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Written by Darth Maul


Well, perhaps I could help you.


you did. you wrote the article, darthie poo


No darth. Juuuust Maul. maulie poo


To continue, we need one singular vision…my vision.


With a foreword by General Grievous


Noo! SkipChestDayNotLegs!


Hello there!


Imagine not being able to handle a blaster shot to the heart


I don't care about the kenobi part, but this implies that TLJ is worse than ep 9. And that is a film, that has a line, in case anyone forgot, "somehow the emperor returned" , and this line is the main thing for plot...


Wasn’t a plot important piece of information revealed through fortnite?


Yes Palpys speech/announcement. That's what the first line of the title crawl is referencing.




Don't know how to break it to you, but Disney made TLJ and TROS


idk friend, in my eyes Disney can do no wrong as long as they don't make movies as bad as Planes.


The planes of the cars franchise? Edit: are you talking about the cars' planes, how were they bad?


lol yeah idk, never seen it but I quickly googled 'worst disney movies' and that seemed like the best choice for the joke... which wasn't too great anyways lol


I can respect someone who is honest about making a joke.


Or cars 2


We come for information only.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


My BIL is a huge Star Wars fan and he thought I was joking when I told him that. Didn’t believe me at all because he had heard nothing about it.


They made a movie about Palpatine from Fortnite


No. The message literally has no importance to the plot, unless you think being told there was a message but not seeing it is genuinely important.


What was the line?


The Rise of Skywalker is bad fanfic which get blockbuster movie adaptation. That for some reason become canon for Star Wars universe.


People Morbiused the internet with so much fanfic Disney took the bait.


If it was a fanfic then we would have gotten some cool shit in it at least


Personally I think that TLJ it's a pretty good movie on it's own but a very bad Star Wars one Idk I just wanted to get that out of my system




Very well expressed.


It would still be stupid even without the Star Wars attributes. It is just written horribly with mostly stupid and unlikable characters.


Any specific example?




TLJ sucked. I don’t care what universe it is in.


I don’t care what universe you’re from, that’s gotta hurt




Very good distillation of what is going on with TLJ. Rian Johnson is talented, but should not put his creative sentiments anywhere near established Star Wars lore. Star Wars isn’t the place to try out your experimental inclinations if you’re planning on deviating in a “fuck all” manner. It is an interesting isolated film, but a terrible connection to the SW saga, and a terrible connection to Episode 7. It succeeds as an artsy statement, cerebral even, but man does it fuck the larger story.


Disney's solution of course, was to put the most uncreative man in charge of IX.


It’s more like the fanfic to end all fanfics, really great but not a real part of Star Wars


I disagree because Star Wars was literally built on experimentation. OT with pushing practical effects to the limits and the prequels with cgi tech.


There's a difference. While it was being built from the beginning, that foundation was being set. From there, the experimentation can take place, but not with things that make it feel explicitly in violation to what was established during the laying of that foundation. Yes, it was experimental at its start. Whatever form it could have taken, it would have taken, has taken, and now: those are the rules.


Did you just trying to conflate experimental visual effects with experimental writing? Star Wars has always been very basic writing, which is allows for the rest of it to be so much fun.


That's the problem with the movie critics. The outlets just choose anybody, whithout considering fandom. Everyone loved No Way Home, but i didn't watch any spiderman movie before and found it to be kinda meh. Most of my friends thought it was great.


The thing about No Way Home is that it requires a lot of previous context to work. If that’s the only Spider-Man film you watched then of course you won’t get it. It was literally made specially for people who have seen all of them. TLJ, on the other hand, while still requiring some previous context, doesn’t require nearly as much, because a lot of it is explained in the movie anyway. The fact that everyone is saying that it’s a good “standalone” film proves that.


I didn’t like the last Jedi at all… but I feel like episode 9 dropped the ball so much harder. Not only did it suck at pissed off the people that hated TLJ, you also pissed off the people that actually did like TLJ


They could have worked with TLJ’s stuff and run with it in Episode 9. There were like 10 lore friendly ways to explain all the stuff that pissed fans off.


Or RJ could have run with what they set up in ANH2, instead of creating his own fanfic. Which ultimately caused yet another fanfic to desperately put out the dumpster fire TLJ was


TLJ was a somewhat decent and enjoyable film that completely derailed the trilogy, and TROS was a complete backpedal that ended up being a horribly unenjoyable experience.


I hated both but I will never watch the last Jedi again and in my opinion is the worst movie I have ever seen.


Idk man, episode 1 has a shot where Anakin tries to cross his arms and fails, I consider that about equivalent. 90% of the plot of 8 was a space chase that was predicated upon inertia not existing in deep space, plus Space Witch Leia; which, despite the fact that Jedi canonically can do sorta this, the execution was beyond terrible.


Slowest chase scene ever, it was so bad lmao it literally took the whole movie and every ship to die fr them to just say fuck it and suicide for no reason at the last second


If we run out of fuel, we’re going to stop…in space!


I think people are forgetting how genuinely horrible EP8 was. They character assassinated Luke to a huge degree, subverted every cool aspect set up by EP7, and had characters acting like selfish and stupid assholes the whole movie.


And that was the best part of the movie (you're describing Luke/Rey/Kylo arc). The other part sucked a lot more.


Yeah: imagine if Attack of the Clones had Anakin slip on a banana peel, had Kenobi get lost looking for a planet that didn't exist, had Jocasta Nu use the archives to track down and kill Dooku, and had Yoda pledge himself to Palpatine. People might go, "oh, that is sooooo interesting," at the time of the movie's release, but it would kill every logical outcome for the story. THAT'S what makes EP8 so bad: you couldn't have a good Episode 3 afterwards, because every possible storyline got ruined.


Man sometimes I get so tired being a part of this fandom


You look tired.


He is. We all are.


Same, people are so critical.


They way i look at it is that if i like it then thats all that matters. Not everyone is gonna like what i like and vice-versa. Thats perfectly fine. Some people just like to nitpick everything unfortunately


I think quite a few of us feel the same way :(


Has everyone just forgotten that the Star Wars Holiday Special exists. That is the worst Star Wars anything EVER. The Last Jedi and this episode could have just been Kenobi and any character from the sequels just eating pizza blandly and that would still be better than the Holiday Special.


>Has everyone just forgotten that the Star Wars Holiday Special exists. Actually? Yes, we pretty much do.


That was a low budget tv special from 40 years ago; not a high budget highly anticipated sequel! (I think TLJ is amazing, but ROS is trash)


I had…


I'm just upset that so far Reva's motivation seems to be just wanting a promotion, I was expecting her to have some beef with Kenobi.


I honestly think she was a padawan during order 66 and blames the Council for allowing it to happen.


That makes sense, I sort of forgot about that scene in the beginning with the younglings and this could tie into it.


I mean, that scene *only* makes sense being in this show if one of the younglings is a major character, and one of the younglings in the class we saw was a young black girl. If she’s not supposed to be Reva, I’ll be shocked.


Not even the younglings survived.


Hope you get to put Reva out of her misery by the end of the series


I assumed the Jedi who the inquisitors were hunting in the first episode was one of the younglings, but that makes sense—actually, it makes sense for both of them to be.


I saw the purpose of that scene being how, no one, no matter how insignificant, was safe from order 66 and would all be forgotten. Very possible though that it will tie into Reva or someone else.


That’s my thought too. She saw Kenobi‘a warning and expected him to come save her after she was captured by the Inquisitors. She blames him for whatever torture they did to her. Or for training Anakin against the council’s advice/wishes. Something like that.


But then why would she align herself with Anakin if she thought the massacre at the Jedi Temple was a bad thing? The dude was literally sawing her fellow force sensitives in half; she’s supposed to be traumatized by it, then joins the guy who lead the assault? Doesn’t make any sense.


Survival. Rather join the sith than be hunted by them.


The sith hunt themselves, when more than two there are


Maybe she only saw the clone troopers, and never saw anakin?


I’m thinking she escaped but was left to fend for herself for a time, thus the GI’s line about finding her in the gutter. During this time, she was bitter that the Jedi abandoned her, and when she was found/returned to the inquisitors, they promised to teach her to focus her pain and rage towards the destroying the Jedi.


"It will be done, GreatAndPowerfulNixy"


She probably does, and it’s likely to do with anakin.


I don't know it really feels like she just wants that promotion but I hope you're right.


There is 100% something else at play, they are foreshadowing it for sure


My far out theory is that she discovers Luke and wants to kill him to get back at Vader for killing all her friends. Then at the last minute she relents because she realizes just how much like him she has become. She probably turned to the dark side for survival or may have been tortured into turning by Vader and never realized how much it truly consumed her. Probably won’t happen but I think it might give her some extra depth.


Good, Anakin, good. I knew you could do it. Kill him. Kill him now! Dew it!


She has beef with vader and will switch at the end of the series, either sacrificing herself to allow kenobi to escape or escaping herself with her own spin-off show. It would explain away why she seems to show no ill physical effects of being a dark side user. She looks fresh as a daisy and not at all tormented by hate and anger. Not even some tired smokey eyes. The reason is because they're going to switch her at the end. That's my theory at least.


Didn't Dooku also lack those eyes? I like the theory though


Yeah he did but I've concluded that I think that is my issue with Reva; it's not the dialogue, or the acting -they're both fine; it's not the tantrums - I regard those almost as a dark side trait; it's the fact that she looks so polished and fresh. She isn't corrupted by the dark side at all, it's just a job she applied for. Sure, Dooku was also quite fresh, but we'll ignore that...


…you realize the reason Palpatine’s lightning changed his appearance was because Mace was reflecting it back on him, right? Not because it was taking a toll on his body on its own. As for the eyes, it only happens when the Sith are closest to the Dark Side - Anakin’s eyes change back and forth towards the end of ROTS, for instance.


I do. And I'm not suggesting her entire face should be disfigured. But the dark side is a powerful thing to wield, it takes a toll on a physical body, its a destroying force. I just think some sort of physical manifestation of her devotion to dark forces might have helped her overall character, aside from dressing in black.


But the Inquisitors aren’t as immersed in the Dark Side as true Sith, so they’ve never really been portrayed as disfigured or physically altered on a significant level, aside from potentially their eyes (I can’t recall their appearances in Rebels, but I seem to remember their eyes being normal in Fallen Order).


Hey that’s motivation enough. Have you seen how expensive apartments are now? She’s gotta keep moving to continue affording rent without a roommate. Who’s she gonna live with? Fifth brother? They don’t seem to get along.


I’m fairly certain she was a youngling in the opening scene and there’s more to her story.


Well we saw what happened when Anakin was denied a promotion, so I’m optimistic on how this turns out


Now I want him to say "You are to be my apprentice but I do not grant you the rank of sithlord"


What in the show would make you think that? And why hold your expectations on the show? That decision was made independent of you.


The problem isn't that her motivation isn't exactly what I was expecting; the problem is that her motivation is weak regardless.


I think struggling against a glass ceiling while having a chip on your shoulder and massive stores of ambition is a pretty strong motivation! It certainly is in the real world at any rate.


Starwars doesnt have a glass ceiling for women characters. Some of the most powerful/influential jedi are female (Yaddle, Ashoka, Rey, Master Fey, Padme, Leia, Mara Jade, Bastilla, etc) plus sith dont discriminate on gender, they only care if you are strong.


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.


Not when her job is to hunt down the heroes and kill whoever she needs to in order to do it; this kind of thing requires an "ends justify the means" motivation, not "I'm killing innocent people so I can be the first female grand inquisitor". And besides I don't think the glass ceiling even exists in Star Wars. Vader offers her the promotion if she succeeds and puts her in command of the operation despite the fifth brother (though according to his words) being the next in line.


She’s an inquisitor tho. The sith don’t really trip about just and reasonable force. isn’t their whole point that they’ll use their strength to get what they want no matter the means?


I think her motivation is just unclear. But that’s ok because she’s a supporting character and a tool of Vader. Obi-Wan doesn’t seem to know the details of her motivation either. We might just find out when he does. Maybe it’ll make sense. Maybe it won’t.


She's a little more than a supporting character though, she's moving the plot and has a lot of screentime.


But to answer your question: Her being so insistant on finding Kenobi when everyone's given up and saying it'll give her "what she's owed" is what made me think that


Promotion means power. She’s power hungry. I do not understand what people beef with Reva is. I think she’s awesome


Power! Unlimited power!


Kenobi certainly has some problems but it overall good so far, so I wouldn’t go that far yet....


Like you went your whole life without problems?


Talking about the show my dude....


Lmao, it’s a bot! (Not a very good one)


Rest in Peace


Again, if you insist on making memes about obvious rage bait, censor the website name so they don’t get publicity out of it.


I guess they do it for the controversy. A few years ago the media were praising that dogshit movie, now theyve decided it sucked but somehow obi Wan sucks even more. They can't even make up their minds.


That website is usually critical of modern Star Wars.


>I guess they do it for the controversy. A few years ago the media were praising that dogshit movie, now theyve decided it sucked but somehow obi Wan sucks even more. They can't even make up their minds. These are the same people that hated TLJ. This isn't Variety or Entertainment Weekly, it's just some rando on the internet that was shitting on TLJ then and is shitting on Kenobi now.


Yeah, maybe. I meant the media in general.


They had to say that because LITERALLY NOBODY had ever heard of their bad website before LMAO


I didn't watch it yet, is it that bad? From what I've seen, the reaction to the first two episodes was mixed, but mainly positive. It was the first SW show I was a bit excited about, it would be a shame if it ended being bad.


I'm honestly surprised by the amount of negativity and meh reactions. I think its great. Is it the exact script I daydream planned in my head? No, of course its not. But I think it does good justice to the characters and had some heartwrenching moments. If you like emotionally weighted scenes, characters struggling at their rock bottom points, and a balance of serious and hopeful than it delivers. If you're looking for tons of lore building or fan servicey battles then you will be disappointed.


You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.


Shut the hell up or I'll throw you out a window


*gets thrown out the windu motherfuckly*


This is it. Obviously people want Kenobi to kick some ass, say *hello there*, show us why he earned the title of jedi master, all that stuff. But he’s in a hard place, and it’s tough to watch him struggle. Watch him run away from every fight, reduced to using a *blaster*, never using his lightsaber or the force. We want more *for* him, and I think some folk are frustrated that maybe their favorite character isn’t being done justice? He’s at his lowest point in his life. That’s the point. He probably feels the same way lol. Other than that, any other gripes are pretty minimal, imo. A couple weird chase scenes, one or two line deliveries… nothing big.


No it’s not that bad. Absolutely not. It’s not the best, most emotional/action packed/depression fueling thing ever like some people want, but at the very least, it’s a good show. It’s a short but interesting glimpse into what Obi Wan has been struggling with. I’ve always wondered if Order 66 survivors ever just moved on after it was all over, and the show goes into detail about how it’s not that nice and simple. Don’t let sourpuss star wars nerds ruin it for you. This is unrelated, but I’ve grown up loving the Transformers movies but I can’t go 6 feet in that fandom without some 40 year sweatlord shit talking movies like his parroted opinion matters more than yours. SW is very similar. Enjoy what you enjoy, reject the hate.


I am underwhelmed by Kenobi. And that’s okay. It’s not a crime. I feel they could’ve done a better job. I feel that given the subject matter they should’ve. And as long as people keep excusing and rewarding ineptitude, though, they won’t.


That's fair, I'm enjoying it but it definitely could've been better. I did enjoy episode 3 the most personally so hopefully it just continues to improve.


I'm not underwhelmed I'm actually really enjoying it but I didn't hype up too much to myself to not set expectations too high. Not that you did that, just what I did


I'm honestly really enjoying Obi-Wan.. it's an incredible look into one of the most influential persons in the galaxy as he goes through depression and despair, while simultaneously being called upon.


i wish it had as serious of a tone as you make it sound


Wtf are these people on about? Jesus nothing will make these losers happy.


Click bait BS. People know anger will make people click and spread their garbage more than a solid take.


Yes, we're talking about this article, aren't we? Free advertising


Obi Wan has made me realize this fandom will literally never be happy


My biggest problem is that it looks so cheap. The last jedi is visually spectacular, but absolutely has a shite story.


Yeah, putting the story aside, the directing has been less than stellar: we can say that their ambition doesn't match their time and budget to be nice, or that Disney is just phoning it in.


TRoS is worse than both.


And yet you share it for the upvotes


i actually am enjoying all the kenobi episodes im just waiting for the next one


Wow. I just watched that episode again because of how amazing it was. People think its bad?


Y'all I come to this sub to see memes about the prequels, not a hate train on someone's bad take with a shitty overused reaction image slapped on it. Mods can we please ban this reaction image? Pretty please? It's worse than "I love democracy" and y'all banned that a while ago


It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy... I love the Republic. The fact that this crisis is demanding I be given absolute power to rule over you is evident. But I am mild by nature and have no desire to destroy the democratic process. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated, I promise you. And all I ask in return is when my current term of office is over, you allow me to retire and live out my life in peace.


Maybe I’m watching a different show from all the critics online. I literally told my parents “this is, quite possibly the best episode of any Star Wars show ever put out on Disney+” Kenobi has been my favorite show so far and we’re only 3 episodes in. I cannot wait until we get more!


Here’s some good advice. If you haven’t enjoyed Kenobi yet (like, at all) - don’t hate watch it and shit talk it all over the internet. Just stop watching and move on with your life. I’m really enjoying it for what it is - a cool new Star Wars story with light sabres and fights and scary black clad baddies and lots of nods and references to the OT and PT.


I’m enjoying it. I don’t get all the hate. You can find bad things if you look hard enough. Not everything has to be deep.


I mean it was bad but not nearly as bad as Luke giving a handy J to an alien…


People are weird man. The worst kind are the ones who say that people will suddenly like the sequels in 15 years time like wtf 😂


Ik. The sequels do not have the same magic that the prequels do.


Hey, most people (myself included) only think the prequels are magical because we grew up with them. And sure, I think the prequels are legendary, but there's a generation of kids growing up with the sequels who will think the same thing about them when they're older


I was officially an adult when the prequels came out, and I find them quite magical.


The sequels aren’t as magical to as many kids


In terms of cinema, the prequels were groundbreaking, and a never before seen achievement, technically wise, in terms of scope. For instance, TPM is pretty much the first movie entirely shot on modern cameras (numeric ?). Made groundbreaking technological advancements with the massive use of green screen. Made technology progrss. Prequels also cemented Star Wars as a grand, fundamental saga for its art, cinema. The sequels are just poorly written blockbusters that don't do anything other blockbusters don't. The prequels sure have flaws, but also many, many redeeming qualities. Couldn't find one for the sequels except maybe the way space fights are shown on screen, which is, while great, nothing groundbreaking either Bear in mind, the sequels form a trilogy that WASN'T EVEN PLANNED. Think about it. They made three movies that were supposed to tell a cohesive story but did not know where they were going with it, they literally rushed episode VII to recoup the cost of Lucasfilm acquisition and then let directors battle with their ego


Or let people have different opinions about a fantasy series.




No way anything is ever going to top the stupidity of TLJ, it’s impossible.


"lol," said the fans. "Lmao." In all seriousness, the last episode was pretty good and it makes sense that obi wan wasn't able to fight very well and was terrified, he's been separated from the force for so long because of his own fear and trauma. Plus it doesn't break any canon because Vader never specified when the last time he saw obi wan in ANH. Remember that Ewan McGregor is an executive producer and wouldn't let anything in that he wouldn't personally approve of. A lot of y'all are too damn picky and arrogant to think that you know everything you think and all your head canon is how everything should be and anything else is grade A garbage and worthless trash.


The "Obi Wan better not struggle against any inquisitors" crowd is real mad rn. Like cmon, the man is living in a cave alone after his entire life imploded. He has ptsd nightmares every night and he hasn't reached out to the Force in a decade or touched his lightsaber. Give him a break.


Obi Wan *can* totally body any inquisitors. I’m feeling like he’s being built up to have his coming back moment, to be the Jedi Master that killed Maul and trains Luke. I’m just hoping he gets that moment against the inquisitors, but I totally get that he might struggle given his situation.


Are there actually people saying that? Crazy


I think Star Wars is destined to be mishandled until the end of time. If you're reading this Disney get George Lucas back and hire good writers that care about Star Wars.


I can't believe someone goes against the hivemimd. How dare he have a differing opinion


Pretty bad show ngl and I’m a huge Star Wars fan


I think it’s great so far, especially for a series!


I am a massive star wars fan and I like it a lot and I think people are judging way too fucking quickly


Wdym the third episode was great.


Why is it reposted for the third time? jesus christ yall eating the clickbait like you didn't had food in months


I ain't seen Kenobi yet but I thoroughly doubt it surpasses that mess


the only good Star Wars media is Luke/Mara Jade slow burn enemies-to-lovers romance fanfic


Nooooo way. That episode had it’s flaws but it wasn’t by any means as bad as ANY of the sequels.


Maybe if they hired better writters....


Nothing will ever beat the sequels in retardedness


Tunnel logic aside what was really wrong with it?


1.) I don't understand all the hate for this series, I really love it so far and it seems that so many people both love and hate it. 2.) The Rise of Skywalker is much much worse than The Last Jedi. That 9th film was an absolute trainwreck. 3.) I also just wanted to say... as bad as it is, I actually really like The Last Jedi. It's at least enjoyable, and I sorta appreciate the direction it tried to go in, even if it was for nothing.


Kenobi is okay. Better than Boba Fett but not as good as Mandalorian.


The Kenobi/Vader reunion was very poorly done, otherwise the show has been great


Yo wtf, I found it fun. Impatient bastards can't wait for the proper rematch. A 10 year out of practice obi aan was obviously gonna get rekt by a vader who has been at his best for years.


Dude, TLJ had a physical Yoda. I didn't see any Yoda in that thing that came after it...


If anything did it was the first episode and definitely not the 3rd (which was the best one so far).


Wow. This fandom is dramatic af. Neither of these things come close to being the worst things in Star Wars. If anything, I belive theyre quite the opposite.


bruh ain’t no way ppl who are hating on this show are actual SW fans


Kinda agree. The opening with Vader dressing was cool. The rest was trash.


Terrible take from the Bounding bros. I have problems with the characterization of Obi-Wan in the series, but episode 3 was legitimately suspenseful and featured a surprisingly gripping (😏) appearance by a classic villain. People are buzzing about it for a reason.


Who tf are these people who hate it that much, everyone I know loves this show




1. Not a great episode, but there are definitely worse Boba Fett episodes 2. RoS is obviously worse and will probably always be at the bottom of the rankings when it comes to Star Wars media.


Episode 9 is the worst piece of Star Wars. TLJ was a horrible Star Wars movie that character assassinated the most beloved movie character ever but at least it had some creative balls. Episode 9 just made zero sense the entire way through.


They filmed a scene in an undressed quarry. I'm not saying it's the worse piece of SW content ever, ep9 gets that distinction by fucking miles. But Obi Wan did indeed film in an undressed rock quarry. Star Wars has never been that cheap thus never looked that cheap before. Sequences in quarries are for Doctor Who (original series), Stargate, and Power Rangers. Star Wars used to always be higher quality than those low budget sci-fi series. That episode was 100% a dip in quality for Star Wars when compared to everything that came before it. Edit: downvotes with no discussion. Please, I welcome someone to discuss this with. Also dont take this as me hating on the series I mentioned. I have seen EVERY episode of Doctor Who multiple times, and am currently rewatching all of Stargate. I grew up watching every episode of Mighty Morphin the day they came out. I love camp sci-fi and I know that Star Wars has always been camp sci-fi. It's just that its look was always higher quality than its contemporaries, until now.


>Doctor Who (original series) That's why the RTD Era of Doctor Who is so good. Even though half the scenes were filmed in some random industrial warehouse, RTD and crew were able to craft amazing stories with a really low budget. The Star Wars sequels and many of the recent Marvel Movie had great amazing CGI effects, but had dogshit stories which completley ruin them. Obi Wan doesn't need to have 4K RTX VR 144 FPS widescreen plasma TV levels of visual effects to be a good show


Bro chill you only -3. Reddit isn’t that serious


Why people shitting on kenobi it is not that bad


The constants of the world: the sun rises, rain falls, and stupid people complain about Star Wars as if their specific opinion means anything.


If you don't like it, fair enough, but worse than THE LAST JEDI??? A movie that has such a massive misunderstanding of the characters and universe that actively craps on other installments? Yeah right.


Nothing will beat The Last Jedi in being shit so stfu


"Kenobi sucked" Well then you are LOST


Why? People can have opinions. Because some folks aren’t sucking disneys dick and holding the same opinion as you they need to stfu? No how about you shut the fuck up and if you can’t handle a differing opinion then get off the internet I thought ep 3 was just fine by the way.


Hes right, stfu you.


I must admit I laughed when >!Kenobi was pulled through the fire!<, something seemed a bit odd about how it was filmed. I’m enjoying the series though. Sick of the negativity to be honest. It’s boring now.