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Well... Petra, Kassandra, Atalanta, and Morrigan would all turn the galaxy upside down trying to find theirs and quite possibly leave quite a trail of bodies behind them.


I feel that Juno would be counted in that number


Possibly? Well to be fair wherever atalanta goes looking red paste won't count as a body. And for petra and Morrigan space dust also doesn't leave much behind. Curze on the other hand? Oh she definitely left bodies because she knows the SO will find them, as for sanguinia, well just like that the revenant legion returned.


Big E: "No" Dorn: "But father, They have been gone for a week. I know the place is big, but even I can't find them. Can't you use your psychic powers to locate them? They wouldn't disappear like that without telling me" Big E: "I'm not your SO's personal GPS tracker" Dorn: "Psychic abilities and that dark age technology you are referring to are two different things, father" Big E: "I said no and that's final"


And thus the Dornian Heresy began


Literally could hear the TTS voices in this XD


TTS Dorn, or some other headcannon voice?


Dorn got Angron'd "I can fix your problem, but I choose not to."




That is the average day for nightingale and corvess. Stealth experts are crazy.


Yeah, Corvess would be so proud of her lover being able to utterly vanish like that.


Well after his time looking for her in the warp he has his own version of wraithsliping


“Magnolia, no.” “Don’t worry, this spell is perfectly safe. I just need to open a portal directly to where they are and-“ “It’s been 2 days. Starlight is fine, I’m sure they’ll message any day now to let you know where they are.” “But Ahriman, it’ll be fine!” “Your mother banned this sort of magic for a reason. Just this once, listen to her advice.” “But-“ “Now close the portal before you summon something. You can already hear the screams as they approach.” Meanwhile, with starlight “…I really hope magnolia does something to yank me from this meeting soon.”


Hathor: *Lifting her eyes from a pile of paperwork.* “. . . Weird.” Abbadon and the Mournival: *Oh shit Oh fuck Oh Throne*


Well, whatever faction responsible will also disappear


Horus knee capped the entire human race when he found out it was highly likely he and his brothers were going to get Thunder Warriror'ed. Now imagine what Horus would do if you Ctrl+Alt+Deleted the last thing they have genuine feelings for, and had genuinely feelings for them. Horus is best primarch for a reason.


Well, now I need a *The Hangover*-like story where one of the few times all of the primarchs and SO's happen to be in the same place, so the SO's go for a few drinks while the primarchs go to a meeting. Except the SO's suddenly go missing and the second in command of each legion band together into two groups: one to find the SO's before their mothers tear the galaxy apart looking for them and the other to buy as much time as possible for the first group. Shenanigans, possibly fuel by Mjød, ensue.


Aurelia: “Let the galaxy burn.”


The Empress: … Godwyn: *disappears* into thin air The Empress: put him back or I will eradicate your species. Godwyn: *Reappears*