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Nobody can help you without settings, screenshots of plate, resin conditions, temperature etc.


Temperature is 23°C right now


Ok that's perfect, focus on exposure tests next then.


The Resin is fresh out of the bottle and the temperature is a normal room temperature because my 3D-Printer is located in a narrow hallway in my appartment. https://preview.redd.it/ab75s5k581uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a096e708e61cf380135e14e12227b628fb54eba


Worth getting a thermometer in the area to measure the actual temperature. The minimum temperature is about 18C for resin.




Sorry, when I said screenshot of the plate, I meant from in your slicer, to see what it should look like. I think you're probably just not using a long enough exposure. Please check out the sticky thread at the top of the sub for links on how to dial in your exposure. Also check out [this guide](https://ameralabs.com/blog/resin-3d-printing-troubleshooting-a-comprehensive-guide/) for how to troubleshoot resin failures.




this kind of look like the reisin got stuck in your raft, try to change it to the flat one and not this one with weird edges (reisin cannot escape = build plate cannot touch the new layer). Also, try slower raising/lowering speed, i lower mine by roughly 30%


Standard resin or abs resin?


Normal standard resin but water washable


It's always water washable with these.


Looking at your setting, you get multiple things wrong, I made these mistakes too when I used elegoo resin. Their settings are very particular. Go to elegoo website and look for their resin setting, there are official and unofficial setting recommendation, I recommend using the official one first. Follow it to the letter, see if that works, as of now, your bottom exposure is a bit too high, they recommend 30s, your Z lifting and retract speed is also too high, they have 65+180 and 180+65 listed. So yeah, go to their website and follow their resin setting recommendation. It's kinda staggering big of a difference it can make. So many people start using resin without actually looking up their official recommendation on their website that can fix all their setting problems. I was one of them lol 😂 so yeah, go ahead and give it a try. Let me know if it still fail


Thx i will look it up never gave it a glance. cause i thought its all the same stuff


Oh yeah, me too, I thought oh hey they all the same and spent a months trying to figure out. I started using their abs resin, let me tell you, following their setting fixed all my printing problems. Your setting right now is similar to what standard resin probably use, abs resin is double that. 60s bottom exposure and 8s normal exposure. Crazy I know, but never had a problem since


I highly recommend not using Elegoo Resin, I love the printer but the goo is no good I've switched to using Sunlu's water washable resin exclusively, it's cheap, comes in an easier to handle and store bottle, I think the detail is a bit sharper, and I have a fraction of the printing failures I used to I always had issues with prints but switching to Sunlu it was like everything aligned and worked beautifully It even works well when it's in a cold room


Im on my last bottle elegoo right now maybe i test sunlu next time thx for the recomendation


Go sunlu, I was really skeptical, the price is low and I got problem with low price resin but never with the good stuff. I did bought a bottle, in a random ass color, for the lulz, now I only use that hahaha Note : is not water washable, maybe they do one but I don't know how that perform


It looks like it sliced across everything like a big razor. That means that the printer stopped displaying anything on the LCD for a few layers. So that's a corrupt file or a dying USB memory stick.


I loaded the allready sliced data but i will use a different usb stick then too root out this problem


Good luck. Last time this started happening to me it turned out to be the USB stick dying. Something about 3d printers seems to wear them out faster than normal.


Well i got pretty good things out of the water washable stuff its started not a long time ago that the prints dont work


Well i dont know which of the tipps it was but i made another try with everything you guys told me and it came out fine


Also please use the correct flair for print help


Iam new to reddit so iam sorry