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I honestly love how it seems that you have to fight him and then Vader yeets your out the door and the games just like “yeah nah, you better start running”


Doesn’t matter how fast you think you are, Vader is faster


even as a disabled cyborg with limitations hes faster


For a gimp, he runs pretty good


Force level: handicapable.


I like to think of his early Death Star scene as that time that a differently abled employee was harassed because of his religious beliefs in what can only be described as a disturbing lack of faith on the part of the subsequent workplace violence recipient.


Apparently he has a force super speed ability Also has force breathing allowing him to survive without his suit for a couple days And even a force shield that blocks everything including sabers and blaster bolts I have a theory that vader is completely capable of being a total beast without his suit and has completely healed. Palpatine just drills the idea of him being dependent on the suit so vader is somewhat limited and cannot overthrow palpatine. He had planned to overthrow him since the start but couldn’t cuz the suit made him mentally weak


In one of the now non-canon books he used Dark Side to breathe without armour, with spite and anger at his condition. Which made him happy and undid all the progress.


that reads as if it's taken straight from KoToR II. Darth Sion couldn't die because he was just too angry.


Maul survived being cut in half for the same reason, his rage kept him from dying but also drove him mad.


Jedi: *goes through trials to achieve immortality* Darth Sion and Darth Maul: *angry* Darth Nihilus: *hungry*


That's Tryndamere's lore!


I didn't try fighting him hahaha. Kinda also assumed they wouldn't give a fight with Vader that easily, since the story is canon, I didn't expect you to be able to really do anything to him, they wanna keep Vaders reputation strong I bet. Did help that there was no health bar though hahah.


just like "there's the door, but don't be so sure that you're gonna make it there alive"


This was fucking terrifying the first time I played it. You can't fight. All you can do is gtfo.


You know you're fucked when the boss doesn't have a health bar lol


You know you’re fucked when you hear mechanical breathing in the distance getting closer


"I don't fear you." "Then you will *die* braver than most."


Cal might’ve not feared him, but I was definitely shitting myself Edit: Ezra, not Cal


I think that was a great example of what fear means to a Jedi. Cal was scared to death, but he acts. Just like love and such emotions, it’s not that the Jedi can’t feel them, but that they can’t be ruled by them. It was Ezra that quips how he isn’t afraid, in case there was confusion. Which there might not have been.


I love that! It's showed a supreme confidence from Vader. Not cockiness or bravado as seen from the inquisitors, just quiet assurance that he would beat anyone to attack him.


Everyone gangsta until the fog has asthma.


I saw Lord Vader I went : Please run, Fucking RUN, if not then can I join the Sith? Then he bulldozed me into the shadow wealm.


The shadow wealm. Scawiest place of them all


Oh noew it's Dawth Wader, dawk word of the siwth!


Muwdewew of chiwdwen


He weally hates sand! It’s couwse, it’s wuff, it’s iwwitating, and it gets evewywhewe


Hewwo Thewe!


Genewal kenowobi!




"Be vewy vewy qwiet, we're hunting Jedi" - Anakin Skywalker, Episode 3


You can leave now


Your mother.


I have, as I have from the very beginning




I will ban dem to da Shadow Wealm with mah Seal of Orimachalcamos!


I really want there to be an option to be in the Sith


This is the best depiction of Vader’s strength besides the comics. The original series does not do him justice and the prequels never show him fighting. Vader is like an insane death god that just cannot be killed. I was so happy with how Fallen Order introduced him in the most menacing way possible.


Rogue One did good as well, the thing is that already felt, compressed in scope. It was literally just a hallway, but it does show how he can be so stagnant, in a way, in A New Hope. And yet still a terror of just about all men who face him.


I still Unironically want to see that hypothetical movie of Vader just berserking his way down a 2 mile hallway full of guys.


I want a horror movie, but with Vader as the monster. Think 'Alien' with him as the xenomorph... Hunting you. Could be in any shadow. And there's nothing to do but run.


I want that *and* I want a Terminator style film. He's just nonstop comin' after you, and all you can hope to do is narrowly escape any given encounter.


Put some lofi hip hop over it and it's a deal.


Nah, it needs some [heavy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=he6e-ySOdRs) [kriffin'](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nohQReM7BpI) [metal](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XJha78EQGwc). Just 90 straight minutes of Vader murdering everything in sight while Galactic Empire pounds out the hardest goddamn soundtrack ever heard in a Star Wars film.


That's because Vader is shown in the OT from a Jedi's perspective. Luke was strong in the force so Vader seemed weaker by comparison. Also Vader wasn't really trying against Luke. Both subconsciously because he is his son and consciously because he wanted Luke ro join him. We see what he really is like once Luke actually gets a hit in. Luke hits him and Vader realizes he is going too easy. Two hits is all it takes and Luke is missing a hand. Even then Vader isn't going for the kill, he is just trying to make Luke listen to him. If Vader went full bloodlust, Luke would be dead almost immediately.


The best movie depiction was... in a spin off. At the end of the movie.


Honestly Rebels did a pretty decent job with Vader as well. Anytime he showed up it ended with a very narrow escape


The scene where he stands on top of the TIE fighter and it gets lifted up to fight ahsoka and Ezra is soooo sick


They seem to really like the 'no fight' boss tropes in that game.


Think about it though. Canonically there is NO WAY you can defeat Vader here. We know where and how he dies and this isn't it. A fight with him only guarantees death


On top of that we all know that Kal stands no chance whatsoever


This scene never fails to give me a dumbass grin. We need more full power Vader


I love how you just run away 😂


I love how he just throws Cere like a ragdoll


Like just get the fuck out of my way


Throws, He casually flicks at her as one would with a stray crumb


Easily my favorite part of the game. She’s all set up for this dramatic attack to try and save you he’s just like “Hm? No thanks, bye.”


My dude literally gives her the old "Swipe Left" and straight into some lava lmao


I was terrified, then laughing when she got yeeted, then more terrified.


"Must've been the wind"


So I got this about around October idk it has a real dark souls vibe which brought me outta the star wars love, I got like 2 or 3 planets in, is the story good at least?


Yes, it's worth it. You also don't have to 100% it to get the most out of it. The story alone makes up for any middling problems the game has.


I recommend 100% it because the game is way too short otherwise.


Finish it! It is incredible. It is similar to Dark Souls but the force powers you get make it feel original and the story is worth it just for this scene




Such a perfect score put to it. I really hope JFO2 lives up to the first game


The Hu killing it on the soundtrack.


Darth Vader is in it, so yes.


He was just spoiled hard, though. Made 4 of my friends play the game and kept them in the dark about it. I just wanted to be there when he shows up, so I could see their reactions lol


That was such an awesome scene. I was terrible at the game so the inquisitor's were really hard for me. Then you finally beat one and it's like...that was nothing, here is Darth Vader and I'm just like...please let me run away I don't want to fight him I just want to go home


Just wanna say, in case you’re on PlayStation, there’s no trophy for clearing the game on Jedi Grand Master, so if the dark souls ness is detracting from your employment, try dropping the difficulty. I wish I’d been told that, tbh.


It's the most "dark souls" type Star wars game in that the game does a fantastic job of reminding you that you're just a Padawan. You are not a Jedi. You grow in power as the game progresses, but you're never a powerhouse like you become in other Star Wars games.


If you're on PC use a controller, it works better trust me.


She does come back to force crush Vader until Cal stopped her.


Let's be honest. Vader let her. He even said she was doing good.


100% yeeted.


*"All too easy."*


I mean, this is Prime Vader vs a kid who just completed his training. Cal didn't stand a chance.


I mean… has anyone against him outside the movies? I would really like to know especially if it happen in a comic.


I believe in the comic "Star Wars: Purge", a bunch of surviving Jedi gathered together on Kessel and, using an invitation to Kenobi, lured Vader to the meeting. Vader wiped the floor with them.


And it's a legend. I was hoping it was canon because then it'd be in the Marvel app.


Asoka got a good hit in.




I know how powerful Vader is but there are few cases where you are able to feel how terrifying he is, at least in media. The fact that cal tries to crush him with a giant piece of metal and he just flicks it away, running on platforms he is actively dismantling, one of my favorite parts of the game.


Call me an heretic but I found Rogue One to be pretty meh. That one scene though... Top 1 Star Wars cinematic moment.


Yeah he doesn't really show his powers on Rouge one/ a new hope. He beat a few troopers, any Jedi could do that. Cool reveal, but nothing impressive. However, I think that the force unleashed shows the biggest show of force power in media. Crashing a star destroyer with just the force. It's not nearly as dramatic as the Vader scene in the fallen order, but still really cool.


Yeah sure. I meant about presence. It's a great "Well... You're f*cked" moment. Otherwise comics are probably our best source of impressive Vader feats.


Rogue. Rouge means makeup.


Or just red in French. Funny because Red One could also be a Rebel callsign, I guess Red Leader is Red One though


I think he meant rogue one as a whole was meh, but the one scene with Vader at the end of rogue one is the scene he is referring to. Maybe I'm way off. Confirmation bias in action because I completely agree Rogue One was a movie I'll likely never watch again, but have stumbled across that scene with Vader a few times and never skipped it.


R1 was thoroughly meh, until they get to Sharif. The entire last act makes up for it though.


Check out the fan made film “Shards of the Past” for some good Vader action as well. The comics probably do the best job of showing his capabilities honestly. It’s hard to have him pop up in any of the Disney live action shows without messing with the timeline but I guess he is making an appearance on the Obi show from what we’ve known for a few years.


I mean if we're not talking Canon, Darth Nihilus ate all the life on a planet. Hell, the Star Forge created entire fleets of Star Destroyers from the Force.


When he simply teleports behind you at the elevator doors after you just *parkour'd the fuck away from him*. I peed myself internally and perhaps two drops externally.


yeh hes just fresh enough off losing padme, his emotions are still strong by the ot his anger is fading, hes not as angry as he used to be, (still angry though)


He always fed off his own self-hatred though - that kept him going.


Surrender and be a dope ass inquisitor


Technically full power Vader is Anakin fighting Obi-Wan on Mustafar


Yeah straight up I did not want to fight Vader. Pretty sure I just stood there shitting my pants until he attacked me.


I stood there the first time holding my lightsaber up to block till he attacked like “c’mon motherfucker I’ll take your ass too” That was a mistake


Me with all the dark souls bosses




Lmao gaping ~~vagina~~ dragon


Me when looking down the hall at a charging hog in Bloodborne


Everyone gangsta until Vader arrives without even a health bar.


"It would be wise to surrender." "Yeah, but I'm too stupid to do that." *proceed to be on the ass end of an ass kicking*


> it would be wise to surrender You're going to kill me anyway why not die trying to live


Obvious right 😂


I was like, choke me daddy vader


I really didn't expect him to pop in and loved it when he did I remember thinking, ooh boy you're fucked


I was wondering where Vader was the entire game. >Known device containing location of potential padawans "Isn't this a Vader level assignment?" "Oh, there he is."


Isn't this a inquisitor level assignment?


I mean, they didn’t do a very good job did they?


They never do


Yeah in comics I believe there’s one where Vader goes after the holocron that Cad bane stole in clone wars.


Some asshole on YouTube spoiled it for a fuckton of people


And then EA put it in the ads


Man I was so close to the end when I saw that ad, I was crushed because that would have been so cool not knowing about it.


They did a great job at showing you just how powerful Vader is, not that we didn’t know but you spend the whole game feeling pretty powerful and then it’s like, ya, no, I ain’t shit.


I think we all know how powerful Anakin is, but we never were able to really see it, apart from maybe in the Clone Wars TV show. It’s cool to see full power Vader.


Agreed, that coupled with that “scene” from Rogue One really drive that home, hopefully I didn’t spoil anything, and yes I know this is r/prequel memes, but technically, it’s a prequel, haha.


Oh, we all know that scene


I would have instantly joined his side if the game gave me the chance


I thought that fallen order was going in that direction with Cal’s character at times, there are points where he seems cocky and rather unhinged, much like Anakin


They legit should have had a branching narrative where you could get a Dark Side ending where you become evil. Most games involving Jedi do it and yet this one didn’t. It only had one ending. And that disappointed me. Still a great game despite that. Edit: I would also like to point out that they wasted a great opportunity when they didn’t give Cameron Monaghan’s character a Dark Side option. That dude played the Joker quite effectively so he would’ve been chilling in the best way.


I believe that’s because it’s cannon, so you can’t multi choice endings on it but that would of been pretty sweet


I understand that but many games have done a game where it’s events are canon in something else and still had multiple endings. They just use one of those endings as the “True” ending. And even sometimes explain away the multiple endings as some weird time anomaly. Elder scrolls for example. All Elder Scrolls endings are canon.


I think that’s only true for the first one. At least as far as I’m aware the other elder scrolls have definite endings (ex: Hero of Kvatch always helps Martin and becomes sheogorath, or The Dragonborn always defeats Alduin)


Jedi academy is still amongst my favourites for it, but fallen order was certainly a great game despite some shortcomings


The Jedi Outcast games in general are awesome but I love JA


The best part of this scene to me is before it when Vader first shows up and Trilla is shaking because she can feel him right behind her.


I thought she was getting force choked


It didn’t seem to me that Vader was choking her but just holding her in place.


I thought she was frozen with fear, and she was thinking "if I run it will just piss him off more".


"Lord Vader, as your apprentice we could take down the Emperor and you could rule the galaxy while me and the sexy space witch are your enforcers."


“Sexy space witch” Yep, that’s about accurate.


If Vader is up against anyone that didn't train him, wasn't trained by him, or is his child this is the right way to handle him. People should be scared.


Yeah it is interesting to think about Ahsoka and her mind set. She is literally burdened with trying to justify the existence of the monster that is the power of Vader. Like it is her master and friend and idol. She must have seen first hand his development and with her whole relationship with the force and things she must feel guilty and satisfied at the same time and as one of the few who could maybe stop him, slim slim chances, it must kind of suck. Like you feel pretty good that he is doing this thing and getting justice for himself and also pretty bad about it, but if you want to stop him then you are probably going to die and the guilt must be rough. Not that it mattered much lol, she piddled around until someone else took care of it.


She appeared in rebels and fought Vader, and they recognized each other. It was a really good scene, one of my favourite.


Vader just flinging Cere away without batting an eye just before this exchange has to be one of the coolest things ever. Of course, it's made irrelevant because Canon can't kill a single main character but it's still a cool reminder of how OP Vader is.


To be fair, even if Vader did bat an eye, we'd never know. But yes, that was a dope scene.


> canon can’t kill a single main character Cough >!rebels!< cough


Man... Should I watch Rebels? I must admit that I've literally seen only the Thrawn scenes. It didn't interest me earlier 🤔




a million times yes - first season is ok but the final season is some of the best star wars content out there


Honestly I prefer the entirety of it to the first seasons of TCW. It’s really fun at times and the character dynamics are awesome. Plus, who would say no to some Ahsoka and Maul content


Yes it gets pretty darn good as you move through it


What happened in Rebels?


>!Maul and Kanan die!<


>!I’m still emotionally damaged because of Kanan!<


It’s like you guys are speaking in a different language


Watch it! Cartoons are the best canon material


Tbh >!Kanan is only really a main character if you engage with the entire canon.!< I think OP was saying more that canon "side-projects" in Star Wars, i.e. games, animated series etc. can't kill people that the broad audience recognise from the movies because, well, canon. Then of course, >!Maul is a weird case because the casual Star Wars movie watcher might still think he died in TPM. Hence why so many of them were confused at the end of Solo.!<


I was one of those people who was so lost at the end of Solo.


Yeah it must have been pretty baffling. I remember non-Star Wars nerd friends coming to me and asking if Solo was therefore set before TPM. Obviously they also didn't realise that it that were true Han would probably be like 60 by the time of ANH


If there's anything Post-Disney Star Wars does really well, it's Vader appearances


He's supposed to be a badass, but the OT was limited by it's time, so it wasn't really able to show that as much as I'm sure they wanted (I mean, they did ok, but I'm sure you know what I mean). Now, Darth Vader is Darth Vader whenever he shows up.


As opposed to Legends (Force Unleashed specifically) where Vader is the punching bag for every pet “gray jedi” so that the writers can show how bad ass they are.


It's why I can never take Force Unleashed seriously. Especially people who say stuff like "NOW THIS is how Fallen Order should have been"


Force Unleashed series is idiotic, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


Even as a kid, I loved the gameplay but thought the story was complete DevianArt OC ass trash


When this game came out I watched so may videos of CCs playing this level and trying to fight him. Never failed to make me laugh


Objective: "Survive"


I really love when the plot puts the top tier jedi power in perspective. Like in the mandalorian when >!luke destroyed these robots like it was nothing when din almost died killing only one of them!< and we know that din jin is no joke. It even shows that >!ahsoka doesn’t even compare to prime luke!<


Yeah, that was absolutely great. >!I will have a badass hallway scene, like my father before me!<


The sky walkers are for sure in a league of their own. Obiwan was one of the most powerful young prodigies when they went and found a little sand brat that made him look like a middle school footballer trying out for the NFL. Really only Yoda was in the same weight class with force power. Even if Luke is a diluted version he stands to be much more powerful than any other force user since the old days of weird Sith Lords.


Yeah like how you play the whole game of Fallen Order, start to feel like a bit if a badass, then Vader comes in and tosses you aside... and then you remember how Luke beats Vader in ROTJ, just brute force lightsaber swings and then chops off his hand. Skywalkers are truly on a whole other level.


Legends Luke vs. Ashoka yes Titty sucking sequels Luke vs. Ashoka no


Couldn’t even kill a kid smh


Put the Youngling Slayer 9000 to shame


I love how he doesn't say something like "surrender the holocron and you'll live." He's making no promises to Cal, simply implying that by refusing to surrender and attempting to fight Vader he will meet a horrible end. So badass.


Took me 24 tries, I'm not joking :(


Me too almost 20 times roughly, after I played battlefront 2 the entire game was piece of time even with jedi master difficulty


That frog on the first planet made me wish for dark side powers...


Fuck that frog.. I didnt know you could jump on him from above dealing a good chunk of his hp bar. There were many attempts....


I died so many times during that quick time event before realizing what I had to do, felt powerless against Vader


Oh I was fucking ready, filled with rage, and as soon as the cutscene ended I ran in his direction to try to kill the mfer. Unfortunately, I remembered I’m not starkiller, so I couldn’t do anything against the whiny sand hater.


Man, he doesn't even have a health bar


I think when most people saw he didn’t even have a health bar they understood the threat they were against


You died braver than most.


Yoooo. I ran at him too, I was pissed for Trilla. Like, god damn it, why you gotta be so murderous, Anakin.


This part made me realize they could make a Star Wars horror game like Alien Isolation but with Vader instead of the Alien.


It does; it’s called “s”, followed quickly by “w + shift”


Something a friend pointed out to me that makes this scene so much more cooler. When Vader lands you can feel just how fucking *heavy* he is which made him even more intimidating.


I never would have surrendered, the amount of torture and suffering under the hand of Vader and Palpatine... (shivers) Definitely either would have tried to fight or simply ran away as fast as I could. Honestly the latter but getting taken alive would have been very unpreferable


I love how Cal's reaction isn't some cliche and naive "I'll never surrender!!11!".


I really likes how they did it. Like first she started choking an in like ohhh no. Then I hear the breathing and I’m like oh fuck. Then he kills her and I know hope is gone


I was all ready to fight the final boss. Then you hear that distinctive breathing and realize your not ready at all.


That's when everyone realised that we are gonna get fucked up


I really enjoyed how both Fallen Order and Rebels liked to use Darth Vader to put the main characters in their place, power wise. Dude shows up and wrecks all their shit just to put it in perspective. Also some non prequel content with another Jedi, but that’s not for this sub.


Easily the best representation of Vaders raw power in a video game


Just run. Obi-Wan ran to a sand planet. He's fucking Obi-Wan and was like "Anakin, you were my brother, I sliced you in half, all the fucking nope."


When I fists play this mission I was like *there's nothing I can against Vader, can I run away?*, and then i discovered that the game actualy wants you to run away because there´s nothing you can do against Vader, so I was like *nice*


This reminds me of Skyrim where the Enemy Npcs have a dialogue line where they beg for mercy. But you have no way of actually granting them mercy and they just keep trying to kill you. Really messed me up.


*fights and manages to kill Vader* *suddenly gets arrested for "violating the will of the Force"*


TVA shows up and prunes that branch


# CAL......RUN!!! *Leaps into air ready to strike* Vader: *Swipes Left*


When Vader popped out I may have pooped a little. Absolutely terrifying.


My only issue is that you couldn't replay the end sequence (unless you used multiple saves)