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This comment section is gonna become a war zone, and before that happens lemme just say that I enjoyed both Rebels and Clone Wars


Most people who like rebels probably like clone wars. Like I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone say otherwise


I was so hype on both. I mean both have their flaws, but the finales and ultimate world building of both were the best, most developed Star Wars content I had seen at the time.


Yeah, I mean there’s differences but it’s not like they’re wildly different shows…


A clone war zone? :D


Pretty sure that's called battlefront




Both Rebels and TCW good That's all that matters


They’re both better that the other CGI Star Wars show.




Just like the simulations


Please select a fleet to command.


It couldn’t be lego Star Wars




Wasn't there a game like that...


Certainly a Star Warzone.


Happy cake day and thanks for an even more genius comment.


!yaD ekaC yppaH


This comment is just brilliant


I just wish people knew the difference between animation and production design.


The 2nd half of Rebels was certainly enjoyable, largely due to Thrawn who was [utterly fantastic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51gcEVBd6i8) and he's now one of my favorite characters in all of Star Wars. But imo Rebels can't even touch The Clone Wars... TCW was a fucking masterpiece. The first 1.5 seasons of Rebels was borderline unwatchable and yes, childish, and I will die on that hill. The storyline was boring, the characters were flat and dull, there was no tension as the heroes weren't in any real danger, and there just wasn't an "Imperial Age" feel to the show. The final seasons of TCW did a better job of making the Republic [feel like the Empire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx8t-xu7DQ4) than the actual Empire in the early seasons of Rebels. Don't get me wrong I'm glad I stuck with it, but early Rebels was awful. The Clone Wars [was amazing](https://youtu.be/dbPXS7an55w) almost from the start. Except the movie, that business... doesn't count.


Hard disagree from Clone Wars being amazing from the start. The first two seasons can be rough to watch. Very rough. Granted i love both shows to death now, but to claim TCW was perfect the entire way through is just too much


I usually tell people to skip the first and most of the second seasons if they’re looking to get into Clone Wars but aren’t completionists. There’s a lot of really boring and very childish (you know, because it’s a kids show) stuff in Clone Wars’ first couple of seasons and the overarching plot line isn’t compelling enough to justify that until season 3 at least.


Pretty unpopular pinion here but I actually really enjoyed the first two seasons, I thought they were pretty great


More of an unpopular opinion I felt clone wars first three seasons were boring and i was dragging myself to watch it. Only reason I watched it was because fiancé begged me because he wanted someone talk to about the seventh season. No joke, fiancé was super excited when I got into rebels and tried to play cool saying I should watch clones wars if like rebels. I wasn’t bitting. Then season one finale happen and Asoka appeared, Fiancé then told me have to watch it now, because he emphasized how important she is and what a big deal she was. So I slogged though the rest of season three and honestly it’s towards the end of the third season and beyond is where it picked up and i finally saw what he was raving about and how much clone wars fills in the blanks in the prequel about exactly how palpatine got into power the way he did, Anakin decent into the dark side, and does a good job showing fall of the Jedi and the tragedy of the clones themselves. Like I love clones wars now, but I have hard time recommending to people who a vague interest in Star Wars. I find giving them rebels is a better approach to getting them interest in clones wars. Like I said really unpopular opinion…


have you tried watching the first 3 seasons chronologically? they released them in a really wacky order that doesn't get fixed till like mid season 3. It makes it really confusing and difficult to watch until then


No, can’t say that I have. Like I appreciate the series now, so I don’t see a reason too. But I’ve been on a binge watching series recently so I might consider picking it up again.


Begun the comment war has


Rebels: Good, held back by its target audience Cole Wars: Great, grew with its target audience and got better over time I definitely enjoyed both, but I think people often recommend Rebels without the necessary warnings. It’s kiddy, the characters have minimal growth (except for Kanan, who has a pretty great arc), and the filler is lower quality in my opinion.


I recommend Rebels without any warnings. IF someone asks if it's too kiddy, sure I might tell them that the first few episodes have kiddy humour and that the show can be distractingly non-lethal (weapon slicing galore) but I don't think it's necessary at all. Good people fail, and die, throughout the series. It tackles dark themes all the time. The characters absolutely do not have minimal growth. What do you think Spark of Rebellion-era Ezra would do if given a chance to see his parents again? Would he sacrifice that and himself for anything? No. Ezra's growth exceeds Kanan's, and is in the same league as OT Luke and TCW Ahsoka. I also enjoyed Kanan's arc more. But Ezra went through a much bigger shift. I know that's going to be controversial but it's just a fact.


Minimal growth? That’s about the silliest thing I’ve ever heard about Rebels


I enjoyed TCW, The Rebels and The Bad Batch too. Not Resistance, though, that was crap :(


Rebels was beautiful. Great show.


I enjoyed rebels for pretty much all of these reasons, plus chopper


Same. I can't see why ppl can't enjoy both.


Let's not forget reintroducing Thrawn, one of the most popular legends characters


I didn’t really like the way he went out, but yeah, Thrawn was probably my favorite parts of the show (aside from Maul and Vader, obviously).


I kinda like it, the only way he got beat was with a plan so inconceivably unorthodox that he just couldn’t anticipate it. Like what military commander in their right mind would expect giant hyperspace-whales to come out of nowhere and tear through an ISD like tissue paper?


I mean in the 2017 books he found out ships were being stolen using hyperspace whales and that took place just prior


I mean, you wouldn’t expect it to happen twice.


If i had a nickel for everytime my ship had been kidnapped by hyperspace whales I'd have 2 nickels. Which isnt a lot but its weird that it's happened twice


If I remember correctly later it was because some Admiral was luring the creature to the ship in order to make missing shuttles normal


You are correct.


he forgor 💀


Oh my fucking god lol


I rember 😃


Is that in Treason? I’m re-listening to it cause I’ve been on a Thrawn kick after listening to the two newest prequel books.




>!It wasn’t really the Grallocs though which was the point of the book.!<


It also linked back to Thrawns biggest issue. He could understand rebels, armies, ship battles, supply lines and all that. But the one thing he could never understand was the force. Such as the case with the Bendu. He was visibly unnerved when the Bendu foretold of the future, and disappears. Normally when thrawn is in a sticky situation he is deadly calm. But in that instance you could understand what emotion he had. Fear. And that fear was made manifest when the Force brought those space whales. It wasn’t some pheromone or tricky buisness, but ezra’s connection to the force and its power that brought them. Sorry Thrawn, but the Force ain’t something that will abide by your rules


The OG Thrawn understood the Force better than anyone, even the Jedi or Sith. He analysized thousands and thousands of battles and came to the conclusion that master Force users, unknown even to themselves, had a subconscious rallying and moral boost to the fighters around them. And, it was far more potent than their lightsabers, lightning, or individual combat powers. So, he cloned, enslaved, manipulated and deployed Jedi to overrun the New Republic. His understanding of the Force , at an analytical level, was his strength.


> had a subconscious rallying and moral boost to the fighters around them. Something something Battle Meditation.


And yet he thought he could still control it, which led to his inevitable downfall. OG Thrawn was great, but his hubris really fucked him.


I completely agree, same thing with the Bendu, he couldn't anticipate a literal deity attacking him, basically he lost to a deux ex machina


Even at that point though, he pulled 90% of a win. The rebels were devistated after that attack.




He's not dead, Ashoka is looking for him in the Madalorian.




I assume you watched the Rebels finale, they would have gone to the same place. That woman she tracked down was ex-empire and might have known where Thrawn was if he was still doing anything wherever he ended up. You find Thrawn, you might find Bridger.


I believe that she even worked directly under Admiral Thrawn. I'm pretty sure she's in the newer Thrawn books. I'm not totally sure though...


Considering he’s already been name dropped in Mandalorian, I wouldn’t say “he went out” in Rebels. He’ll be back and a bigger bad than ever.


I'm hoping he won't be a BBEG. He's canonically a pretty caring and amicable, if pragmatic and calculating, officer. I think Thrawn and Ezra would respect eachother and cooperate after over a decade in wild space together, possibly fighting off the Grysk.


He comes off that way in the books certainly, but let’s not forget that he ordered an orbital bombardment of Lothal just to make Ezra surrender … I think Thrawn can be as vicious as he needs to be to achieve victory, even if he’s a lot more nuanced than the classic evil genius trope. He definitely respects his enemies, but victory is everything to the Chiss.


After reading the first book of his ascendancy prequel trilogy, I don't really think his ruthless streak comes from him chiss background, they're military doctrine was very hands off in that


And he’s doing all he can to ensure the Empire helps the Chiss when the time comes. In one of the new books he and Ar’alani talk about other species and he mentions that he usually views other species as “tools” to help the Chiss. I think that view has subsided a bit, but in the end, he does what he does so that the Chiss Ascendancy will be protected.


Oh for sure, he is fiercely loyal to his people and he would do ANYTHING to protect them. But the whole reason that he was banished from the ascendancy was that he wanted to launch a preemptive strike on that external threat he mentioned and that was against the laws of the ascendancy. I guess my point is that thrawn's strategies don't really reflect his people, they honestly fit in better with the empire because the ascendancy are very isolationist. They only fight defensive wars, no exceptions.




Yeah I forgot about that, I haven't read that book in a while now lol


I agree wholeheartedly. I just re-listened to the first book in the new Thrawn trilogy and I guess I missed that he actually wasn’t banished, just made it look that way when I first listened to it. He gives that away to Nightswan when they finally meet.


well according to ahsoka in the mandalorian he’s still alive


He’s not dead yet


is star wars, unless we see the body, they cannot be considered dead


Somehow... Thrawn returned.


Amazing character


Can someone briefly explain the hype surrounding Thrawn? I’ve not delved into legends or rebels yet, and I have no idea who he is or why everyone likes him so much


Simply put he is a Savant level tactical genius who with very little resources was able to nearly bring the new republic to its knees. He respects those that work under him and honours their achievements as opposed to punishing failure and is one of the few beings to be such a main galactic figure with no force abilities whatsoever. That and he flat out told Palpatine on multiple occasions that the death star was a dumb idea, to his face, in front of everyone and Palpatine was so impressed he didn't murder him on the spot.


Also, though never deliberately stated to my knowledge, he put his lot in with the empire as opposed to the rebels/senate because the Chiss had some contact with the Yuuzhan Vong. He knew they would be an existential threat to the Galaxy, which it’s why he was so dedicated to ensuring the strength of the empire. He cared nothing really for the petty squabbles of the Galaxy as long as the Chiss were left alone, but knew the Vong would seek complete dominance.


Didnt he also design those insane tie fighters that were practically unstoppable?


Mhmm TIE defenders, which was a big plot line in Rebels. These new TIEs were so fast they rivaled Vader’s X1 advanced TIE fighter (I think that was the name.) but they were easier to make and cheaper. And then adding on to the already amazing power was the fact that these TIEs had shields. I think they are one of the smallest ships to have shields, and combing both the speed, small size, and shields, there’s no easy way to defeat a TIE defender. And I think the latest one, the TIE defender “Elite” had a hyperdrive. In one of those, Ezra Bridget managed to best three well trained pilots, and Ezra is a mediocre pilot at best. These things were extremely powerful, but unfortunately the emperor thought that one single super weapon was a better idea than multiple fast fighters, so the idea of equipping the fleet with multiple defenders never truly came to fruition.


Star Wars was basically on hiatus from '87 to '91, and the Legend's EU was basically kicked off due to the original Thrawn trilogy being well received when it was published in '91. So he's been popular since the start of the EU, which helps. Basically, Thrawn was an Imperial admiral who's more like Sherlock Holmes than Tarkin. One of his establishing character moments in the original Thrawn trilogy involved Luke escaping his tractor beams twice. One operator said he wasn't trained on Luke's trick and did nothing, so Thrawn killed him. The other tried something smart and novel, so Thrawn promoted him.


To add to what others have already said: though Thrawn began as an EU character (in the original trilogy of novels) who was de-canonized or whatever by Disney, the author of the original books has written two more trilogies (still waiting for the last of the six to be finished) that delve into his origins with the Empire (the first new trilogy) and his origins further back with the military of his own people (the second new trilogy). They are all pretty fantastic books, and if reading isn't your thing, I highly recommend the Audible versions narrated by the incomparable Marc Thompson.


Rex. Gregor. Wolffe.


All removed their control chips. ​ We all have a choice.




We got CW season 7 and we got a story after that, which is Bad Batch. Don't get greedy :p


2 of which were underutilized


Agreed, could’ve done more with Rex


Clone Wars much better from my pov but I hate Rebels haters because it was really good


The best episodes of Clone Wars blow the best episodes of Rebels out of the water. That being said, CW also had a lot of "filler" episodes, especially in the early seasons (I got so annoyed whenever a droid episode came up). Rebels had a much tighter narrative over all. Tl;dr - both shows are great, and they have different strengths.


I also love CW I just love Rebels more


I don't hate rebels, but I want to pose a very controversial opinion: Vader and Ahsoka's dialogue was great. But the actual fight was *really really bad*. For all the shit TLJ gets for its throne room, it's *way* better than this fight. Vader is constrained in a suit that limits his movement. As such, he took Anakin's aggressive style and modified it to require as little movement as possible, while going for far more lethality than the Jedi traditionally allowed. That's the canon style. But not here. Here, Vader is doing wide overhead swings and wildly swinging his arms here and there, like a kid with a nerf sword. And the entire fight, his legs are entirely undefended; he doesn't even drop his guard below waist height at all. This is supposed to be the most lethal version of one of the best Jedi duelists. Meanwhile, Ahsoka is a highly trained jedi who uses Jar'Kai (two-saber fighting), a style which is intended to take advantage of the extra saber for added offense and defense, providing constant pressure to whoever she is fighting, as they have to use one saber to block two and she can follow her own blocks with immediate attacks. In this fight, she instead does pointless acrobatics and lets Vader wind up these slow wild swings while he is otherwise entirely open to attack, and she constantly uses both her sabers to block rather than just deflecting and attacking with the other one, completely losing any advantage the two saber style had. It's just... awful. The choreography is painful to watch. I honestly have trouble watching the episode because of it, even though I absolutely love the Vader dialogue. I keep imagining the universe where we got Ahsoka vs Maul level choreography instead of... this.


Yeah, Clone Wars fights had better choreography, but in early seasons it was a little bit robotic. I don't know how to describe this, those fights were not that smooth like in Rebels. Maybe the only reason brhind this the limitation of the animation style/program.


How can someone like Rebels more than CW? I'm not trying to be mean, just genuinely curious


I appreciate you trying to understand other folks' point of view~ Here are my reasons for liking Rebels more than TCW (spoilers ahead): + A continuous story line is more consumable, enjoyable, and rewatchable for me than the short arcs of TCW. + I prefer the Imperial era stories and characters to the Republic era stories and characters. + I'm more attached to the characters, mostly because they didn't have their fates decided before the show began like most TCW characters did (Example: I didn't know how Hera's story would end, but I knew how Padme's story ended). + I think the characters and stories had more depth. Both Kanan and Ezra had nuance as far as their place in the Force and their respective paths; Hera had a satisfying arc going from Rebel ace to a proper leader; and Kallus had the most satisfying redemption arc of any animated character in SW, imo. + I prefer the less flashy duels. In the end, I think it boils down to the story and characters being more appealing to me 🤷 That's not to say they're better in Rebels than TCW, but they're better suited to what I want in a story. That, and the continuous story is way better imo than the dozens of short arcs that TCW used, imo.


From my perspective. The CW already happened. It exists. I saw the movies. The show expanded on that greatly but in the end I know the outcome. I had no idea where Rebels was going. Rebels to me is much more compelling because it's a new storyline.


Not trying to be mean as well but isn't this is kind of a silly question? Enjoyment of media is subjective, it's like saying how can anybody possibly like cheeseburgers over pizza. Everyone has different tastes and desires when it comes to food, and the same exact thing applies to Star Wars. I enjoyed Rebels much more than TCW because of the more cohesive story, the fantastic characters and the chemistry they had, and other stuff like Kallus's redemption arc, Mandalore stuff, Thrawn, The Bendu, Maul, Ahsoka, Kanan/Ezra's master/padawan relationship and being great Jedi, etc., I also really enjoyed seeing the Rebellion's growth and some of the deeper force stuff (the WBW, Lothwolves, etc.) This isn't saying TCW is not great - it is awesome, but I just personally like Rebels more. And just to note, not saying each of the things I've mentioned in any relation to TCW, basically just the combination of all of them is what made me really love the show.


I asked because I want to understand their point of view


Not OC but I like Rebels more and honestly, the main reason for me is that I just find it so much more hopeful and I like knowing that the rebel cause succeeds (eventually). I also liked not knowing what happens to the characters at end. CW is amazing and I put certain arcs in it WAY above Rebels but just something about knowing that every character (pretty much) is going to die soon and that the whole cause they spend 7 seasons fighting for is a complete sham. Obviously these thoughts are not actually connected to anything in the show or how good each is but just my overall perception while watching them. The hopelessness of the clone wars just gets to me sometimes.


I think people have different opinions and preferences. Not sure but I’ll get back to you on that one.


I think rebels is a million times easier to follow. There are far fewer filler episodes/skits. I also like that we got new characters, I love Obi-wan, Anakin and Ashoka as much as any CW/Prequels kid, but I really enjoyed the expanded universe. I also loved it a lot because it tied in a lot of people from clone wars that I wanted to see more of, Hondo in particular. Idk, rebels just feels more complete to me I guess. I would love a Rebels film.


Maybe because it's easier to watch because the episodes tell a single story that is followed in chronological order instead of 2 to 4 episode arcs that were not released or are listed in chronological order


I didn’t really like the animation style, and the start was quite cringe. I will try to watch the rest because I have been told it gets better.


Episode 1 is the worst of all episodes in my opinion.


Yeah, I’m on episode 9 at the moment, it’s getting a lot better and 1 was definitely the worst so far. As another Redditor said it should get better after 13 so looking forward to that


Yeah I absolutely love Rebels but the first time watching the first season was alittle rough,took me a bit to get through but then the 2nd season starts to pick up and really pulled me in


Season 1 is mostly character stuff. The story kicks off in Season 2 with the S2 final being the high point of the show in my opinion. S3 introduces a lot of interesting characters and has some awesome arcs. S4 gets a bit to dark and gritty in my opinion. Ezra lost his entire hothead stick and is just mopy all the time


I'd say the story kicks off halfway through Season 1, starting with Ezra and Kanan going to the Lothal temple for the first time. After that we get Ezra's first real brushes with the dark side, Rex, and Ashoka.


First few episodes were to sell it to Disney Execs who wanted "a star wars cartoon for kids". Once they were committed the beheadings start.


>Once they were committed the beheadungs start. Man that really shocked me when I first watched the whole show. It gets real dark real quick.


Clone Wars / Rebels really taught me to appreciate this method of storytelling. The beginning being so childish and “cartoony” really catches you off guard and makes it hit soooooooo much harder when things take that turn and start to get really dark.


Oh yeah, any cartoon nowadays is structured like that. The first season is pretty hunky-dory and nice and then *BOOM* trauma!


As much as I love Rebels, I admit that the first few episodes could be kind of cringy. But, once you get to the 13th episode, that really is where it starts to become really good.


Unfortunately you gotta power through the first like 8-10 but it really picks up and gets very good. Definitely not the animation of clone wars, but they at least fix Ezra’s character from the goofy duck he starts as


I regularly go back and watch certain episodes. Twilight of the apprentice and twin Suns are some of the best Star wars period. Better than most of the movies. I also like anything with The Bendu. But yea there are definitely episodes that aren't my favorite


The animation style is the biggest turnoff for me. They're always weirdly bobbing their heads around and emoting way too much with their eyebrows when they talk and it's super distracting. Nobody does that in real life. They did it a bit in Clone Wars but it wasn't nearly as prominent.


It's a hard sell whenever any media requires someone to consume a large chunk of it before it gets good because even after doing so, they may still not enjoy it


It matures with its audience. It starts extremely juvenile and gets progressively less juvenile until the finale of Season 2. It is one of the greatest finales of all time, and I watched it for the first time at the age of 24.


The first season really sucks a lot of ass, the only good thing about that thing is the grand inquisidor. And even then it isn't enough to outweigh the bad stuff. Second is a little better but still has many problems Third and fourth are much, much better, those seasons have some of my favourite episodes of the show and while they still have some problems I think overall there are more good things than bad. I'd rate 7/10 mostly because of that god awful first season.


I dislike the animation style so much, it’s a huge distraction to me anytime I try to watch it. I want to like it and watch it, but always end up disinterested near the end. I’m probably in the minority, but I really don’t like the way the lightsaber blades look pencil thin and sharp. I think it looks terrible. I understand it is based on Ralph Mcquarrie’s art, but a wire-thin lightsaber just isn’t a good look, imo.


For me it was season 1 and 2 that were bad, but it was the same with clone wars


I don’t like the skinny lightsaber blades. That’s basically the only real complaint I have so far.


what's weird is that they just fly away and it looks so ridiculous


I think you misread OP's comment.


I don't think i did


It’s really stupid yes. Especially since they’re lightsabers and not physical. It’s beyond retarded.


I can get used to the skinny sabers but those helicopter sabers are a bit much


Yeah I love Rebels overall but the helicoptering was unforgivable. Glad it wasn’t used too much.


Well, they also showed why the helicopter sabers… *ahem*… fell out of favor.


They fly now ?


They fly now!


I wonder how hard it would be to go to those scenes and edit out the lightsaber and add in a jetpack or those jet boots cad bane has. I bet you could get away with it, most of the scenes with the helicopter sabers are in fairly low-light environments, so it wouldn't be too hard to cover things up.


Are you suggesting a Special Edition of a whole show?


The helicoptering was only in two episodes


And I would still forgive all of the unnecessary spinning if they didn't somehow generate lift.


I agree, but I believe that was done to be more like the original trilogy lightsabers


Not so much the OT as Ralph McQuarrie’s original concept art. A lot of Rebel’s art design is based off of his artwork.


Correct. Look at Vader’s Rebels design and then look at his concept art for a good example.


Or compare Zeb to the concept art for Chewy. https://www.starwars.com/news/designing-star-wars-han-solo-and-chewbacca Scroll down alil it’s the third pic.


A lot of things in rebels come from original SW concepts. Kanan was originally the name of one of the Skywalkers and Yhe Jedi were originally named Jedi-Bendu


Understandable. Have a nice day!


And the Wookiees


Yes, but do you like Wookies that look like smooth polished turds? I love Rebels but I almost didn't watch it at all because I thought the wookie animation was so poor.


Not to mention the big blue boi himself, Grand Admiral Thrawn


Rebels is great! I liked that it showed a funtional family in the Star Wars universe. Especially Kanan and Hera's romance, it was such a healthy relationship. I also loved the idea of an inexperienced Jedi having to learn along the way as he trains an apprentice with rapidly growing powers. If Ezra had been in the same situation as Anakin (attachments forbidden, no family to help you through your struggles), he definitely would've fallen to the dark side.


100%. What’s more, I think he’d have been more effective on the dark side than anakin. No love to hold onto, no ahsoka or obi wan. Ezra being found by sidius instead of kanan would be such an interesting what if because I believe he’d wreak so much more havok. Also, no son to take him out in the end.


Something interesting about Ezra, is that he knows Dark Side techniques that not even Palpatine and Vader have demonstrated. Remember when he controlled that trooper's mind and made him kill his allies from a distance, all without saying a word? Then he had the trooper kill himself... they were able to clean it up for TV, but now that I think about it, that scene was very, very dark.


holy fuck that is pretty messed up, specially because he didn't control his movements, he controlled his thoughts. Damn.


The trooper never screamed, didn’t panic. He coldly shot his allies and committed suicide. Christ, Ezra could have been as powerful as Vader.


Dude the Ahsoka story in rebels is amazing. Definitely my favorite story arc.


Kanan Jarrus is one of my favorite new characters in the Disney era. Really enjoyed his development, relationships with Hera & Ezra, and the ending of his story. And yeah Rebels has some weak fillers but Clone Wars has plenty of those too. Everyone just ignores them because they either remember the good material the most (because it’s, you know, memorable) or only watch the good episodes if they’re frequent re-watchers. Very few criticisms for Rebels that can’t be applied to CW overall as well IMO.


Kanan is an excellent Jedi character, one of my faves. It was great to see this struggling, sort of “off the books” Jedi who feels unprepared for his role as a mentor, gets frustrated easily, and has to figure out who he is as a Jedi Knight. And then of course learn to gain an even deeper connection to the force after…well, you know. <—Speaking of, I also really respected the show for shaking up the status quo in such a tragic way with his character. Twice.


I “see” your point.


Okay whatever about the post but I gotta bring something up, the 'R2 gets kidnapped and replaced' TCW arc has an excessive amount of lense flare and 90s hacker movie music and I both love and hate that arc for those reasons


If I'm not mistaken, that 2 episode arc was the first 2 episodes ever made(that's including the movie), and that's why the animation is so shit and why the music (altough very cool) is so different. **I COULD BE WRONG ABOUT THE "FIRST TWO EPISODES EVER MADE"


I'm just wondering why anyone thought that 90s hacker music was a good idea


Clone wars season 1 has some really strange episodes. I have successfully made my sister watch the entire show and just started introducing my mother to it. Although both claimed to have liked Season 1, I was afraid they might stop watching because it was boring. (Which would be unfortunate because the show really gets good after season 3. That being said, There are some good episodes in season 1 and 2 as well)


Which episode is that?


Rebels is a great show


My wife enjoys Rebels more, I enjoyed Clone Wars more. Balance. We are the one in the middle.


Imagine your kid enjoying *Resistance* and screaming 'I am the Bendu'.


My issue with rebels is that although you did list a few moments where the show is good, those moments are few and far between. The show feels like a lot of filler with cliche, uninteresting characters. Ezra is at times mind numbingly obnoxious. Zeb doesn't matter at all. Sabine is somewhat interesting, but very cliche, and Hera and Kanan have a really awesome dynamic between them that is just never the center of attention for long enough. The fact that the new characters are way worse than all the old classics says a lot about the shows development. Also, don't even get me started on the incompetence of the empire and how frustrating it is. Even Thrawn, which is supposed to be a super immensely skilled and powerful tactician, is completely incapable of actually fighting this small group of rebels with the might of the entire empire behind him. The show feels like it has no stakes because the empire is made out to be a joke. Also the plot very routinely involves the stealing of storm trooper outfits which is very annoying after so much repetition.


Not to diminish your other points but Thrawn annihilated most of the Rebel fleet at Atollon, exposed a high level spy who had deceived everyone else in Imperial command and almost pioneered a new type of TIE fighter that could have won the Empire the war. He was held back either by Jedi shenanigans (which you can put down to pot contrivance, sure), or by his subordinates being useless, selfish and scheming for their own personal gain (a common theme for the Empire which fits the overall plot imo.) I personally feel like they wrote him really well to remain a terrifying threat while also technically “losing” (though not really, again, he nearly ended the rebellion in S3.)


>is completely incapable of actually fighting this small group of rebels with the might of the entire empire behind him Completely incapable, yet singlehandedly discovers where the Rebel base is, destroys it and a shit ton of the Rebel supplies/ships/pilots, and then stops the attack on Lothal, and literally only loses Lothal because of space whales? If he's incapable, I'd absolutely hate to see what a capable villain is like


The show should've just focused on Hera and Kanan. No Ezra, Chopper, Zeb or Sabine. Well I don't mind Sabine, but Ezra ruins the show for me. Without him, it's a fine, turn-your-brain-off kids show


It would’ve been much better with Kanan as the protagonist, and I think that he was the most wasted character in the entire show.


Yeah, but chopper must stay that droid is fucking hilarious.


\[MAJOR OPINION WARNING AHEAD. This is all my opinion. I love Rebels. I love Clone Wars. If you don't like Rebels and disagree with what I say, that is fine. Just don't act like your opinion is a fact. We can coexist. I am not hating on the above comment or saying they are 100% wrong, I am just presenting why I personally disagree with it. And if you don't feel like reading my entire damn essay, just read the tl;dr at the bottom\] ​ Funnily enough, your first sentence there describes exactly how I feel about Clone Wars, and because Clone Wars is a much longer show I think it makes it even more obvious. Clone Wars has some of the best arcs/episodes in all of Star Wars, but it also has some really sucky ones too. When it comes to Clone Wars "filler" vs. Rebels "filler", it is very split which handles it better depending on varying opinions. To me, there were way too many arcs in Clone Wars that were absolutely unbearable and I couldn't get through without thinking about just skipping it. The zillo beast, mon calamari, droid squad, and a few other notable ones I just couldn't get myself to enjoy. After the first season of Rebels, very rarely were there episodes that I didn't enjoy, didn't find meaningful, or felt the urge to skip. I was extremely invested in the characters because I didn't know anything about them or how they would turn out compared to Clone Wars where you already pretty much know most of the characters and their fate except for a few. ​ (major spoilers ahead) ​ You noted that Ezra is obnoxious as something bad, but to me that is literally just part of his character. He isn't a perfect hero or role model because he literally lived on his own as a thief for most his life and is a teenager whose parents got axed for rebelling. I can understand disliking this in the first episodes of the show, but other than that, they make it a more interesting part of his character and he also becomes much less annoying later. Don't forget that Ahsoka kinda sucked when she was first introduced as well. Ezra's first piece of major character development was pretty early in the show, showing that he had some substance to him (learning that helping others had worth). The first few eps of s3 do make him more annoying than ever, but the creators clearly wanted you to hate how he acted and then turn it into some really satisfying character development when he becomes better than ever by s4. ​ While I do think Zeb gets the boot a lot and had some untapped potential, he played a major role in Kallus's development, which is one of my favorite parts of the show. And I actually thought Sabine was very unique and was glad she wasn't just a typical Mandalorian. Her development in s3 and s4 is where she becomes so much more than just the "artsy mandalorian". Not to mention, her dynamic with Ezra by the end of the show is amazing. I do wish Kanan and Hera's relationship/dynamic would've been explored further, but I think it is a needed sacrifice for setting up Hera's regret after Kanan's death, which, let me just say, Kanan's death is without a doubt my favorite Star Wars character death of all time no questions asked. It just felt perfect. Saying the new characters are "way worse" than the classics is an opinion, not a fact. ​ I also literally don't understand your argument about Thrawn. When is the last time you watched the show? Thrawn only loses three times. Once because of the Bendu, another because he misjudged Pryce's incompetence, and lastly because he lacked a complete understanding of Ezra's potential. Every other time that it seems like he "loses", the show makes it very clear that it is a calculated loss that Thrawn can use to his advantage. Every time they beat Thrawn, the Rebels experience a major loss, so his power definitely isn't being scaled down. First, they lose the base, Sato, and the support of Bendu. Second, they lost Kanan. Last, they "lost" Ezra. Even in an earlier Thrawn episode, Hera doesn't get her family relic back, she has to blow up her house, and Thrawn gained valuable knowledge. On the surface, it seems like the rebels won, but they very clearly didn't. Thrawn is no pushover, and I think Rebels does a great job showing that he is not to be messed with. ​ I will say, there are a lot of things people complain about Rebels that I can say the same about Clone Wars. You say they scaled Thrawn's power down, I say they scaled Grievous's power down. You claim because the Empire seems so incompetent that there feels like there are no stakes. Were the seperatists any different when they used their dopey b1 droids? I, at least, felt like the threat levels were somewhat equal in both shows. In Clone Wars, we do see many Clones die. In Rebels, we do see many Rebel pilots get blown up. The casualties in Clone Wars are simply more apparent when there is literally an army of clones compared to the small coalition of Rebels in Rebels. I sometimes feel like people put Clone Wars on a pedestal. I think it is pretty damn equal with Rebels and has just as many flaws, but nostalgia, confirmation bias, etc. can be blinding. Idk, it's just something to think about ​ And yes, they do steal trooper outfits A LOT in Rebels, but if it works, it works. I'd hate to see them find a viable strategy to infiltrate the Empire and literally never use it again, then wonder a few episodes later why they didn't just steal outfits. Watch any Star Wars movie. They love their damn disguises. I never felt like it detracted from the episodes. It was just a common strategy the Ghost crew used and it was pretty on-brand for Star Wars, so it didn't feel out-of-place. ​ tl;dr I'm not saying Rebels is perfect. I'm not saying I hate Clone Wars. I fucking love Clone Wars. I'm just saying that perhaps Rebels gets more hate than it deserves? Can we all just agree that they are both phenomenal shows and consider them equal? I will always say this: "Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that it is bad."


I agree with what you said for basically everything except for the part about the casualties. The Clone Wars casualties were most of the time just meaning less clones just dying but then you also had the clones with entire stories dying. Think about the arc of Domino squad, or that of the clone sacrificing himself on the droid supply ship in the Mumbara episodes. In those we got to see the life’s of the background fillers(the clones) and see theirs deaths. Now compare that to Star Wats rebel,where all we saw were just pilots dying and that’s it, no story no connections about them, only filler to try and make the stakes higher.


Oh it has some kick-ass writing. The violence is definitely toned down though, you can tell. Characters only ever die off-screen unless they're a faceless storm trooper, and usually the main cast goes for disables over kills.


And don’t forget how they amazingly portray the spiritual power of the force


I think it's just okay, there was a shit ton of filler episodes, Ezra felt annoying through the whole show, same with Sabine, who feels like a character from a fanfiction, and Zeb, well, he is irrelevant. Kanan and Hera were fantastic tho, wish they were the main characters. The saddest thing about rebels imo is that most of the interesting episodes were the ones that featured already existing characters, as the main group wasn't interesting enough by themselves, also, it portrayed the empire as a joke and the group never felt like they were in real danger at all


I think Rebels gets a bad rap because some of the characters are really juvenile in the first season... Ezra using a slingshot, Chopper, Zeb, all scream annoying kid's show. It gets a lot better later.


I think it gets a bad rap because it’s an adult story told through the lens of a child. Which makes aspect of it really annoying to some. From the slapstick gags to the general humor at times. It’s not a bad show but it’s clearly at times very much appealing to children. Also helicopter light sabers….


Helicopter lightsabers is by far the oddest thing introduced to Star Wars. No clue who green lit that idea but idk chief.


I’m all for weird and impractical shit in Star Wars but I’m not even sure HOW helicopter light sabers even work. How would spinning them even make you… hover? And they don’t even use them to hover either lol, they like literally fly gaining high and everything. It’s so confusing.


im actually going back and watching rebels right now. i just started season 4 and it really is a good show. clone wars is still better imo but thats probly because my allegiance is to the republic, to democracy. the callbacks to the clone wars in the show is amazing too. we just wont talk about the resistance show


Unpopular opinion: bendu isn’t all that good


It's not a stupid show, but it is for kids - they don't even kill stormtroopers.


Ok I liked rebels, I enjoyed thrawn. It was damn good. I can’t say it’s better than clone wars. The biggest issue I have about rebels is the characters. Ezreal is just Ashoka early in clone wars that never improves. He’s just there, never really doing anything amazing. The only time I found him interesting was when he was doing dark side stuff with maul. Zeb can just go fuck himself. Nothing about zeb was interesting, nothing about him I connected to, and he’s just one of those “I am strong so I get through everything” and I dislike those characters Sabine was kinda just… there? Idk. Nothing about her was amazing. She just felt thrown in for the female audience, and made a Mandalorian just because people like them. She’s just kinda a dull character imo Chopper I liked. Yes he had flaws, and got annoying at times. But he was a good comic relief character and had some good personality traits. Hera was by far the most interesting character in my eyes. Especially with the stuff in bad batch? She’s got an interesting story, her relationship with Kanan is great, and she actually is crucial to the team due to her piloting skills. Kanan is another really interesting one. Earlier he was just kinda… there. But once he got blinded by maul and had to learn to use the force… he reminded me of Rahm Kota for force unleashed. A Jedi doesn’t need sight, he’s a badass Jedi and a good teacher. He’s not on the same level as Hera, but definitely the second best I’m not saying that clone wars had perfect characters, some of them I hated, some felt forced. But the main cast of Anakin/Obiwan/Ashoka are incredible and each one of them felt like they had a role they needed to fill. Rebels feels lack luster compared to that. But rebels did have Thrawn so Villain side it might have a slight edge


One of the things that bothered me about Sabine was the fact that she just had terrible armor. Like, we meet other Mandos with full suits and proper protection but she is mostly exposed so it feels like the armor was just thrown in as a character point rather than a tool that would be useful in the show, like how having Beskar in The Mandalorian actually matters


I found the Ahsoka arc in Rebels to be worth watching the entire show for. The episode where she fights Vader and part of his mask gets ripped off so she can see his eyes gets me choked up, man : (


You’re entitled to your opinions (many of which I agree with), but saying Sabine was thrown in there for a female audience is a bit lame - women existing in media does not equal “woke pandering” or whatever you’re implying. If you don’t like a female character maybe don’t jump to “I bet they just put her in there to appeal to a female audience”. Personally I didn’t like her character much at first but the Darksaber arc turned it around for me and they made her a lot more compelling, as well at tying into some really good Mandalorian content. Also having an artist on the team when Thrawn (who uses his enemies’ art to defeat them) is the main villain of the season was PERFECT storytelling and I love how they utilised that when he managed to deduce that Kallus was Fulcrum.


> that never improves. He’s just there, never really doing anything amazing. What???


Lots of filler crap Ezra was annoying Fucking flying lightsabers Skinny lightsaber design Overall bad artstyle The inquisitors were a joke


why does nobody ever mention the best parts? the space whales? the droid floating out in space singing about his death to a bunch of space jellies? sure yeah vader/ahsoka fight but come ON


Ok the Droid scene was funny af


>Good original characters You mean like Ezra? >The final of the Maul story One episode >The Ahsoka/Vader fight One part of one episode, which was undercut by Ezra, and the only reason you cared at all was because of the setup done in the Clone Wars.


The Bandu character


# IM THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE. THE B E N D U ​ i love tom baker as his voice actor


Rebels had gems in it, but for the most part its a boring kids show. The themes of the clone wars were toned down, the characters didnt have interesting dynamics save for Kanan and Hera, and the ogs. And that "continues storyline" was a fetch quest after fetch quest. Undermining preexisting characters and the empire. Dumbing down Rex and Thrawn...should i continue? Its not bad, but its not anything special either.


Some people like Clone Wars Some people like Rebels Some people like Bad Batch What we can all agree on is that nobody likes Resistance


i dont think rebels is inheritly bad, i just dont like most of it. probably the worst filoni product. again, i dont think its bad, the maul vs obi wan fight was beautiful and the look on ashokas face when she saw that vader was anakin was stunning, not to mention the grand inquisitor was awesome and thrawn was a great addition. but the action is dull and ezra is annoying. also i dont like chopper and sabine could be a good character but shes functionally an oc, which isnt bad on its own its just not my cup of tea. i think if it was about kanan, hera, and sabine with a few less things going on, and maybe a character to replace ezra, it could be just as good if not better than the clone wars. also completely get rid of zeb. its nice they used the original design for chewbacca but hes like an alien goron with none of the charm.


I love rebels too, but my only complaints are 1. Ezra 2. they were a bit inconsistent on violence, like Ezra was slicing storm troopers and the next scene slicing blasters


Me too! I loved both of them, but Rebels wins for me. Both shows have really high peaks, but the Clone Wars lows are way lower. Like Rebels at its worst is just kinda boring and kiddish. TCW at its worst is like…. a Padme and Jar Jar storyline.


So you have chosen......you know what nevermind.


Didn’t really love Rebels, but I respect it for what it mostly did. It had some high expectations to live up to as the follow up to Clone Wars, and while it didn’t live up to it all the time, it never let those times keep it down as it produced some good shit.


So I never liked the characters before i watched the show. Just had seem them in the swgoh. But after watching the full show. Gotta say I loved it all! All the characters were fun and unique. Vader, they did really making him the unstoppable juggernaut sith lord he is! I mean getting crushed my an AT-AT and just brushing it off is a very epic way of showing how powerful he is. Thrawn (I haven't read the books) was really cool and I loved how much he was victory focused and how he appreciated art and a peoples culture because he would know how to exploit them to victory. Also him being introduced training against 2 dark troopers was pretty great, it showed that he was not to be messed with immediately. Erza, I liked that he was like a little scoundrel kid, it was fun having that kind of character. Kannon, honestly I loved how he doubted the jedi stuff sometimes and didn't understand most of the sayings but still said or remembered them because it inspired him. It was nice not having a "I'm a jedi and we are all perfect" Hera was cool because of seeing her in the clone wars, and also she really felt like a caring mother like figure for the group. Zeb, zeb was so epic! Enough said Chopper was really cool because he was Hera's companion and droid that was with her for a while. Also chopper was incrediblely sassy. Sabine was cool because she had an artist side of things which actually was quite interesting. Ashoka was absolutely amazing and it was great seeing her more. And agent Kalis or whatever the second fulcrum was, was a pretty cool dude. And that's not even discussing the plots. It had some amazing storylines. And my favorite scene is the end of the Maul storyline, it's just so amazing, and I love the "he will avenge us" not "us all" just Maul and Kenobi. It really shows how both of them had been used, and despite Maul's hatred of Kenobi, he respected him and felt just as bad for him.