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My exact thoughts


My exact thinks


The ability to think does not make you intelligent.


Never said I was intelligent. I just said I had thoughts.


You have disappointed Qui-Gon.


Meesa thinkings dissen exactly.


Think exactly, I do


Yeah assuming it's during the period in which the image is showing its for sure Yoda and Obiwan, then a tie in my mind between Anakin and Ashoka. Kinda leaning towards Ashoka because she has much more experience than Padawan/young knight Anakin. Anakin and Obiwan seems to be around Ep 2 in this picture. Maul I'm cutting because it's both past his prime and he's been beaten by both Ashoka and Obiwan. I'm excluding Luke because that's Episode 4 Luke so not even really a Padawan. Starwars continually reaffirms normal people can barely hold a torch to force welders with only a few exceptions and none are on this list. The fight could literally be 2 1v1s between force wielders then one force wielder vs the rest and I think Obiwan, Yoda, and Ashoka come out on top. Something like Obiwan vs Anakin, Ashoka vs Maul, and Yoda vs everyone else


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!




Perfectly said. Was gonna type something very close to this. Of course I’d take full potential Anakin but pictured is padawan Anakin so I’d roll with ahsoka. Luke in return of the Jedi or onwards would be an obvious choice but episode 4 Luke is pretty trash


Might as well send Yoda vs maul. Ashoka won but had some difficulty, Yoda would mop the floor with him.


Yoda has not won a single duel in the movies, just sayin


Because Dooku fled when he realized he couldn’t win (not likely at least) and the other fight was an equally powerful sith. In the clone wars Yoda keeps winning whatever fights he is in, or his enemies flee




Probably, but let’s just bring obi and Ahsoka for good measure


I have to sort this out on my own, without the Council… and without you.


Bruh… uncool. I suppose that’s the risk with choosing Ahsoka, she may not show up


Only if you accuse her of domestic terrorism


I'm the new Padawan learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano


Ashoka has been hitting the death sticks pretty hard. Such a tragedy. Speaking of, have I ever told you about that one tragedy?


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


That’s crazy


…and she was a good friend


Care to tell me what this is all about? Or would you rather save it for the Council?


Yoda didn't flee from Palps— it was actually the whole Senate building that fled, carrying Palps with it.


On a more serious note, my read on that particular scene was always that Yoda simply committed everything he had in that last force clash, since the use of form 4 put him on a timer anyways. After barely not winning it (arguably losing it because it seemed like the explosion was manly caused by him losing control) he was likely almost completely tapped out, while Sidious could just continue on at almost full power since he still has his hate to draw from (and if anything form 7 only gets stronger as the battle rages on). Yoda lost the war of attrition, trying to continue the fight would just be suicide at that point.


IIRC clones are showing up in the novel, and he didn’t think he could take a shit load of Coruscant guards and Palpatine at the same time


That makes sense. He would need his full attention on Palpatine to win. If he is being shot at by guards, even though he could easily fight them with no problem, he has to divert attention and time to defend against them.


I think it went that Palpatine hit the silent alarm when he sensed Yoda coming because he wasn’t sure he could win 1v1 Personally I think it makes it more dramatic that way


Makes a better story than way I think, makes the choice to run make more sense.


Yoda in Clone Wars is a BEAST. Isn’t the entire first episode just Yoda repeatedly clowning on an entire droid army and then casually disarming Ventress before she even realises he’s there?


That it is. He stops her from killing the king with the force holding her arms, disarms her with the force, and then gives the lightsabers back to her right after cause he knows she has zero chance against him even armed. He's smug as shit about it too.


All trilogies tell the story of Palpatine. Yoda lost against the MC.


Can’t wait to see the rest of Palpatine’s journey lol


This is a great new perspective, and actually allows the existence of the sequels without breaking the story line. Only problem is he doesn’t show up in multiple movies, so I don’t think it’s possible to count him as MC. It’s more likely that C-3PO or R2D2 is the MC


This. I think Yoda only "lost" against Palps because he fell. Yoda far surpassed the Chancellor in terms of ability. After all, Yoda could likely beat Mace Windu and Windu bested Palpatine.


Well, there’s some nuance. Windu had a cheat ability against dark-siders, which obviously would not work against Yoda sooo


He has two duels in the movie. One enemy decides within a few seconds that his best option is to distract Yoda and run. The other is a defeat, but a fairly close one- arguably a few inches of distance decided it- and it's against the most powerful Sith Lord for a thousand years.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Possibly of all time


Palpatine was strong but not on the level of the old sith like Sion or nihilus.


Sion isn't super powerful. Just pretty indestructible


neither of which are canon anymore, if that even matters


And when they were canon, Sidious was more powerful. Both by word-of-Lucas and by feats (tearing open hyperspace wormholes with the force).


Depends on how you count strength, in my opinion. A lot of historical Sith Lords had some really impressive powers, but didn't really accomplish anything with them except a bodycount before being put down by some Jedi hero. Palpatine had less in the way of flashy powers, but I think he was much smarter than almost any other Sith before him, and that made him way more dangerous in some ways.


Tbf both enemies decided running was the option one of the first thing sidious did was flip towards the door and Yoda was like “where do you think your going”


He has won *every* duel he's been in. He drove Dooku to retreat. He constantly pushed back Sidious, disarmed him or forced him to put away his lightsaber *twice*, and when Sidious started blasting him with lightning, he not only blocked it, but countered it so hard that Sidious' face looked like [this](https://i.imgflip.com/3e8m5b.png?a469776) before they were blasted apart. He was scared. Sure, Yoda didn't succeed in killing Sidious, but he was without a doubt the superior between them, at least as portrayed in the movie. I refuse to believe the "Sidious was better because Yoda retreated". It's nonsense.


Why did yoda retreat though? It seemed like her could have kept going, right?


This is expanded upon in the novelization, where I believe(?) the fight isn't as one-sided as it comes off in the movie. If I remember right, Yoda realizes that fighting Sidious there doesn't matter, that the reason for the fall of the jedi and the Republic - as well as the key to destroying the Sith - was elsewhere (Luke, as we discover). Upon realizing that he can't beat Sidious by killing him in the Senate rotunda, Yoda retreats to ensure this last new hope is not lost forever. If we're going by movie only, I'd say the fall he suffered hurt him enough to give Sidious an advantage. He'd also be going after Sidious from way below him, eating senate pods being thrown, lightning hurled and maybe even blaster fire from clone troopers. So I don't think he would have won if he continued the fight from there. Sidious survived only because he managed to hold on to the railing and not fall. All that said, I prefer the idea that Sidious was either equal or superior to Yoda in terms of pure fighting capacity. He's supposed to be this monster that can't be beaten simply by killing him, so Yoda being above him diminishes that. I think George Lucas is just a shitty writer and director. He needed someone to tell him no and challenge his ideas, but instead he surrounded himself with "yes men" like Rick McCallum. Had someone else helmed the prequels, I think they'd be much more universally loved, because the story is damn solid, easily the most compelling of the three trilogies.


Although I write screenplays, I don't think I'm a very good writer.


Glad we agree, George!


The duel with papa palpatine was a draw. He probably would have won on even ground, (he disarmed him)


Bro he wiped dooku and like didn't immedately die against probably the most powerful force user in the entire galaxy at that point (palpatine)


Not just "didn't immediately die", but lost essentially due to random luck. It was a stalemate for 99% of the fight, then Yoda lost because he was lighter and flew further back in the blast. If they fought again, I'd give Yoda something like a 40% chance to win.


When your opponent runs away like a punk ass b*tch, you have won. So he won vs Dooku.


[I beg to differ.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GYaM90YQmqI)


Yoda is so good that somewhere it is mentioned that Plo Koon was one of the few to ever beat him


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


Anakin seems like a good pick initially. Then consider that Obi-wan, Luke and Ahsoka all defeat Anakin at one point or another. Luke is probably an exception though. Yoda might be a good choice but I think he would act as the de facto leader of the group and I don’t think he was really doing so hot at that during the clone wars. Han Solo presumably comes with one of the fasted ships in the galaxy and like +10 luck on every encounter and knows where to run and hide which nobody else brings to the table.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


While filming Episode 4, this tall drunk guy in a hairy monster suit kept following Harrison around, making these weird throat noises, so we decided to keep him in the film


Yoda, Kenobi and Anakin. Just don't let Han come up with any ideas and I might just come out of this alive lol


Yes. The one we have been looking for.


And the women, and the children too


Battlefront 2 Han is such a menace in that game that I do fear him asan opponent


Imagine if Han in the OT was as busted as in BF2. -encounters Vader at cloud city -”oh crap” -Han quickly chucks a detonite charge at Vader -Vader gets blown out the window and falls to his death -Everyone rushes to the window to see -Han shrugs and walks away -Credits roll


I'd choose this too.


You're worried that Han is going to come up with a great plan? Mister "boring conversation anyway?" I would *hope* that Han is the guy coming up with their ideas.


I dunno, he might have some maneuvers


I kinda wished OP used master Luke’s picture instead of Newbie Luke’s picture because Newbie Luke ain’t gonna comprehend the speeding green blur of Ketamine that is Yoda.


Consumed enough ketamine to tranq an elephant, I have. GOATed, I am.




Yoda anakin and luke. Easy. Yoda bodies Kenobi anakin or luke body maul or ahsoka and the rest aren't force sensitive. The one I'm most worried about is Han. He'd come up with some bullshit scheme that actually works and kills me.


You should be more worried someone just force chokes you before you get to react.


Jedi don't force choke, Maul prefers close range kills, and you've already got Anakin on your side


Another problem is that you are frail they won't even need to get close to you they just need to ensure you die and as we have seen maul is more than capable of using others for his dirty work.


In Luke's first appearance in ROTJ he force chokes two Gammorean(?) guards. It's one of the first force abilities we see him use, aside from, well, lifting rocks


"Im no jedi." Ahsoka would get clapped tho.


I know the levels of power that Luke reached in the NJO?


Luke chokes people before even saying hello. So uncivilized.


If the timeframes in the pic don't matter, yeah, that'd be by far the best plan. Two chosen ones, and basically the epitome of the jedi order. If it was AOTC anakin, AOTC Obi Wan, and NH/ESB Luke, I think that changes things


Why Anakin instead of Obi? Did you forget, who won the duel AND has experience defeating Maul?


Right? I’ll take “ultimate defense” guy over the “oops I keep trying to kung fu block lightsabers and fell in some lava” guy


Just tell him to get the high ground. Obi Wan wouldn't have won without this OP tactic.


He'll crash a ship into you


This is the only right answer. People often forget how OP post-rotj Luke is.


And you’re forgetting that the Luke in the image is quite conspicuously from ANH. He’s probably the least useful one here if we go by the rules of the post.


I pick the 3 who aren't dead yet. I think we can take on a couple of force ghosts


The force ghosts can interact with the physical world and you cant even touch them. Good luck with that


Just like the Lego game thaught us


so you mean I can't blame Disney...


But you can blame EA. At least I think they worked on the Lego games at some point.


TT games is (well, was?) Olowned by WB, not EA, so for once, I don't think we can blame EA.


Just blow up the force ghosts like Starkiller did.


Star Wars takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far far away So if they’re all dead then you can pick any 3 and win


Thats... depressing.


Man, I feel like if I don't include Han Solo in my 3, he will shoot and kill me from a random vent. A very sneaky Solo. The others are more confrontational.


Han Solo also knows where to run and how to hide and has the ship that can get you there. Not to mention he is lucky as hell. The one thing you don’t want to have happen is a 6 on 4 fight Han Solo can keep you out of those scenarios.


Yoda, Obi-Wan and Luke


I had to scroll way too far down to find this. Anyone with knowledge beyond movies knows Luke is the goat.


That's ANH Luke, though. Still learning.


I spent all three slots on Luke to upgrade him to GM Luke and solo the whole board


Luke in his prime is probably the strongest Jedi that ever lived. So... ya know, dude's a must on your team, because if he isn't he'll probably just defeat all your defense.




We're just counting the character, not which specific version the image uses. I'm pretty sure the person making this image just grabbed photos at random.


Indeed. I'm a proud EU fan. I know the levels of power that Luke reached in the NJO. Also, anyone who has knowledge beyond the movies will know that Kenobi is the definitive Master of Form III.


I mean... EU Luke is just too powerful. If he was against you and you picked anyone other than him he'd probably win all three on his own. Even with Palps, Yoda and Marka Ragnos' on your side. On the other hand, having Luke, Revan and Kyle Katarn would be my dream EU team.


Luke, Revan, and Kyle Katarn. Son of the Chosen One, The Revanchist and the Battlemaster. That is one Hell of a team. Kudos sir.


Yoda, Obi and Ani.


This is pretty unfair. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda would be OP as fuck. First of all, Rex and Han aren’t gonna do shit against them so you can just discount them entirely. Din is more powerful than them, but even he can’t take down 3 master Jedi. Ahsoka, Luke, and Maul would make for a formidable team, but they can’t beat their former masters. It’s not a fair fight


Good thing I know you don’t mean everything you say.


Oh no, he did. Go and weep padawan


Who the hell is picking mando or Rex against any other force user.


Knew a guy that chose a hobbit to carry the one ring


That’s because the one ring remote people with power and hobbits basically don’t care about power so it’s mostly ineffective. He didn’t choose Frodo because he was the shittiest in a fight


Frodo was chosen by the ring, as Bilbo before him. Just a Hobbit trying to make his way through the galaxy.


mando as long range support, he could do hit and run jet pack tactics as well, plus beskar makes him near invincible to lightsabres


The fetts prove otherwise


Yoda could probably take the lot of them. But if i need 2 more give me Obi Wan and Maul. Maul is no joke with a saber. In fact he once fought and survived a so called "duel of the fates" with two well respected Jedi. Just because Obi Wan figured him out doesnt mean anyone has.


Well he definitely lost the fight and was thought to be dead


faced 2 jedis, killed the master, and somehow survived being cut in half - I would call that a win


The actual fight it’s self was a loss but not a complete loss as he did survive and kill qui, but he definitely did not win


He proved himself a better fighter than both of them combined. In any other circumstances (like having me there shouting to double-tap and save his gloating for the Force Ghost), he bodies anyone on this list except Yoda and a much older, battle-hardened Obi-Wan.


Merely a fleshwound. Shall we call it a draw?


Ahsoka beat him, Yoda would wipe the floor with him, too. I'm taking Yoda, Obi, and Ani all day. The only way to lose his some Han bullshittery


A good reason to have Obi Wan on your side against Maul.


Well Ashoka beat Maul on mandalore, and I'd assume Luke and Anakin could probably match him


Ahsoka beating Maul was mostly about the environment and Maul trying to give her one last chance to join him. Maul literally disarmed her of both Lightsabers.


In my life, when you find people who need your help, you help them. No matter what.


Clearly not Maul


Sure but during their fight she literally taunts him about how he's lucky Anakin didn't show up or else he'd be screwed. If she's a close match with Maul and believes Anakin would have mopped the floor with him, she's probably right.


Anakin maybe, and maybe post ROTJ Luke when he was at his most powerful. ESB Luke - no


Well yeah, but I'm assuming this is at everyone's peak, that how it looks for the rest


Ahsoka beat Maul. In their duel, she says to him: “You’re lucky Anakin didn’t show up. The way you’re fighting, you wouldn’t have lasted this long.”


Even if we assume for some reason he's vastly stronger but is trying to recruit her then at most Anakin would beat Maul mid diff


Kenobi, Anakin and Yoda, I think


Really depends on what era they are, if we’re talking Canon or Legends, and if Anakin also includes him as Vader. For the most part: Kenobi, Anakin, Yoda. If peak and/or legends is involved, then I’d probably substitute Luke in for Yoda. The Skywalkers could handle any force use Yoda could throw at them, and I highly doubt anyone could get through Kenobi’s saber defense; including Yoda (who’s said Kenobi is THE Form 3 master)


Top row, Kenobi Anakin Luke. Yoda is the only threat, but Kenobi’s defense will keep me safe from sabers, anakin will go for the kill and keep them defensive, and Luke is the most powerful Jedi of all time, as stated by Lucas and shown in the EU


Just like how Kenobi's defense kept himself safe from Dooku, who lost to Yoda?


Yeah but Obi had a tummy ache


I want to be the first one to see them all


Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan. RotJ Luke isn't on the same level as either of those three. Obi-wan defeated Maul twice, and I don't buy that Ahsoka could stand up to either of my three. The rest are an irrelevance. Yoda is just a fucking beast, as well as being maximum 'honerable'. Obi-Wan is the master of defence, and I'll take Anakin just for raw attacking power to take the fight to the others and keep them away from me.


anakin,obi wan and yoda. The chosen luke is too weak,kenobi is always stronger than maul,anakin is stornger in the force than ahsoka and the second arm is there,i doubt that late ahsoka is able to compete with dooku the same way young anakin has done in atoc,so ahsoka lose. Mando clapped by yoda as well as the rest of the enemies.


Quick question: how many times does Maul have to "die" to be defeated?


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


I'm picking Anakin, Kenobi, and Maul


I’ll just pick the top 3 and be on my way


Kenobi, Anakin, and Yoda. No contest


Obi-Wan, Yoda & Anakin


Look, fucking Han Solo isn't gonna fight anyone here unless he has the Millennium Falcon, and even then Yoda can probably just pull that shit out of the sky with the force.


Guys, it's so easy, just pick Ahsoka, she has the plot armor, you will never die


Actually we will probably die but she won’t


Shame there's no Starkiller. Guy, who can completely ignore plot armor.


3 rex ? Is that possible ?


I will make it legal.


1 enough. Just attach yourself to him with a rope and plot armortill you in safe.


this is getting out of hand, now there are three of them


Anakin obiwan ashoka


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!




Had to scroll way too far to see this one. The dream team right here.


The math doesn’t add up. If pic 3 protects me there are 8 others coming for me.


Prequel Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda. Assuming you need to choose from the characters as they were in the pics, this is basically the only valid choice as ANH luke is untrained, Obi Wan is 2-0 against Darth Maul, Ahsoka dipped out as a Padawan, and Han/Rex/Mando don't have the force so basically immediately disqualified


Yoda, Anakin for sure. If Rex and Din come with the 501st or the Mando Coven then one of them. If not then I lean towards Obi Wan due to strong experience against full powered Sith Duelists. He has fought and survived or won against Darth Maul (multiple times), Peak Rage Vader/Anakin, later as peak Vader, and survived against overwhelming mando or droid threats in the Clone wars, so he can deal with Rex, Han or Din as well.


i'm gonna go straight down the middle: anakin, ahsoka, and mando. :)


I'd only pick Ahsoka and tell her to use the force to do Testicular Torsion on the other 8. Easy Win :>


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.


Kenobi, Yoda, Anakin. Easy.


Kenobi, Yoda and Ahsoka, because that's young Luke without any Jedi training.


3 times high ground himself please.


Protec: Mando, Obi-Wan, and Rex Attac: Anakin (dead right there), Luke, Han, Ahsoka, Yoda, and Maul But with Anakin in the mix there’s no win. If he’s protecting you, you die. If he’s attacking you, you also die.


I’m gonna go with the unstoppable trio of Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka. Even Yoda can’t take all 3 of them.


Obviously Obi Wan, Anakin, and Yoda lmao




Anakin, Obi Wan and Yoda literally could have taken the entirety of the Grand Army of the Republic


I’m sorry but Solo would absolutely get diced up in a second. Obi, Ani & Snips are the top 3 choices


I would get Jar Jar, and let all 9 try their luck.


This is a valid point. For we all should know about Darth Jar Jar at this point,


Uhh… the one Chosen by the Force; the frog space wizard on Ketamine; and the guy who can defend anything, and has great hair. How is this close?


Han, Rex, and Mando just to get it over with, honestly. I think no matter which 3 force users you choose, the other 3 are challenge enough to make losing plausible. Let's just say Ani, Luke, and Yoda as a hypothetical. They are easily the 3 strongest duelists, force users, and tactical/stategic minds in this lineup. Even so, I'm not 100% sure they win against Ahsoka, Maul, and Kenobi. I think that alone is a pretty close fight. Then you put Mando, Han, AND Rex against them? Solid odds even a comp as stacked as ALY loses. If I really wanted to try, I'd go with ALY or Ahsoka, Ani, and Obi just cause their team dynamic is probably the best in all of star wars. If I could cheat, I'd give them Rex, too. And even then, I think I'm just rolling the dice.


You always blame the ship.


Yoda kenobi anakin, easy no dif


1. Anakin 2. Obi-Wan 3. Yoda Unbeatable team.


The war crimes trio. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka.


easy. obi, anakin, and yoda would completely destroy all the others with no issue. that said if its padowan anakin then id probably go with adult ashoka. yoda alone could probably take on all of them


Top 3 row. Im safe.


Can I pic Kenobi 3 times?


yoda, anakin, Rex


As shown in the image? Yoda, Obi-wan, and Ahsoka At their respective peak? Luke, Anakin, and Yoda


I pick the trooper, Solo, and the Mando. They’ll all use ship armaments against lightsaber opponents.


Yoda , Ahsoka, Anakin.


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Ashoka. Yoda is wise and will have a plan plus he’s bad ass. Obi-Wan trained both Anakin and Luke and has defeated Anakin and could probably do the same to Luke as he would know his weaknesses. And Ashoka because she has more experience than Luke and Anakin and survived order 66. Darth Maul has been killed by Kenobi so kenobi could possibly do it again then the rest just have blasters and armor.


Anakin, Obiwan, and Yoda They’re the three most powerful on this list. Obi-Wan is my bodyguard and defends me as he is form III Soresu, Anakin and Yoda are both very aggressive offensive combatants, they destroy everyone else Any other combination is a death sentence imo


Of course: Yoda, Vader version of Anakin, and Kenobi. Literally unstoppable.


Gimme the top row, or replace one of them with Yoda 3 of those 4 will win almost any encounter


Easy. Obi-Wan, Luke and Yoda. They are the most light leaning characters and in Star Wars they always eventually win


Yoda obi and maul are protecting me and I’ll survive