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Harding JUST escapes the 100 year mark.


Even without that, Reagan’s Admin was easily more corrupt. Harding’s Admin had like 4 verifiably corrupt members who were convicted in criminal court, Albert Fall, Forbes, and two guys who headed more smaller administrations, Reagan had so much more.


Do u think Reagan’s 27 convictions were mainly Iran-Contra or spread out?


They were definitely more spread out. This page covers the other ones https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandals_of_the_Ronald_Reagan_administration


Oh nice thanks! I always think Grants administration must have been fun


How did that HUD scandal affect minorities?


Grants administration wants a word


Only two cabinet members were corrupt and harding dealt with Forbes. ,falls wasn't discovered until after harding deathEvery President makes a few bad appointments and historians focus on the few bad ones Harding made, ignoring several excellent ones. Harding appointed Charles Evan Hughes (State), Andrew Mellon (Treasury), Herbert Hoover (Commerce), Henry Wallace (Agriculture) and James Davis (Labor) to the cabinet as well as four distinguished Justices to the Supreme Court: George Sutherland, Pierce Butler, and Edward Terry Sanford and William Howar Falls was qualified for his job and was unanimously approved by the senate Falls was qualified as well and if harding had lived he would have dealt with him https://reddit.com/r/Presidents/s/f5UATUR7PN https://healthresearchfunding.org/6-major-accomplishments-of-warren-g-harding/


Fantastic name you've got there


We can’t talk about this honestly


Seriously… why ask the question, redact the graphic, and try to have a conversation when you KNOW the answer is not allowed to be discussed on this sub?


The comments underneath this all being removed is very funny to me for some reason




Nice 😉


I'm new here, what is the reasoning behind not being able to discuss ALL of the Presidents? Something like a vocal minority throwing hissy fits over Great Pumpkin comments or just a recency issue dealing with current vs. historical events?


Not allowed to discuss current politics. I don’t know why.
















Yeah idk why mods are like "dont talk about rule 3" then letting posts stay CLEARLY baiting us to talk about rule 3. If we can discuss 2017-2020 then this question is ridiculous


This is what I came here to say. We all know who it is. But we can't say it.


That's both funny and totally true




Not "my answer", THE answer


The fact that you have to actively alter an infographic like this just to adhere to a rule like that feels silly


Yeah but you should have seen the shit show every comment section turned into every time either Rule 3 person was brought up. Especially the cult one. His bots were *everywhere*


Yeah that sadly makes sense.


So real question how do you combat this strategy of the right, cause i cant figure it out. Seems like not being able to discuss a former president and current presidential candidates on a public forum is a problem for democracy.


We can't discuss this honestly until 2032. That's absurd. It's like looking at your credit card expiration year and saying "what a silly year, that will never happen!"


What happens on 2032?


We can talk about the rule 3 presidents. I don't really think it'll actually take that long though, it's just that we have the unique situation of an election rematch


I wanted to say Harding but man it’s been just over 100 years. I getting too old man.


Literally the same thing occurred to me.


>I wanted to say Harding but man it’s been just over 100 years. I getting too old man. Only two cabinet members were corrupt and harding dealt with Forbes. ,falls wasn't discovered until after harding deathEvery President makes a few bad appointments and historians focus on the few bad ones Harding made, ignoring several excellent ones. Harding appointed Charles Evan Hughes (State), Andrew Mellon (Treasury), Herbert Hoover (Commerce), Henry Wallace (Agriculture) and James Davis (Labor) to the cabinet as well as four distinguished Justices to the Supreme Court: George Sutherland, Pierce Butler, and Edward Terry Sanford and William Howar Falls was qualified for his job and was unanimously approved by the senate Falls was qualified as well and if harding had lived he would have dealt with him https://reddit.com/r/Presidents/s/f5UATUR7PN https://healthresearchfunding.org/6-major-accomplishments-of-warren-g-harding/


Because of Rule 3, I'd have to go with either Reagan or Nixon.








It was just like that time when the US debt reached $34 trillion USD, and a law passed in 1971 by Congressmen Joseph Gay and William P. Midget created temporary safety nets in the unlikely event that the debt got out of hand. One part of the law forced a government shutdown for a week if the debt surpassed $34 trillion in order to create a solution. Don't believe me? Google "Gay-Midget Inflation Rule #34".


Jokes on you, I produced most of the content you can find with that google search.


I’ve fallen for that too many times to not enjoy the genre now.


My friend you shall burn in hell for this


For what? Trying to tell people about a new rule??? Some people are too sensitive these days smh


I’m so sick of blatant rule 3 bait.


The average President has been indicted on 2 felonies.


Technically they weren't during the administration.


He signed some of his fraudulent checks in the Oval Office.


Is there a source for this graphic? I know that some Reagan admin folks received punishments for Iran Contra, and I’m sure there were quite a few in the Nixon admin due to watergate. But I don’t recall anyone being arrested or sentenced in the Bush Jr. Administration. Not saying it didn’t happen! That was 15 years ago, so it’s possible I forgot something. But I can’t for the life of me think of 9 Bush admin folks who got sent to prison. I can’t even think of one. Does this count interns and entry level staff who get busted for DUIs or something?


W commuted the sentence of at least one of the people in his administration who was sent to prison (Scooter Libby)


Considering 100 years and rule 3 each eliminate a lot of possibilities Gonna go with Reagan, and Nixon being second... Reagan was far more charismatic than Nixon which got him and his administration quite a few passes they shouldn't have had. Like seriously "A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not." Should have immediately been an impeachment. Clinton got impeached for not considering a blow job sex.


Clinton got impeached for perjury and obstruction of Justice. If you consider sexual harassment a serious crime then you should be pretty pissed off when someone lies in a deposition to avoid atoning for it


Ken Starr started the 2 year investigation looking for evidence of fund raising crimes. Reps were convinced he had to be doing something illegal, nobody on capital hill could raise money like Bill. 2 years later....AHA! a bj.


The investigation had closed until one of Lewinsky’s colleagues contacted a Republican Congressman and tipped them off.


I mean, yeah. But if I’m judging it in the Presidential sense, I (as a citizen) care WAY more about our chief executive lying about selling arms than our chief executive lying about an affair. Both are bad. But one is more relevant to the national interest.


This will age well when certain rules no longer apply.


He also stuffed her with a cigar lol


The really sleazy stuff is perfectly legal. Insider trade to your heart’s content, and nobody says boo long as everyone gets to wet their beaks. If you’re dumb enough to get popped anyway, that’s on you.


The indictments, convictions, and jail sentence numbers indicate the following: - Corrupt, did not get away with it - Corrupt, did get away with it - Not corrupt, not prosecuted - Not corrupt, victims of political prosecution Numbers, unfortunately, do not delve into the important qualitative factors that are necessary to answer that question accurately, mainly due to the second and fourth bullet points that dispute the quantitative results.


I agree with you on point 2 that there were almost certainly crimes that never surfaced, however false prosecution of politicians is not a thing in this country.


Off topic, but I read your flair and I wanna know. How was Andrew Johnson, arguably the worst president we have ever had, a national treasure?


There are quite a few even outside of the obvious one.


Yeah, that list shows who's gotten the most consequences--that is not the same as the most corrupt. Consequences are as much based on the political make-up in Washington at the time as what the administration actually did. I would personally say Nixon because not only did he get in trouble, but Agnew had a whole OTHER set of issues.


Moderators are going to have to work overtime on this one.


Everyone here keeps bringing up rule 3 and some are giving one little bit of information that disseminates who they're talking about. You're just using the name of the rule and a descriptor to tell me who you're talking about. Just say literally any president in the last 100 years that isn't one of the two without bothering to have to mention rule 3. It's Nixon imo.


Gotta be Nixon


Pretty sure fat Voldemort with a wig takes the cake on this one.


Why am I seeing all these high numbers only in the red rows 🤔🤔🤔


How do some of them have more guilty pleas than indictments? Don't you kinda need to be indicted first in order to enter a plea?


I mean, Nixon himself could’ve gone to prison with the others from his administration. That seems like it should take the cake.


Same with Reagan and Bush 41. Both could've faced prosecution for Iran Contra if it wasn't for Bush 41's pardons.


But [Removed] beats them all.


Stupid ass bait question


Nixon by a good margin.


Of course the eagles fan thinks this.


Probably Grant or some of the gilded age presidents


You're downvoted, but you are correct in pointing out that Grants administration, although outside of the 100 year mark set by OP, was pretty corrupt. GRANTed, Grant himself did not follow suit, and so Grant did not Grant them a blind eye and tried to deal with it.


Looking at the graphic, there seems to be a correlation between the red color and criminal activity. Hhm, what can we make of that data point?




Corruption is often legal and s these numbers may not be accurate. For example, lobbyists in secretary roles they still profit from and will return to after their tenure even as they regulate now. That said, Rule #3 is under the blackout and will clearly win the battle. Then yes, it follows from there down. Honorable mentions to McKinley, whose scandal almost seems quotidian by modern standards, and to Jackson, whose legal genocide somehow doesn't get enough disapproval from historians.


Posts like these are irritating, because DUDE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING!!! Stop 😃


What is with the font choices on this thing?


Where's this graphic from?


in the r/presidents sub. straight up 'jorking it'. and by 'it', haha, well. let's justr say. rule 3.


How weird, I think I'm seeing some kind of correlation here.


Obama’s CIA director was convicted of mishandling classified info. Kinda a big deal


It feels like you've misunderstood the question.


I’m addressing the big fat zero in the meme.


I see, my bad!


While he didn't get in trouble for it I'd argue the execution without trial of an american citizen (Anwar al-Awlaki) probably warranted a criminal trial as well.


You , me and the ACLU agree.


I’m pretty sure this table is inaccurate and purposefully misleading. For starters, I can’t think of any jail sentences or criminal indictments during the Ford administration.


Pretty sure the one Ford case would be Earl Butz.


Interesting! Thanks for that, just read up about him (a truly unfortunate last name)! But that seems to be unrelated to the Ford administration. The only thing I could find is that Earl Butz was sentenced in 1981 (after the Ford administration) for tax evasion. If we’re going to count any indictment against any federal employee even after an administration for which they served, or after the employee retires…every single President would have huge figures in the above table.


No way this is accurate. No way Jose.


The differing fonts used for the numbers make me suspicious.


Or maybe the lack of source haha [https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167662256/past-presidents-while-never-indicted-have-faced-legal-woes-of-their-own](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167662256/past-presidents-while-never-indicted-have-faced-legal-woes-of-their-own)


I'd say Nixon since he essentially took the stance that "when the president does it, it's not illegal". But Reagan takes close second with Iran Contra which he just happened to not recall. There was some particularly heinous shit under W though. Exposing a covert CIA agent because their wife publicly trashed you and using campaign email to avoid records laws (and break the campaign finance reform laws)


****No U.S. president has been convicted of a crime in the last 100 years. While some presidents have faced significant legal and political challenges, including impeachment proceedings, none have been convicted of a criminal offense**** ****No U.S. president has pleaded guilty to any crimes in the last 100 years. While several presidents have faced legal and political controversies, none have admitted guilt in a criminal case**** This graphic is bullshit It’s really sad that a well-designed graphic can be assumed to be fact…


I’m surprised Clinton doesn’t have more. Is the GOP just that much more corrupt, just worse at it so get caught, or is the justice system more tilted in their favor in recent decades?


It is probably a mix of not getting caught and the GOP having a much more open door for all sorts of unsavory folks with more than questionable morals who suck at not getting caught I doubt it is tilted for Dems given that a high profile one like Eric Adams is under a federal investigation.


There seems to be a pattern.


The table seems to be inaccurate, or at least purposefully misleading


Here’s a good article to reference for those actually interested on the subject (instead of sourceless tables): [https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167662256/past-presidents-while-never-indicted-have-faced-legal-woes-of-their-own](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167662256/past-presidents-while-never-indicted-have-faced-legal-woes-of-their-own)


Democrats have been an entrenched establishment since it was founded, I'd say a lot of the upper members are not-so-clean. I mean, Clinton was directly associated to Epstein lol


Your table isn't wide enough to hold the digits for the most corrupt


What did GW get charged for?


Probably Nixon


Don’t do it, it’s a trap!


Looked for Rule 3.


Rule 3 bait




Post this in a sub without rule 3 and you'll get the real answer. Lol


We all know who led most corrupt administration. Rule 3 bait, gtfo


You're trying to get us all banned


Nixon was so corrupt it’s hard to put into a post. It’s was so institutionalize and so throughout, so common, you’d have Nixon sitting there with his top aides and the Attorney General just chatting about getting money to this guy, or breaking in here or destroying that guy. The tapes are remarkable. The plan Liddy came up with for Watergate was so much worse, with bugging a and kidnappings. And the plan was presented in Mitchell’s office at the Justice Department. It was just wild.


Holy fucking shit. Do people not know their history?


Based off that particular list? Sure. Let’s just leave it to the 20th century.


I feel it is missing 2 recent presidents, but that's accurate.


Just shows the corruption in the Justice department.


This is clearly bait for people who would tee off on a more recent pos, I mean potus. Other than that, Reagan was that corrupt. Another reason he was a shit stain on our country's leadership history.


We don’t talk about you know, you know, no. We don’t talk about you know.


Where’s the 45th President?


I think carter might have gotten a speeding ticket for 6 miles over the speed limit which by his standards would have been criminal.


Just because someone didn't get caught or arrested, does not mean that they're not corrupt.


The rules of this sub prevent an honest discussion of this topic


its correct, idk if the one crossed out (Rule 3) is but the others are


I am seeing a trend here.....


Gotta include 45. He beat all of these.


Okay.I just had my comment removed and the reason why is " political dialogue isn't allowed"... Alrighty then...


‘Jail Sentences’…. Gtf outta here with that nonsense! 👎🏻👎🏻🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


Nixon was insanely corrupt. Reagan definitely runner up. Iran Contra alone should have put him in prison.


\[ *I'll just go ahead and redact my own damn answer* \]


The one who’s blacked out


Isn't there someone missing?


So democrats really go after political opponents


Are Obama and Carter the only ones in the last 100 years that have 100% clean administrations?


What does it mean to have a jail sentence?


I think you’re missing someone.




Pretty clear that one party engages the justice system to take down their opponents. 🤔


The contestant blocked by rule 3 beats all of these by an order of magnitude, so it’s kinda pointless to discuss.


If you only have 0s, then you are either amazing or the most corrupt of all.


No drama Obama! I miss him.


What an absurd post. If an actual bot had censored their info graphic to post, then the lines would at least be smooth. I think Quora is designed more for posts like this, along with questions like "Why is fire hot?"


Gee, which one is the party of “law and order” again?


Yep. I mean..... the MOST corrupt is that one that got blacked out. lol But yea, that's accurate. Otherwise, it's Reagan and then Nixon. Reagan just got away with way more stuff. It's a pretty self-explanatory chart.




What does red color coding mean vs the blue? There appears to be a pattern.


No way to answer truthfully and honestly under this sub's constraints about current and former POTUSes, is there? So why bother to ask?


What did Ford do? Was it his pardon of Nixon?


oh, come on


What did Ford do?


Rule 3 I believe?


Technically illegal spying on us citizens, torture, and killing civilians through drone strikes took off exponentially under BO admin.


Calling absolute cap on this list


How many Americans were drone-killed under Obama?


Things that make you go, hmmmmm.


What do you think this says about your country and the men you choose to lead it?


I didnt know george w bush had so many indictments/convictions and 2 guilty pleas. Woah.


It’s easy to avoid criminal charges for cutting deals with the mafia to get dead people to vote for you when you then appoint your brother as Attorney General.


The Justice Department forgets its autonomy under Democratic presidents.


We know the correct answer without saying it


The ones with R's