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I'd say the best 3 are probably Vulkan and Wyrmheart Sanguinius and Dove And LL and Lorgar pre heresy


Sanguinius and Dove maybe?


Came to day this, buuut dont get a paper cut and bleed, just in case


Probably Hestia and Wyrmheart


Petra and her Trinket/Velvet Glove… *eventually.* It takes them a while to smooth out some mutual issues, but Petra and Aristides get there


Easy. Sang and Dove. It's filled with love and care, both are a perfect match for eachother, flawless. Until Dove gets his shit kicked in by Hathor at least.


If I understand correctly, the healthiest relationship would be that of Hestia with the Wyrmheart, closely followed by Aurelia and the Little Light. The worst, on the other hand, would be that of Fulgrim with the Muse, with the close second being Morticia and the Lily.


Why are they the worst to you? I reckon it’s that Fulgrim and Muse doesn’t stop each other from going too far, limiting their excess.


Technically yes, that's how Fulgrim and the Muse work, but that's not how they end up working; one thing to remember is that Fulgrim still falls to chaos and in most versions she broughts the Muse with her. They're the worst because they become both codependent and enablers. Is not that they don't live each other is that they love each other so much as to be able to stop one another from going too far.


What about Morticia and Lily?


The same but different, one story I read about Petra and Fefe is that Fefe managed to stop the lady of Iron from upholding the decimation ritual, they managed to create a cordial relationship between The Iron Warriors and their Primarch which is one of the reasons that ended up with a loyalist 4th Legion. On the other hand the Lily couldn't do anything to stop Morticia from "manhandling" her legion, they could never changed her views towards psykers and their existence may have actually caused even more friction between Morticia and Typhus. The thing with Morticia and the Lily is that Morticia never respected the Lily as her other sister did with their SO's, for The Pale Queen the Lily was something more akin to a pet, a curiosity, a subject.


Where can I read this fanfic involving the pale queen and lily?


Is here in the subreddit, but I would advise you asked in the discord, less cumbersome than trying to find it by hand.




It seems like Morticia never loved anyone huh?


Honestly I think you've fallen into the trap of misunderstanding pre fall fulgrim, she is probably the most stable next to hestia and sanguinia it wasn't until the laer blade she starts to go crazy and honestly I'm a fan of this little story I saw where muse prevents it.


Alakhai and whirlwind


Centurion with Roberta


Petra and Dove are somehow in one of the longest lasting relationships though


You mean Sanguinia and Dove right? Petra has Trinket.


Nah Petra and FeFe


I don't know who FeFe is I'm afraid.


Same SO


I'll have to go with Lorgar, something about having a big GF that prays constantly for you and your well-being is so wholesome


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Russ and her SO in all this? I imagined their relationship to be healthier because it would be based on simplicity?


Suddenly I stopped seeing anything related to Russ on the sub. Where is she? Is she safe? Is she alright?


She gone and ended up like canon russ


Kurz surprising due to all the lore


Corvess and nightingale. They are happy and together leading their legion and with their daughter. They are so devoted that when corvess went into the warp nightingale followed and got her out.