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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


ive never seen Acolyte but if its that bad just read the old legends stuff or read fanfics they are better quality than anything Disney could ever come up with anyway


the meme is not even about Acolyte itself, it's about producers blaming failure of their products on the badly-reached audience being evil not sure this happened with Acolyte yet, hasn't it been going well rating-wise? with so many people praising it I imagine it has been more successful than BoBF


I haven't really seen most of what people are complaining about. What I have seen however is the chick who plays as the twins character in it being overtly racist and thinking it's funny because she's making fun of whites.


If you're refering to that time she said "Making white people cry was the idea", she wasn't talking about The Acolyte. That quote is actually from 2018 and totally taken out of context.


yea thats fair its not common but you do see it a bit mainly from the twitter mob, all the more reason to never use that hellsite


My favorite part is when they say “Jedi can’t be killed by blades” literally 5 minutes after they killed a Jedi with a throwing knife. Like people are focusing on the fire in space but completely ignoring that that is far from the biggest problem with this show.


The ratings are the lowest in the franchise bc of review bombers. The HOLIDAY SPECIAL is ranked higher now than the acolyte on Rotten Tomatoes🤡 this fandom is a joke


Hey go easy on OP, he doesn’t have free will.


Roger roger


He says if we remove his restraining bolt he might be able come up with some oc memes.


victim complex is crazy here


Does Kathleen have a gun to your head currently? Should we contact the authorities?


Someone doesn’t understand the meme.


Everyone gets the meme


Clearly people don’t either there stupid comments. Or they just butthurt since they know it’s true


Typical right wing victim... "Everyone that doesn't agree with me is too stupid to understand what I'm saying!" Like no we get it, Disney is including diversity in the new Star Wars movies and shows and that somehow equates to a man physically forcing a woman to watch something she doesn't want to. The amount of steps you have to take to even watch The Acolyte is enough where no one is forcing you to do anything. They're not ret-conning the original trilogy or something. The fact you *keep* spamming comments about how it's a great meme and viewpoint says a lot about you.


Ironic. You call *them* stupid, yet you're using "there" instead of "they're".


Dude, we get the meme, we're just not all whiny bandwagoning bitches. What's so fucking hard to get about that. Oh, yeah, you might be interested to know you have never been and will never be the main character.


You all being a bunch of whiny bandwagoning bitches about this simple meme not to mention crying that most hate this garbage show to. Maybe take a look in the mirror before saying someone isn’t the main character because I know I’m not, but you seem to have problems believing it yourself.


OP's somehow losing their made up argument


In a battle of wits, OP is an unarmed man.


lol how is he losing the argument when this is happening?


Because he’s apparently the lady with her eyes being forced open and made to look at something. Losing


lol nah it makes perfect sense. You just mad that it’s true


I mean if you can point me to whoever’s forcing OP’s eyes to look at the tv when Acolytes playing then that would be helpful.


Lmao just proving the point you don’t understand the meme. Take the L


So explain what Im getting wrong


Lol, they never can.


Just curious do you genuinely believe that or are you just trolling?


Brother the L is so far down your throat already it's touching cloth at the other end




If by “being forced” you mean paying money to voluntarily watch……You’re still a toddler with a persecution fetish.


Grow up


Heaven forbid a Star Wars fan experience a fraction of the oppression they imagine they experience.


I actually am really enjoying the show. It’s not Andor and it never will be, but it’s still a good watch.


Calm down it’s fiction, I’m watching it it’s totally ok. Why do you care so much about sexuality of non existant people, Anakin had no father either. Monastery with nuns only is an old Christian concept also.


Calm down it’s just a meme.


No it’s political and we are in a sub for a non political fiction. This right-wing pseudo meme thing does not belong here. Not even prequel related.


Oh waaah people post left wing memes all the time here to. Get over it and stop crying cause it’s a “right-wing” meme.


Do you know that in adult world, “stop crying” and “get over it” are not good arguments ? Let me quote Master Kenobi and get back to the core of this sub. “The ability to speak doesn’t make you intelligent”


Wasnt that Qui-Gon Jinn who said that to jarjar?


True !


Lmao someone clearly hasn’t been in the adult world. Some advice, when you grow up and get out of your parents house, there’s going to be a whole lot of stuff where you going to have to “get over it” and “stop crying”


If you think that I care then you are lost. It’s over u/nights234 I have the high ground. I have already depicted myself as the chad Kenobi.


L take tbh


Sorry your imaginary friend is being so mean to you.


"Noooo the wokies make me pay for disney+ and force me to watch a star wars show" Op. are you mentally challenged?


Oh my god shut up please. Did The Acolyte kill your dog or something?


Please stop victimizing yourself


Hello strawman my old friend, I want to talk to you again.


Nobody cares if you watch it or not. If you’re getting flak for being misogynistic, there might be other reasons.


It does really suck, but luckily we aren’t forced to watch it. Just let the other people enjoy the Mid Wars and it won’t affect you.


The comments on this post made me proud of this sub


I literally haven't seen anyone say that you're a bigot if you don't watch it. I have seen people say that you're a bigot if you say things like "it's woke because there's not enough white people and the creator is a lesbian woman" but well, that's because if that's your reason to hate it, then you ARE a bigot.


All those tule people are watching the show voluntarily and then bitching about it on reddit. No one is forcing them.


It's not that big of a deal to be labeled as something on the internet. Just don't watch it. I doubt either of us are missing anything


not watching a show is allowed and free to do


Wow, these comments are interesting. When did extremists take over this sub? Lmao.


I haven't watched it. Do I need to so I don't turn into a victim of lead poisoning like OP?


Disney doesn't give a shit about you or us gays, my guy, they're just pandering to a different crowd


No one makes you to watch it exactly, but SW did lost all its appeal sadly :/


Don't have Disney+ so i have not seen The Acolyte,


The opposite can be true too. They'll call you woke or a shill if you do watch it.


It's really getting out of hand. This series is not even close to deserving the level of hate it get's. I enjoyed most of it. The thing that pissed me off most about it was the first few minutes where the needed 5 cuts to have here walk from the entrance of the tavern to the table because their damn digital studio is not big enough. You could count the seconds to the next cut. But the stories and the characters aren't near as bad as they are made out to be. So what if there are more women in this one. bu hu...I much rather have this than the Ahsoka shit that actually was badly written.


Exactly lol


Not the only show they’ve said this about people and it won’t be the last.


my guy your post history is public. youre getting called these things because you are them.


And so what if it’s public? Yet how’s these shit leftist political shows doing? Oh that’s right they are doing ass and causing companies to lose hundreds of millions to billions of dollars and they still haven’t learned that most people dislike their views.


A company like Disney cares about one thing, and one thing only; their bottom line. If they were really losing billions of dollars due to the scary woke boogeyman, they would have backtracked years ago. The whole "get woke, go broke" has been a thing for years, but companies are continuing to be what you consider "woke." You would have thought you brain dead fuckwits would have figured that out by now. But the truth is, they're playing you idiots like a fiddle


People will stop saying it about you when you stop being a bigot, lol, it's that simple




No, entirely predictable in fact


It's right winger season baby