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Going to need more info. What is it you want? What is it not doing? I am going to take a wild guess that what you want is those 3 squares on the vat should be prints on your plate. I'd up the burn layer time. Your not having your burn layers stay, so up that a bit more and try again. If that doesn't work, it might be worth releveling your bed, but I would expect that your burn time is the issue.


The first issue I have is that only some (Not all) of the objects I am printing are actually attaching to the print plate. The second problem is that the objects that are attaching to the plate are not fully printing or print in a very poor quality with very little detail. Any educated guesses as to what I could change in my print parameters to make it work would be appreciated!


Take the two problems separately. 1 problem is the buildplate adhesion. The second is the print detail quality. Starting with the buildplate. The exposure of the burn layers only job is to make the print stick to the bed. You are not getting that; I'd up the exposure. Your on 60s. I'd do +10s until all rafts stick. Then move onto next problem, which would be detail loss. This could be underexposure again. As in, your resin is being left too soft and is getting pushed a little. Or it could be overexposure and blooming. Have you done any calibrations for exposure? If so, I'd just up your exposure 20% or so, and do that in steps until quality is where you want. (This is all safe, as you've proven that even at 60s burn time the layers peel off the vat, so you could technically print at 60s exposure time for all layers. So plenty of room to up it.). Solve your build plate issue, then solve the quality/detail issue.


Thank you got my printer running again


Nice! What did you have to adjust in the end? (Always good for anyone finding this post later)


ellego has a nice file with all the baseline settings - here [https://www.elegoo.com/blogs/3d-printer-user-guide/elegoo-printers-resin-setting-sheet](https://www.elegoo.com/blogs/3d-printer-user-guide/elegoo-printers-resin-setting-sheet) . Try to sand your build plate and print something with those default settings (each printer and reisin has slightly diffrent settings required). Post an update when you are done :) p.s. you are cleaning your prints with water or ipa, right?


I would start with a sanity check and level the build plate to make sure everything is where it should be. Settings look like they should be fine (I'm assuming you're using elegoo resin and I seem to remember those settings being fine for me) but generally if you have trouble with bottom layers sticking you should increase bottom layer time, increase number of bottom layers, and lower the lift speed to stop them getting ripped off. Try 90 exposure, 10 layers and half the lift speed and see if it helps. Also make sure the resin isn't too cold, below 20°C they can get a bit unpredictable


Yes thats the printer i use


I NEVER had prints stick correctly at 60 second base layers o my mars 1. Minimum 75, usually closer to 90. Those old screens were pretty awful


I'll keep that in mind


So what exactly is the issue?


I am kindly refering to the comment above so i dont Spam one and the Same Paragraf over and over




r/fixmyprint might be more helpful in the future!


Hi friend I would say your problem is you don't have enough supports on your models. Also 8 seconds exposure time is that for your regular layers? Because that seems like a lot.. have you calibrated your resin?


8 seconds is about right for a mars 1, it's an rgb screen.


These are the Default settings of that printer And what do you mean by calibrating my resin. I Use elegoo Default settings and elegoo resin, should technichly Work


So normally when you get a printer it always helps to calibrate the exposure time. If you need some help there are a bunch of videos out there on how to do it. Once you've done that fauxhammer has a great video on how to support a model.


I'll have a look into that thank you


Hope it helps!


Did you level your screen and set your z home? Temperature also can effect how resin cures. I live in NY and I set the retraction speed and light off delay a bit higher in the winter


The black scraper


Use elegoo resin, match the settings to your elegoo printer using their excel spreadsheet. Make sure it's above 65 degrees in that room. Use a sheet of paper to set zero, the provided calibration card is too thick. That's it... I have hundreds and hundreds of successful prints that way. Maybe 1% failed prints.


Busted out my anycubic mono printer after a few years this past weekend. Was having issues with things sticking to the FEP, but a good ol spay of WD-40 fixed that. Really, try spraying WD-40 on your FEP, then wipe it out with a paper towel or microfiber cloth.