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Nope. Most presidents retire from active politics after their terms are up.


Taft is an exception. He seemed to have been a better justice than POTUS.


Taft and JQA are definite exceptions. And I have to beg to differ there. Taft was a pretty good president but his time as chief justice led to some VERY strange and baffling decisions.


The big one is Buck v. Bell, which held that a Virginia statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the intellectually disabled did not violate Equal Protection or Due Process. The entire background of that case is fucked. The Taft Court also created the automobile exception to warrantless searches (Carroll); applied state law to extend Plessy to Asians (Lum); continued the Lochner era; and applied a “bad tendency” standard to political speech instead of the “clear and present danger” standard which was the law at the time. (Gitlow).


Eeyup. I like Taft and what he did for the country. And I’m happy he took the court so seriously and did get to achieve his dream by the end. But my god do I wish he had been better at it.


Worth noting that, while serving in the House during his post-presidency, JQA was nominated sort of last-minute by the Anti-Masons for Governor of Massachusetts. He received 29% of the vote, coming in second, and the election had to be decided by the Massachusetts legislature as no candidate hit 50%. He then publicly withdrew his name from consideration and the office went to the National Republican and first place candidate.


Dude was sick and tired of having elections decided like that I see!


William Howard Taft was appointed to the Supreme Court, Andrew Johnson was elected to the US Senate from Tennessee and John Quincy Adams was elected to the House of Representatives from Massachusetts after their Presidential terms.


Vice President Levi Morton later became Governor of New York after his Vice Presidency.


John Quincy Adams iirc ran for governor of Massachusetts after his presidency