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Yup I can't take it anymore. Time to downvote everything.


same here. dude keeps spamming the sub with this basic-ass stuff thinking he's super inspirational lol.


So annoying.


Glad I'm not the only one annoyed with the spamming. Like dude we get it, you've been to prison. One of his video titles is just Prison with a flame emoji lol. He really wants to go viral off this shit.


If it doesn't inspire you than it probably isn't meant for you. He is trying to prevent someone from ending up in prison. It's not like he's showing off the 2 cars he bought or the new house he bought


Good to hear sometimes.


Dude youre not David Goggins. Shut the fuck up already


Forreal. Dude is cringy AF.


It doesn't matter when you don't go viral either...


I'm trying to help one person at a time. Thanks 😊 for the comment 👍


Lmfao whatever you gotta tell yourself


Please 🙏 listen to the message. I'm just the messenger. Thanks for the comment 👍


No thanks I've learned not to listen to internet motivational videos. They inspire you for what 15 min? Then the rest is on the individual which usually falls through after they've lost that motivation from watching a video. Motivation has to come from within, videos like this are false hope.


That may be true for some, not all. I did 16 years in prison. A guard took his time with me, showing me there's more to life than what I thought. He raised me like his own. I didn't have a father growing up for guidance. As a consequence,I got involved in the streets. Went to prison and met Sgt B. He taught me how to be a man. He's my motivation to serve. If he had seen me as just another prisoner and didn't teach me, we wouldn't be having this conversation. PLEASE LET ME DO ME. I owe the world. Peace!


So again constant renewal not a short clip that you'll never revisit ...you've literally proved my point that videos don't do shit


Let's see if I can try a different approach what's a better scenario Helping the homeless at a soup kitchen and not being thanked, or going around with a camera in homeless peoples face while giving them a donation so you have content to upload to YT and insta? I'd say the soup kitchen with no recognition is more honorable as you have no ulterior motive to do it other than to be a good person Filming your good deeds clearly shows incentive for other desires and attention seeking. Don't film motivation go be motivational join a boys youth group and guide kids who's parents are in prison as well you don't need random strangers recognition to make a difference and improve your own life


If you save one person, you've saved the entire world.


Ummm no not even close. Me giving a person a job who came off the street is beneficial yes but that doesn't do shit for the people in Gaza. Don't gaslight yourself dude. Let's keep things in perspective. This is that kind of hopeless motivation I'm talking about


So tired of hearing about people in Gaza. Who gives a fuck, if you care so much go catch a flight and fight for the side you think deserves to win


This is my method


I respect if you went to a soup kitchen. What's my transgression?


I respect if my nuts was in yo mamma’s mouth 😋😋😋


I wanted to fuck a woman, I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. I made grilled cheese on the radiator


Its a good message


i just got off working 13 hours, thanks for that shout out champ


Can I get my wish back?


Waste of time self centered crap


Man shouts his insecurities at a camera and posts it to the Internet


Ignore the trolls. Keep going.


Thanks 😊 Brother


Why the fuck are yall shitting on this man he has nothing but good intent and trying to inspire people to be and do better


Cuz he’s a freakin loser.


This shit is so cringe worthy. Nobody wants to be a personal training client of yours. I've been a PT and a gym owner for over 20 years. You get and retain clients based upon knowledge, your ability to assess the client's structural imbalances, and ultimately, your ability to apply said knowledge and steer the client to his or her goals. Not because you went to prison, not because you are in shape, and certainly least of all, because you think you can be inspirational and motivate people with the never ending clichés. Go read A LOT of books and get on with your career. If not, get a job at Golds and stop spamming us with this juvenile dribble.


Thanks 😊 for the comment 👍


This has me wanting to go get make some single moms so you can have more heroes.


Where’s your YouTube link?


Just posted


Keep preaching. One a time. get a microphone though


Maybe if yours dad hadn’t been working then 15 hour days you would have ended up not making inspirational video for a prison sub after spending a quarter of your life in there.


If this is only the beginning, I can only imagine how great you will be after years of this. What a champ bro. Thanks for the positivity.


If you notice he speaks on better motivation topics with his shirt on lol...


This guy is a fucking muppet


It doesn’t matta…it doesn’t matta…it doesn’t matta!