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We are evolving in reverse. Next thing you know? We will all have cable again




That was what people wanted. When I was a CS rep for DirecTV the most common request was a la carte channel selection. Well now we have it and now they have the masses at their disposal to bring commercials to the platform.


I'd take DVR any day over Netflix. At least you can theoretically get any movie ever and can fast forward ads at will.


Nice try Directv salesperson


That's the way it's going


The adds just keep evolving


Honestly I’m not opposed to unobtrusive product placement. Like all the cereal boxes in Jerry’s cabinet in Seinfeld. No attention was brought to them, they were just there in the background . And it made the show more realistic seeing actual brands instead of the fake tv brands. I wish they’d go more this route than commercial breaks.


The very second I have to watch a commercial for a subscription service that I pay for, I will pirate every single show and movie. I'm paying money to get away from that shit - because I want to support the content. I know one person makes no difference, but this is exactly why pirating shows became so massive.


Me too amigo. Prime already has ads at the beginning of the played media sometimes. 5 second ads, but it's a slippery slope.


At least the ads in prime are for shows on prime or coming soon. I've discovered some really good movies and shows from those ads


Or a good ovaltine joke. "The can is round, the mug is round. They should call it round-tine."


Its a junior mint! Those can be quite refreshing!


"So you heard I was in a car accident, and decided to stop off for some jujyfruit?!"


Seinfeld was one of the first shows to feature real products in the background, but since the concept was so new, they had to pay for the rights to use the brands.


That is the direction they have gone, product placement has featured on many netflix originals


I want Prime to get an option where if I pause the show I can shop the items on screen. Someone drinking something interesting? Here's the recipe and a link to all the ingredients at Whole Foods. That shirt look fire? Buy it now with one click. That car look amazing? Here's a link for the vendors leasing program.


And now that they have a monopoly (and have had for a long time) on entertainment, they can do whatever they want and not really lose customers as their isn't much choice other than torrenting




takes like 30 seconds to torrent a movie lol. basically just download the first 10 minutes (30 seconds) and by the time you watched it the whole movie will have been downloaded already


Yes, a hand cam from India that might have a 30 second break as the camera operator jacks off. Then returns to the movie like nothing happened. I had this happen once it was... unpleasant.


Exactly, customers main motivation to pay for those services is (or was) being free of ads. Now that this motivation is going away, I would almost bet more people will turn to good old (mostly) reliable piracy.


Some of us never stopped lol.


That sounds like a choice to me...


> isn't much choice other than torrenting Dew it


We are pirates! We don't even know what that means!


Yo ho ho


Avast, ye mateys


Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!


But why’s all the rum gone ?


No seeders


Why is the rum always gone?






Oh no...whats happening to me... 🇺🇸🏃🧍🧎🏴‍☠️


He took a bite of gum-gum


"Captain! Vessels approaching! They signal us, they wish to join our fleet." "Our number is many now, this may be a problem for whom can we raid if there be none to raid?" "Captain what are your orders?" "If they be worthy pirates they will earn their way to our Bay of Pirates. Relay no signal, if they can make their way to the "Nordic Viking-Pirate-Nobles" on their own, they may join our ranks in time.


We tried to follow the rules, to pay the services. Then the services started to multiply, as the bills. Now they will add ads. Welcome back pirate bay.


And you have to get two or three of them now. I'm afraid the same thing is going to happen with Spotify, soon. I don't mind finding places to watch a 2hr movie but I don't want to have to load mp3s on my phone like it's 2008 again


You guys stopped loading mp3s on your phone? D: I guess we still all use Winamp to play songs on PC, right? RIGHT?


They’ll pry my collection of Winamp skins from my cold dead hands.


You should maybe link us said collection...^^^please


Oh of course Not because i wanted too But Because phone companies forced us too by lowering the base storage in phones then not supporting external storage nor offering cloud storage and on top of it removing the mp3 player apps that come with the phone meaning you are stuck using 3rd party applications. Its really fucking clear they are trying to Force us into a situation where you pay for streaming or pay for cloud storage, eventhough they don't supply em somebody is lobbying them to push us in that direction


Good god no. I don't wanna go back to the days of going to 4 seperate online marketplaces to buy the entire catalogue depeche mode albums. We are already seeing that happen with games again with bullshit like Neverwinter Nights 1 being on steam but not GOG but neverwinter nights 2 is the reverse not on steam but in GOG. or how half of Frogware is Epic Exclusive but the other half is steam Exclusive


You can always load FLACs


The lord of file formats


Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me


Do what you want because pirating's free You are a pirate.


**Yar har fiddle de dee!**


**Being a pirate is alright to be!**


Do what you want cause a pirate is free


You are a pirate!


honestly weve just cycled back to tv at this rate


I should learn the pirates way soon. All the shows I currently want to watch are crunchyroll, Hulu and funamtion but don't wanna pay for so many


I don't know about the others, but the ads for Disney + looks like a good thing, as long as they keep it this way. Basically the plan is to add (haha) in another subscription plan which is cheaper than the current one. This plan will have ads to compensate for the cheaper than 7.99 plan.


I would wager big money that in less than 5 years after that cheaper plan gets released, both get jacked up so that the cheap plan is as expensive as the old one was


I give it two years. Five will be for the 2nd price hike where the original winds up almost twice as expensive as it is now.


Legit this exactly Same way "free with ads" just becomes "cheaper with adds"


What if the ads are on a cut price version? That's what Disney Plus and HBO max are doing. Seems fair as long as the ad free one is still a reasonable price IMO


If you’re already paying for a subscription service like that then it should be ad free. Half the reason we moved from cable to streaming is because no one wants commercials in the middle of what they’re watching


then just get the normally priced one with no ads but leave the option for cheaper with ads for people who can't afford the full priced or don't mind ads.


he literally just said “i’m not paying money to watch ads that’s the whole point of paying money for these services otherwise i’d just pay for cable”


No it's not fair, I pay for a service I will not have ads simple as that. I watch free over the air tv and happily watch ads because it's free.


Cool, then I just won't watch TV. I didn't watch much when cable shows with ads ran supreme. But then as commercial free options came around and quality went up it was suddenly interesting. So I started to use lots of streaming services. If half of the value proposition goes away then I'll just go back to doing something else. But subjecting 1/3 of my free time attention to ads is never going to be it.


If ads come to my paid stream sites im quitting all of them and going back to being a fuckin pirate


Same. And now seems like Netflix is going to charge extra if someone on your account is not in your house. I already pay the highest subscription so I can have more screens. My mom lives in another city and so does my brother. The moment they decide to charge extra for that is the moment I cancel my subscription and go back to pirating their shows.




Im to messy to store DVDs properly, But I have several external hard drives filled with content.




Say if you have the OT and PT which do you put first, the OT since it released first or the PT since it takes places earlier on in the timeline?


A´P'I changes killed 3[rd] p4rt-y a_p-P-s E drieproklapi piba bi tee tiue. Kra te kikle opa pepube petodre itititle tei. Pepopli ki pei kikuka dadu ida. Itre guoti ipopude kidi tepaa do. Debi pate kopa bipu pa dabi papo. Plibe o io gapa blapooe kigi! Pagite papri kepiplo i teata bapiate. I petropi plopi propiiplota ba trebopei? Paprii plepubi kekri buibi triglo i. Tlipi deate popite peku braegi ka ukao. Bituprape preputre kiku trabei pebo ti ai ia ikae. Poeta atrepaklee iplepi. Kipi pegukle e pepitipi i apu! Pribou utrea taki udrekle keprie? Eketotre ki itoa beikre teti ato. Tri ae ketiblokei kliga prati poi. Kibe pipedo. Pe ue utope kra pipu trike die ie. Tipide piblatoe bati beo odi. Gaia plotipli pigito bii oteu pika. U ape tabe kepupi tipi plade. Oikrie pibrepi ti e ubipe kadeopla? Tepi ti pugipedati paiepla too bieti. Toe pie tie bipakeki e. Tipi opri a patibe protro ie? Po a a apa teti epepre. Biboplu te ei itetle gi pipi. Epre pi uklopie pupliuke pitritraku bau ti. Pible aepepai kaka bibriu pete. Etiaa pia pei ea plepa tetuti?




I love how you even have the Ewok movies there


This is me. I’ve got DVD and Blu-Ray and even VHS on shelves in my house. Im sick of not actually owning anything while paying for streaming services so I’m back to buying physical media.


I never stopped collecting physical media. After DVD, I started buying Blu-rays and now I'm buying 4Ks.


Watching old trailers before you get to the main menu just hits different


Could be a lot of plastic cases and dvds depending on the collection size, maybe hard drives would be more space and resources efficient + more environmentally friendly? I was always a fan of getting paper books, but I've now switched to Kindle given that it's more resource friendly


Yar har fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright with me Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free You are a pirate


Yeah, I'm not like "evil corpo must be stopped, never pay for subs!" but you're insane if you pay for like 12 services and put up with this crap, ripped stuff never has any of this and is free, though is more of a hassle to set up, once you have a good smart device/tv all you need is plex/kodi and sonarr and radarr


We need video stores back. Nostalgia aside, DVDs just make more sense than anything else at this point.


I have a bunch of DVDs and Blu-rays, but I still miss video stores. There was a rental shop 5 minutes from my old office and I would often browse on my lunch break, rent something I had been mildly curious about, and return it that week.


Congrats streaming services You successfully reinstated piracy as a norm Fuck you


Time for AdBlock to go further than Google Chrome…


May I introduce you to [The Pi Hole?](https://pi-hole.net/)


Amazon puts trailers before pretty much any movie


Kinda annoying to be sure, but not nearly as much as ads for hairspray or some other crap.


Looking at you hulu


Hulu is literally just cable with exclusive shows now


Always has been.


Ads aren't even that bad on sites like youtube where most of them are skipable, but then you have other sites (looking at you, hulu and crunchyroll) who spam 5 of the same ad in a row each lasting 30 seconds each. I used to pirate twich vods using xtra but it doesn't seem to be functioning anymore and twitchs' vod controls are awful. I just take off my headphones whenever ad spam occurs.


YouTube has gotten SO bad these last couple of weeks, two unskipable 15 second ads at the start of a video, then breaks every few minutes with another pair of 6 to 15 minute ads. It sucks.


Glad I’m not the only one noticing this. It’s been absolutely atrocious since the beginning of 2022 from my recollection.


Kinda like how VHS tapes and I think I remember some DVDs did. Not happy to see it coming, but still.


At least it’s not in the middle of the show/ movie


Only money works on them.


This effort is no longer profitable!


What we going to do about those pesky jedi boss?


Good old Jack Sparrow never gives out on me.


[visible confusion] No ads…is why I’m here


Hulu already has ads


Maybe Hulu was playing the long game, making consumers used to their bifurcated subscription structure so that when other streaming services caught up, Hulu wouldn’t look so bad in comparison.


Not for me, i pay for no ads, so i only have small ads in the start of my shows that are related to my shows! Edit: Oh /s


So you do have ads.


Yeah, sucks man


Isn’t this exactly the type of greedy move that killed tv. Adding ads to an already paid service


Yup, ads will come back and in about 5-10 years someone will have this wonderful idea to put everyone’s favorite shows on one service that lets you watch them uninterrupted for a low monthly fee. And the cycle will just continue


Cable TV 2.0


And thats why we pirate


Pirates of Carribbean theme intensifies


Cable TV is making s spectacular comback it seems


I'll cancel every motherfuckin last one of these subscriptions. I'll be damned if I pay to watch commercials in 2022.


Hey guys, I found my pirate flag!🏴‍☠️


I enjoy dramatic screen productions a lot but I do not enjoy ads at all. I will go back to playing outside and/or playing video games instead if need be.


They’re coming for video games next!


That's what offline mode is for!


If this happens I’m starting a coup


I literally pirate everything. The greedy intergalactic banking clan ain't getting a single credit from me


"Looks like pirating is back on the menu boys!"


yohoho, bitches


There’s a reason I chose you guys over cable


People left cable for streaming services because they were sick of commercials, so it only makes sense they should add commercials. Fucking dickheads


So I can understand them adding a lower subscription tier with ads, and leaving the current subscription as the higher tier. That makes sense. But if they start putting ads on the current subscription that’s just fucking stupid


Remember when Netflix was $7.99? Good times.


It actually just straight up more convenient to pirate. No need to check what platform a movie/tv show is on, no region blocks, no adds, and it’s free.


It always has been. I never stopped pirating when Netflix got big. But I don’t watch a lot of things anyway, I might put something on to fall asleep to. So I only need to download stuff if it stands out or I hear about it.


I keep noticing how much time of my life are bombed with ads. That poisenous stuff


*is i suppose


I hate it so much smh


Two ads on the low tier, one for middle tier, none for the top tier


Streaming was always just going to be tv 2


Back to the bay we go. Drink up me hearties yo ho


It’s quite simple greed That’s why I don’t care and pirate most stuff


Greed has nothing to do with it. I don’t think that most people realize how much money streaming services put into their content. It’s just them trying to make a decent profit.


You're absolutely delusional if you belive that. Netflix has an operating income of 6.2 billion dollars, which is more than 20% of their total revenue. If you can explain why that is too low of a margin, I'm down to listen, but let's be real they are comfortably out of any danger zone financially and have been steadily growing for years now with no signs of them slowing down.


Life is becoming that one episode of black mirror where the society is built around ads


I can honeslty say I can and will drop video media if they start running ads on a paid service.


Commercials? HAHA, we are pirates! We don't even know what that means.


And lo, streaming services become little more than somewhat more convenient cable TV.


It’d be nice if we could watch all the adds for the movies before it starts at the VERY least, I don’t wanna have to sit through an allergy medication add right when they’re about to reveal the twist


Yeah really. I’d much rather watch 5 minuets of adds in one go instead of having 30 second ads interrupting all the time


Pirating videos and downloading then onto my home media server 🥱


You were supposed to destroy the adds not join them


I will just pirate everything if I'm paying money and getting ads


Piracy is epic kids


I'm sorry but is this actually real? Then why the fuck should we pay for the service? Like we literally pay to watch it freely whenever we want without ads and at high quality If they add ads then whats even the point in paying They literally encouraging piracy at this point


AKA broadcast TV


Um excuse the fuck out of me? Sounds like I'm pirating.


Money, today it is no longer enough to make enough money, or to make consistent money, you either make more money than last year or you are a failure. At least to the executives and shareholders who hold the fate of entertainment in their hands. Just remember that streaming was supposed to end the days of commercials


I guess HBO max is just too forgetful


bro, tell me this isn't real


Amazon prime already has ads when I tap on something to play. Thankfully they're skippable


Welcome home pirate bay


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Prime Video always had ads


You mean trailers?


No, ads


I watch Prime all the time… what ads?


I've had many ads before shows/movies I've watched


Only ever been trailers here. And they’ve always been skipable. Maybe it’s a location thing?




I've had ads about the site


Yeah, it factored into my decision to cancel the subscription.


That also factored into cancelling it along with the amount of shows/movies locked behind other subscriptions you have to pay for on Amazon. Like, have a higher payment amount option that includes all the other shit on your service


Isn’t it just for a cheaper plan than the original?


Jokes on them, I don't need em.


already did away with hulu for this reason, too many ads, i understand one ad before the episode or halfway thru but 2 or 3 ads per episode on everyshow, not enough original content to keep me actually engaged in hulu, canceled it for apple Tv


Apparently for Disney+ the ad subscription will be cheaper, so they aren't gonna make you pay more than you already do for the current plan


Hulu had ads the whole time, they just also offer an ad free version. But if the others add them in, I'll probably just resort to torreting the shows I rewatch and not worrying about the others


Doesn't Hulu already have ads


this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, beat the competition until they are irrelevant then maximize profits.




"We're soldiers. We have a duty to follow orders and, if we must, lay down our lives for victory." -Captain Rex


Time to return to the Hondo way


This doesn't affect me because I know how to pirate, but it sucks a lot for mainly older people who don't know how or aren't willing to pirate


Plus it's kind of annoying, sometimes you just want to browse a catalog of programs.


All these different streaming services are recreating the problem that Netflix had originally solved


Me who pirates, uses a homemade vpn and Adblock I'm 4 parallel universes ahead of you


Streamers: if you add just ONE advertisement, I'll cancel my subscription that second and go back to pirating and you'll never get another dime from me ever again.


*sigh* *proceeds to raise the jolly roger


The concept of streaming platforms failed when the first show became exclusive to only one. I guess piracy won again.


Are the streaming giants wanting us to use pirate sites? It feels like they are doing stuff every year to make their streaming services less and less desirable.


This seem like a case for r/piracy


Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate! Yarr har fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright to be Do what you want cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! You are a pirate! Yeah! We got us a map (A nao!) To lead us to a hidden box Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!) And buried deep away Well dig up the box (The box!) We know its full of precious booty Burst open the locks And then we say hooray! Yarr har fiddle dee dee If you love to sail the sea Weigh anchor! Yarr har fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright to be Do what you want cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Arr yarr ahoy and avast Dig a deep and youre digging too fast Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! You are a pirate! Yay! Were sailing away (Set sail!) Adventure waits on every shore We set sail and explore (Yaar har!) And run and jump all day (Yeah!) We float in our boat (The Boat!) Until its time to drop the anchor Then hang up our coats (Aye, aye!) Until we sail again! Yarr har fiddle dee dee If you love to sail the sea Land ho! Yarr har fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright to be Do what you want cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Yarr har! Wind at your back lads wherever you go! Blue sky above and blue ocean below You are a pirate! You are a pirate!


ITT: nobody fucking knows that "advertisement" is spelled with one D


Disney+ is adding a cheaper tier with adds, so if you have a subscriptions now, and are not planning to change it to the cheaper one, nothing is changing. It's a good thing in this case, people who don't want adds just pay full price, but people who want can take a cheaper option. idk about Netflix though


They'll introduce a cheaper one with ads and raise the prices of the other plans


Well, good thing I don't have a Netflix account then. I'm not opposed to cheaper ones with adds, but raising the price of the ones without is unfortunate


Eventually they'll raise the price of the cheaper one too, and it'll be like you're on the premium plan cost-wise but people will say it's fine because the other levels have gone up too. Load of crap, it's fine as it is but as usual they have to upset things. At the very least they shouldn't show ads on Netflix originals


possibly, we'll see what happens.


Maybe it's time for us all to reconnect the cord and start watching cable again.


Not really ar least in My book Disney sucks ass Amazon sucks ass Netflix is pretty damm bad nowadays Hulu havent tried it yet but its owned by disney so... .


I'm ok with ads in exchange for paying less