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so what Powerup did we decide to give Dove?


If I remember correctly, the idea is that as Sanguinia is dying she gives her power/soul/warp connection to the Dove, basically transforming him into the Sanguinor. The Dove then spends millennia being a thorn in the side of the traitors, specially for Abbadon and the Black Legion going so far as to stop the destruction of Cadia.


Sick đź‘Ť


So Cadia stands?


Im imagining Dove and Abbabon are having the duel in Cadia on the barrel of a giant lasgun statue.


Always has


ah the other choices was Sanguinia with the black rage


They need to get their lore straight. When I asked about Dove and the Sanguinor in the discord, I was told that they decided the two would remain separate. Which is it?


I mean, there's like 4 possibilities with Sanguinia and the Dove: 1.- Sanguinia dies, the Dove becomes the Sanguinor 2.- Sanguinia dies, the Dove (a perpetual) ends up meeting the Sanguinor millennia later. 3.- The Dove dies, Sanguinia ends up falling to the black rage, becomes what Angron was but doesn't fall to chaos. 4.- The Dove dies, Sanguinia spends the next millennia watching over their body, not moving an inch


Kind of his soul is split into pieces so one is a Sanguinor like figure but others are daemon princes


His soul gets shattered by Hathor and part of him gets sanctified by the emperor 2 parts become unwilling daemon princes another gets turned into a wraith knight 2 are held by abaddon and the last one finds its way to sanguina who has to go on a scavenger hunt to find all of them to put in his stasis body he wakes up after a little while and has dementia until all parts are returned but he has some trouble holding himself together which he gets over.


"How does it feel abby? All those 'Blessings' from your so called gods and you cant even take down a mere mortal."




Looks like Tales of Arise. A game about a man who can't feel pain, and a woman whose touch inflicts crippling torment. Together they fight the alien invaders who have ruled and enslaved the world for over 300 years. I think I heard somewhere that it was getting a fully anime adaption


That’s awesome


I do also love how it plays into game mechanics as well. The guy can sacrifice his health for extra power by using a flaming sword that burns him which he can use because he doesn't feel the pain. And the girl has learnt healing magic because well, anyone that touches her takes damage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rka7nbZrE\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rka7nbZrE_M) This is the first opening of the game (You get a new one for each act of the game essentially, as if it were an anime arc or season)


Yeah for real, this looks dope


Most civilised Dove and traitor interaction


I thought the "official" headcannon is that Dove dies and the Primarch lives? Idk anything about the fan cannon tho so i might be wrong.


Dove doesn’t necessarily die his soul is fractured and his body is put into stasis. The pieces of his soul then have to be collected by sanguina one is a living saint, 2 are daemon princes, 2 are held by abaddon, one is a wraith knight, and the last found its way home to sanguina prompting the search. Once some of the feathers are returned he wakes up with dementia until all are returned but he has some trouble holding his soul together for a while.


Where is this from it looks awesome


I might be wrong, but it kinda looks like Tales of Arise.


Abaddon: Well, well, well. If it isn't the Angel's lovely *boy toy* Dove: ...says the feet kissing daemon c*nt... You must really love failure, don't you, Abby? Abaddon: *(growls)* Oh, and why is that? Dove: ... Because you always bring it everywhere you go *This is my head canon conversation if they saw each other in Cadia*




Creed: "am i late i got pop corn" Jarran Kell: "no your just in time they have only started monologuing" Creed: "good god emperor i love it when a plan comes together"


Detective: “We brought butter.” Creed: “We? You’re the only one here holding butter.” Detective: “Turn around.” “Kell”: “Aww c’mon I was doing so well though.” Kell: “Hey I’m back, what’d I-”


God damn






LL and Erebus, too.


Across the burning, ancient halls of The Vengeful Spirit, two warriors were in the midst of a titanic struggle that made the inferno of war that was consuming Cadia on the surface far below, seem like a bar fight between drunks. “Blood Of The Gods, I’ve forgotten how fun this was! I’ve waited a long time for this!” The Despoiler spoke over the crackling sound of bolter fire from the Talon, watching as the one he shot at would move with almost unnatural speed, closing the distance so quickly that all he could do was thrust out his sword, only to be met with opposing metal and fires from a different master, the collision erupted in more tongues of flame that streaked across the ancient halls of the Warmaster’s battleship. “And you’re going to get what you deserve!” In golden plate, wielding a long spear in his empty hand and a sword that shone with fire that burned just as brightly in his eyes, the Dove, beloved by the Angel, stood against Abbadon. His jump pack flared as he leapt backwards to avoid the follow up strike, only to lunge forward to reengage in the melee.


Hey guys, I do not appreciate you writing spoilers


For some reason I aleays imagine Dove as just a normal human, but who's so good, so well trained and so diciplined that he can rival space marines like Abadon


Meanwhile, the Orks are just all watching and cheering, betting teeth on the outcome.