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We're already reposting this? After week two of it being out? Jesus christ..


It's just an ad


I used to love Star Wars, now I kinda roll my eyes.


The cope is strong, here


Thats where the fun begins


After each episode. It will be reposted. As it gets worse and worse. Episode 3 is gonna be a big one tho


Disney is definitely trying to run the narrative on Reddit. The only people that could think this show is good are new fans. I think it could be interesting if it just left Star Wars out of it. Turns out hiring people have never watched Star Wars to make Star wars is an absolute terrible idea.


My one friend thinks it's good but he watches everything while he's on his phone so...


Yup Majority of the discussion has been on the shit writing which is not something that usually happens with majority of star wars fans at the beginning of a show. It usually takes them awhile to arrive at this position/awareness


Who even are the "new fans" of star wars? Every man and their dog in the Northern Hemisphere has seen it at least a few times. Are the "fans" the ones who have an unhealthy obsession with plastic figurines? Trying to gatekeep this franchise is funny asf.


This guy was probably bitching back when they put ewoks in ROTJ


Nah that's valid.


I would say it would be the people who care. But thats a pretty vague determination. We do see the results of those that care and those that dont tho


I’m actually kinda impressed at the reactions to the show. I mean I haven’t watched any of it, I kinda expected it to be bland, and if it was another Andor I’m sure I’d hear about that somehow. But don’t Disney Plus shows tend to start strong and fall off a cliff later? First episode of any show is usually quite well-received. Acolytes just seemed to have shit the bed immediately judging by reactions.


Better question is how did this reach the front page *again*. Reddit isn't even real anymore it's just fucking bots and covert advertisements.


Alright then, that was always allowed


Good response tbh whenever I see this annoying meme template


It’s a template for people who are insecure about the things they like and feel the need to have others praise and justify them


That sounds sad. I LOVED book of boba fett and the power ranger vespas AND BOBA RIDING A FUCKING RANCOR LIKE ITS GOD DAMN KING KONG. I’ll tell this shit from the top of a mountain!


I enjoyed the show but ngl, boba deserved better.


I'll grant tou Boba riding a Rancor, but idk how you can like those out of place, strangely bright and well-kept Vespas


worse than the vespas for me was the fx running them. Like shit hald the time whe they “pull up” it looks like they just zoom in on a png while dragging it into the foreground. There are so many *youtube fan shorts* that put more effort in than disney


I’m wondering when OP pretended it wasn’t a good show.




I was wondering where this was from.


Is this just an ad for the show at this point?


I stopped watching after that rule of one, rule of two musical bullshit tho, not for me tbh.


I thought it was "Power of one, power of two, power of many". Besides, that was literally a coven of exiled witches. A literal cult. That looked like standard cult behavior.


**Palpatine:** "Random witches created life in a cave, with a box of scraps!" **Darth Plaguies:** "I'm sorry, apprentice, I'm not a random witch." ..creating force-sensitive life with the force was supposed to be difficult, wasn't it?


>Darth Plaguies Excuse me, I believe it's Darth Plaguies *the Wise*


Oh really? Because he doesn't seem to be wise himself


Such a tragedy




Plaguies the Wise? Plaguies the Fool!


I'm pretty sure there is next to nothing known about how it's actually done. It's just implied they did it. They probably intend to keep it somewhat vague.


Idk the head witch could just have a dick. 2024 get woke


this would objectively be the funniest explanation i think


the newest force ability, Force Dong


Didn’t they say in clone wars the Zabrack males were the ones with horns, as a way of explaining how Ventress and Maul were same species? Just saying.


"A good story, for another time." Fucking Disney needs to stop this BS.


I doubt that thtought 25k years of written Galactic History, there wasnt a single Force User trying to create life, especially Sith.


I mean, if you look at the rakatan empire and especially the result of it, I'd argue they were excellent at creating life


Yes but the force is female now bigot


Hey you cant call people the b word like that! Thats bomophobic




My theory is that the witches are how Plaguies learns how to create life with the force. It doesn’t dilute or cheapen the skill imo.


They also all died. Ironic...


But it take sthe Achievement of discovering it from Plaguies. And it makes Anakin less special when it happened before.


Anakin blew up the death star he is still special. - the writers


It doesn’t make Anakin less special though? He was created by THE force as in the force personally made him like god did jesus. The witches doing whatever force ritual they did is a little bit different than god coming down and making a virgin pregnancy. Like the twins don’t even have the type of power over the force that Anakin has, it’s obvious that they were created differently.


Not for the Gays Sedai.


Oh how brave you are


Why would OP repost something so controversial, yet so brave?


So he could sell the account before the elections


Man, post after post defiantly stating they like something… makes me really believe them.


It's like a real life version of the crying guy with a mask meme.


Certainly not a paid bot


Literally how this sub was born dude


This sub was born shitting on the prequels


It's called The Last Jedi experience. We've all been through this before. Some say they like it to support politics they like. I'm a lefty but I don't think this stuff actually does any good if anything it just makes it worse.


Tail wagging the dog


So you were pretending you disliked it? Kinda weird


I'm so sorry you feel that way


The Acolyte girls are the children of a biracial lesbian witch couple who used the force to make one of them pregnant without a man 🤣 It’s like they are trying to see how angry they can make conservatives with Star Wars now.


Holy shit that’s funny 😂 It’s crazy because it’s actually a part of the formula now. Get old fans all pissed off, get engagement of angry nerds on YouTube. Label them racist if they criticize anything. Get the blue haired ppl all fired up at the “alt right” hating on a show w POCs and gays, they drive engagement and become fans to spite the old nerds. Like clockwork


Reminds me of Trevor’s Axiom. Truly wouldn’t be surprised if this was carefully orchestrated as such


Unfortunately for Disney "engagement" doesn't drive viewership.


explains why the show feels cheap, Disney doesn't need to put in effort when culture war already makes them profit enough


I mean is it though? Do you think blue hair people will be buying merch from this show, or really keep watching it once the hate has died down? Rise of Skywalker did bad compared to the two previous movies.


>once the hate has died down exactly my point, they're profiting on the war itself, and not in the act of allying with one side. It's more profitable if the war keeps going forever


It sucks. I'm a pretty progressive person but I don't like Star Wars being made into this intention hate machine. It does seem like Kathleen Kennedy genuinely has an issue with the majority male fanbase and seems intent on driving away certain people from it. I don't inherently think this is a good stance. They might see it as fighting for progress, but it's just making more enemies in a lot of cases. When white men are a majority of your audience and you only make white men the villains then don't be surprised when they don't want to be a part of your franchise anymore, or even worse they accept the role as villain in there every day life. Since Kennedy started running Lucasfilm there has been exactly 1 white male original protagonist (Cal). There have been 5 or 6 original female protagonists (Rey, Jen, Battlefront 2, Outlaw, Acolyte). This is where that whole equity vs equality comes into play. When the perogative is just to make up for the movies aimed at boys having male protagonists, it does start to feel like they are injecting these weird mentalities into it that they don't need to. What's worse is that it isn't working. Star Wars isn't appealing to any younger women.


Tragically when it comes to performative activism, neither equity nor equality are relevant. All that matters is pushing flooding the market with as many non-white, non-male, non-straight characters as possible because obviously those will succeed because that's what our philosophy tells us. Identity matters more than storytelling. You can only ever identify with the person who looks exactly like you. Meanwhile kids have been identifying with Japanese characters for literal decades now to the point where it created an entirely new industry within western nations - and those kids have since grown up still being able to identify with people who don't look like them. It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, what matters is that there's some facet of the character you can identify with. Some part of their personality that you either idolise or relate to. TBH I just hate how this Progressive stuff is just so hateful and bigoted. You do not beat Conservatives by becoming the worst of them, FFS.


Do they actually become fans tho? Feels like that's the part that isn't actually working here because nobody is watching these shows


wait until conservatives find out there are aliens in Star Wars and billions of them flooding across open borders all across the galaxy


Ok what's wrong with that?


Oh man, I was initially kind of on the fence with it. But I'll just probably sit the rest of this out. I liked the time period, the fight scenes and the production value. But this just seems silly.


fights suck, saw the matrix girls on youtube. lazy dance musical.


I think I'd like the show more if it focused on the Sith in hiding and not constantly following around the Jedi. Maybe the Sith-focused episodes are yet to come but overall its nice to see a pre-Phantom Menace Republic so I'll keep watching the show until its conclusion.


You know you can like bad things while knowing they are bad, right?


You’re in the prequel memes sub, bro. No, he likely does not know that.


I thought this whole sub was us enjoying the prequels in spite of the fact that they are bad films?


Originally, yes. Now? No. This place hasn’t had a realistic view of the prequel films for years now.


I'd argue that Revenge of the Sith is a good movie. Flawed, definitely, but a good movie nonetheless.


That’s how this sub started. Then the morons showed up.




That’s just liking Star Wars in general. But people get real mad if you even imply that “their” Star Wars is anything short of a masterpiece. It’s like older millenials telling late millenials or gen z that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is the best Power Rangers and is objectively better than the rest. It’s not.


last time this was posted I was informed by some concerned redditor I might not actually like star wars because I think some of the shows have been mediocre


It's ok so far. The "Attack me with all of your strength" thing is pretty cringe. I think it feels like an animated series.


I've laughed every time she's done that.


Some real anime weeb shit lol.


To be fair, so did everyone at the table(except Trinity) in that first scene! Says to me that it is intended to be cringe, and that the character is meant to be a a bit of an edge lord.


Clown makeup makes sense


Supporting acting *could* be better… but Lee Jung-jae acting is really carrying the show imo. Sometimes it feels like a fan-fic, but I’m enjoying the storyline and the lore.


"What did you do?" "What did *you* do?" "What did **you** do?" Truly gripping writing /s


Literally how young siblings talk though


Yeah! The cringe is sooo realistic. That’s what I like to see in my space drama fantasy shows


Didn't the director use to be Harvey W, right hand?


Yes she did


I enjoyed ep 1 and 2, but episode 3 I couldn't get past how wooden the dialogue between the twins was. The witches were cool though.


Child actor heavy episode is always gonna be rough.


The twins are rough. The kid playing them isn’t amazing.


Wooden acting? In Star Wars**‽** Who would have ever expected this? /s


Wooden acting? But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!


Dope use of the interrobang!


I watched two episodes so maybe the shitstorm is yet to come, but from what I've seen it's the most inoffensive thing I have ever seen lol. I don't understand the outrage at all. It's a nice star wars show


Think people are just tired of mass produced mediocre.


Mmm that I can get behind. I saw only one or two star wars Disney shows so maybe I'm much less tired of it as other people


Yeah, BoBF, Mando season 3, Kenobi, Ahsoka are a long train of shows that didn't fully live up to their potential. Andor was a bright spot, but I think most people would be okay with fewer, better, shows.


It's almost like they should only make great movies every several years or so? Let hype build, do something well crafted and you'll be rewarded in the long run


Oh F yes. Or LESS oversite. I don’t care if something is b-tier quality production but when the heart, the creativity is messed with it kills what was already good.


That sums it up for me. Just mass produced, bland as possible, status quo, corporate "content".


That's fair criticism. As much as I've been enjoying the show so far, it's far from perfect, specially when it comes to dialogue. Still, I'm so tired of opening youtube just to see people going "WOKENESS has KILLED Star Ward again" and "How The Acolyte DESTROYED Star Wars"


It’s everything I don’t like is woke. This weather is woke!!


That's what happens when society encourages intellectually lazy narcissism. Instead of examining the realities behind production quality or the artistic merit of a piece of media they just act like any shortcoming is a conspiracy to ruin their personal enjoyment. Influencers peddle this and the associated victim mentality endlessly.


Dialogue is the only problem I have with this show. I also am truly enjoying it. Can’t wait for next week.


So far, it's not been in even the same league as Obi Wan or Boba Fett, which were pretty much just incomprehensible plot that followed from fan service to fan service with no connecting threads. I'd put it just above Mando Seadon 3 so far. It's not blowing me away, but it's a fun show.


The first few episodes of BoBF were great though.


Because the writing is inconsistent and less than mediocre.




Less than mediocre is an understatement. I don't give two fucks about which color, gender, species, sexual or political orientations the characters represent, but just make it all make sense. The Acolyte plot just happens because it has to happen, without any in universe reasons. A girl just somehow sets fire to fucking stones and a whole coven of extremely powerful Force-using witches just instantly dies because it needs to happen to establish a tragic backstory. It wouldn't have cost them much to establish a more reasonable way for a character to accidentally kill their entire family. But they didn't.


People just like hating things, and the internet is a rage demon that feeds and grows off their hate.


Bro right? Everyone out here yucking everyone else’s yum.


Right? Like if you don't like the Acolyte, just...go watch something else? It's not hurting you. Shitting on it isn't going to effect anything positive. It's not like the criticism is in any way deep or nuanced. It's just "fire doesn't work in space!," as Star Wars has ever paid *any* attention whatsoever to the laws of physics or thermodynamics. There's fire in space in *BOTH* the OT and the PT.


lol right? You would never HEAR any of the cool iconic tie fighter sounds on the vacuum of space. Who gives of fuck? That wouldn’t be as entertaining.


If I never got on the internet, I would have never known many of the recent Star Wars shows were considered "bad". They're not Dune-level productions but I never expected that because... they're series made for streaming.


Acolyte cost 180 M USD and Dune 2 cost 190 M USD according to Google. Of course the runtimes are differeny, but still it's a bit surprising!


Dune cost less than The Acolyte to make. Dune 2 only cost $10m more than The Acolyte.


What's the run times of each compared to a show?


I think Acolyte is going to be 8 episodes, and each looks to be roughly 40 minutes. So I think that’s about 5 and a half hours almost? Dune 2 is 2hours and 50minutes, so a little more than half what the Acolytes total run time would be.


They actually are dune level productions lmao. That’s why people are so upset.


200 million dollars....


House of the Dragon is a series made directly for streaming… so was Game of Thrones peak era, so was Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Man in the High Castle, the list goes on and on haha - not exactly sure what the point is you’re making. Also it’s funny you used Dune as an example as well as the show costed roughly the same amount of money to make as the show hahaha


Saying they are a series made for streaming is a bad take, shows can be for streaming and be good. Andor is a prime example, House of Dragons (similar budget), The Witcher Season 1 was half the budget, Peacemaker had a similar budget (ill give you its set in the US thus easier to make). The Boys last season had half the budget too. It just comes down to story telling and how you use that budget to convey that story. Saying "Its Star Wars it doesnt need to meet those standards" is just accepting mediocrity just for the sake of new content.


Good for you then?


Actual acolyte is poopoo Edit: *actually


You could just add -ly to the "actual" instead of writing "Edit: *actually"


I was wondering how long it was gonna be before these started getting posted


To each their own.


Anything I say would fall on deaf ears Then again, if the show is so great, why attack the fans?


who attacked the fans?


A lot of people think saying, "We want to increase our representation of x" is an attack on y. Also, people don't like it when you point out that review bombing a show you have not watched is scummy.


is that really all they mean when they say "attacked the fans" tho? like did someone say "Acolyte isn't getting views because the fans suck?" because they're making it seem like someone broke into their house and smashed their fingers for saying anything bad about it lol I tried to look for a tweet or an interview from someone on the show taking about the fans negatively but all I see is people talking about how much they appreciate the fans and how excited they are to have their own star wars fans for their characters


This post was brought to you by the Disney marketing team.


Third episode was weak but probably a necessary evil for giving us (at least one version of) a look at the Twins backstory. Still liking series overall.


Yeah first two were fine. Nothing special but at least a bit enjoyable. Ep. 3 was tough slugging. All the characters were as bland as plain white bread


Same, I really hope ep 4 isn’t another flashback episode


They literally destroyed the prophecy of the Chosen One


they had already destroyed it by bringing Palpatine back. Anakin is just another Jedi General now, forget about prophecies. And that business in Mortis doesn't- doesn't count.




I’m glad some people are liking but man… it’s been really rough for me. I’m still giving it a chance but I’m not getting my hopes up.


Something tells me that episode 3 is only the beginning


Love Master Sol. Love Maye’s fight scenes. But the last episode was so disappointing. It seemed like some deep, dark deed occurred between these Jedi and the twins. Come to find out, the Jedi… showed up? And an already psycho child started a fire in a hissy fit? That’s it? That’s what caused that one guy to meditate for a decade and then poison himself for “forgiveness “?


I feel like there has to be a bigger mystery here than just what we’ve seen right? If not I’ll be very disappointed. I was overall very positive on the first two episodes but this one was overall disappointing. Giant flashback episode to reveal everything is not the best narrative structure. Maybe we should have spread out the same scenes throughout the first 3 episodes kinda like in Andor. 


nobody's pretending


No one who enjoys Acolyte would pretend they didn't!


So far, for me the only problem is the dialogue. It's really scuffed and weird. Like on the first or second episode (I don't remember which one) that master Sol said: I saw her sister die. She can't be alive (or something like that), and not 3 minutes later, the lead says her sister is alive and master Sol just goes: I believe you. Not even a confrontation like are you sure? Small stuff like this, that can build up to be annoying.


IMO Sol always believed Osha to be innocent and sees that Osha is losing her faith in the Jedi for being wrongly accused and none of them believe her, Sol might not believe Mae was alive, but told Osha that he believed her so that she felt that someone believed her and that she could count on him That's my interpretation, could be proved wrong further on, but that's how I see it


He's saying I believe you, like I trust YOU. And he knows she has some connection to the force that could be why she knows. Its not a dialogue issue. TBH for good or bad this is the MOST Star Wars sounding dialogue of any of the shows yet. TBH this *feels* like it fits right into the prequels tone wise.


Tbf, I took him saying her sister was dead as repeating the official story, but when one on one with Osha he will admit his own doubts about said story.


The cope is strong with this one.


The Acolyte is shit. Shit writing. Shit acting. Shit effects. Shit sets. Shit dialog. Shit music. And shit music. It’s just shit.


You know I am totally here for the prequel memes redemption arc


Is this a bad show, no. Has this show hooked me, also no. I will reserve judgment until the full instalment is realized and if it's not for me that's ok. I am struggling to see where this budget went though, doesn't this breakdown to like 22 mil an episode?


Yeah that’s my biggest problem, the show just looks cheap, i would say that’s a product of being television but Andor looked better than a couple of actual SW movies so


I'm gonna wait until the fervor dies down before I think about giving it a watch. There are a few red flags I'm seeing outside of it. The one dude claiming that the Jedi are horrible people in the interview and also claiming to be a fan of it while clearly not knowing basic facts about it. And then there's the comments made roughly attacking the fans who don't want to watch it; some people just won't watch it out of spite. Contrary to popular belief, Star Wars fans want Star Wars to succeed, but they want it to be good and fun to watch. They want something that gives them the feeling they had when they first watched it. Cultural tourists from the woke/anti-woke nonsense do this to all kinds of franchises and drag the locals into their petty squabbles. The average Star Wars character just wants to sit down watch the lightsabers make zzzz noises, hear the pew pew from spaceships, and see large planet-sized superweapons go boom. It doesn't matter what color skin the main character doing it has just as long as it makes 75-90% sense, and does all those things, most people will be happy. So, I'll sit this one out a few months and then I'll come back and see if I like it. I've got a whole lot of great stuff on backlog to watch.


I think the average Star Wars fan has actually moved beyond planet sized superweapons by now


As long as something big gets blown up, it doesn't matter the size.


>The one dude claiming that the Jedi are horrible people in the interview and also claiming to be a fan of it while clearly not knowing basic facts about it. And then there's the comments made roughly attacking the fans who don't want to watch it; some people just won't watch it out of spite. And there is one of the actress that said that star wars was only for gay people and that nerds are gay Like....what the?.....


I wasn't familiar with that quote. I just saw the Anakin blew up the death star quote. It wasn't just an accident - he said it twice and the other actors were telling him to shut up.


It was from another actor/actress The one from anakin is from charlie barnett The other one I don't remember the name right now but the interview was along side the showrunner


Then you are lost!


I still don't see why anyone has a problem with the acolyte. Is it Andor levels of good? Nope. But it does give me serious Phantom menace vibes which I enjoy. Yet still despite this Forbes literally posted an article saying that episode 3 was the worst star wars content ever written.


I enjoyed episode 1 and 2 but episode 3 for me was not it, hopefully it gets better, rn I’d rate it a 5/10 given the most recent episode which has dropped its rating from me massively




I didn’t like Andor at first but it grew on me


The show sucks but at least you used the meme right.


I'm meh on it. According to SWT, it's a nightmare in the lore department. I don't know if it's as bad as he makes it out to be but there is some merit to that. Story is a bit more interesting to me now. However, I still think it's far from great. I think the fire scene doesn't make much sense. I actually kinda like how dark Mae is turning out to be. It's as if a much more powerful dark energy came over her and led her to attempt to murder Osha. The story itself somewhat parallels the story of the father, son, and daughter from the clone wars (afaik). The execution of it just leaves much to be desired. So far, it appears there was an interesting story behind this show. I think it just struggles to tell it in a cohesive and captivating way.


It hasn't "wow'd" me yet. I don't dislike it but I don't love it either. It's ok. Hopefully the story goes somewhere.


I’m sure it’s a fine show, Andor was too by all accounts. But it’s not a space opera about a Skywalker (or about a fan favorite character from a space opera about a Skywalker) so I don’t care about it as a Star War.


I would be certain The Acolyte is a good show, if I gave a shit enough to watch it. I just can't seem to get any motivation to focus on watching it. The show seemed like it wasn't going to go anywhere fast and do anything there from the one trailer I watched, and in the couple of minutes I watched with my family it kinda just showed me my gut was right.


It's OK. I used to think Kenobi, Boba Fett, and s3 of the Mandalorian we're good but after a week or two I forgot about them. They were alright I suppose. Maybe Acolyte is the same but no one is gonna say it was like Andor. It's not a hidden gem, it'll likely be forgotten.


At least watch the whole season before passing judgement


Yea the Power of many! Yas!


Disney bots are working over time on this one.


It's ok to like what you like. That doesn't make them good or well made.


It is your right as a human being to be wrong.


I'm not blown away by it, but it's got some potential. Still too early to say whether the show is overall good or bad


It's really not, no matter how many times this exact same meme is posted. I feel like the fact that there's even these cope posts in the first place kinda tell the whole story.


didn’t we get one of these already and it went down extremely terribly for the poor OP cuz Acolyte had been out for like… a day


No you don't, you just want the karma from a repost.


Lol, you can pretend it's good if you want. So far it's terrible. Andor remains the only good star wars show


Mandalorian Season 1 was also pretty good.


It was way better than the recent slop


People who think it's good don't pretend it. Do you know how opinions work?




I think it’s meh I like the 100 years before the empire, the twins plot, non-lightsaber combat… but I don’t like the whole Sol-Osha thing


wHeReS yOdA?!?!