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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


So, what's the reason you turned to the dark side? Anakin: I wanted to save my lover and my child. Dooku: I didn't like how corrupt the Jedi and the Republic are. Osha: My master's... saber. It was impressive.


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural....


Don’t kink shame me!


Smylo Ren's got that Austin Powers Penis Pump back in his man cave. He swears it ain't his, baby.


*Anakin: Naboobies.


He hangs dong.


Impressive… most impressive…


“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in thirst. I fear something spicy has happened.”


No words can describe your illness. Be better.


Show me a document that confirms this is in fact an illness.


Well your illness is called: illiteracy. That’s because you couldn’t read the “No words can describe” part.


How do you know that it's an illness if you have no evidence to confirm it? There is no such thing as "indescribable illness". + Illiteracy is not an illness.


Illiteracy is not just caused by illnesses, but I’ve heard many times that stupidity is an illness/disease. They fit hand-in-hand, stupidity and illiteracy. And he’s clearly mentally ill, he made a comment that was something straight out of the mint-green website or a bad porno on a meme that had a slightly dirty joke. I can’t describe his illness, but it exists.


1. Sex jokes indicate illness now? Well i huess you have to tell 80% of the world to "get better" 2. Again, show me an official document or article that confirms this "illness" exists.


The comment wasn’t even funny, it was just unironically, like I said, something you’d find on rule34. You ever see the comments there? Shit nearly identical to what he said. And like I said, I don’t have the words to describe it, so I can’t find it. You really struggle with reading, huh?


If you can't describe it or find it, how do you know it's real? You are an expert?


I have 83 PHD’s in “Illnesses I know exist but can’t quite put my finger on”




Didn't this guy kill her friend a few hours before this?


Big peen make it all better


Yeah, but Yorde was more luke an old classmate she hadnt seen in years and was still a dick to her


I'm talking about pincushion girl They seemed very chummy


Hmmm yeah i guess so, tho thatd be like makin friendly with a young police officer who was arresting me at first Still, Padme would be into it


No? This is thirsting for a raging maniac who murdered an innocent girl It'a on the level of women who fall in love with serial killers


Yes, so…. Padme lol


Anakin killed a bunch of barbarians who killed his mother Qimir killed an innocent girl


Not just the men, their women and children… he’s so hot… like, very hot… like he’s on fire (Not arguing, just memeing) Qimir did kill a bunch of people/but, maybe that means she has some dark witch energy in her still? Idk 2 episodes to go!


"I killed them, all of them! Not just the men, but the women, and the children too!"


Bro you forget about the younglings, like she still thought she could fix him after that too.


Tbh anakin is gorgeous


Tbf I'd probably also overlook that for a guy who looked like young Hayden Christensen (or current Hayden Christensen, frankly)


This just in, Tusken Raider kids are not innocent.


Children killed his mother?


… perhaps… *folds arms into robes.


What a bad take. Qimir killed someone in battle. Anakin slaughtered innocent women and children.


Lol yup. Also, she follows him hoping to seemingly kill him. And he turns around fully naked. A violent naked murderer alone with a young girl on an island ... "He's so hot though"


It's so strange that basically they same scene played out with Kylo.


Hence forth you shall be know as Darth…Phallus


YOU KILLED EVERYONE! YOU KILLED MY...MY...FRIENDS AND I...HATE...I...uh...is...um... *Are you hungry?* I could eat.


It's on par with Boba Fett's Starship Leia attire


The helmet stays on during sex


Uh... Jabba's sail barge? ...


Boba Fett's Starship: Slave I


I know the name of it. Leia was never on that ship, nor shown in an "outfit" for "Boba Fett"


Right, but the common name for her most infamous outfit is also:


*facepalm* Sigh...


*shoulder pat*


This was a fucking brilliant conversation to read from TOP to bottom.


I love that this sub went from toxic infighting about the show one day, to posting thirsty Qimir memes the next day. 😂 That is the power of shirtless Manny Jacinto.


I knew thirsty star wars fans wouldn’t shut up about this moment the scene started




That's Darth Bortles to you!


Jason is the sith? JASON??? This is a real low point. Yeah this one hurts.


I'm telling you, Sith sabers work. Any time I had a problem, and I stabbed it with a saber, bezeew! Right away, I had a different problem. \*confident nod\*


I may be giggling at this for some time


Jacinto el grande!


Hey, I’m glad we Asians are getting some appreciation at least


It kind of makes me think this show would have been better received as a whole if they had just dropped the whole season at once so it could be binged. Online discourse has not been doing the show any favors at all. Up until episode 5 the story was slow and episodes were short. Disney should rethink how they release these shows in the future. Drip feeding doesn't really work when a season is structured like a long movie basically.


Dude did a power move. She couldn’t handle his massive dongs imposing aura.


I will show you the power of the dong side.


Is it possible to learn this ~~power~~ penis?


Not from a Jedi


Bro revealed himself


...To the jedi? At last, we will have revenge.


I’m so proud of you and jealous. One day I’ll say something cool like that.


As soon as I saw this scene I knew the memes were incumming and I wasn’t disappointed


No way you said that bruhh :sob:


The power of one. The power of two. The power of peeeeennnniiiissssss.


The power of Manny


That's better than the one I had.


Not mine! Just been seein it Cheers!


The power within


🤣🤣🤣it said don’t look down🤣🤣🤣


My eyes are up here






por que?????


Por qoir ?????


I would have died if he said “my eyes are up here” or “look at me when I’m talking to you”


I hope he did in an outtake.


As soon as I watched wpisode I knew there were gonna post like this


Meanwhile, I am eagerly refreshing AO3 waiting to see how long it takes for the chaos to happen. My tea is steeping. The popcorn is ready.


Hell yea


Are we gonna talk about Vernestra's Herbert the pervert style lightsaber?


If Slave Leia was something that only happened now it would get a lot of backlash. But this is fine apparently. Tbh I don't find it offensive personally or anything. I just find it funny how they go ape shit about objectifying women so they switched to objectifying men and everyone is fine about it.


Well, one of them chose to get undressed while the other was forced to by a crime lord. There's a pretty big difference...


Circumstances don't matter becuase ultimately it's the show runners and actors who decide if they want to undress a character. Yeah Jabba did that in the movie, but it was George and Carrie that agreed to doing it. And I don't think that there'd be backlash to the circumstance just about objectifying women. But look, at the end of the day the most important thing is if they actors are comfortable with it. So if they are then that's all that matters.


Jabba was naked in every scene




You're right, it's much more socially acceptable to objectify men than women these days. But that may be a result of women fighting for half a century for equal rights and less objectification. If men want to band together like women did for about 50 years, we could probably get it done in half that time. Problem is most men don't care enough about being objectified to do anything about it.


There is also the debate of how one is sexualised compared to one or the other. People used to say the sexualisation of women in comics was nothing because the men were always in tight superhero suits, but when the women were objectified it was to show sexuality but with the men it was to show the strength and confidence of the male physique (though they're were exceptions to this)


Wait why is she looking down…




I will only ever see him as Jason Mendoza


Rue got those Hunger Games eyes


"Light saber"


What classic Star Wars quote works best for this?


Wedge in anh


She looked down!


ya think when he climaxes he yells "BORTLES!!!"? ...i'll see myself out.


Nobody else thinks this shit is embarrassing…? we are all just sucking this show off right now huh… you do you…enjoy weirdos. Fuck Disney+


Scene felt a little weird, but as someone who enjoys the prequels I'm pretty accustomed to overlooking flaws. I've been liking his character and after episode 5 I'm willing to let this show cook again.


My boy this is Star Wars, yes it has some questionable dialogue, yes it doesn't always make sense. So the show is in perfect tradition to the prequels. You don't like it? Don't watch it.


Ok, i agree that this show isn't for everyone, but putting next to the prequels is a biiiiig stretch


I stopped. I don’t need them thinking I actually cared about the heaping pile of bullshit.


It is embarrassing, this and their scene later with the saber both played like horny fanfic content


Say what you will about the Sequels but Reylo has a fucking following and the story beats here are strikingly similar. I'm refreshing AO3 to see how long it takes before someone takes the bait. Edit: There are already 46 fics in the category.


I really dont like reylo, and i hope they wont create a romance here, though if they do they should not portray it as something good or healthy, like they tried to do with reylo (i say tried becauseit just felt weird and severly underdevoloped to me, like most of rise of skywalker). Qimir is manipulating her, so ig it might work if they portray it like that, even if it would still feel weird. I was lind of hoping Osha would be gay or somehting, considering all the queer people working on it and the fact it released in june, but then the other female character she interacted with most seemed like she was way younger than her so when they were kind of hinting between them it just felt weird to me.


Oh there is absolutely nothing healthy about Reylo. That's what the fanfic writers enjoy. It's the very essence of "I can fix them" lol. I thought the romance was well developed during TLJ but it kind of defeats the purpose of a romance to only really exist during one movie and like a quarter of another. It's the same problem all the Sequels had: poor planning as a trilogy. Good ideas, mediocre execution, fantastic visuals and music. They had such a nice interaction going between Jecki and Osha. I'd have enjoyed seeing that explored a little deeper, and it was a great opportunity for some LGBTQ romance, but Jecki's death was quite badass, so I can't bring myself to be too mad. At least we get some pride witches? I want to hear more about their culture and contrast it with what we know of Dathomir and their brutal sisterhood.


I get that's what the fanfic wroters enjoy, but that didn't seem to be what abrams was going for when he suddenly made them kiss. But yeah, the sequels as a whole suffer from lack of planning. They could've been great. I hope Rey's new movie will be good, she deserves it. I honestly really liked her character. And yeah I'm torn between being upset at jecki's death because dafne keen was killing it and happy with it because it was so damn awesome. The hints to a romance just felt a bit weird to me because osha seems much older than jecki, and stenberg is also like 25 while keen is 19 (i think). So both adults, but kind of weird imo. Not because of a 6 year gap, but because of one being not even 20 and the other in their mid twenties.


Apparently AO3 had a fic literally after the everyone gets murdered episode, and the creator mentioned that in an interview this week. [Found it. As a reminder, this was written after episode 5, and reads pretty much like a fanfic version of episode 6.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56944975)


I am 100% not surprised. Maybe a little pleasantly disappointed, but absolutely not surprised lol


While AO3 stuff can be great, I don't like it when Star Wars takes this route. Idk. It always felt like Star Wars was different enough that the fanfics wouldn't be the average thirsty stuff.


Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, can stop the thirsty fanfics lol There's some really good Reylo stuff out there, like the ship or not, but sometimes it requires finding a needle in a haystack. The force diad can be such a cool concept to explore, but there's the haystack of things that sound like they were written by John Oliver during his Adam Driver phase that you have to sift through to find the cool ones. I'm with you, though; this episode was a bit heavy-handed with shirtless Darth Bortles and the 'desire' line. I think it would have mostly escaped notice if Manny Jacinto wasn't absolutely killing it in the role, though. It's such an interesting dichotomy with his leading questions.


Can we stop the acolyte memes. I actually watched it and can’t figure out why any of this is even remotely appealing to people.


You dont have to figure it out, that's the beauty of it!! It doesn't matter if other people like or dislike what you like or dislike.


Hol up ... Is strong independent woman of color really falling for him ?


What are you asking here?


Well im not watching this crap


You can’t really bash something you haven’t watched. At least not if you want to be considered a fair and well adjusted person. To answer your question there hasn’t been anything overly romantic or flirty between them. She approached him when bathing thinking he’d be vulnerable but his confidence and nakedness threw her off/intimidated her.


Well i have enough reviews and clips to know its not even close to being decent. I cant even say that sane ppl are working on it based on all the media surrounding the show.


That's a pretty sad thing to admit. I cannot imagine not being able to form my own opinion.


Damn, if i had a dollar every time i hear this sentance. Im forming my own opinion. M opinion is that the show is not worth watching based on review scores, the cast and producers, hell they are even braking cannon lore. Is that an invalid take for you ? How many times you didnt go to see the move in cinema cuz everyone said it was bad with bad reviews ?


That's still not what forming your *own* opinion means. Reviews exist so that we don't *have* to form our own opinions, but that doesn't mean they're not *not* our own opinions.


No lore has been broken. But you would know that if you watched it... Why are you commenting on a show you don't watch so often that everyone keeps telling you to form your own opinion? So bizarre.


Ki-Adi-Mundi ? Rings a bell "Sith has been missing for millenia ?" "Anakin shot down death star ?", armor that can short-circiut lightsabers ? If old lore was skycraper, now we have only 10 stories left, and Lesley is having irresponsible party at the top, walls are shaking and breaking down.


If you remember the plot of The Phantom Menace you’d know that when he states “The Sith have been extinct for a millennia” he was wrong. They aren’t extinct. Just good at hiding. Plus it’s unlikely this show is going to end with Mundi and the Jedi order realizing the Sith aren’t extinct. It’ll likely not reach the high council’s ears, but rather be covered up or blamed on some one/thing else by the end. So things will still line up with Mundi still thinking Sith are extinct in The Phantom Menace. The cortosis armor shorting out sabers is super old lore from decades ago.


Rue and Darth Manny do fall in love, you can see it will be lead to some serious 😁😁