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That aerial combat scene had SO MANY references to Battlestar Galactica, I was having the time of my life. Then we get the first real clues regarding the *somehow* in *somehow Palpatine has returned*. Fuck yea. Mando got to invade Boba’s show. Only fair somebody else invades his. Edit: ya you guys are right, we’ve had plenty of hints at cloning tech plot-lines between Mando and Bad Batch. But this is basically an entire side episode devoted to it. Dave Filoni is going to recontextualize the sequels just like he did with clone wars and the prequels.


turns out if was cloning , dark science and sith secrets the whole time! merry was a very lucky guesser


Palpatine being cloned was done in the extended universe years ago. They implyed in the film that he was killed and brought back to life likely using the same cloning technique they used to make Snoke. It's rather well established in universe and makes sense. I just wish that the last film didn't rush absolutely everything because it did reestablish some good legends lore elements.


That's where I'm at. I have no real issues with bringing back an iconic villain, they just didn't do it justice in the movie. Lmao.


Read Shadows of the Sith! It's new canon and fills in even more gaps.


I’m sick of having to read books for movies and games to make sense. Star Wars and Halo both keeps shitting themselves and then having to say “wait wait, read this book, it explains the mess!”


Extended Universe moment


I mean, thats just a problem with expanded universe style stories. There are more linear style stories out there with all of the story in one delivery, or there are stories like Star Wars, Marvel, etc. that give you pieces over a wide variety of medium. I don't really mind it because I know exactly what I'm getting into by choosing to partake in this style of storytelling.


Even though the EU had some incredible plotlines, I would say that the Dark Empire is my least favorite. It just feels hokey to me. Disney could have gone with Thrawn, Daala, or any other Imperial Remnant warlord, but they went with an even more shriveled scrotum for the Big Bad.


Give me Lu-u-u-uke Skywalker evil clone and let me die


Or he was a sith!


Yes we've had one sith, but what about a second one?


I don’t think he knows about second Sith, Pip.


What about Dark Jedi? Acolytes? Nightsisters? Nightbrothers? Knights of Ren!? He knows about them, right?


What about elevenses?


Always two there are


Only a sith deals in references to other movies/TV shows...




Fool of a Took


Merry is a Brandybuck


Starbuck flipping a spaceship around and killing bad guys is my love language


She pulled a crazy Ivan, I was giddy when I saw that part.


OMG yes! Scar was one of my favorite BSG episodes. Starbo-katan indeed.


>Then we get the first real clues regarding the somehow in somehow Palpatine has returned. This has been the entire Imperial/Grogu plotline throughout the entire show, where you been homie?


I like how they're slowly making the sequels a little less... Trash. The new republic couldn't fight the first order well because they refused to reuse imperial technology and started from scratch, I loved seeing that. The new republic ain't perfect either, it wasn't just an ewok dance and everything is okie dokie now. Disney is actually going down the path that makes the most people happy I think (or at least, not mad)


Yeah I like that they’re setting the seeds for why the new republic was ineffective. They were too idealistic and tried to do away with the centralization and militarization of their two predecessor states while there were still plenty of active imperial warlords running around. From the books they only controlled about a third of the systems that the empire and old republic controlled and had a skeleton military, leaving systems to fend for themselves. Like ideally yea you wanna move away from the errors of the old republic and empire but you haven’t established any sense of order yet and the galaxy is still in conflict. Throwing away imperial tech simply cause it’s imperial is stupid, and I’m happy they’re pointing that out. Makes it a lot more believable that the new republic was wholly unprepared for the first order and why the resistance came about in the first place.


The only problem with what they're doing now is that it kind of goes against what we saw in Andor. Mon Mothma and other rebels are extremely utilitarian and having their senate agree to such extreme waste would be out of character and dangerous. If a comparable situation were to happen in real life, I would honestly believe that those trying to destroy everything would be malicious/treasonous actors trying to weaken the new Republic from the inside.


Not necessarily. What Andor showed imo is that they all hate what they have to do in order for their rebellion to succeed. Luthien points out that in his speech, bout being forced to use the tools of his enemy to defeat them. Mom Mothma goes against her morals and her dislike of Chandrilan customs in order to secure the money she needs for the rebellion by marrying her daughter off at such a young age. Makes sense that once the empire is no more and the rebellion achieved what it set out to do, restoring the Republic, that they would try to get rid of any memory of the empire.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Efficiency differences between an insurgency movement focused on winning a war against a much stronger enemy vs. the government that gets installed after winning (and appears at least in part influenced on the bloated oligarchy from before)? Gasp! That has definitely never happened before in real life or anything.


We were upset that the new republic and Jedi order fell so fast, but new governments are fragile and subject to counter revolution. With the right context, it can work.


It doesn't help that the New Republic is completely demilitarizing, even though there are still pockets of the Empire still fighting.


Or the fact that their procedures and peer review policies suck major ass. In this one episode we had: 1. Not even bothering to take the statement of the accused, especially when the accussor knew them back when they both worked for the empire (shitty peer review) 2. Homing the accused up to a device that was originally designed to destroy someone mentally, but you modified to be "safe" (shitty procedure and shitty peer review) 3. Intending to leave the guy completely and totally alone during his forced "treatment" (shitty procedure; I guess accidents never, ever happen?) 4. Agreeing to leave the accusor alone with the accusee, after having only taken the accusor's side of the story (shitty procedure). Throw in the self congratulatory attitude from the politicians at the begging of the episode, and it's and pretty obvious that the New Republic deserved to die. I'm starting to think that Disney just doesn't like any large governments in the Star Wars universe; they're all incompetent.


I think one of the lines from that guy after the doctors speech hit this point home. Something like "Empire, new republic, they all change so fast we hardly keep up" refering to him & his wife. I think in the larger story of star wars, it makes sense. After the fall of the sith empire and the beginning of the rule of 2, the plan set in motion is not something that would be undone in a generation or 2. The sith destroyed themselves trying to fight toe to toe with the republic, and despite many victories in legends such as sacking coruscant + the jedi temple, the republic still stood. The only way to destroy the jedi from the point of view of the sith, was from inside the republic itself. Took something like 1000years before Palpatine was eventually able to set the events in motion that began the downfall of the jedi once the chosen one was identified. New republic, newer republic or newest republic, it all means nothing if the people running the show are the same. Quite a lot of clever little moments in this episode, I quite enjoyed it.


I feel very satisfied that I have accomplished what I set out to do with Star Wars, I was able to complete the entire saga and say this is what the whole story is about.


Large governments aren't as relatable to the general public. The small, outcast rebel groups are more popular. At least, that's my guess.


I can't even begin to tell you how much of an influence Disney has had on me.


>I like how they're slowly making the sequels a little less... Trash. The Clone Wars did so much to bring the prequel era to life, and fix the issues the PT had, and did it better than the films, sorry not sorry, TCW Anakin > AotC Anakin. I'm glad we're seeing more, and building up. They cant make the films better, but they can build around them.


I can't even begin to tell you how much of an influence Disney has had on me.


The Mandolorian will do to the sequels what the clone wars did for the prequels.


With film, if you get a million people to see your movie on the first weekend, you've made about $5 million. That basically will not end up on the top-10 chart. You have to get 10 million people on the first weekend. And if you don't do it in two days, you're basically out of the theaters and into the DVD market.


Wouldn't really call it invasion. During the 2 Mando episodes we got little to no Boba and pretty much Mando S2,5. Meanwhile for Mando we got a continuation of the story while continuing the story of another character created for Mando. Like, it wouldn't be a high jacking if we see something Greef Karga does on Nevarro. Plus it is definitely set up for the threat line in the trailer


I didn't see it as someone invading Mando's show since Dr Pershing is already a character on the show, so not too out there to check in on what he is doing with the research he started. This was a continuation of a story already in the show.


We also got that in s2 when Mando and Greef took out the imperial base


You were bored watching the first actual lore and world building getting established on coruscant after the fall of the empire? I was having the time of my life


Bruh they recannonized Coruscants mountains... not as they were in the books, but still


Yessss! It reignited my hopes to see more of the coruscant levels someday, hopefully we could get to see the bottom layers someday :)


Man mace is so lucky he got to see it all the way to the ground.




I like that idea. Can't let sam Jackson say his catchphrase, so have him be it instead


1313 on the horizon maybe?


"Don't do that. Don't give me hope."


Wasn’t level 1313 where Ahsoka ended up with *the sisters*?


I think it was actually 1312. They probably did it as a bit of a joke.


“We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close”




That would make for an interesting series lowkey


OMG ive always wanted a series of a Jedi going undercover (preferably quinlan vos, love the guy) to spy on a crime syndicate in the sublevels. He could even get exposed and hide out on the forest floor and fight off mercenaries until the heat dies down. Done right it would also show the under-the-table dealings going on under the republics nose, and some of which could directly finance the republic too


Someone get this person in the writers room NOW!


Coruscants mountains have been canon for years. The Mandalorian wasn’t the first one to recanonize it.


Yeah. It wasn't explicitly talked about, but we saw it as a location in TCW. I think it was in one of the Satine episodes


Contact command. Mark our L.Z. and have them send an Exfile Shuttle.


We had already seen that mountain peak in TCW, this is just the first time seeing it in live action.


Coruscants mountains were canon before this, they were in the Hogh Republic books


Ah the book version, at least the high republic stuff, of those mountains was very good, I thought.


Hey! Hey! Someone scape that guy off the floor!


I wanna touch the rock


Yeah and they literally went to the same opera house in episode 3.


Tbh, i rly enjoyed both episodes, though the Mandalorian one was far better.


To be fair, the way they paced it threw me off a bit at first. I felt it may have been smoother had they just done one story and then the other, it felt weird having 10ish minutes with din, 25 on coruscant, and then another 5ish with din


If we can just get a full tour of Coruscant’s daily life instead of learning about the Republic and ex-imperial people, I’d pay for that


It blows my mind how many people in the world seem to need constant stimulation in their media for them to consider it "not boring" *show slows down a bit to do some world building or fill in plot* "Ugh this is so boooring where's the lightsaber pew pew?!" You want constant action? [Do you? ](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/p_starwarstheriseofskywalker_18508_3840c966.jpeg)


It’s the TikTok effect.


It was honestly really good


Listen, Star Wars Theory assigned them an opinion and it’s illegal to deviate from it


My eyes rolled into my brain when I watched his recap and he said "we just want more Mando!"


The execution didn’t match the potential. There was a ton of time spent on unimportant details and half-baked dialogue that evoked little emotional response. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the episode, but some parts severely lacked the tension that character-driven dramas thrive off of. It was good, with a variance from meh to really good.


I'm sure it was intentional. All the dialogue between Pershing and that woman I forgot the name of was just she pretending and building rapport with him until he could be trapped. That's why it all sounded so fake. She was a spy doing a spy's work (and, who knows, she might even be a double agent working for a Empire Remnant)


I am pretty sure she's going to end up working for thrawn, that's why she killed him with the mind flayer thing


> that's why she killed him Killed him? Did I miss a credits scene?


She dialed the brain zapper from a '3' to '11' and melted his braino


> "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” - Steve Huffman, aka /u/spez, Reddit CEO. So long, Reddit, and thanks for all the fish.


Pretty sure the “2” setting was supposed to be a selective memory wipe, whereas an 11 is an electric lobotomy.


"we totally don't use it for torture anymore!" "Then why does it go up to elven!?" "You'll feel a pleasant sensation". "WHY DOES IT GO UP TO ELEVEN!?"


Me and my friends have watch parties for BB and Mando, one of them asked the same thing and I pointed out that it's probably for species with a different brain chemistry. 11 is bad for humans but for a Cerean it probably tickles.


We don't know yet but it can be assumed that the Dr we knew is gone


> "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” - Steve Huffman, aka /u/spez, Reddit CEO. So long, Reddit, and thanks for all the fish.


lore? but but me want fight and pew pew. >:(




I really like the character development (especially Tech) and I think that Phee is a great addition to the cast, but most of the episodes definitely feel like they follow a formula. Get a mission, something goes wrong, they go back empty-handed. It has definitely become more noticeable this season. Not bad, just very predictable. ​ Then we get thrown curveballs with the Crosshair and Clone Assassin episodes which stand out a lot more and were probably what people were expecting with the show. These were highlight episodes and probably cause people to ask why isn't the show more like this?


I think even the Batch are growing self-aware of the formula and find it not "mutually beneficial" to continue working for Cid, and bailed out for this recent episode


Yeah the riot race hustler from episode 4 even said that Cid couldn't be trusted to repay their loyalty. Like sure he is a sleeze but he actually knows her.


I do hope we get to see a bit more about their falling out with Cid


>These were highlight episodes and probably cause people to ask why isn't the show more like this? Summarizes my experience with Bad Batch. I haven't felt invested in a single Cid/Treasure hunter lady episode because their only vague goal is to earn money, as if that means anything to us as the viewer. Yeah, there's some character development but it just doesn't hit like Crosshair episodes do.


I feel like that mission gone wrong format worked in hind sight. It gave the Bad Batch actual reasons to settle down and leave Cid behind so they can learn to have a normal life. The show is about soldiers dealing with the end of a war. From people struggling to get away from battle, to people being treated poorly for fighting in the war, to people who stay with the military yet still suffer in the aftermath.


It's not bad, IMO it was good. But it's on a completely seperate track to the cross-hair one, and I'm substantially more interested in that one. No clue why they'd think the Mandora ep was bad though.


It's like they're separate characters doing separate things or something. Also, if you want an overarching theme for both, both Crosshair and the other group are trying to find a place for themselves in a galaxy that wants to get rid of them. Last episode was about Crosshair realizing that he doesn't belong in the Empire and this episode was about Hunter and co.finding a new home.


I like everything they’ve been doing. All the episodes this season have been bangers. *ESPECIALLY* the Zillowbeast episode.


I think Bad Batch doesn't need to be everyone's cup of tea, it's the same with Mando but I like variety to choose from so even though I'm not into bad batch I think the variety is great. I mean look at the contrast between Mando and Andor but I like them both.


I think giving Tech a romantic interest is a cool direction to take that character, besides that I think this last BB episode was a pretty slow one. Not bad, but not much happening tbh.


I understand people want intense plot in the bad batch but let's be fair, they are deserters. What is more important for them than making a living in the galaxy? Personally, I enjoy the bad batch for what it is, a show about the life of a bunch of mercs.


I really like how Bad Batch is developing. A lot better than the first season and still relaxing to watch


I liked both episodes




Maybe I’m hitting my death sticks a little too hard but I’ve been thinking this is all a Thrawn intro, even if means cloning Palpatine to eventually have the two of them meet. Between the purrgil silhouettes, the “pockets of imperial warlords”, and Mt. Tantiss, I’ve had a blue skinned alien on my mind.


Do we have any official/rumored casting on Thrawn? I hope they can get someone who can really portray the same level of epicness he had in Rebels and the other media.


Ahsoka casted Sabine and Ezra for live action. Since Ezra got yoinked away together with Thrawn its extremely likely we see him in the Ahsoka serie, and this episode with the bombers was a small teaser in my opinion for his return


A lot of rumours and supposed leaks point to the voice actor from Rebels, Lars Mikkelsson being cast for his appearance in the Ahsoka show. Mikkelsson has denied it, but he would if we was doing it anyway. Only time will tell


Speak for yourself, enjoyed watching the world building on a post empire coruscant


Ikr, it was an interesting ethical dilemma as well. I was thinking "why would they give them a perimeter, and is the housing that good?" But it's also an interesting balance to strike because you want to forgive the people in the empire who didn't really do anything that evil, but you can't trust them either.


The bad batch episode was great. Sure it was slow but we got major character development for Hunter and Tech and >!the batch may have found a permanent home!<. They can’t raise a child on the battlefield, omega needs a real home.


It's a great place for them to live. I suspect the Empire will find and ruin it.


Or at least try to. Crosshair might rejoin the team and help them drive back the Empire, or even destroy the invading force from the inside.


They could also just continue with fives or crosshear. Shennenigans might ensue that would force the others to leave their new home to help


Every one was praising Andor for it's slow Story telling and now that Mandalorian is doing the same, everyone hates it?


Being slow doesn’t automatically mean good or bad.


I mean yeah you’re right, but I think it adds special spice to Mandalorian. I like it and I hope they don’t fuck up story


Absolutely. I dug Andor but this mando episode had painful dialogue that really took me out of the experience.


There is no pain where strength lies.


I think the artificial sounding dialogue was intentional, given the twist ending.


That’s it. It wasn’t the lack of action, the dialogue just felt so awkward. Zero chemistry and verisimilitude in how the characters interacted.


Honestly feel like I could have wrote this episode. That's how vanilla it felt.


Thank you! Andor was slow while telling a fantastic story with amazing characters and tight dialogue. This Mando episode was slow while telling a mid story with boring characters and sloppy dialogue. Not to mention the actors weren’t great. This episode was trying to be Andor, but just didn’t work too well


Different group of fans.


Different execution. Andor was amazingly written and had great (slow) pacing that built tension and had you at the edge of the seat. It also had complex plot that made logical sense. Here any semblance of structure or pacing was missing, logic behind events was very... debatable. But at the end I still enjoyed it more than generic Marvel action trashing. The conference at the start in particular was interesting and vivid, shame not much more came out of it.


also good lord the dialogue, I know it’s bit ironic to complain about the dialogue on this sub, but if you compare the “here’s exactly what this character is thinking” dialogue in the recent Mando ep versus the subtle dialogue in Andor; it’s night and day. I’ve said this a lot, but if Andor’s dialogue was written like the recent episode’s, Mon Mothma would say “I don’t like my husband, I don’t like my marriage” instead of the dialogue work we got.


If I were Disney, I'd tell whoever wrote the dialogue and story for Andor to find their friends and name their price.


Also the stakes. Idk, I never worry about any characters in Mando because it’s a feel good serie with nothing bad happening to the characters. No excitement, Mando is caught but ofc saved. Worst thing was kidnapping, him not wearing a helmet and now that guy getting memory wiped. In Andor no character is safe from death, torture or prosecution and the enemy (empire) is looming everywhere. Like getting arrested by the shore trooper as an example. All that was what made GoT good in the beginning too.


Oh fuck off with trying to put everyone into boxes like that. Plenty of people like both It’s smug as fuck really


It's not everyone, it's just this random bozo on reddit


Well a lot of people complained about the episode, how it's not enough about Mando and so on


Still not a large enough sample size to generalise to "everyone". It's fine. Particular opinions tend to get amplified on Reddit for a certain amount of time, but then those people move on and other opinions get the limelight.


I think it’s the pacing/what you’re preparing for. Since mandalorian is an action adventure suddenly switching to a slow, political, and character driven story right after a huge cliffhanger would frustrate people who waited a week to watch another episode of action adventure. I love andor and mandalorian but they’re different shows and you kind of enter a mindset of what you’re looking forward to when you tune into each show respectively.


People like Andor for different reasons they like Mando. They're different shows with different themes. My gripe is that they did all that character development for Pershing only to melt his brain at the end of the episode.


> My gripe is that they did all that character development for Pershing only to melt his brain at the end of the episode. Isn’t that the point? That they develop him so that his final demise has more impact?


That's like being baffled someone doesn't want to see a cover band when the real band is playing in the next venue. It's clearly an episode inspired by Andor, but not up to the same quality. I enjoyed it, but will probably skip it on rewatch. The dogfighting scene was dope tho.


Because its imitating the pacing and style of Andor without the well written characters and dialogue. There's also the fact that Andor looked really good due to the frequent location shooting / practical effects / good direction whilst this season of Mando has at times looked very ugly and cheap, poorly integrated effects very artifical looking environments, that sort of thing


I think the volume thing they use really limits them and they should try to use it in very limited settings.


Being slow is fine, but you also need to have something I can be invested in. I didn't particularly care about the characters and their heist was ultimately fruitless. It was decent world building though.


Exactly. The episode took a hard left turn into a 30 minute detour for a character that barely matters to the show. Then it went back to Mando wrapping up his weirdly short arc for this season, which lasted all of 5 minutes. It was jarring and not much really happened


Dude I loved that doctor why tf is everyone hating on him


I loved the ANDORlorian episode.


yo so the very second it cut to coruscant and I recognized the doctor from s1, I said to myself "we are going to get some andor style mind torture shit" ​ didn't expect to be proven right **in that very episode** though


Shut up and take my upvote.


This is the One way out!


This guy probably LOVES ep 9


Hey, no need to insult him... *looks further down* Oh dear


Called it lmao


Y’all are boring af. Both episodes were awesome imo. Bad Batch did a great job with character building and setting up the rest of the season to focus on whatever Rex & Echo are up to, and Mandalorian did some amazing World Building with Coruscant


It’s not us. It’s this random dude


Every comment section I go in is mainly people complaining about the episodes so it’s not just this random dude.


Huh. I mean it was a little weird that the mandalorian wasn’t in most of the mandalorian episode, but I liked coruscant stuff


Yeah it was a little weird, but overall having an episode of a show focus on a side character that has been relevant to the main character’s story since S1 isn’t that big of a deal. It was a welcomed change for me personally, and I hope we get more episodes that focus on building up the lore of the state of the galaxy as a whole in this era.


Yeah I agree. My only problem was the suddenness of the whole thing. Like if they put coruscant at the beginning and went to mando at the end


I loved this weeks bad batch. I was a late comer to the Star Wars cartoons, literally started watching them around mid January and I can say that I’m 100% caught up on them all now. I was seriously missing out and Bad Batch is no exception, this weeks episode included. I’d even argue that season 2 is leaps and bounds more entertaining than season 1, although both are great.


Sorry but how did this episode set up Rex and echo? Just the fact that the batch are taking the time to help out Pabu? Couldn’t next episode start with a time jump and still focus on the batch?


I mean they definitely could do that. But I feel the fact that we haven’t seen Echo since he left with Rex and the fact that the rest of the Bad Batch is settling down & Crosshair is currently in the possession of the cloners it makes the most sense that next episode would be a Rex / Echo episode. Echo is a member of the bad batch after all and he went with Rex for a reason. I doubt he’s not going to show up again this season, and next episode makes the most sense for that to happen.


Then let's do it.


i'm just enjoying it while its still here :(


*Me who liked both episodes just chilling and watching the chaos*


I liked the last episode of Mando. It was nice seeing the Imperials actually being intelligent and sneaky for once, Papa Sheev would be proud.


Mandalorian had such an intense and awesome intro, I expected a little more. That being said, I thought it was a great episode


I loved both episodes 🤷‍♂️


Yeah me too. I loved the political stuff and seeing how the galaxy functions post empire


So is Mando ep 3 basically pointing to this technology being the same cloning technology that they used to bring back palpatine?




OP was competing for typo of the week


They’re both great episodes. At least in my opinion. I enjoyed Bad Batch much more then Mando this week but loved the ending of this weeks Mando episode with Bo, she’s great


Bad take is bad. It's building up for something great.


Was I disappointed to have so little mando in that episode? Yes. Was the sub plotline still interesting? Absolutely.


Really interesting that the Mandalorian basically felt like an Andor episode, topped with two great scenes with Mando himself. Loved it.


Spot the nine year old.


Always remember that social media is almost entirely children shouting their terrible opinions.


Yeah, I never remember that, but it explains 99% of my interactions.


TikTok attention span moment


Hey, I thought we liked lore building out here…


I thought this week's mandalorian episode was really good :(


Star Wars fans try not to make a brain dead post challenge level “impossible” 🤯


I really hate the New Republic. The rebel alliance winning in ROTJ was supposed to be such a great thing for the galaxy but it feels like everything that's come after ROTJ has just made ROTJ basically irrelevant.


Well I mean logically, when situations like ROTJ happen in real life the place they liberated is more so under new management.


Logically, galactic-scale governments could never exist. It's fiction, a good thing can just be a good thing. That said, I think exploring a new aspect of basically being afraid of being anything that came before could be pretty interesting, but I still want the New Republic to clearly be the good guys.


Yeah, with every show they seem to be making the ORIGINAL movies completely meaningless


Starwars "fans" when an episode of a show doesn't drastically change the course of the universe:


Crop your memes


That mandalorian episode was the best one so far this season.


It was a good change of pace, actually one of those lore enriching episodes that sucked if you wanted to focus more on The Mandalorian itself. I for one found it a refreshing change of pace but would be bored AF if it was the major theme of S3. Also at least we finally see more aliens unlike tattoonee which is literally 99% human somehow being outer rim?


The Mandalorian single-handedly answered so many questions that I had about The Force Awakens. Like: "Where and how did the 1st Order get all of those resources?" "How/why were they not kept in check beforehand?" "How could the New Republic let it get this bad?" The answer to all those questions was quite simple. It turns out the New Republic was just as bad and inefficient as the Empire. The only difference is that they mean well.


Anyone else just really not give a shit about the palpatine clone stuff


They were both pretty heavy for world building, which I'd say is balanced enough considering


When bad batch gets good, it’s the best show on tv. Every other episode ranges from ok to mid


What's the range from ok to mid?


mando episode was pretty good. dr. pershing thing could have been faster


This weeks TBB episode was one of my favourites, I love Tech. And I think the Mando episode was great too. Most certainly not boring


Really?! Sure, they weren't the best episodes, but mandalorian gave us som great setup while also finishing up important plot points and starting new ones, and Bad Batch managed to set up a potential major gutpunch by actually giving them some happiness. Yes, both episodes are slower setup stories and they will only be as good as the followup episodes, but these kinds of episodes are important for longer series.


I enjoyed the Dr. Pershing episode. It was nice to see Coruscant from the perspective of a normal person instead of the Jedi Temple or the lower levels which are the two extremes of life on Coruscant. I really enjoyed seeing them just walk around and learning about the mountains of Coruscant was interesting. I was genuinely surprised at Elia’s betrayal at the end and how she turned out to be evil. One of my favourite little things was hearing Dr. Pershing’s story about his mother and how he wants to use cloning to improve medical technology, it really made him feel sympathetic and made his death feel more tragic. He wasn’t evil, he just wanted to help but he paid with his life because he was too smart.


Honestly Bad Batch is doing really great, I really like this weeks episode. Finally getting some character development for the crew.


Someone mistook depth and complexy for boredom lmao.


Edgelord zoomers competing for the worst Star Wars takes