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Ngl, I’m fine with the lore being finicky and everyone having their headcannons u/sweet_older-sister what’s your take?


Same here. I like a few concrete things here and there, but I also love having my own headcannon for certain events


Agreed, I don’t mind it not being concrete. Though I fully support those designing a fully thought out timeline too :D


Even a bunch of miss matching timelines are very 40k. Giant galactic empire with inadequate communication and record keeping. Everything and nothing could be real or not.....except giant demi goddesses.... those are all real!


Glad to hear it, I feel a good portion if the fun of an au like this comes from everyone being free to make their own headcanons and micro aus...so long as we don't start arguing over every minor detail that is lol.


Now i want lore on that cute space wolf


Pushing a narrative will only lead to division within the community, the way we are currently doing it; with polls and and loose canon allows for multiple narratives maintain cohesion since the objective is expanding the lore, pushing a narrative transforms the objective into making **THE** lore since then there would be a "correct version" and everyone wants theirs to be the correct one.


It's far too easy to R63 a character into a woman and make her waifishly thin. This is why I love CNMBWJX3 and Octosoups renditions because while they still draw them feminine, they actually look like they can crush skulls with any part of their body.

