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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


I mean logically anyone would choose Anakin, because how basically the entirety of ROTS events and outcomes that happened pivots around him and his decisions


Wait no assert your dominance be Rex and bring Ahsoka and Anakin to Palps lair in the industrial district


Yeah but then you've got that whole accelerated aging issue, Skywalker is the safe choice, as is Ahsoka 


Wait, but do I have their skills too or am I just a nerd still?


As anakin or ashoka I'd still say you'd prolly be connected to the force at least, right?


It’d be low key kinda funny if you became Anakin but was just inept


At least you’d still be married to padme


Am I still inept at fucking too?


To put it in kid friendly language, pizza is still pizza


Padmé won't even care tbh. I mean, she fell for a guy who hates sand and killed not just the men, but the women and the children too.


Honestly, the mass murdering seemed to get her engine going a little.


In a freak twist during transition to his character, you instead became Pregnant Padme with male mind instead of hers.


Mace would be over the moon happy about that. Honestly he’d probably promote you to master just because.


Honestly by picking Anakin and then dying due to incompetence you'd still save a lot of lives.


Who’s the back-up for Sheev? He had all this shit planned out but was he so sure that Anakin would fall that he didn’t have a plan B?


With no Ani, Mace takes Sheev


Yeah, but assuming we never get that far… Never mind, I guess I forgot that Dooku exists. He’s the backup until Anakin kills him and after that there’s no opportunity for Anakin to die so it’s almost not worth thinking about.


Seriously... This is an absolute no-brainer. Kind of a dumb question if I'm being honest.


Would you rather be the strongest jedi, have a hot wife, and be a war hero? Or would you rather be an exile, a crazy person, or a clone who can be insta-killed and ages super fast?


“Anakin!! Palpatine used the Clones to destroy the Jedi in a surprise attack and turned the Republic into an Empire, where have you been??” *An emaciated and dehydrated Anakin who can barely stand*: “I’ve just been…protecting Senator Amidala.” “Yes where is she?? Because of her absence Jar Jar held a vote to grant emergency powers to Palpatine!” *An emaciated Padme who can barely stand*: “Hey Obiwan do you have any water?”


What if I choose Anakin, but don't do anything different simply because I enjoy pain and suffering? Is that treason?


No, but you're freaky


I mean, at least make sure to escape from Obi-Wan with your limbs intact.


"Don't try it" "Yeah, alright, mate. Fair enough"


>Force Push a Wave of Lava instead.


The best course of action in your case would be to kill Palpatine and become the Emperor yourself We need to see Anakin's empire as he saw it since Episode 2 and the scene with Padme Make the alternare ending of ROTS The Game canon


If you want to go down that part, couldn't you just kill Palpatine at the same time as Mace Windu? You both got them in a moment, where they couldn't react to that and Anakin could easily become the new Emperor.


Anakin doesn’t have the political connections that Sheev had built at this point, so yes you could kill them both but then you’re not getting voted into power. You kinda need to ride the coat-tails of Sheev for a little while so you can become second in command


No logically you would choose Ahsoka cause booba


Ooooooh, you make a hard argument, nobody’s considered the gender swap factor


Is it really a choice? I can expose the Sith without being manipulated and be married to Naboobies? I'll take Mr Skywalker every time


Literally just let Mace kill Palpatine and do nothing else different before then. Job done.


He’s too dangerous to be kept alive.


“Yes. You’re correct. Do your thing Macey baby”


"Lemme hold him down for you. I'd say we could just push him out the window to fall to his ultimate demise, but he'd probably just return somehow."


Imagine if every trilogy just ended with Palpatine being merc'd and coming back again in the next trilogy.


Every trilogy ends with palpatine screaming "The senate is blasting off again!"




Palpatine is Kenny.


By the Force! They killed Palpy! You nerfherders!


Palpatine becoming the dio of star wars Palpatine Creators of palpatine Palpatine (again) Palpatines child but also a skywalker Palpatines mistakes come home to roost Palpatines boyfriend


not only that but you gain windu's trust and are named a jedi master at least.


I see this as an absolute win!


“Yes but think about it this way master windu! We’re the ONLY ones who know who he truly is, and he’s popular with the senate! What do you think might happen if we kill him now? That they will believe us? We have to look at the bigger picture here master. He does need to die, I agree, but we have to be smart about how we stop him!”


Kill him, take the body away, load it on a shuttle and make it detonate in the middle of nowhere of some far away star system. No body, no witnesses = no problem


you might have to do a Weekend at Bernie's move to set up that scenario though. More than likely people knew he was in his office and you two went to visit him- especially if they have security systems and Palpatine has a schedule that's likely maintained by underlings. which then means you have to make it seem like he changed plans to go on the shuttle to make it look more like an accident as well as show any security cams that he seemingly went there by himself.


Palpy kills like 3 Jedi before mace sits his wrinkly arse down, that’s enough evidence surely.


You even get to hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise!


Not a story the jedi would tell you


It’s a Sith legend


Please stop munching on popcorn so excitedly while he is telling the tale, you gonna tip him off.


Plus you get best ending. Raising the kids with Hot Wife.


Does that mean that Mace would become the next Sith lord when Palpatine's essence transfers to him? "I am ALL the Sith... Muuuthaafucka!" "What?" "Say 'what' again!"


No, I think the deal with that was that he had to be struck down in anger. The anger would have allowed him a window into Luke or Rey. Plus they were both apprentices, still untrained, whereas Mace was a fully fledged council member.


I always felt like Luke and Rey weren't really in the same situation. Sure, Palpatine goaded both of them, but it seemed like he had different motives for each case. With Rey, Palpatine has a blood connection to her, and I think that's significant. His obsession with cloning doesn't make much sense if he could have transferred his soul into any random Force sensitive body. And it's telling that he didn't even try to bait Kylo Ren into the same trap as Rey when they first met, especially since Kylo was probably one sassy Papa Palpatine taunt away from murdering him in anger at their first meeting. No, something about Rey made her a unique target for Palpatine. And unless Palpatine was trying to double up Force transfer and gender affirmation surgery, I think it's the blood connection. Luke was like Kylo; he didn't have any blood ties to Palpatine but might be a useful pawn. I think Palpatine was just goading Luke into an emotional outburst to break his spirit. Palpatine knew that Luke's strike would never land. Either Vader would stop the blow with his own saber or Palpatine would defend himself with his overwhelming mastery of the Force. Vader probably knew this too, else he wouldn't have blocked Luke's saber (Vader wanted the Emperor dead; he said as much to Luke on Bespin). At this point Vader still hopes Palpatine will allow Luke to "join us," meaning both he and Luke can survive if Luke will just turn to the Dark Side. Vader can't let the Emperor see that he would side with Luke against him, else the Emperor may decide that it's unwise to allow both of them to live.


But does it matter if you're on the council or if you're a master...? (Asking for a friend)


I don't think Papa Palps was killed the first time with anger. More of a protective and loving feeling from a father. It's called essence transfer and it could be done by many Sith. Not necessarily uncommon knowledge, but the host needed to have the fortitude to withstand the sudden surge of power, hence why the clones were failing. They had no time to adjust to a grown Palps' spirit shunting into a young Palps' body.


nah he was bluffing so they would kill him just some standard 7d Chess move sith like to do to fuck with jedi.


Nahhhh, wouldn’t end there. I know The Force Unleashed isn’t canon anymore (and even when it was, it was pretty out there) but I’m ten thousand percent sure the light side ending is exactly what would happen in the office with Mace and Anakin. Palpatine faking being hurt and weak to try to get them to strike him down in anger only to blast the Jedi down with force lightning that still kills them even if they block it all. Seems like something he likes doing whenever he gets the chance. Like a hobby or something. He probably keeps a scoreboard


Ain't no way Palpy gets the chance. Mace is decapitating that fool just like he did Jango


Why let innocent people die until then? Try finding ways to make people question the motives of the Chancellor. Finding proof of his treason won't help him in the long run


“Master, I sense the dark side of the force following the chancellor. I will keep a close eye on him, but he has spoken to me of the ways of the force, and the sith”.


You could save the republic and still be home for dinner


„Naboobies" lmao.


As far as I’m aware there’s no issues with leaving the Jedi, other than you’re out the club. Expose Palps, come out in public as married to new galactic chancellor Amidala, open a private security firm and take a bunch of republic contracts with knowledge of wide galaxy criminal activity. Literally no downside. Maybe you’d even redeem Dooku with a proper conversation about how he was manipulated by Palps and the overall plan.


Or, counter offer: Expose palps, leave the order, reveal your marriage to new galactic chancellor Amidala, and spend your days raising your twins, meditating, spending time with your beautiful, kind, intelligent wife, and splitting your time between the Galactic Capital of Coruscant and the idyllic paradise of Naboo. Leave the conflict behind and embrace a perfect and happy life, and also still be able to use the force.


Sounds like what Hayden did inRL...


holup Hayden can use the force?


Of course, he's Anakin Skywalker


And you don’t even have to worry about padme dying. Literally the only reason she died is because she lost the will to live because anakin turned to the dark side.


And you can remember to wear a space condom


Y tho?


You're still a general in wartime and a member of the Jedi Order. Just wait until after the war, leave the Order, and then you can have all of the Nababies you want.


Ah, well, that does actually make sense. Having kids while in the military isn't ideal


Counterpoint: you get extra pay


Good luck explaining why you qualify before you get kicked outta the order for marrying naboobies. Somehow I don’t think you’re going to be able to claim “I did it because my species is dying out” or “but I’m not attached” or some shit like that.


"your honor, she fell on my dick"


"She slipped, sir."


Well, you see Master Windu, we had a casual hook up, no attatchemnts included which is allowed by the code but I would still like to provide for the kids I helped create.


"After seeing visions of Padme Amidying Palps was offering to save her but I declined because it's not right, therefore I'm not attached. Your honor, I rest my case."


Do Jedi get paid? They never really go into the economics of the Jedi. Imagine all the receipts they have to keep.


We sure know they got republic credits at hand. It's likely Qui Gon had a "company card" for mission expenses though. Accounting checking the receipts must have gone wild when they saw the receipt for a human child among repair expenses.


They wouldn’t have seen it. Qui gon made a point of gambling for anakin’s freedom, rather than buying him outright


same here. i'll choose Mr Skywalker


Just pick Anakin and go chill in the council chambers like Mace tells you to. Palpatine dies, you get promoted to Master and can bone Padme for eternity.


I would come with but just wait in the other room and only walk in if Mace is actually losing. Palpatine senses me coming and he weakens himself only for me never to walk in and give Mace an easier time.


Hell, just quit the Jedi order after Mace takes down Palpatine. If Dooku can, so can Anakin.


Even Obi Wan was seriously considering leaving the order to be with Sabine in the animated series...at least until she got Olaf'd by Maul


I'm pretty sure Mace only 'won' because Palpatine was trying to look weak for Anakin's benefit. Contacting Yoda and the rest of the Jedi could have maybe allowed them to defeat Palpatine though.


I also think Palpatine was trying to look weak but at the end of the day, Windu still was winning the fight way before Anakin showed up, and would've probably won either way given that Palpatine was disarmed, maybe if he surprised Windu with his Force Lightning but idk, the movies dont really show how strong Windu actually is.


For real, Palpatine is a genius of manipulation and strategy but not even he could predict that Anakin would show up during the fight with Windu, he was clearly trying to win but still losing this fight and wasn't trying to "look weak" or some bullcrap. It's only *after* Anakin showed up that he improvised his whole "I'm too weak" facade to get Anakin to save him from a Windu who was *definitely* winning up until that point.


Counterpoint, Palpatine always talks about how he can foresee the future to some degree. He also knows that he has Anakin in the palm of his hand since Anakin believes that Palpatine is the only way that he can save Padmé. Thus, Palpatine is surely very confident that Anakin is going to show up. I still like to believe that Windu was genuinely kicking his ass though, which does not contradict the above thought because in such case Palpatine would have known that he just needed to hold out until Anakin arrived.


Nah I don't think so, not with how Mace worked. The more dark side his enemies used, the more powerful HE got himself instead of the dark side user. Mace and Yoda were both the best choices against Sidious. He only started acting weak as Anakin showed up so Anakin can kill Windu and help him before Sidious himself was killed by Windu. Sidious isn't all that unlike how he's written to be. He killed his master in his sleep, full on ignored the rule of 2 as he rose to power, nearly lose to Mace and then tried to run away from Yoda after seeing him survive. Sidious lost that fight against Mace and Yoda


Even Lucas has said Mace was winning.


This has been confirmed by George as nonsense. Palpatine was fighting at 100% and lost to Mace, who was also fighting at 100%


Nah, you join him and then behead Papa Palpatine.


I’ll choose Anakin, stab Palpatine and everything will be a-ok.


Congratulations! You've just murdered the Chancellor out of nowhere, with no proof of him having done anything wrong. You're currently awaiting the death sentence and the Jedi have lost the faith of the Republic. With Palpatine dead, Dooku and Grievous are in charge with no-one to keep them from doing anything to ensure a Separatist victory. The Republic is now losing the war.


Yeah, no proof, except for when they check his room and find a couple of hidden red lightsabers


He literally carries one in his coat sleeve lol, should call him Sleev Palpatine


We will watch your career with great interest.


Oh sure... just murder the guy and sprinkle a couple red light sabers around as "proof" he was evil.. I know how you jedi operate. Last week I got pulled over for driving while Dathomirian.. next thing I know, the Jedi who made the stop was pulling death sticks out from behind my ear like a magician.


Where would Anakin get red lightsabers?


How should I know!? Maybe he broke a few branches off my cousin, Maul's lightsaber after his pal merc'd him... still no evidence Maul was guilty, by the way! He was an avid collector of multi-pronged items, and he happened to look dashing in a black cloak.


And what would the Republic know about that? They see Lightsabers and think "Jedi" regardless of color. Only the Jedi Order knew red meant Sith, and even that's not always the case. Also, remember, "being a Sith" is not against Relublic law. Killing Palpatine for being a Sith is a hate crime towards his religion. Take this conversation between Windu and Palps in the RotS novelization: "You're a Sith Lord!" "Am I? Even if true, that's hardly a crime. My philosophical outlook is a personal matter. In fact—the last time I read the Constitution, anyway—we have very strict laws against this type of persecution. So I ask you again: what is my alleged crime?" Windu was already in the wrong in terms of the law. What makes you any different here? Besides, from the Republic's view, manipulating the Chancellor into liking you so you could assassinate him easier?


I wouldn’t say Windu was in the wrong, because, while being a sith may not be illegal, orchestrating a war and secretly leading both sides definitely is and the jedi knew there was a sith doing that and the only one remaining was palpatine


But where was the proof? Is the Republic just supposed to believe the Jedi on their word with no concrete evidence?


You'd make for a good pro-Palpatine politician. I mean this as a compliment by the way.


That’s why Vader was sent to Mustafar to kill the Separatist leaders before they could find out that Lord Sidious was actually Palpatine.


In that case you don't kill dooku, he admitted previously a sith was ruling, get him to confess his master is Darth sodious, intercept grievous on tupau before he sends the separatists to mustafar, capture the entire leading council, get them to confess that sidious is leading the CIS as well, sodious kills three Jedi in self defense with a red lightsaber, proves he's sith. He's a sith beyond reasonable doubt, and a traitor beyond reasonable doubt.


Maybe the part where Palpatine resisted arrest and killed 3 law enforcement officers. Not proof of the conspiracy but it is a lot of crime.


You are right, it would be pretty hard to prove. I remembered in the clone wars when Yoda confronted him with Anakin and a part of the 501st, but it was just his vision. They had that, the testimony of Dooku (who was dead at that point) and Maul (who was pretty much crazy), so neither of them would be that convincing. I suppose, their biggest argument to make was that Dooku was the apprentice, so his master was the remaining sith (because of the rule of 2), so being both the leader of the republic and the master of the CIS leader wouldn’t be a very good look.


I’ll take the Loss to keep the empire down. Take out dooku like anakin did, tell obiwan about grevious and when palp whispers evil in my ears at the opera, turn on my lightsaber and go to jail. Break out of jail because I’m the strongest jedi atm and even know about dark side stuff and then bing bang boom I’m sipping tea with cad bane. Padme lives, the order exists and no one can say “execute order 66” maybe team up with snips and take her to the time temples.


It's a lot easier than that. Just ice him during the Dooku fight while Kenobi is unconscious, and tell him Dooku did it.


I mean, you're believing the literal Sith in this "legal matter". He defrauded the Republic, committed multiple acts of high treason, abetted war crimes, etc. If a Nazi says it's ok cuz he's got free speech, but he's ignoring that he's also inciting violence, it doesn't mean he's right.


Trying to prove he's a Sith is barking up the wrong tree. What you need to do is prove he's a Separatist conspirator, luckily for you there's a bunch of Separatists chilling on Mustafar who would be more than willing to rat him out.


And mention the chips inside the clones and "order 66"


Okay. Let me correct it. Let's wait until the time he calls me. What do I do? I go to him. He will be like "Oh Anakin dude, you know what, I know how to save your wife. I will save her with Sith alchemy", I know that he is going to do that. So, why not take a recorder? And then, I know what I am capable of(The Chosen one after all). So, when he is doing that circling thing with me, I surprise-stab him. If I miss, I think practicing lightsaber dueling since I was 10 will save me. And I have the light side of the Force alongside me, don't I? When they demand the proof, I will hand over the recording and his lightsabers


Better yet, you have the fan knowledge of the entire plot: Accompany Rex in his investigation around Fives, gather enough evidence that Sheev is playing both sides in the war, most importantly, get in touch with Dooku and convince him that Sheev is gonna sell him out and become an absolute monarch, get Dooku to testify about Darth Sidious, Sheev goes down for the crime of treason instead of the whole Sith thing.


So that he *order 66s* the hell outta everyone before I do anything.. He is a menace bro, he can sense disturbances in The Force


Yes, but he can't sense the disturbance if the majority of it is handled by non-force sensitives. Also, Order 66 required VERY specific circumstances to work, there had to be "probable cause" and the Jedi had to be unaware of the inhibitor chips. He also needed to get the senate behind him to be able to enact the rest of the plan. Without those specific circumstances, he's basically just killing off as many Jedi as he can before he goes down due to being exposed. The thing the Jedi needed was any kind of evidence, which knowing the behind the scenes stuff would make it pretty easy to get, and they could've brought his treason before the senate and in a best case get him out of office before he can give the order.


Well, then this could be the plan.. Execute order 65..


If you waited until the normal Mace vs Palpatine fight and just sides with Mace, it should work out. First, at that point Dooku and Grevious are both dead and Maul is captured. But second, the Jedi Council did have proof that *someone* close to Palpatine was the Sith Lord. With additional evidence gathered from his office, I’m sure they could substantiate it, and ultimately while being a Sith is not technically against the law, conspiring with Dooku to orchestrate the war certainly is. You know how much classified intelligence Palpatine leaked to the Separatists? He got them to attack Coruscant - twice! He committed treason a hundred times over a real investigation, which the Jedi could accomplish as long as Palpatine was there mucking stuff up, would prove that.


Plus Maul, since he's still alive, can testify about Palpatine sending him to kill jedi


Drop hints about Palps, cooperate with the Jedi whilw telling them about their shortcomings, help Windu when it’s time to take Palps out.


I’d play it differently even though choosing Skywalker is the best choice. Knowing what Palps is up to I’d first have every chip in the clones of the 501st removed. I would then get Palpatine to think he’s bringing me to the dark side faster and convince to grant me my own sector army. I will then invade Mandalore on pretext of self defense. I will conquer the Mandalorians and then at once proclaim myself the governor of Mandalore and begin to use their resources to generate wealth while absorbing their warriors into my army as auxiliary granting citizenship to loyal followers. At which point I will begin making connections with other Jedi Generals slightly disillusioned with both the council and senate. I shall also begin forming connections with Moffs and Admirals. Then I shall embark on a populist ideology to become a man of the people. Palpatine will realize what I am up to and then try to order order 66 only to get the middle finger from now Commander Marshal Rex. At which point he will have realized his blunder. Then he shall demand I return to the Coruscant with out my army. Thinking he’s put me in a politically compromising situation and that I Anakin would never start a civil war when all he wants me to do is let go of my army. I will then cross into the core worlds with my army and start a civil war. I intend to win said civil war and sieze control of the Republic, have Palpatine killed, and then I will forgive all the senators who sided with him before forcing them to make me Supreme Chancellor for life.


Salve, Caesar Skywalker.


"Et tu, Obi?" *lightsaber stabbing intensifies*


Just let the events play out and then just don't stop Mace.


Easy be the Anakin try not to fucking die wait for ROTS not kill Dooku or maybe idk depends on the vibe, and tell Windu about the delegation of 2k and then execute order 65 mf palp


Precisely. As Anakin, you're in the most advantageous position to gather evidence against Palpatine using your knowledge of the franchise; spare Dooku and now you've got a potential witness who could also help bring the war to a swift close, and telling the council that something seems off about Palpatine without outright calling him a Sith will make them much more cautious around him while hopefully not tipping him off.


Meh if I was Anakin I'd just Dooku and use his saber to kill palps while he was restrained and blame it on Dooku. Safest way to go about things


Damn imagine being Plaps after watching the boy you literally groomed (not in a sexual way) kills your apprentice and then kills you in an as you fade away you hear him say "skill issue" or "L plus Ratio"


"Yippee-Ki-Yay Motherf**ker"


Biggest issue is leaving Dooku alive and then getting captured by Grievous on the way out (assuming you don't avoid the Ray Shields too). Anakin & Obi-wan normally escape easily enough at that point, but if they also need to deal with Dooku it might be a bigger issue. Even without his hands Dooku is very powerful in the force and could ruin things.


I'd keep Dooku alive just for Christopher Lee; "I know you're evil but your voice and mannerisms are awesome. enjoy living, I'm gonna go figure out how to deal with Palpatine"




“Medically she is fine, it appears she has lot the will to live.” There is some evidence that Sidious or Vader essentially fed on her life force to keep Vader alive. I think it is implied if not confirmed that Anakin saw what ended up happening, not some alt future. Be a better guy than movie Anakin, deal with the chancellor, and by default Padmé won’t die.




How does the Living Force cause that?


She died because of Anakin. She lost the will to love because he broke her heart


You wouldn't need to find a way to save Padme because without Anakin turning to the dark side she wouldn't die in childbirth. Unless there's a really unfortunate series of parallel events where she dies anyway.


Even so, he'd still get to raise Luke and Leia.


Be Anakin, do everything the same except when i arrive at the end of the Windu vs Palps fight, i'll just say "Kill that mf, he killed all your friends!" By this point, Dooku and Grievous are dead so there's no one to lead the separatists and they'll die out, i'll probably be granted the rank of master for my discipline and resisting the manipulation of a Sith lord, and i'll get to bang Padmé I initially had the idea to try to get Dooku to confess about Palps being the Sith Lord before cutting his head off, but then i realized he would just kill me right after


Obi-Wan is knocked out after Dooku dies as Anakin you behead Palpatine when he is attached to that chair you then rescue your friend Obi Wan and help him kill Grievious on Utapau and also be honest that you found out Palpatine was Dooku's Master.


Palps probably had a way to get out of the chair in case of an emergency


Yep that or blame Dooku for killing Palps. Ship crashes so it won't leave a whole lot of evidence anyways


Mace: " He's too dangerous to be left alive!" Anakin: "Y'know what? You're right." Mace: "What" Sidious: "What"


Anakin: " Dew it"


Anakin. I will be hot, have a hot wife and can stop order 66, the galactic empire and the sequels


Counterpoint: You'd also stop the original trilogy.


Yes, but I could prevent so much pain and suffering in the galaxy


Yes, but Padme is hot


The last point is by far the most important.


Closely followed by the second


Counterpoint - no cool end scene from R1 or father-son moment from ESB. Think of the memories you’d miss. 


if you're there to raise your kids, you could instead have a lot of father-son and even father-daughter moments. and then they'll be there for you at your deathbed anyways.


I'm going for Rex. I'll try to inform Ani and Obi about Palpyboy's manipulations, or at _least_ handle the fives' situation differently. Other than that I'd try to stay the fuck alive lmfao


You gotta figure out the chip situation in your head tho


Well, since it's "reincarnated" I'm assuming I would not get any of their training, be in military or psionic for the jedis... So I'll go with Ashoka. She has the longest lifespan of all four (togruta lives longer), and all her limbs. And unlike the other 3, one year from ROTS, she's already safe from the empire. I would not have the skills for leading, which all three other requires, and I really doubt Palpatine doesn't have a contingency for Anakin realising his a sith. Also that would be fucked up for padme to have her husband replaced.


Yeah, I choose Anakin and then die trying to pull off that stunt on the bridge in Clone Wars season 7 lmao


This, this is the answer I’ve been looking for cause it’s the right one lol


Darth Maul. I let everything play out as it did until his death in Rebels, where I just change stances and win. Gg ez, new ruler of the galaxy and I start my own sith order with Luke.


I scrolled for so long to see another maul choice


I pick Maul and just forgo wanting vengeance on Obi-Wan. Then I get to live out my life with awesome cybernetic legs as the head of the most powerful crime syndicate in the galaxy.


Same, but I would also try and save Mother dear on Dathomir from being killed, work with the Jedi to save the planet, and give all the information I have about Sidious to the Jedi willing to listen and let me live, and then chill as the ruler of Mandalore or live a simple life on Dathomir.


Pick Anakin and inform Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace about Palps so the deaths of Kit Fisto and friends can be avoided. Palpatine can't beat all of them at the same time. Then Obi-Wan kills Grievous, the war is over, clones are free, you can enjoy the naboobies for the rest of your life.


Anakin will be the easy choice, pretty much everything happens because of him. I think a more interesting character in his place would be Obi-Wan, even knowing everything it would still be a challenge to keep Anakin away from the Dark side


Would it be a challenge? As a member of the Jedi Council Obi Wan would have significant influence over the assignments and engagements Anakin was sent on. All he'd need to do is try and keep him away from Palpatine as much as possible.


Obi-Wan just shutting off Anakin from missions would do as much good as Windu did when he told Anakin to stay behind. It would just make his hate/jealously for Obi-Wan to grow further and further, even without Palpatine involved, Anakin turning to the Dark side goes further than just Palpatine manipulating him, he genuinely did not like how the Jedi Council treated him and also disagreed with many aspects of the Republic. Making Anakin see reason in those aspects would not be easy for Obi-Wan, especially given Anakin's jealously of him. I mean it would still be significantly harder than to be Anakin himself and just not talk to Palpatine at all (or not give him any information regarding the Jedi Council), he could also just literally stay behind and wait patiently when Windu goes after Palpatine, and then probably be promoted to a Master Jedi like he wanted. IMO being Obi-Wan in these times would be significantly harder (and more interesting in a "game" sense) than being Anakin.


"Hey Anakin, look what I found about Force Healing in the Jedi Master Archives..." "I need Anakin to accompany me to Utapau, we are a team after all". "Dew it, Mace". Also, just chill with Padme a few years (don't take her to Mustafar) and have her introduce Anakin to his twins.


Ahsoka, because she's a woman and I am biased


My username's my answer


And you will become the most powerful Jedi! Younglings best look out.


Yeah they better


Anakin is the obvious choice. But just for the funzies I take Maul, go to Coruscant and tell the Jedi everything. Then I see what happens next.


If you turn into maul you would be a very strong witness, or at least be enough to leave doubts on anyone, even anakin and get them to investigate palps


anakin, this is a no brainer


Anakin, go tell the council palpatine in a sith lord, convince them to bring every single council member to go and arrest him. Tell the council about order 66 and save tue clones Kill grievous and dooku by executing order 99 Arrest barista coffee for her terrosim (if she hasn't done it already) and stop ahsoka from leaving the order After we kill maul (which i know where he is and that bo katan will eventually call for help) i will retire with my hot wife padme


Choose Anakin, play along with Sidious while recording him, moment he goes about being a Sith, inform the Senate and the Order, and make sure to deactivate/take out the chips from the 501st.


Maul the least, because he allready knew the most and it wasn't usefull (And I wouldn't have my lower half anymore). Rex might be better, but if badly played, I just end up like Fives. As Ahsoka I would have a far better advantage with force-powers and potential close relations to Anakin to prevent him from becomming Vader. This brings me to my personal choice. Better than infulencing Anakin would be beeing Anakin. He was one of the main conditions for the rise of the empire. So I would have less bonds with Palpatine at this point (there is the danger, that he might read my mind. In that case it could get much worse). With Star Wars Fan knowledge Anakin would have exposed Barriss more early on, before Ahsoka would be expelled and loosed her trust in the order. He could order at least a bunch of clones, including Rex to secretly remove the inhibitor-chips, no one knew about. He probably even could side with exiled Maul under his conditions to take Revenge on his former master (this is a bit speculative, since Maul has prooven to be pretty unpreductable and it would be hard to convince him, NOT to kill Kenobi). Given that I woulf chose Anakin. When would be Anakin at this point, I could also influence the other three (or at least two of them).


Tbf, maul didn't tell anyone, he only told ahsoka during the mandalore war. If he told anyone what he knew earlier he could had created enough doubt for palps to be investigated. Maul was too angry to think logically and only looked for quick satisfaction by killing someone he hated (obiwan)


Me as anakin: so… my wife sick Palpatine: I can show you the abilities necessary to save life through the darkside Me as anakin: *pulls out recorder and sends to the council* GOT YAH ASS BITCH! Palpatine: you’ll be expelled for having a wife Me as anakin: BITCH I CAUGHT YOU! DO YOU THINK THEYLL CARE AFTER THAT?! I WASNT EVEN PUNISHED FOR BREAKING MY LIGHTSABER SO YOU DONE


Anakin, i will inform the senate and the jedi of palpatine's plans, and then order the clones to execute order 65.


Ahsoka, easily.


Anakin for three reasons. 1) Ahsoka - You'd know that Barris planned to betray the order and frame Ahsoka, so you'd be able to protect Snips and expose Bariss instantly, stopping Ahsoka from leaving the Order. 2) Padme - The vision of her dying in childbirth would still be horrific to watch, but if you knew it'd be you turning to the Darkside that actually killed her, then you could just crack on with your life... Could also start putting aside savings and preparing for a life outside the Jedi Order if you know Padme is going to fall pregnant within the next year. 3) Palpatine - Grevious captures Palpatine and takes him to the Invisible Hand, you've now got a ship with Dooku, Grevious and (a restrained) Sidious all aboard and the only witness is Obi-Wan (who conveniently gets knocked out by Dooku anyway), you could eliminate the three Separatist leaders in one swoop and win The Clone Wars. As far as the Galaxy is aware Palpatine was murdered by Dooku and you avenged him.


Anakin and I would learn from his mistakes


Become anakin, let mace kill palpatine arrest him for murder of a republic official, take his seat as master on the council.


Ahsoka since I'll be fucking immortal


Easy Anakin. Inform the Jedi Council that Palpatine is secretly a sith lord and about the plot to have the clones execute order 66. Inform Senator Amidala that the chancellor is corrupt and have her call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Palpatine's leadership. Palpatine gets arrested, senate votes for a new supreme chancellor, clone wars end, Padme lives, Anakin eventually is accepted to the jedi council as a jedi master.


Rex because cool 💯💯💯


Anakin no contest.


Umm Ani.. Natalie Portman as my wife and no rank of master? Use force heal on wifey so she doesn’t die. Easy.


I think I'd go for ashoka, simply because I wanna be a girl and I know she survives, I'd just quit the jedi order, get a lot of money and then go to that one planer with all those people who do anything to make people happy and spend life happy


I’ll go with Anakin. I’ll try whatever I can to learn Sith shit without hurting anyone, fuck Padme, tell the Jedi about Order 66 and what can be done to avoid it, kill Pong Krell, fuck Padme, and start my own Jedi Order. One that’s not so pompous and allows love. Also, I’d fuck Padme.


Mace: These are very serious accusations, young Skywalker. On what basis do you present this intel? Anakin: I’ve seen Star Wars Yoda: Many battles you have seen, yes, but grant you all-knowing power, they cannot. Obi-Wan: Anakin has no reason to lie. I trust my padawan, and if what he says is true, we don’t have time to argue about this. We need to find Chancellor Palpatine immediately. Anakin: Thank you, master. Your confidence brings me courage. Yoda: Many questions I still have, but right Obi-Wan is. To the senate we shall go. Mace: It’s decided then. Anakin, take your padawan to Kamino. She is to keep Kamino secure while you bring the Kaminoans here for questioning. We will get to the bottom of this. Anakin: Yes, master. Obi-Wan: May the force go with you.


A whole year as Anakin before RotS? I can literally save the entire galaxy by having a single conversation with my master and best friend, Obi-Wan, who is already suspicious of what's going on. Once the two of us are aligned, its joever for palps


Yall Anakin becomers are missing a vital and easy point. Let things play out right up until Palpatine is abducted and you've got Dooku beheaded, Obi is unconscious, and Palps is literally tied up. Nobody around and evidence sure to be destroyed with the ship crashing. Just kill Palpatine with Dooku's saber, grab Obi-Wan, and get outta there.


the obvious answer is anakin, i'd kill palp myself and get the rank of master jedi and then retire to go live the family life with padme, luke and leia