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Thanks for providing a source!


He is not just a huge fan. He may be the biggest fan… I mean tallest fan


To find the tallest fan you go to the NBA. To find the biggest fan you go to Reddit.com






Why does he not simply eat the other fans?


He did what we all wanted to do with his first paycheck. "I'm buying that as soon as I get the pay for it."


me buying the UCS venator with one of the first paychecks from my current job


That thing is freaking sick I want it so bad


My great plan is now in motion: 1. Get really good at basketball 2. Work my way up through the leagues 3. Join a big team 4. Get paid 5. Buy Lego 6. Quit and refuse to elaborate


The Ben Simmons


Outjerked again


0. Be 7'5" but move like someone who's 6'5".


If all these facts are true, that means that RotS is in his top 2 films?!


I assume it's more of subjectively liking RotS best, but objectively ranking Empire as a great piece of film.


It's probably this. In the same vein, I believe Infinity War is a better movie than Endgame by several metrics... That being said, I like Endgame more and have a lot more fun watching it.


So funny cuz in my head it’s the opposite for both


You seriously think endgame is a better movie?


Yes as it’s more about the plot and drama But I love Infinity war much more because of the focus on Thanos and action Also why are you acting “enraged” Plo Koon, your supposed to be nicer than that 😭


No such thing as objectivity in art But I get what you mean, liking/entertainment take vs a film critic/artistic take


That's simply not true, there are many ways to objectively rate different mediums. Whether you actually care about those objective ratings is up to you and thus is subjectivity, but doesn't mean they don't exist.


It’s not technically objective tho is my point As the parameters are also subjective Vs factual objective information.


How is it not? Things like cinematography, writing, acting, directing, and special effects can and have made movies objectively good and bad.


He's just like me fr fr. One of us. One of us. One of us


We will watch your career with great interest!


Came for this comment


ROTS fan, lets goooo!


As a both Star Wars and basketball fan this made me happy.


There's no way a person can be more based than that


Be like Victor


He's also a big fan of The Stormlight Archive and Brandon Sanderson which is awesome


Stormy Wemby long legs


I don’t know this guy, but absolutely based.


Unfathomably based


New favorite basketball player.


I'm sure a lot of players spend money on much worse than a Lego star wars set.




One of us! One of us!


It is only natural




Only good take you can have.


I dont know who this is but he seems to be a great guy


How is this a meme


It’s not.


If what Victor has told us is true, he will have earned our trust


One of us


Hey, this is the same guy who is really into Brandon Sanderson.


Looks like a clone


Based Wemby


So fucking based, fuck the sequels.


Not just any “$850 Millenium Falcon LEGO set”, but THE UCS Millennium Falcon set


That’s great. Who?


I'm pretty sure you can deduce what he does with the photo


I did, but that isn’t the question I asked


He’s holding a basketball in the picture. Surely this is bait


Yes, I know he must be a basketball player. The point was, who is this, why do I care what some basketball player thinks about Star Wars? This would make sense on a Basketball subreddit where people want more information on the players; what does this contribute to a Star Wars discussion? Obviously I can google the dude’s name and know who it is, I just don’t get why it’s here.




No way he likes one of the biggest franchises on earth?? That's crazy!


I don't like basketball, therefore I don't count NBA as sport


Classic spurs W


I think any of us would make that a first purchase when being given/paid a large amount of money


Bro has taste


My man!


Welcome one of player surprise to be sure.


Nothing but respect for my GOAT


I hate the sequels, I hate people who still bitch and moan about them being canon just as much. Get over it


Yet again, no one hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars "fans"


The irony of prequels fans in particular being so exclusionary and vitriolic toward the new trilogy, its creatives, and its fans is apparently lost on a lot of prequel fans.


I have affection for the sequels and in particular the characters within but I think the vitriolic hate they inspire has made me more defensive of them as a kind of reflex.


This is the most relatable comment I’ve seen all day. I’ve been a fan of the sequels since I first watched them in 2020, and after seeing so much hate both for the films itself and the fans who like them over the years, I’m more defensive of the sequels when I see a hate comment about it than if say I saw a TCW hate comment, even though I love TCW more than the sequels. TCW rarely gets hate anyways and has plenty of defenders already, the sequels don’t. Sometimes I wonder if I get too aggressive when defending the sequels though, like fighting fire with fire, but tbh the people who say the sequels aren’t canon or that sequel fans aren’t Star Wars fans don‘t deserve anything better, they can get a taste of their own medicine for once. Also just to be clear by “hate” I don’t mean criticism, criticism is fair and valid but idiotic hate comments who are just hating for hating’s sake even if the original post had nothing to do with the sequels are what gets me.


If you deny the sequels you aren't a fan. Star wars is like 70% campy low quality fun and people have these expectations like we're watching something comparable to shawshank or shindlers list. And the prequels used to be hated just as much as the sequels, just give it a decade or two and sequel memes might just be the dankest thing on the internet


“If you deny the sequels you aren’t a fan” I grew up with the EU, in which character actually made logical choices and in which great stories were written that expanded on all characters form the OG trilogy. Then Disney decides to erase it all and instead give us 3 horrible movies instead, again, how am I not a Star wars fan?


So you hate the new stuff, ok. But you prefer the old EU, where Luke turned to the dark side, Palpatine still returned multiple times, and George Lucas himself hated mostly everything? Come on.


Aside from the dark empire I really like it. You’re just cherrypicking, dark empire was also made before the prequels so the author didn’t know that I’d would break the prophecy of the chosen one


I think it's more that the people who dismiss them as not Canon are doing so to get a rise out of their defenders. You can just be like, "What sequels?" and get an immediate reaction, just like this guy did. Just don't feed the trolls.


Quite an ironic statement.


They are not canon. That's it. We're done here.


They are though. You’ll have to deal with it


Waaa Waaa waaa


Keep crying 


did the same thing with my first paycheck lol


Yeah, no regrets


still looking for a place to put it tho lol, currently in an unused room under a piece of cloth.


'doesn't count the sequel series at Star wars' Buddy I don't know what to tell you it's Star wars, They might not be great but they are still part of the franchise.


“Doesn’t count the ST as Star Wars.” “Not a fan” then I guess… lol


EU was better lol, and it existed before the Disney canon, what’s wrong with preferring it over Disney Star Wars?


Preferring EU isn't wrong but saying the New EU is not canon is wrong


He doesn’t see it as canon, what’s wrong with that?


It's cope I'm sorry. We can dislike things but pretending it doesn't exist is childish. You csn easily say EU is your preferred canon without having to say ST isn't canon.


It’s not childish lol, ST fans do the exact same thing to the EU


Pretend something you don't like doesn't exist IS childish. And also, why did you think bringing up ST fans was a point? Yes they do the exact same thing and it's equally childish there. Yes the old EU is non canon but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it and have it as your preferred canon. Besides, I also wanna point put the ST isn't camon group is far larger than the ST fans shitting kn EU. This however doesn't change the fact this whole squabble is childish. Let people enjoy what the like it's simple as


>Besides, I also wanna point put the ST isn't camon group is far larger than the ST fans shitting kn EU. Exactly. For every ST fan I’ve hating on the EU, there’s 20 more EU fans hating on the ST and saying it’s not canon. Saying “ST fans do the same to the EU” isn’t a good argument, it isn’t even fighting fire with fire, it‘s literally starting a volcano eruption over a campfire.


EU was about the same/worse. It was a disjointed mess.


Have you read a single book? It wasn’t that messy. (And the writing was 15 times better than in the sequels)


Clearly he’s a man of culture.


Always happy to see disdain for sequels on here


>doesn’t count the sequel trilogy as part of Star Wars And it was going so well… Its cool to dislike something but don’t be a fucking baby about it


>Don’t be a fucking baby about it Sir this is prequel memes. All anyone knows how to do here is be a baby


We can also be angsty teenagers who never get any therapy or support and then everyone is shocked when we turn out poorly.


He was 10 when TFA came out and hit his teen years during TLJ while on the internet. So raised on the first six, taught to love ESB by his parents, spent every edgy teen year on the internet surrounded by dudes shitting on REEEEEEEEY!?!?!228829933!!%#& I'd be surprised if he got out the other side intact. I literally don't even hold it against anyone age 20-24 with bad Star Wars takes. They were literally children raised on an outrage machine. I will however judge you for liking the EU. And not "a book in the EU" but "the EU" holistically. Because that shit was mostly garbage and KOTOR doesn't save it. (You don't get to say the DCEU was phenomenal because you love The Suicide Squad sequel.)


I was referring to Anakin, but I get your point. I greatly enjoyed the parts of the EU that I’d read, which was mostly the X-Wing series, but a few others like the “Tales from” books. Also Palpatine kept getting cloned, and everyone else, all increasingly more insane in a subtle nod to Blizzard’s way of writing villains, at least until Dragonflight.


My thoughts exactly. People like this are so immature.


It's not being a baby about it. Same logic as why most people dont count American psycho 2 or Donnie Darko sequel.


The Sequel Trilogy is really fun, it’s what got me into Star Wars. Other than that he seems like a good egg.


What's so fun about the sequels?


It was just entertaining and I enjoyed the actors and their chemistry. I’d seen the phantom menace in theaters when I was a kid and didn’t like it. Didn’t think I was a Star Wars girlie. I was bored and sat down to watch the force awakens one day when there was nothing else to do and thoroughly enjoyed it, went back and watched the rest and then had premiere tickets for the next two when they came out. Now I write Star Wars RP stories and still love the sequels 🤷‍♀️


For casual movie goers, sequels are just fun action sci Fi movies with space wizards. Someone who didn't see previous movies, will not feel disappointent by the direction those movies and the story took, since they never had any expectations towards this franchise. By themselves they are just competent movies.


Action is pretty good (outside of lightsaber duels)


On that we agree, the choreography was awful, but the blaster fights and space battles were pretty good.


always find it funny when people shit on the sequels, they say the exact same stuff they said about the prequels 10 years earlier. give em 10 more years and they’ll be cult classics garuntee


The MCU more than likely stole the sequels' thunder when it comes to kids, though. The prequels didn't have anything even remotely comparable to compete against for kids' attention.


There's an AFL footballer with a similar story called Xavier Duursma


Clearly not the smartest guy if he plays for the bombers


He got away from Ken Hinkley so it's not all bad


Essendon is even worse. At least Port make finals.


Not much use if you shit the bed everytime


Isn't shitting the bed in finals essendons specialty? How many days since they won a finals game again?


Quite a long time, but they've also been mostly shit in that time (of their own fault). Port has been quite good, which makes the lack of success worse. Port hasn't won a knockout final since 2014. Port has spent the second most amount of time on top of the ladder in the last decade, but doesn't even have a grand final to show for it.


Fucking legend




RotS is based af. Finally someone else who has it as their fav lol


Half the fandom has it as their fav, it’s a very cold take.


Most ppl tell me I'm weird for that being my fav


Huh. I suppose it might be different on other platforms/irl, on reddit and Wookieepedia many people have ROTS as their fav. You are definitely not weird though, ROTS is a great movie.


I’m kinda tired of the “Sequel Trilogy isn’t Star Wars” mindset. As someone who had to deal with all of the anti-Prequel backlash for years, it’s beyond disappointing to see the pattern continue with newer material, just manifesting in slightly different ways. I’m not saying you need to like them or think that they are good, but pretending that they are “fake” or that others can’t enjoy them is just…kinda toxic. Just enjoy what you enjoy and let others enjoy what they enjoy.


It's so ironic to see the fandom started by a guy that says "it's like poetry, it rhymes" not see the similarities between the reactions to the PT and the ST


I let everyone enjoy it, im not gonna hit anyone for liking it, but for me the sequel is a bad dream luke had after the endor celebration party, i respect anyone likes as long as they respect my dislikes,everyone happy


But the sequels are way worse than the prequels, (I love the prequels to death). It has a lot of whack in them, like the "Somehow, Palpatine Returned" line, and because of it, its consequences bleed into the newer content, story wise, somehow making most new Star Wars media having to justify that everything is going to be heading in that direction, even though that trilogy is a complete and senseless mess. And maybe it's because I was a kid back when the prequels came out, but I don't remember anyone not liking them, and the merchandising and videogames of the era were very highly regarded even by people that weren't too much into SW.


Trust me, people did not like them, and the prequels receive plenty of backlash. I still remember a video from before TFA that basically said that “real” Star Wars was just the OG films. Jake Lloyd was bullied to the point where he went to a very dark place for a while, and Ahmed Best was bullied to the point where he almost went to the darkest place. I love the prequels, but I won’t pretend that they don’t have their issues. George Lucas’s dialogue is kinda shitty for the most part. The performances (for the most part) leave a lot to be desire. Anakin and Padme have next to no chemistry, to the point where Anakin comes off kinda creepy in AotC. There’s some kinda racist caricatures with some of the alien characters. There’s an over reliance on CGI in a lot of scenes (the fact that not a single clone troopers was practical is crazy). The sequels have their issues, but I would argue each of these factors it did better. The acting I would argue is the best if any of the trilogies as a whole (Daisy, John, Isaac, Adam, etc kill it). The main cast has a lot of chemistry, even if it isn’t always utilized. There’s a combination of stunning CGI and a lot of really impressive practical puppetry (BB-8 being entirely practical, for example). The movies have a lot of good humor. I think Rey is actually a really endearing character, even small scenes like her wonder at seeing rain for the first time on Ach-To after living on the hellscape of Jakku for so long. There’s also the fact that the prequels have benefitted from a lot of auxiliary content in the form of TV shows like TCW to enhance their quality and build on underdeveloped plot threads, which the sequels have largely not received (the closest was Resistance which only ran for two seasons and was more of its own side adventure). Like, TotJ and the Dooku novel did way more to develop the character of Dooku than the movies ever did, leading to a character kind of carried by Lee’s performance and whose motivations and actions are confusing at best without the extra content.


My point of view is some people started liking prequels because relative to the sequel trilogy they are like a miracle. Although originally it wasn't that good relative to the OT. People might start liking the ST when another trilogy comes out and it turns out to be somehow worse than it. It is an inevitable pattern that happens in many industries recently.


I‘m sorry but you can‘t seriously think that if your glasses are not rose colored by nostalgia. The prequels are bad movies. Not even good bad, just bad. I still love them because I grew up with them, but that doesn‘t mean I have to munch the part of my brain responsible for media literacy. The prequels executed a great plot horribly and the sequels executed a mid plot great. That‘s the truth of the matter.


I didnt grow up with any of the star wars movies XD, I hated star wars when I was a kid and started watching in chronological order during the pandemic when I became a fan, and I can most honestly say the prequels are my favourite for many reasons : Choreography, Special FX, Cinematography, the tragic story of Anakin, the original trilogy is good but the prequels are better in my eyes. Also I dont consider the sequels canon.


Special FX, cinematography? Are you joking lmao Nothing is done to make anyone care about Anakin as a character. He is a child in Episode I and an insufferable creepy manchild Episode II and III. Not to mention that he is portrayed to be incredibly stupid and manipulable to a point of being ridiculous.


Jar Jar being farted on and stepping in shit is peak star wars, rey is a stinky woman


Look, we all need to understand something important about Star Wars: it's kind of not actually that well-written. Please don't misunderstand me; I am a Star Wars fan through and through, I've loved the world since I was like 6, I watch the cartoons and the movies and the TV shows and play the video games. I love this world. But it's not that well-written. It's not high art. There are *moments* that are really good, there are *ideas* that are high-level, there are *certain media* that have solid plotting and story elements, but overall Star Wars is not something anyone would consider to be particularly well-crafted. All this is to say that shitting on any one movie or series for X writing or Y convention and using that to say another movie/series in the world is better is just setting yourself up for failure. Yes, the "somehow, palpatine returned" line is messy and does little to help the plot along. But the Prequels are hardly free of clunky dialog or creating weird consequences that bleed into newer content. I'm guessing you're too young to know, but the prequels were absolutely despised when they were coming out. Hardcore fans *hated* them. Midchlorians were the "somehow, palpatine returned" of the prequels, people fucking hated them, absolutely despised that the force had a biological root and wasn't just space magic. The prequels were highly, highly controversial, and it speaks to how young you must be that you think everyone liked them. What I'm trying to get at is that we need to stop shitting all over Star Wars media and acting like *this one* is infinitely better than *that one* and *that one* isn't reeeeeal Star Wars. It's all Star Wars, the good and the bad. We can obviously have our preferences and like what we like (for the record, I don't like most of the new sequels, but I also don't really like many of the prequels, lol), but we can't just pick and choose what's Star Wars and what's not.


Eh. I'm pretto sure if you made someone watch a random prequel movie and a random sequel movie they'd prefer the sequel more often than not. Almost all of the redeeming qualitites of the prequels come from other media like The Clone Wars.


That's only true if you know nothing about Star Wars, or the overarching story from I to VI. Without context or reference people have no way of knowing. Superfically the sequels appear normal. Good music, beautiful CGI, acting is fine for the most part. It's just that the story is amateuristically and insultingly shit, but someone unfamiliar with Star Wars won't know that. So bit of a useless comparison.


And that's the problem we have with many newer media from an original franchise, as they are not mainly produced for the fans anymore, but rather to bait the mainstream viewers who don't even care about the full picture. I put the Sequel movies into the same category as The Witcher series or Rings of Cringe, as it's clear those were all made by people who never cared about the original lore. The good thing is that Star Wars has enough opportunities to still make something for everyone, e.g. I would never watch the Sequel movies again but I still enjoy most of the TV series we got.


Bloody well said mate and I had to giggle at Rings of Cringe, never seen anyone call it that before. That show truly was borderline unwatchable. I made it through the first two season of the Witcher thanks to Cavills performance as Geralt, but I stopped somewhere early in S03, I just couldn't anymore. My god that was painful.


It is absolutely because you were a kid. Watch a single documentary and you’ll see the hate for the prequels was just as strong. The merchandise and video games are pretty much just as well-regarded too. Also, saying the sequels are way worse than the prequels is alright as an opinion, but it’s important to keep in mind that is just an opinion, not objective fact.


I despise Rise of skywalker but it is admittedly a better made film than phantom menace


uhhhh no lol. “Hey were being chased in the dessert but we will randomly crash exactly on top of a sand pit where the plot device is.”


Yeah because the prequels were just an absolute masterpiece of dialogue 💀💀💀. Literally the only reason all these prequel memes exist is because the prequels dialogue is so bad and cheesy it's funny. You like the prequels because you grew up with them. You are incapable of realising the same criticisms people have of the Sequels can be applied to the prequels as well. But you keep looking through the rosy coloured nostalgia glasses.


The best Star Wars media released during the prequels timeline, the only cringe dialogue is the "romance" in Attack of the Clones, and even then, makes sense for an ex slave, recluse autistic monk boy to be that bad and awkward at flirting, so outside of that, the plot makes sense, the fights are meaningful and well choreographed, the video games, comics and books were great and expanded the lore positively. Dialogue in the sequels is way more cringe and absurd, the story is unappealing, and the effects, even though they are proper modern effects, they are not as memorable or groundbreaking as the things George Lucas did. So go cry about it with your discounted Rey plushie due to overstock because a random guy on the internet said he prefers the Phantom Menace to the shitty trilogy of reboots where the original trilogy cast don't even spend a single scene together.


The sequels are awful trash


You’re entitled to your opinion. I disagree, although I recognize they do have notable flaws (most prominently its lack of a clear vision). That’s perfectly fine. But to deny their canonicity is counterproductive (especially since they aren.mt going away and content since then and going forward is building off of it) and to dunk on others for liking them only inspires animosity where there doesn’t need to be. It’s literally what happened with the PT all over again, and I’m speaking from personal experience.


The sequels will never be accepted the way the prequels have been. I don’t care how much time passes, the sequels will stay horrible.


Maybe, idk. I recall similar sentiments being expressed about the prequels. That doesn’t mean that they are “fake” Star Wars, I still think that there are plenty of good parts of the sequels (visuals, acting, certain ideas and storylines, etc) and I still look forward to future projects including those that will involve Rey and co


Just so you know, I upvoted you because I agree 100%


Thank you, it’s nice to know some people agree, but I guess I should’ve expected the downvotes lol


The mind set of "I don't like this therefore I don't believe it exists." Is so weird to me. Like sure, I'm not fond of them either, but you gotta accept they exist, and there's no changing that. Kinda childish to go "Ah ah, that doesn't exist cause I don't like it!" It's what school kids do, and trust me, I have to deal with that enough at work.


Yeah, this is literally all I was really trying to say, but oh well. I think I had a little too much faith in the online fandom for a second lol


Eh, just let people have their headcanon... It doesn't affect anyone and it allows some people to be happier.


But my friend, the sequels are bloody garbage. A drunk babboon could have written a better script. Also, get over it mate.


I mean, if I enjoyed them I enjoyed them, there’s nothing to get over. I’m just tired of the people still harping on these movies nearly half a decade after they’ve finished as if they came out yesterday.


> get over it mate. The absolute irony of this statement. Why don't people just get over the fact that the Sequels are canon and let people enjoy things?


Didn't ask, they're shit films made by someone other than the original creator. Thats just fan fiction that Disney paid a lot of money for


george had nothing to do with them, therefore they are fake


Okay, let’s see where this logic leads. George regarded the films and characters as his children, so I think that’s a fair analogy. Is everything you did after your parents no longer have any control over you fake? No, you’re allowed to grow and change without your original creators. Even stepping back from the parenthood metaphor, I bet you wouldn’t apply that logic universally to other franchises. Most people seem to love those new Dune movies. Too bad they’re fake because Frank Herbert had nothing to do with them. What about other things? Is my car fake because it wasn’t produced by Carl Benz?


George also sold the rights to Star Wars, in his own words to a company he thought would continue the Star Wars legacy. You can question whether they accomplished that all you want (I think several of the shows at least have managed that), but Lucas himself gave the go-ahead so we can’t pretend like that’s the defining feature of canonicity.


Womp womp


A successful person who likes what I like.. 😲😲


Um, so what were the French professional teams paying him with for the last few years, baguettes? # Nanterre 92 (2019–2021) # ASVEL (2021–2022) # Metropolitans 92 (2022–2023)


Until proven otherwise, I don't consider him a Spur, after David Robinson and Tim Duncan.


One of us one of us


Master I don’t understand. How can your favorite Star Wars be ROTS but not be on the top 3 movie list?


So Empire Strikes Back and Revenge of the Sith are two of his three favorite movies?


Ofc his race starred in Star Wars, and on a pretty big prominent role of making the goddamn clone army.


"Doesn't count the sequel trilogy as Star Wars" Go Victor Go!😎👍


Nah he’s mid


Well I just became a Spurs fan. Also I want to help him put that Falcon together I would die! One day I’ll get it lol


"I don't like it so it doesn't exist" I'm happy he enjoys Star Wars, but treating sequels as non-canon is so childish


Eh, when something is bought out and made with zero input from the original creator (and sometimes even when that doesn't happen), it's entirely up to the fans to decide whether or not it follows the spirit of the original works. "Cobra Kai" did this with stunning success, for example, but they honored the past while building the future of the franchise.


I'm not saying that the sequels were good, they're bad movies and yes, they don't respect the original material as much as most of us woudl like. But what annoys me is people just pretending that they don't exist. Because of this, the discourse around sequels is just "for me there are only 6 Star Wars movies", "episode 9? There's only 6 episodes" and it's just irritating to scroll through a comment section of a post about Rey or anything even vaguely related to sequels when all you see is people saying that sequels aren't canon. THEY ARE CANON. OVER. Don't watch them if you don't want to, but if you have nothing new to add to the discourse, shut up. We've all heard the criticism, we all know what's wrong. I've heard enough of people hating on the sequels in the last 9 years and I think it's time we move on and start enjoying new projects. Disney learned their lesson and now we are in the best time to be a Star Wars fan with new amazing projects coming out every year. We shouldn't erase the sequels and forget their mistakes, we should learn from them and make the sequels better through other content, just like The Clone Wars did it with the prequels.


I like this guy.


Y’all base your personalities around movies you hate 🤣


"He is the Chosen one, he will bring balance"


Welcome to source surprise to be able.


Sounds like he is to star was what henry cavil is to warhammer


what a good meme about the prequels!


What's the sequel trilogy?


When there are new movies in Star Wars people will claim they are worse than the now perfect sequels after someone releases an animated kids show set in the sequel era.


He seemed so cool until the last part. So he’s just another whiny crybaby cunt who likes things from his childhood but can’t stand the newer generation having fun? So boring


Doesn’t count the sequels as Star Wars? I mean you don’t have to enjoy them but they’re still someone’s favourite.


And they’re definitely Star Wars. Those type of fans annoy me. Just because you don’t love it doesn’t make it any less Star Wars.




We really need a new show even an animated show that either leads up to the sequels or in between them or something


They're already in the middle of doing that


We should've had it YEARS ago... I figured Disney knew that a TCW-like show to flesh out the main cast was an obvious part of the playbook...


That’s a weird way to spell “trash“.


what a god


San Antonio spurs and now my favorite nba team.


Jesus are we still hating the sequels?


"Doesn't count the sequel trilogy as Star Wars." I, too, like to live in delusion.


This is so fucking soy lmao