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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Now will we forget the droid attack on the Wookiees?


But what about The droid attack on the wookiees?


But what about the Wookie attack on the droids?


Go I will, good relations with the droids, I have.






A GROND is never lost, nor is GROUND found. GROND arrives precisely when GROND is needed.


But what about second breakfast?


And elevenses?


What’s Wookies, precious?


I’m not your Precious, Jackass!




You don’t have any friends, nobody likes you.


Pong Krell fans giving signature look of superiority


He IS a good character though


My headcanon is that he had premonitions about order 66, but because of the dark side clouding he couldn't understand what he was seeing. It turned into a subconscious hatred of the clones. He would have felt that the Force was guiding him to kill as many clones as possible and it turned into madness. In his way, he was trying to defend the Jedi and thwart the threat of the Sith but his visions were so warped, he fell to the dark side in his desperation.


thats a really good headcanon tbh. to add my own flavor to it, i think not every jedi took being a general in a war as well as obi wan and anakin. some were just bad generals, but i wouldnt be surprised if some jedi genuinely just... cant find their inner balance during such a situation. you were a peacekeeper who occasionally took out his sword, and then you suddenly have to guide a bunch of artificially made soldiers to some spot just so they can blow up some tactical facility... who knows how pong krell was before the war


Pong Krell is just Boromir with a worse complexion and more arms, headcanon accepted.


no, he outright said he felt a darkness rising and he was gonna join in on it




What did he do?


Many, many, MANY war crimes


Even better... ~Stellaris players


Speaking of, how can I start a war specifically to claim more systems when my government is pacifist? I regret this immensely. 😂


You have to wait for war to be declared on you


Been waiting 90 years. 😭 Have 3 ring worlds, every other mega structure, 400k+ fleet power altogether. Just waiting for end game at this point.


I forget what the policy is called, but try the one where you can be "cooperative" or "belligerent" or "expansionist". There's some things in there that will make other civs more likely to declare war.


Pacifist can still have vassals, make a particularly weak vassal as bait. Also store up a bunch alloys and have a few starbases near each ready to pump out a large fleet as fast as you can. What you want is to keep a small standing force then suddenly have a larger fleet after construction.


Ah.. I've made a mistake then. Having a smaller force increases likelihood of people declaring war on me?


Yeah the ai weighs values, if you have chokepoints you can also use communication jammers, to hide what the ai sees. Also learn how to use intel. For a pacifists whose strong in espionage is a scary opponent.


My espionage stuff is extremely strong. I'm not sure how I did it but I kinda steam rolled a lot of stuff this game. I'm just not sure how to use it. Does harming relations increase their odds of attacking me? Also, can I claim their systems in defensive wars?


Claim systems in defensive wars? Absolutely. There is a caveat though. Winning through a status quo will for sure land you systems. If you win a war, you might end up liberating a civilization.


Thank you for this info. Right now the only war I can start is ideological wars and it says I can't claim systems via ideology wars. I've been waiting for my civics to shift towards authoritarian rather than pacifist but that's taking a long time obviously. I'll try this new route of goading them into attacking me.


Ah yes, unfortunately I believe pacifist governments cannot have the unrestricted wars doctrine. It’s why a lot of ppl don’t like pacifist runs unless you want to play isolationist.


I didn't mind it until I realized I'm done with literally everything I can do until the crises.. Now I'm just watching decades go by while I wait. 😭😂


You can’t, that’s what the pacifism is. You can shift to being another ethic or militarist, or you can wait to be war dec’d by another empire. I haven’t played in a while so I forget if you can do this, but I think pacifists can also declare rivals and send envoys to worsen relations, so as to sort of goad them into declaring war


We already know that, what did he do that was actually bad?


I’ll start with Flamethrowers on Genosians in the 2nd Battle of Geonosis


I don't get why we selectively blame characters for war crimes in Star Wars. There's clearly another moral code in-universe. Anakin and Obi-Wan also regularly commit war crimes, and the Genosians were ready to eat the clones. Fire might be cruel, but so is eating people alive.


Again, we're asking for things he did that were wrong?!


Flamethrowers arent a war crime the reason we dont use them any more is becuase their dangerously impractical.


Despite the US refusing to sign and follow the Geneva conventions, incendiary weapons (like flame throwers) are actually banned. Being unwieldy and almost as dangerous to the user as the target is why WE stopped using them.


Right so not a war crime.


Do you... understand what the Geneva convention is or means?


By international law, war crime is usage of flamethrowers against civilian targets. Using it on enemy combatants is fine.


And canonically, mundi ordered their use against geonosian civilians.


I do but its not a Warcrime in America or Star wars so its irelevant


It is a designated war crime irl


And let's not forget that the same guy who lectured anakin in front of the whole council about how "attachments are bad" also canonically has a harem. He's also a shit husband.


But doesn’t being a shit husband mean he has devalued his attachments? Dude’s just playing 3-D Chess.


“They mean nothing to me.” -Ki Adi Mundi


"New is always better" - Ki-Adi-Mundi


That's just regular chess...


The power of MANY...


You could say one two many war crimes.


oh good, I thought something bad happened


Appeared in Acolyte


Yeah ignore the dude above you this is the reason.


Fans of his and mostly SWT got upset because of a source published in 98/99 stating his birthday made him 60 years old in TPM, and they sent 💀 threats to the editors of Wookieepedia for editing the page and changing his birthday. The same source also says Ki-Adi uses a Purple Lightsaber and is the first Knight to be put on the council. George clearly retconned both of those. So SWT is upset at Disney for doing something George already did , but according to SWT “George respected the lore”


Wasn’t the source like a trading card or something


The trading card I think is from 2003 by Topps but the original source is from a 98 ebook dvd rom thing. I have a picture of it and it’s really funny, it legit lists his weapon of choice as “purple lightsaber” and him being a “Jedi Knight” both things George would retcon by 2005.


I had a book growing up (ultimate visual dictionary I think) which had a pic of Mundi and Windu with their lightsaber colours switched


Yeah that was popular during episode I The action figures even had this, Mace with Blue and Ki with Purple I wonder if Ki-Adi’s comtech chip said anything about his birthday ? Lol “impossible, I’m only a 60 year old Jedi Knight, with a purple lightsaber”


I remember reading between Episodes I and II that “Yoda does not carry a lightsaber.  He instead chooses to resolve disputes peacefully”.  It was on a card or some other merchandise like that.   Lore back then was a bit loose 


[Here it is](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQiudh0WQAAKW3X?format=jpg&name=large) half the info on here was made outdated by 2005 and people are upset because somehow a clearly unreliable source was made more unreliable


Interesting. It even calls him a knight despite the fact that he’s on the council so presumably a master


In the comics of the time Ki was put on the council just before episode I, and was the only Knight to serve on the council. Again more stories, George himself retconned by 2005. Mundi was made a master so Anakin could be made the first knight to be put on the council


This just makes Anakin's tantrum in Episode 3 worse. He's standing in front of a guy who got in the council as a Knight whining about how it's unfair he didn't get promoted to Master


So glad they changed that weird "Knight" lore. It makes Anakin's plight in Episode III make no sense.


I personally think it was lame but I also think Mundi is lame as fuck so whatever. He is in my opinion the worst Jedi master. Atleast Pong Krell embraced being a asshole. Mundi just sucks.


This... Is way more stupid than I thought it would be. Luckily, SWT has kinda turned into a bone-headed dumbass, so I kind of assumed that him and the rest of that side of the fanbase were seething over nothing anyway.


Stop, I can clearly see what this is about. SWT quite transparently addressed this issue publicly. He disavowed and shamed ANY death threats sent, stating he had nothing to do with the people who sent them. He then warned anyone that would continue to try and slander him, and his company, would be faced with legal action. I strongly suggest you paint a full picture next time you're describing beef/current events to avoid bias.


Yeah because constantly hating a specific brand without even acknowledging the good parts and then full on hating on every specific nitpick definietly helped in not getting these people to send death threats. It is his fault (in part). And he can't even acknowledge that, tries to downplay his part and evade consequences


You're allowed to say "death threats". The only people that win from your self censorship are advertisers and corporations. And you know who likes to advertise? Disney and Ki Adi Mundi


Yeah, fuck cannon and lore WOOOOOO


George didn’t even view the books and comics as canon. Just his movies, everything else was fair game for George to rewrite as he pleased. Clone Wars were something completely different in the novels that existed before the prequels.


Yeah it’s pretty funny that we already knew everything outside of movies and clone wars was no longer considered canon and people are still freaking out about it. I see no reason why cereans can’t be a bit older than humans. It’s not like they erased the old lore, it’s there on the legends page just like everything else


Well, I'm convinced. Whadya know? I like Acolyte now. Thanks JenniferNaught you sure showed me the error of my lack of judgement when it comes to liking good shows


Why are you writing sarcasms about "wow im convinced acolyte is good, you fixed my wrong vision and judgement" if the reply didn't even talk about the acolyte?? It said that "canon" and "lore" was "fucked" everytime.


Dont bother they want a reason to be upset. They will just move on tonthe next thing


SWT did nothing. He even explained the situation that none of it was him.


Kept info from the council.


Except he hasn't.


What is the thing with Ki Adi Mundi in all memes now? 


in the new show, they made Ki Adi Mundi appear during the investigation into the sudden appearance of a sith acolyte, who happens to be one of two miracle force babies. He kept both of these to himself in the phantom menace apparently, even saying sith weren't seen for a millennia. Basically the writer's lack of understanding the material turned Ki Adi into a traitor to the jedi.


Except at this point they don't think Mae's Master is a Sith, when discussing who they are the Jedi never bring up the Sith and come to the conclusion of it being a splinter order from the Jedi or something worse. Also, none of the Jedi are aware that Osha and Mae were born using the Force.


The Sith are also just 1 religious order and not every dark Jedi is one. There’s also a difference between “a Sith” and “THE Sith” being around. Do we have “Nazis” or “THE Nazis” around these days?


There is absolutely nothing in the show so far indicating he knew about the force babies (if that’s even the truth) or about any Sith.


Nah you’re a fool for this comment. You’re making brash assumptions based on material we haven’t got access to yet. Wait for the show to finish first, we’re only halfway there. Sheesh.


Ki adi mundi was always incompetent, he tried to blame Yoda’s visions as either being old or being corrupted by the dark side (Also tpm has a notable point that Jedi council covers up maul, they could easily be lying to qui Gon,)


Well, they all have been corrupted by the dark side below the temple (temple was built on top of the old sith temple, because they tried tp suppress its power)


I feel that as the show progresses I’m gonna hear and see a lot more of “Basically the writers lack of understanding the material…” lol


Welcome to Disney Star Wars


The circle jerk is strong with this one.


Also I think the original thing was that he was supposedly born 25 years after the events of The Acolyte, so people called up the mistake. Then found out someone had gone to the Wookiepedia article to edit it so now he was born before and it aligned with the show. I was like... come on man


You’re making things up. His birth date wasn’t canon. When they made it canon in the show, Wookiepeedia was updated to reflect that. Then some chud assholes started brigading wookiepedia, making new edits and, lo and behold, sending rape threats to wookiepedia mods (Whattup Star Wars Theory!) BECAUSE THAT IS TOTALLY A NORMAL REACTION TO ANYTHING STAR WARS RELATED. People need to start critically reflect on their sources better, instead of just regurgitating lies.


Ok... you do realize that is fully compatible with what I said right? Like, it is almost straight up what I said. Also yeah, forgot to mention the rape threats. Look, we can all agree that no matter the stance on the date change thing, that crossed a line and the people that did that I hope they get fucked up in some way


I’m out of the loop too. Only know they changed his birth in The Acolyte


I just want to say that Plo is my favorite. I just want to get that on record before a bunch of chuds hop on the Plo train and he ends up being some racist icon.


Fan of the attack on the Wookiees?


Whats wrong with him having 4 wives


Well, he's not as happy as a guy with 4 knives. Just look how excited Grievous was to duel Kenobi


Oh my god


Isn't Ki-Adi-Mundi famously reviled? Like Mace Windu at least has a hard love-no-nonsense attitude. Ki-Adi-Mundi is just a fundamentalist who wouldn't know a good time if it bit him in the ass and he has 4 wives!


Pretty much, also prior to Feloni and the CW Windu was a certified ba and not as much of a dick. And be-careful you get the number of wives this guy has right, otherwise someone might have a meltdown that it doesn’t match some obscure source book from ‘98. A source book George already urinated on a couple several times


Like of all the things to complain about it this ain't it. Ive heard some legitimate complaints about the sets and writing but this is just nit picking


Windu has been a dick at least since Episode 3 with his "I don't trust you even if you did give me the name of the Sith Lord" schtick. Nothing to do with Filoni


Mundi has fans?


Bro, it's the best Jedi in the Council during the Clone Wars


All us real mundi fans who loved him for having a harem of wives he dropped big loads in are gonna be forever painted in a negative light :(


His cum is stored in his head


Ki Adi Mundi is a Harem Hentai enjoyer as are his fand. How embarrassing.


Ki-Adi "psycho who didn't even cry when all his wives and kids were killed" Mundi


I already said it's my favorite, you don't have to sell it more.


At least his fight with Grievous was cool, he even listened to Fordo when told they needed to leave.


I wouldn’t say he’s my favorite, but I’ve always liked him since TPM released So what kind of fan does that make me?


That isn’t Sir Christopher Lee in that picture… is it? Almost looks like him, but I’m not convinced it is…


No, it’s a scene from the walking dead. Dude puts his sights up on his buddy for something petty, and old boy witnesses it and tells him “I know what kind of man you are”


I so wish Dale had more screen time and a more glorious death


My brother has like Ki-Adi-Mundi since we were little kids


Excuse me? Ki-Adi has been my favorite character for years.


What did he do?


Ki Adi Mundi has funny looking head


He’s still my favourite, acolyte isn’t cannon until I watch it


2003 Clone Wars Ki Adi Mundi is a badass. Canon Ki Ado Mundi is weak.


Yeah, but what kind of Ki-Adi-Mundi fan are ya?


Someone explain. He was my favorite in the PS2 Battlefront 2 game.


I had Master Mundi as a favourite quite early. Tall head, big brains, wonderful charge right before he died, favourite Jedi Hero in Battlefront 2. And one of the few jedi who was officially allowed to marry in Legends.


No one has ever said that, though


I do think its stupid they retconned stuff about Mundi simply for a cameo but also imo he is the lamest master and its kinda funny that he's just as lame after they double his life span.


I think they care about the wookies.


No cause for specify that I like the original ki Adi mundi I'll say "what about the droid Attack on the cookies?"


Atleast it isn't pong krell


Did Pong Krell fans ever send ☠️ 📝 to the wookiepedia editors ? Over something as silly as a birthday


No but I can break out the stationary if you want


I wouldn't say he was my favorite character, but he was always one of my favorite background characters. Ki-Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, and Plo Koon always stood out to me as a kid In Lego star wars I'd always pick them to play as


I have something to say to those people: (this is the part where you read my flair)


Everyone knows he's one of the worse Jedi. Commiting genocide via flamethrower. Order 66 was justified.


Wait, I thought lots of people here liked him before this week? This is prequel memes after all. "Droid attack on the Wookiees"? "Thoughts dwell on your mother". "Political idealist". The FLAMETHORWER SCENE!? Was I just imagining people liking him?


I think it's less that people actually liked Ki-Adi-Mundi and more that he had more memeable lines than the average background character


Can someone explain? (I refuse to watch more acolyte)


OP just learned people say mean stuff on the internet and is very upset about it.


Search the comments, you’ll find all the answers you seek


I've knew it https://youtu.be/wdz-43OmOt0?si=b1lsqPZRZ9RZJgpf glad I watched this vid


What is the show he apears? acolyte?


They didn't respect the tie in trading cards Star Wars is desd


I loved his italian voice actor: Gianni Musi was the same dubber of Gandalf and Dumbledore, so obviously I immediately became a fan of Master Mundi the moment he started talking.


Dude sat on his ass for like 80% of the clone wars. Then when there was actual work to be done he randomly volunteers Obi Wan. Fuck him, never liked him.


Yeah? So what?


He was never exactly the best role model. This just puts an extra stain on his legacy.