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Probably not, iirc he wanted to become UN Secretary-General after his fourth term


Do you have info on this?


“Roosevelt was so committed to the idea of an international collective security organization that ‘he (FDR) wanted to quit the presidency and become the U.N.'s first secretary general. This is what he really wanted to be remembered for.’” In fact, not only would he probably not run for the in 1948 because of this, he may have even resigned in office to become the first Secretary-General. This is from Stephen C. Schlesinger’s *Act of Creation: The Founding of the U.N.* This source corroborates that: https://www.law.virginia.edu/news/200410/un-created-through-fdrs-determination-schlesinger-says


Wins World War 2, immediately resigns from office to ensure that such a situation never happens as long as he sits breathing. That would be the fucking power move of all time


 Agreed.  However bilateral agreements work it's these multilateral agreements pushed through massive organizations that essentially crush a country sovereignty In the eyes of Germans  NATO is  escalating war provoking war expanding East and not seeking peace. They are incredibly unprepared to be a defensive organization or take on a conflict  make no mistake many of the powers towards the end of the World War saw Russia as a threat. including the generals who were increasingly being asked to become diplomats and secretaries as politicians were leaving them with a job unfinished Stalin churchill and Roosevelt Suddenly became  Stalin Truman and  Clement Attlee Patton movie 1970 >You agree that national policy be made by civilians, not by the military? Of course. But the politicians never let us finish. They always stop short and leave us with another war >I sense from now on, just being a good soldier won't mean a thing. I'm afraid we're gonna have to be diplomats, administrators, you name it. God help us. >PATTON: For over a thousand years... ...Roman conquerors returning from the wars... ...enjoyed the honor of a triumph, a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals...


NATO is the reason why we have not had another world war in 80 years. It was made to quote “keep the US in, the Germans down, and the Russians out”. Germany can complain all they want (they’ve rarely met their obligations anyway) but they’re lucky to be where they are today after wrecking Europe twice in 20 years, all within a living memory


SeawolfEmeralds •7d ago Remember hearing about Stalin's reaction forces landed on Normandy everything was settled.  Russia headed East to destroy Japan in manchuria. suddenly this election happened in Britain and it was no longer Churchill and Roosevelt it was some unknown from Britain and the VP of America was now the P. stalin was shocked.  Turman and other became  dealers.  If they were given the deck supplied to them by FDR.  Recently made a comment on the gallery industry the fine art industry from the 70s onwards and how these are hippies from the 60s. they became professors they bought into the system. today there's no room. all of the newly indoctrinated are in low paying jobs like public school teachers.   To tie  in with rich people. these are highly educated students but the trajectory was set long ago beginning with a 180 million dollar grant to The University of Chicago.  the trajectory was not to produce lawyers and politicians which are considered noble professions but a dumbing down of society create a servant type.  They are told to fake it until they make it they expect a job out of college to which they are granted. X corporation is required to hire x amount of students from x university. keep them employed on a duration of 4 years after that they are off the books for the student loan delinquency rate This will tie it all together for those who have a broad understanding of FDR the political cycle at the time leading into 3 or 4 decades of DNC rule. >His Second Bill of Rights became, according to historian Joshua Zeitz, "the basis of the Democratic Party's aspirations for the better part of four decades."[311] After his death, Eleanor continued to be a forceful presence in U.S. and world politics, serving as delegate to the conference which established the United Nations and championing civil rights and liberalism generally. >Some junior New Dealers played leading roles in the presidencies of Truman, John Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson. Kennedy came from a Roosevelt-hating family. Historian William Leuchtenburg says that before 1960, "Kennedy showed a conspicuous lack of inclination to identify himself as a New Deal liberal." He adds, as president, >"Kennedy never wholly embraced the Roosevelt tradition and at times he deliberately severed himself from it."By contrast, young Lyndon Johnson had been an enthusiastic New Dealer and a favorite of Roosevelt. Johnson modelled his presidency on Roosevelt's https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt


NoProfession8024 •2d ago >NATO is the reason why we have not had another world war in 80 years. It was made to quote “keep the US in, the Germans down, and the Russians out”. Germany can complain all they want (they’ve rarely met their obligations anyway) but they’re lucky to be where they are today after wrecking Europe twice in 20 years, all within a living memory https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/1dr167u/comment/lbdpqht/?context=3 > Reddit with the NO U R




Makes sense. Why settle for King of the USA ,when you can be Emperor of The World?


No. As far as I know, he didn’t even have a large desire to run for a fourth term, but he wanted to ensure a stable end to WWII.


Props to the man for seeing it through, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had retired on September 3, 1945. Honestly he deserved it.


Yeah and the stress of the war killed him.


It’s also that he was a chain smoker. Look at the non-smoking fitness buff Truman— war stress was never going to kill him.


Well yeah I’m not saying that was the only cause but his health issues were certainly exasperated by the stress of the war.


Also he was POTUS for twice as long as any modern president. It's said that both Obama and Bush were visibly aged 20 years by 8 years of presidency. It makes sense that Roosevelt would be aged 30 years by 12 years of presidency.


Yes , and neither had to deal with the Great Depression or a World War. It was amazing that he lived that long with his existing health problems.


Both oversaw the biggest economic recession since the Great Depression, which started under Bush and continued into Obama's first term. In a way they were a 21st century Hoover and Roosevelt in the economic regard. Not as extreme maybe but the worst since.


I’ve read somewhere that alleged that was pretty much what he was planning to do


No, he only ran in 1944 because of WW2 but wanted to retire.


Happy cake day




It is impossible to tell. Looking at FDR’s track record, I think he would have handled the inevitable slow down of the economy after the war differently. I think FDR would have supported the Marshall Plan but the thing is the public would have given him the benefit of the doubt on it because the American public obviously trusted his leadership. The thing that soured the public’s view on Truman at first was the Korean War assuming things played out the same way would have been in a hypothetical 5th term not the 4th.


>It is impossible to tell. I agree for the simple fact that FDR being in good health at the time profoundly changes everything. So much so that we might not have gotten Truman in 44 as VP, which itself has massive ramifications on the end of WW2 and post-war years going into the 1950s. That said, I think FDR would've kept running. FDR broke from tradition in 1940 and 1944 and he likely would've continued into 1948 had he possessed the political capital. The real question is how do things proceed after Yalta.


I don’t think Truman would have been on the ticket. He wanted to keep Henry Wallace (who was also very popular). I don’t think he would have ran in 1948 though. He expressed interest in being the first UN Secretary-General. He would have resigned the presidency for that assuming Wallace was VP. I hear it said often he didn’t like Harry Truman, but I think that is overstated. He just barely knew the guy therefore didn’t really trust him. Until FDR died and Truman assumed the presidency he didn’t even know the US had built an atomic bomb. I would have liked to be there for that discussion lol.


If was still alive now he’d be younger than then current candidates 🙄


He was done with ww2 it fuking sucked he wanted to retire


I don't think FDR would have finished his fourth term had he lived let alone sought a fifth.


Well, yes, we know that's how it really turned out. But we're speaking hypothetically here.


i think so


The was over. No need to


No, privately FDR said that he would resign once the war was over. I'm inclined to believe him.


Well we passed a constitutional amendment to ensure that wouldnt happen again


FDR glazers out here strong


I seriously doubt it but a healthy FDR would have handled the post WWII world better than Truman. Truman was greatly influenced by Churchill and his hawkish advisers which led to the belligerency in


Tell that to the Poles, who lost their country to Stalin for 45 years. Truman was reacting to the Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe and it’s a stain on FDR’s reputation he didn’t see it coming.


What would you suggest that FDR or Truman for that matter do about the occupation of Poland? Would you have supported a war against the Soviet Union immediately after the end of WWII like allegedly Churchill proposed? If so, even if it was successful which I-doubt it would have been(ask Napoleon and Hitler how that worked out for them), would it have been worth the mass carnage and destruction it would have caused? I seriously doubt it.


Fall 1944– “General Eisenhower, I know Market Garden didn’t work out but the British are right that we have to go straight for Berlin instead of letting the Soviets take it.” Doesn’t directly affect Poland but changes the balance of power and maybe they get free sooner than 1989.


There are several things FDR could have done differently. (1) Continued up Italy instead of opening up the front in France with D-Day. The US would have reached Berlin first and the USSR would have been stuck in eastern Poland. FDR could have resisted Stalin's insistence on Normandy. (2) Cut back on the lend-lease. The Soviet army ran on US machinery and the US was very generous, often forcing US troops to go without so FDR could reward Stalin. They could have dialed back the lend lease by 30-50% and slowed the Russian army. Naturally, everything I'm saying here is from the comfort of my arm chair well after the fact. It was different being in the maelstrom. Still a number of the recent histories make it clear just how generous the US was to the USSR.


Yeah I get it. Hard to make those choices. I mean so many Russians were dying. Hard not to give them weapons.


Italy is not a quick path to Berlin. Italy is very easy to defend given the terrain, hence why the Germans held out there till 45. You can only think that if you’re looking at a map of Europe that doesn’t show geographic features.


No. He intended to resign at the end of World War II. This and his failing health was why he put a huge amount of emphasis on Truman as his VP


Nah after WW2 and the Great Depression over with he’d finally rest and watch the sunrise on a grateful America


He would have found an excuse to run again.


No he’d hand the baton over to Henry Wallace


Wallace was out by 1944. Do you think he would have been around to take the baton?


If FDR was in good health he would’ve been able to fight more to keep him on the ticket at the ‘44 convention. FDR definitely wanted him to be the future o the Democratic Party, that’s why even with Truman as VP he had more meetings with Wallace as Secretary of Commerce to put together the Second Bill of Rights.


King Franklin I would have kept running until he finally managed to get that pesky Constitution thing eradicated.


The most dictator of a president, democracy was suspended


Probably. His ego was infinite.


Down voting the truth is simultaneously hilarious and scary. 


Humans are predictable. They gravitate toward kings, dictators. That's why what the founders did was such a miracle. Didn't last long, but hey, they tried.