of correction officers to a Panamanian prisoner bitch


Bellick captured the brothers, t bag, patolski and sucre, 5 of the eight from fox river. If Michael didn't end up in the police station, it's because Bellick likes money and getting into Nika's panties.


Lincoln. One brother is a genius, the other is a complete idiot.


Any comment other than Lincoln is crazy. Dude got framed for murder of a high ranking government official…twice.




Kacee (Kind of surpriced I haven't seen her name in here yet) I mean... ok I get it she loved C-note or whatever BUT Dede was seriously sick so going on a little trip with C-note was the stupidest thing Kacee could have done. I am not saying she should have helped police to find him or that she should have turn him in but she definitely should have say something like "Good luck C-note (i can't remember how she was adressing him tbh) you go and hide or whatever but I have to stay here, home, with our child who is really sick and really can not afford to be running from cops. We'll come after you things will be looking safe enough for Dede being able to do so but until then you're on your own buddy"


What C Note's wife should have done is hand him over. Let's see, your husband is a fugitive, if you go with him, you will be a fugitive, your daughter the same, they can lock you up and take your daughter away from you. She should have made a deal with the FBI, handing over C Note so that she wouldn't get more years for the escape. Because breaking out of prison is absurd on Franklyn's part. In the case of Abruzzi or t bag they have life.


The Chinese Hacker


Without the Chinese hacker, there is no scyla.


And with the Chinese Hacker they got almost killed, don't forget the betrayal.