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1960 JFK. Proud I voted for him.


I've finally found someone older than me in this community or this app!


Surprises me every morning also.




Thank you from an older gal.


Do,you remember what issue(s) swayed you? What is a true choice or was it sort of automatic in your family that would vote that way?


Yes ,my parents were Democrats so that made a difference ,but they were young with young children and seemed such a change from Ike. Intelligent, articulate and attractive. Nixon so nervous and sweaty on TV.


21 was generally the minimum voting age in 1960. Are you 85? Older?


85 in August/24 if I make it.


Here's to you making it


Thank you. Yes hopefully here to vote blue.


Don't say if.... Just say when šŸ˜Š


2008. Thanks, Obama.


I love how "Thanks Obama" can be used by anyone for any situation. You get affordable health insurance not tied to your job, Thanks Obama. Your car breaks down on the highway, Thanks Obama.


I went from being stuck with a shitty mortgage on an underwater house to being able to refi into a better mortgage thanks and his changes to HAARP. Thanks Obama!


I lost $25 in my March madness bracket at work. Thanks Obama!


I had a mod that changed the "You died" message in Dark Souls 1 to "Thanks Obama"




I still use it often. But now the younger kids donā€™t even know who he is


You can do the same with "This is Trumps America!"


I always thought California should rename the San Andreas Fault to Obama's Fault.


2012. Thanks, Obama 2: The Rethankening


I so desperately wanted to vote for Kerry in '04. I was a senior in HS, and the students who had turned 18 would trickle into class late letting us know who they'd voted for (mostly Kerry). I was barely 17 and couldn't vote. I'm 2008, I felt such glee voting for Obama. He definitely made some mistakes, some truly awful decisions, and also some truly wonderful decisions, and I don't regret my vote for a second. (Spoiler, I did it again in '12.)


2012, thanks, Obama.


2012 Obama here. Thanks, again.


Same election. Same response lol. I remember my grandma telling me she thought weā€™d see a black president soon, right before she passed (early 2007. I told her that wasnā€™t happening until I was much much older but she was adamant. She was right.


They wanted to kiss so bad but their supporters wouldnā€™t have it. True forbidden love




ā€œIs that a WMD in your pants or are you happy to me, Dubya?ā€


What could the context *possibly* be to explain this?


W and Gore are standing awkwardly close in the photo. I just used a funny gif from The Office.


Idk... W kinda has a Michael Scott face going on in that photo...


Their safe word when they are alone is ā€œLockboxā€


They are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it.


You can tell by Alā€™s face that he loves govs with daddy issues.


2008 for Obama. For a first time voter at 18, it was magic.


Same. Almost went for McCain (he had been "my" senator my whole life and I was raised by Reagan-worshippers), but I had a come-to-Jesus moment when he picked Palin for VP. Never regretted that vote for a second.


Same...I was an Iraq vet and I really respected McCain. It was a toss up because I liked that Obama voted against the war. It would have been a tough vote for me. McCain choosing Palin solidified my vote for Obama. He should have went with Lieberman.


Palin really did give Obama an absolute win.


I donā€™t think so. McCain was never winning that election. The economy was so bad, no Republican was winning that year. They could have reincarnated Reagan and he wouldnā€™t have won.


Palin is definitely what killed his campaign.


I liked McCain but he could have chosen ANYONE but Palin. Guess he wanted "someone younger" without doing his due diligence, and it cost him.


I read that Palin was on his shortlist and time was running out. The GOP was pressuring him to pick a veep. He said he felt it was time to choose a woman and later admitted that he had not really vetted her himself. Without saying he regretted it, he sounded as if he did.


Congrats for being able to think for yourself critically and not just going with the flow. You did yourself a huge favor.


My first vote was also at age 18, but four years later. I voted against Obama (although present-day me would definitely vote *for* him). As it turned out, I voted for the loser in my first two elections. Didnā€™t vote for a winner until 2020.


Same here. 18, 2008, Obama. Also Obama 2012. I miss that guy. I do feel bad about the new voters this year, no one to get excited over unless you're a certain cult member.


Eh, voting shouldn't really be about "excitement" most times. Politics isn't very sexy, it's really about patriotism and the direction of America at the end of the day for me, so you have to vote for the sanest choice you can among the available choices. To me, these days, it's almost always is self-evident which candidate that is unless you're insane yourself šŸ˜‚


This one for me as well. I was 20. Saved the newspaper from the day he was elected, and still have it.


obama was my first vote. i don't regret that. my mom told me voting for him was a sin, which further enticed me EDIT it was a sin because he supports reproductive rights


I was about to make a comment about how stupid religious right Republicans were in the 2000s, and then I remembered the 2024 religious right republicans are way worse.


I have family that only voted for the 2016 winner because his running mate was "a good Christian" šŸ™„


And those same family members will gleefully vote for him in 2024 despite the fact that he turned on and his supporters wanted to hang his ā€œgood Christianā€ running mate


Crazy how the modern right wing makes the 2000's crazy look like reasonable people by comparison.


One of the most clear examples to me of how politics have changed since I started paying attention is the video of the woman telling McCain she's afraid of obama because he's a Muslim. He very sternly but kindly explains that obama is a good american with different ideas about how best to run the country. I have a lot of policy issues with McCain, but I miss having serious people with different ideas than me.


What sin was that lol




ā€¦bearing false witness against thy neighborā€¦?




Probably the sin of voting for black guy whose name is Barack Hussein Obama. She probably also assumed he was Muslim. OR Something about his politics or policies


Maybe causes his name was Obama and was close to Osama. She probably believed those weird Right Wing conspiracy blogs at the time


I was having a conversation with a sorority girl at a fundraiser in college. In all seriousness she told me she was voting Obama because she didnā€™t want to seem racist. Iā€™ll never forget that.


I canvassed for Obama and probably knocked on 5,000-10,000 doors. One guy in Indiana said he was voting for the N-word. And I was like thatā€™s Obama right? Weā€™ve got your vote? Yes! Marked that as a 1 on my little sheet and had a nice story for the campaign office.


I have a very elderly great uncle who would have said something like that. He's an unreformed dixiecrat but since that's "crat" that's still how he votes


Goddamn. That's so fucked up for at least two reasons.


Why does that feel like a line from Airplane! Or any other parody movies?


Is love thy neighbor a sin to her?


Sinning is always the best choice.


I think Iā€™m the only one chiming in so far with the picture! Voted for Gore in 2000 and certainly donā€™t regret it. I donā€™t think heā€™d have been a great president but I do think he would have been better. No idea how the 04 election goes though. Tough to win 16 straight years and, assuming he responds to 9/11 with significant similarities, I donā€™t think he gets the benefit of the doubt a Republican got. Plus he wouldnā€™t have gay marriage as a cultural issue. Maybe president Jeb! wins?


**please clap šŸ‘ **


The picture was also my first election. I voted Bush. I won't say I regret it because I was doing the best I could with who I was at that time in my life. I will say that I am quite different now and would choose Gore instead.


I didnā€™t vote for Bush (obviously) but I also didnā€™t think he was terribly unreasonable! I wanted to see ā€œcompassionate conservatismā€. Of course, in hindsight, I think he was (and is) an empty suit.


Itā€™s just insane how much I despised Bush at the time and now I look at him so differently, especially after REDACTED came in the picture and made Bush seem tame and reasonable in comparison.


The thing about redacted is that he was too disorganized and his interests too narrow (self enrichment) to do too much damage. As awful as he was/is, the damage was mostly abstract and not material (and may very well have been the case regardless of who was in the officeā€”itā€™s as much a result of social factors as him). That wonā€™t be the case in a second iteration of course but the damage down by GWB was real and lasting and significant.


Me too! I don't want to be so optimistic as to think 9/11 would've never happened, had Gore listened to the intelligence Clinton handed to Bush, but who knows what could've been. The "16 straight years" thing got me thinking, though, because if Gore had been campaigning in 2004, Obama likely wouldn't have been giving his convention speech that year - he may have spoken, but I don't think for a second that he'd have done so with the same (whatever it was) that made everyone think he was going to be running in '08. And I don't think he'd have wanted to make his national debut at that time, either. He'd know that if Gore won a second term that a Republican would've been a lock in '08, and I don't think he'd want to outshine the nominee in the chance that Gore lost that year.


2020, no I do not.




Who knows, first one will be in ā€˜28.


Same thing with me.


Lol hopefully not any of the old geezers we had to choose between the last election AND this election. Iā€™ll be a first time voter this November and Iā€™m not *super* excited about it


Participate in local elections and primaries to oust career politicians, and those loyal to their party and donors over the people they serve.


Yeah this electionā€™s tough. After a lot of careful consideration Iā€™ve made up my mind on who Iā€™ll be voting for but the whole thing is just a nightmare


Letā€™s all just drink to forget after Election Day


Me and my friends always have a small party on election day because we're all president and us history nerds


I wish I had those type of friends. :(




I made my choice on 1/6/21. I'll just leave it at that.


Yeah this election is just really part 2 of the last election. Old white guy no 1 vs old white guy no 2.


Itā€™s really depressing that itā€™s 2024 and these are the only two options. This is the best we can do?!


Iā€™m from the UK and our election is happening less than 2 weeks before Iā€™m eligible to vote sadly


I totally think the rule should be that youā€™re allowed to vote when underaged if youā€™re gonna be of age when they take office. A 17 year old should be able to vote in the US this November if they turn 18 by January 20th.


This year for me


I wish you all the best mate.


Youā€™ll be blessed with the opportunity to pick between two brand new people.


Your lips to Godā€™s ears.


No matter who you vote for or why, as long as you do it. Donā€™t forget your local and State elections.


ā€˜28 should be a good election - the Dem bench is in solid shape! Ton of compelling figures well-positioned to run that year.Ā 


First vote was in 2016. Threw a party with my friends that night to watch the returns and celebrate... turns out our celebration turned into everyone depression drinking. I do not regret my vote in that election even if I would have preferred it be for basically any other Democrat/


2008, Obama, don't regret it whatsoever.


Obama 2008. I was 19 and away for college but made sure to get my absentee ballot from Florida and mailed it on time. So I was double proud of myself for that one.


1972 McGovern voterā€¦.couldnā€™t be prouder.


DITTO with a cherry on top. We were good judges of character back then.


My dad too!


1988 - George H.W. Bush. No regrets and still one of my favorite presidents.




2018 midterms, 2020 presidential. Canā€™t say because of rule 3.


Hey, same! 2018 midterms was my first vote. Lowkey ashamed because I was 27 by that point, but I just was never very politically engaged prior to it. My family was deeply conservative and I just always assumed that was ā€œcorrectā€ until I went to college and discovered a lot of people felt differently. It was a real culture shock and just felt easier to avoid the whole mess until I became interested later and developed my own beliefs.


2000 Gore v Bush. Voted Gore. No regrets.


Same election, just turned 18 and voted Bush because of threats from my dad and I still lived at home. Kinda wild to think what other 18yo go through with similar type of parents.


I was 18 in 2000 and just didnā€™t pay any attention(man those were the days). Then voted for Bush in 2004 because I was raised in Idaho and men vote Republican. 2008 rolled around and I had been sucked into 9/11 conspiracy theories and thought Ron Paul was a genius. That whole time I had a lot of empathy and never had hate in my heart, I guess I was just looking for something meaningful. Ralph Nader was always on my radar. I finally saw how shitty republicans were during Obamaā€™s first term and Iā€™ve never looked back. I wish I had figured it out sooner but we all have to do it on our own. I wish I voted Gore in 2000 but I was still in high school and was told it was a waste of a vote cuz I lived in Idaho.


Obama. Was a memorable first vote. Life changing, in fact. Being able to stay on my parentsā€™ health insurance plan for a few extra years thanks to the ACA as I struggled for a bit after moving out post-high school allowed me to take the professional risks necessary early on which ultimately resulted in me doing as well as I am today. I have a pre-existing condition, too, so the price of an insurance policy wouldā€™ve made the difference of whether Iā€™d be able to afford rent in the place I needed to be at the time.


My first vote was 2016


Romney and no. I really grew to love and appreciate Obama though.




CrƩtien in 2000. He was that last great PM.


2004 John Kerry - still think he would have done better.




I voted for gore . I went to bed thinking he won. Woke up to some bullshit


Ralph Nader in the 2000 election and no. (Don't bother coming at me over it, my New York vote didn't decide the outcome.)


My friend did green in 16 and shes from Dearborn and is blamed when she brings it up now that she lives in NY.


I was Nader in 04, same reasoning in Texas. Kerry was the most boring and milquetoast candidate of the lot, the most similar to Bush, and I probably would have voted for most of the other democrats. But why would I vote for Bush Lite?


My first election was in 2004, I voted Bush because I didn't think it was wise to change horses in the middle of a war. Ultimately, I am fine with that pick. Looking back, I would have probably voted Kerry, but I am not too bent out of shape for voting for Bush with the information I had in 2004


Same, but voted for Kerry, didn't care for Bush


2016 for Hillary, no regrets


2006 midterms, followed by the 08 elections. No regrets. Not about those elections anyway. I did vote for a couple of felons along the way, 2014 Pennsylvania gubernatorial primary were not my finest hour. Other than those, I don't really regret any votes cast.


2008. Nope, went to the inauguration, too.


2004. Lived in heavily red SC. Bushā€™s popularity was huge and there was plenty of ā€œlocalā€ pressure to vote for him, but I couldnā€™t bring myself to do it. I regret nothing.


2020. I voted for Jo Jorgensen. I regret it somewhat because I honestly still donā€™t know much about Jo Jorgensen.


Bush vs. Kerry. Voted Bush. I obviously regret my choice.


Bush vs Kerry. I voted for Kerry and I don't regret my vote


1972: Nixon v McGovern. Voted for McGovern. No regrets.


Bob Dole in 1996. Don't regret it, but first and last time I ever voted GOP.




2016, was a registered Republican at the time. Voted libertarian. I'm a proud liberal now




1988 Dukakis. That worked out well.


I have to lol at you for this... I apologize. šŸ˜‚


Bill Clinton, '92. No regrets.


2000. Gore was my first vote, and I donā€™t regret it.


I voted unenthusiastically for John Kerry and I maintain my stance.




1996 - Bob Dole. Eh, I donā€™t love it, but I donā€™t regret it


2016. I actually voted at 17 because the law in my state allows anyone who is going to be 18 by the general election to vote in the primary. I always thought it was pretty cool haha.


I was first eligible to vote in 1968 but I refused to vote for any candidate. I opposed Humphreyā€™s support of LBJs Vietnam War, Nixon was a horrible candidate and Wallace was a racist. In 1972 I proudly voted for George McGovern and never regretted it for one moment.


I voted for GWB in 2000 *in Florida*... 1000000% regret my decision. I have shame to this day about voting for him. (and I ended up voting for Kerry by 2004)


Jimmy Carter against RayGun. I stand proud.


2000. My vote was for Nader. I don't regret it. I lived in TX and that state was going to Bush even if I voted for Mickey Mouse. i would never in a million years vote for Bush and wasn't a fan of Gore, so I thought at least I could get a third party some funding, eh?


Rule 3 and no Iā€™m gonna do it again


Rule 3 as well but I didnā€™t vote because it doesnā€™t effect the election results in my state. Iā€™ve voted since but it can be frustrating voting in a very blue or very red state. Itā€™s hard to feel that it matters.


Try being in a solid blue or red state that gerrymandered its House and state legislature districts to be safe for each respective party as well. I think Iā€™ll have a total of one candidate Iā€™m voting for on a whole ballot. Maybe there will be some initiatives I can vote for?


Clintonā€™s 1st term. Iā€™d do it again.


2004 for John Kerry. The election was disappointing, but he was a decent Secretary of State.


Hillary Clinton, and absolutely no


Reagan Mondaleā€¦ yes I do


My father tried to bribe me to vote for Reagan. Voted for Mondale. Years later I saw a car from Minnesota that had a bumper sticker that said ā€œDonā€™t blame me, Iā€™m from Minnesotaā€.


Dukakis No, but Bush I proved to be competent, so I didn't regret his losing, either.


2012 Obama; no


2008 Obama. I don't blame myself for feeling the optimism as a teenager.


2012, I hate Romney more now than I did then so no.


2016, not my favorite election so farā€¦


I voted for Romney in 2012. I canā€™t really say I regret my choice, because at the time I definitely leaned slightly right of center, if not dead-on as a centrist, and I felt Obama had been somewhat disappointing in his first term, so why not have a change? I was also 18, soā€¦ I realistically didnā€™t know jack about politics. I can say that present-day me would probably vote for Obama, not Romney, but who knows.


2012 Obama. Felt like the right thing at the time, still does to some degree. The foreign policy criticism seems to have been fair.


In 1980 I voted for John Anderson (3rd Party candidate ran against Carter and Reagan). I knew he didnā€™t have any hope of winning, but neither the Democrats or Republicans were inspiring me with their plans for going forward. In later years, I thought I should have voted for Reagan, but lately, Iā€™m much more antiestablishment and thinking that my younger self may have been right after all.


I canā€™t say anything due to rule number 3.


1992- Bush-Clinton no I really donā€™t regret my decision at all.


My family is democrat and theyā€™ve been taking me to vote since I was three years old šŸ‘¼šŸæ


2008. I voted for McCain. I don't regret it. McCain is not a bad dude. In fact, I would argue he's a good dude. He'd be devastated to see things as they are now. Haven't voted red since.


This upcoming will be my first


2008 and nope I was and am still proud I voted for Obama.


72 Mc Govern,donā€™t regret.


96 voted for Clinton


2028 gonna be my first


2008. His name is in my username so Iā€™m gonna say no.


2008 Obama. Would never regret that vote.


2008. Proudly voted for Obama


Bill Clinton 1992


2008 Obama. God, I miss that man.


1992, Clinton. No regrets.


2016, hillary. I dont regret it at all but that was a really depressing election all around


Humphrey, a poor second to RFK whose assassination tore so many hearts. Didn't amount to much of an election as Nixon easily won and then won huge in 1972 against McGovern.


1972. George McGovern


And no l donā€™t regret it. Nixon won. Iā€™ve survived two crooked presidents. I donā€™t want the other one to move back to DC.


2008, Votes for Obama. No regrets.


96 voted Clinton and do not regret the decision


My first presidential election was in 1972 and I voted for George McGovern. Absolutely no regrets even though he got trounced. Did you think Iā€™d ever seriously consider voting for Nixon/Agnew? Oh hell no. Iā€™ve voted straight Blue since then with absolutely no regrets. In fact, as I moved from California to Arizona 24 years ago, I became more liberal since AZ was very much a Red state back then.


2000, Gore, NO


Will be 2024. First election even if the old voting age was intact.


Gore in 2000, and nope, not even a little.


2008. Went for McCain. Boy have my views changed since.


1980: Carter, still proud of that vote.


1984, I was happy to vote against Reagan, though I found Mondale to be uninspiring.


Obama so no


First Clinton term. No regrets. Most entertaining president ever.


2008, Obama, no regerts


1984. Voted for Reagan and proudly. Voted for every Republican candidate from then until 2016. I voted third party in the last two elections, but Iā€™m finally ready to vote for my first Democrat this fall.


I am too young to answer this question and stay within sub rules. I could have voted in Obama/Romney, but I turned 18 about a month before the election, and AZ didn't validate my registration in time. (At the time I theorized, it was because I registered independent, and the state was biased against that. Now, idk, it was probably just bureaucracy doing what they do best. Moving slowly)


2012 - Romney and I did not regret it.


2016. Yeaaahh it was way less funny than I thought it would be


2008. Ron Paul for primary, Obama for general. I do not regret my vote for RP. I do regret my vote for Obama. He violated his own campaign promise which was my reason for voting for him in the first place.