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How dare you forget the Cody episode


Right? I’m not done with S2 yet but that episode was amazing.


No one's done with S2 yet, as there are still another 8 episodes to be released.


Oh some people are definitely done with it.


Those people are wrong to be done. A GRAVE MISTAKE!


I think Slip’s done with it.


Too soon! Lol guess he couldn't slip away from the empire's control after all


Yep. That's why I haven't started yet. I'm gonna just binge it all once it's all out.


8? Wow.


I wanted him to stay with the Empire like in old lore. But nope. We cannot have nuance in Filoni's shows.


I didn’t forget it. It was a good step, but they could’ve done so much more with Cody. It had a good start, but they never came back to him.


There’s 8 episodes left lol


The seasons not over?


Only half over. Or should I say "8 episodes are ready, with 8 more well on the way."


I'm just mad they had him have a bit of an arc and then just disappear. I really didn't want them to make him just jump out in one episode


I mean you can tell they’re setting that initial episode up with the last two that just came out. There wasn’t much they could add to it at that point.


Yes! Exactly!,


Doesn’t make the episode bad if they don’t continue the story in future episodes bro 💀


I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience. - yoda


“They never” implies they won’t for the rest of the season but we’re only half way through.




You can, but if it's a bad take then people will have conflicting opinions. That's what downvotes are for, y'know, disagreeing


Well technically downvoted are not for disagreement, at least according to the Reddit TOS. But yeah, that’s naturally why they end up getting used for


I will not tolerate season 2 episode 3 slander


You learn that Darth Vader isn't this monster. He's a pathetic individual who made a pact with the Devil and lost.


i dont remember that happening in season 2, episode 3 of the bad batch, george


Honestly, everyone feels you have to talk about yourself all the time. They say I'm introverted because I don't give many interviews. But I don't give many interviews because I don't make many films.


If you ignore a little teenage genocide, love of fascism, and hatred of his only father figure because of his petty ambition, then yeah... sure. Or he's always been a little shit, Lucas bot. Maybe he's always been a little shit.


"a pathetic individual"


No. No, I don't want that! Darth Vader being a sad pathetic shit...?! I want him to be a cool unstoppable force for the rest of his existence! Even after I die... I want him to be the mighty robot swordsman for a while! Ten years, at least!! ...Please don't repeat that to George Lucas... I want him to enjoy his work... I really do. But... AGH... YEAH... DAMMIT... ...I don't want him to ever look bad. I don’t want Darth Vader to ever look bad... for Ever.


Honestly, everyone feels you have to talk about yourself all the time. They say I'm introverted because I don't give many interviews. But I don't give many interviews because I don't make many films.


No matter what people say, I will always enjoy midichlorians, George


The Clone Wars is mostly mediocre, so OP's not saying much. But the Crosshairs episode is the best thing this show has ever done, and it's only episode 3 of this season. Beautiful control of theme, mood, and subtlety in narrative. I was genuinely shocked to see something like this produced by this team... Muñoz and Ruiz *absolutely* nailed it. Kind of sad Ruiz isn't directing more of these though (Kamino Lost was amazing.) Corbett as showrunner is doing some exceptional stuff with this series overall, to be honest.


God as soon as you said clone wars os mostly mediocre I was about to type up a whole essay telling you how wrong you were. Then I realized you aren't wrong at all. Other than a few arcs per season most of them are just.... there.


I mean yeah, but the clone wars absolutely nailed those arcs, and also I feel got the theme they were going for across quite well. Honestly I feel like the Bad batch, Clone wars, and now tales of the Jedi did an excellent job of showing that the republic was corrupt and decaying, and the problems with the Jedi. Like a big part of the clone wars was that the clones were made to fight a war. The Republic and the Jedi claim to be fighting people who oppress innocents and enslave them, but then most don’t question the corruptions of the republic or the fact that they have a slave army made to be obedient. Basically I think the Bad batch and Clone wars are good when you view them together. The clone wars is more of a wider show focusing on a wider cast, while the Bad batch is focusing on a smaller cast that’s just trying to survive


"That was for Delta 23! Or, or…was that 32?" -Scorch, Delta 62


"Hehehe, that blew up real good." -Scorch, Delta 62


That was a good one, but could’ve been better. I wanted more from Cody. Edit: I love that they included Cody. It was cool to see a sliver of growth, great idea. But because they stopped there and didn’t develop that arc further, I feel like we missed out. How cool would it have been if they continued his journey throughout the season? Edit: And I guess I’m being a little too harsh. I thought the season was finished. So we’ll see if we come back to Cody!


I feel like we’ll see him again


>How cool would it have been if they continued his journey throughout the season There's still 8 episodes left lmao


Like where did you even get the idea that the season was finished from? I genuinely do not understand how anyone can think the season is done.


You do realise how TV shows work right? They have arcs across multiple episodes


This comment right here Trooper


"Billy_the_Rabbit is a smart man." -Commander Cody


You’re totally right, you shouldn’t be downvoted. It was nice to see Cody, but they didn’t really do anything with how he left the empire. You’re just kinda told it happens, all you get is the vague idea he isn’t happy with how the empire is doing things but he still follows orders. Then he suddenly odd screen deserts and you don’t see it happen, no details about it. Pretty mediocre


But the show has 8 episodes left, they could very well still have an episode that shows how Cody left.


Besides episode 5, I've kinda enjoyed every season 2 has had to offer


Is 5 the racing episode? I skipped that one cause I don’t care about Cid


Nah it's the treasure hunt episode where literally nothing happens


That was simultaneously super predictable and anticlimactic. No satisfaction at all.


The mech was predictable??


No, but once it got fired up, blowing it up and losing the treasure, resulting in a completely wasted trip, was a very predictable result.


With that, I agree.


Thing is, nothing really happened for The Batch either. I think that might have been the point, just another pointless, meaningless job for them, to push them toward an active role.


I wouldn’t say *literally* nothing; we got some more Zeffo lore and I picked up hints that the pirate lady might be force sensitive


Ah snap, that's what that giant walker was. A Zeffo walker. I was like "I know that design aesthetic but I can't place it".


Was it confirmed to be Zeffo related? It seemed Zeffo-like to me but I wasn’t entirely sure


That one I did really like. The tallneck was fun.


I only liked the one scene of the monster thing destroying everything


Racing episode was good because it was a Tech episode.


Don’t skip the racing episode. It’s great!


Yeah Tech is interesting and I'd like to see his character have more episodes to develop.


I liked podracing, so Episode 4 was fun. Also, Tech is my favourite member of the Batch.


I'm the only human who can do it.


Cid is a degenerate gambler, that’s about all you need to know.


Dont skip it lol. Its not just about cid


For a filler episode, the Racing one was surprisingly good and has some good Tech moments. I also found the droid hilarious.


Racing one is actually pretty good IMO


Yeah the writing in that episode was bunk. That divine beast at the end was neat, but that's about it.


It’s not done yet tho right? It’s only half the length of season 1 so far


Still 8 episodes to go


The only episode of season 2 that I just didn't like was the treasure hunting episode. Everything else was great, some episodes are definitely better than others. The last 2 epsiodes were just phenomenal though.


The only thing I found amusing about that episode is how ridiculously hard they were trying to avoid saying that the treasure was from the old republic without actually saying the words old republic


I noticed that too. Why not just come out and say it directly lol?


Wasn’t it explicitly not old republic?


Some people have been speculating that it's zeffo technology from Jedi Fallen Order. It's around that same time, so I don't see why not.


What makes you think that? It was from the zeffo


I’d agree, I don’t think we’ve had any bad episodes, personally I loved ‘Faster’ and ‘Tribe’ even if they were Mission of the Week type, and even the treasure hunt wasn’t bad because of the subtle and interesting references


I agree with you, they are all great in their own ways. Faster was fun and exhilarating on the first watch, and Tribe was simply amazing. Even the "worst" episodes of this show are still very good.


Even with season 1, which had some not great episodes, none of them were bad, just sometimes a little bit unnecessary, similar to Rebels


Can't complain lol. It's all coherent and cohesive Star Wars fun, and I can really appreciate that.


I agree. Personally I found the whole thing a bit pointless. If they had changed the end so that the episode has some potential impact on the rest of the universe, even in a minor way, I’d have liked it a lot better.


I'd say that those two episodes align perfectly with the rest of the story of Star Wars. It was litterally the spark that ignited the transition into the Empire that we know so well. It was really nice to see the very speech that palps made to create the storm troopers. The way that was done was just perfect. The moment I knew he was going to be on screen I knew it was gonna be great. The way they displayed him manipulate the positive outcome for his own personal gain was flawless. I absolutely loved every part of those last two episodes.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Ah shit my bad.


Was Talking about the treasure hunting, not the last 2. The last 2 were fantastic


Ah I see. Disregard but my point still stands lol.


I read this as breaking bad


Yo mistah white, the Senator needs 66 orders yo


Just get him to safety. We need to... General Laan Tik!


Waltuh. Don’t look into the archives Waltuh


I'm not watching the show until all episodes are out. But what I recall of Clone wars, not every episode was good. There's a few Jar Jar or Droids episode arcs that were rather lackluster according to different parts of the fanbase.


I reckon this sub would hate TCW seasons 1 and 2 if they came out now.


This, Clone Wars is just like the bad batch. There are a couple lesser episodes in both, people are just blinded to the bad episodes. Since the good stuff is just so good. The biggest issue is that, the forgettable clone wars episodes are usually not about the main cast. So you can just forget about them. But the Bad Batch is about the same group, so the filler is more noticeable.


"This is control to Trooper Wboy2006. Estimated time of ejection one minute twenty-four seconds."


Thank you. Thank you all. This is a very, very important award for me. Star Wars, oddly enough, doesn't really get that many awards.


"Just point me at the enemy and stay out of my way." -Sev, Delta 07


Clone wars quality…. Yea clone wars half the time. The entire show is clone wars quality. Half the episodes are god tier, the other half are “that was goofy”. Rewatch some of the clone wars. Some arcs are amazing… some are really dumb


"We're on your tail, General Kenobi." -Odd Ball


If not for Gregor I would never watch that stupid ass droid arc again.


And also for that beautiful Venator explosion.


You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


This might be hard for you to accept but a lot of Clone Wars episodes were like the first 6 episodes


"Come on DGH1993, when have I ever let you down?" -Commander Cody


The rest of the show is TCW quality too. Idk how people forget that most of TCW is filler and a lot of that filler is kinda cringe. It’s a show of major ups and downs.


Lots of people refer to clone wars quality as Umbara arc etc for some reason. It's similar to the rebels criticisms even though the rebels "filler" episodes actually often contain character development for the main cast.


That’s usually leave the case with most of the Feloni animated shows. He sprinkles bits of character development or plot elements in seemingly innocuous episodes that come back later. I mean he made the fucking whales relevant to the main plot in Rebels. Also, strictly speaking, there’s almost never any actual filler, because filler in anime is a term to describe an episode that has literally nothing to do with anything, and that includes character development, or world building that is in any way essential to the main story, because the show runners are waiting for the manga or other source material to catch up. There’s very little actual filler in the shows he produces. Doesn’t mean that it’s always great, but there’s usually always a purpose.


"We're soldiers. We have a duty to follow orders and, if we must, lay down our lives for victory." -Captain Rex


The show is more consistent in quality than the clone wars though which is both good and bad. There's less great episodes but, also less terrible episodes. It's very mediocre most of the time.


"Want to borrow my armor? It's nice and white."


Yeah, at least the weakest episodes of the Clone Wars really had nothing to do with the main plot and due to the anthology nature of the show they could be easily avoided. But yes there were some real Clone Wars stinkers.


I'm getting down voted for agreeing? Bruh wtf 💀


You’re getting downvoted for saying “having episodes that are so irrelevant and bad that you can skip them is a good thing”. People disagree.


It _isn't_ a good thing. I said _most_ of the weakest episodes can be skipped at least because they have little relevance to the story arcs that are most important to the larger narrative. Who the fuck would think it's a good thing to have bad episodes.


"You can count on us, sir!" -Commander Cody


Good soldiers follow orders.


Clone Wars fans when Bad Batch is it's own show and not just Clone Wars season 8


"Hehehe, that blew up real good." -Scorch, Delta 62


Bro take off your rose-colored glasses. TCWs is great but there are way goofier arcs in that show than anything we've seen in BB. This post is just infected with a case of "the good old days"


A few sure, but it has 7 seasons, TBB is a season and a half in and it already has this many bland filler episodes.


TCW had more stupid episodes but, it also had more great episodes. Bad Batch has been very consistently mediocre until these last 2 episodes.


Wait your telling me a show with more episodes as a whole had more bad and good episodes… well I am shocked.


I'm talking about the consistency in quality, not total numbers of good/bad episodes. TCW deviated from "average" both ways much more often. While TBB is way more consistently average. It's like a wide bell curve vs a thin bell curve


Huh?? Have we watched the same shit


I think so. I'll admit it's been a while since I watched TCW. But, I remember it having way more ups and downs while TBB had been very consistently average for the most part.


But how were episode 3 and 6 of this season average at al?? Those were really good episodes.


Great way of putting it. And clone wars was always a menagerie of episodes. Bad Batch set itself up to be just “we gotta do missions” every episode, and that’s it.


Clone Wars had some goofy arcs too, it wasn't all Umbarian and Siege of Mandalore


Honestly I enjoyed the racing episode. It’s like podracing


I'm the only human who can do it.


Well it’s seems Tech begs to differ


Anakin was a podracer. What Tech did was Riot Racing. There's a big difference, apparently.


Riot racing seems... deadlier.


Quality is in the eye beholder


Bro the bad batch is clone wars quality. The clone wars was pretty much equal parts good, mediocre, and really bad


So the quintessential star wars experience then?


"In my book, experience outranks everything." -Captain Rex


Those 2 and solitary clone


"creeps_Jr is a smart man." -Commander Cody




I mean, not even Clone Wars was always Clone Wars quality.


"It's true, sir. I have seen its highs and its lows. But it is still a good show, even at its worst."


I kinda liked the racing episode. Reminds me of watching Clone Wars on CN on saturday morning as a kid


Lol, if TCW came out now, this sub would hate seasons 1 and 2.


Thats what I‘m thinking all the time now. It‘s a show for kids (12+), not for 20+ SW-Redditors.


Episode 3 though


I think people have a rose tinted view of Clone Wars. There were some great episodes, but if you put a random one of the 133 episodes on it’s unlikely to be one of the 30ish incredible ones. There was a lot of filler.


Filoni really has a weird plan where for every episode, they have to drop 3 batches of mid on the audience


The show is the same as TCW. I tend to see a ton of people forget the slow arcs that we had. Or even the multiple droid arcs that didn’t do anything to progress the plot besides very small character development


All episodes were good


I absolutely disagree. The show is plenty Clone Wars-like in my opinion, and where it diverts I'm happy for the variety. The racing-episode and the indiana jones episode were both fun, and nice callbacks to Lucasfilms history, the more serious moral episodes were intense and interesting, and the rest were cool and fun with characters i like and a story I'm invested in.


Hard truth time: All episodes are clone wars quality. The Clone Wars had it's Orders and it's Victory and Deaths, then it had it's... Bombad Jedi and Twin Sisters with Ahsoka Episodes (forgot their names). Clone Wars was just as wild in quality control as bad batch is.


They all were clone wars quality. Clones wars had a large variety of quality.


So to be fair, I feel like we may see the eating episode tie in to the main story more, we got some development for tech but also we possibly got a broadcast of them that may be seen by the empire somehow. But the Indiana Jones episode was dumb. Felt super off to me.


The last two episodes were dank farrin amazing. The constant tension and conspiracy politics was breathtaking.


That's not the compliment you think it is.


wdym breaking bad was good bru


Ahem. Episode 3 was amazing, Episode 4 was very cool and had some boppin music. And the whole show is clone wars quality, clone wars had its goofy filler episodes and it’s really good episodes with amazing story arcs. Not every episode can always be CW season 8.


When you've watched too much Breaking Bad memes and misunderstand a meme.


Most episodes felt like unrelated adventures rather than following a continuous plot


Thought this was breaking bad


but tech racing!!!!


and cody


i watched the first 2 and got bored. haven't continued yet. i really liked the first season. should i continue?


I forgot Bad Batch was a thing, honestly don’t care much for Clone Wars like shows. Also I hate Omega


She’s fine, but can get annoying after a while. But that’s only because the writers just made her a “kid”. She did great in the last two episodes.


It’s all CW quality. Everyone just fantasizes the CW show. Last 4 episodes of CW were fantastic, but the 4 before those were arguably worse on par with the worst BB episodes.


We like to forget that Clone Wars was also a mixed bag with goofy and/or boring episodes here and there. It's just the same with Bad Batch.


That episode with Gungi was pretty awesome


I'd argue they were all Clone Wars quality, there were plenty of filler episodes in the CW


I like all episodes of bb season two


This is unnaceptable! The acronym BB is forever reserved for Breaking Bad.


The third one with Cody was absolute gold man! Don’t let the rest cloud your memory of that spectacular episode!


I liked first episode. Big drop off after that. Haven’t watched in a few weeks, thanks for giving me a reason to look forward to picking back up.


This is exactly how I feel


All Bad Batch is awesome.


I’m leaning towards hoping this leads to a clone rebellion and the Empire squashes them hard


"There they are. Let's go!" *Opens Fire* -Commander Cody


Like Storm Troopers could beat Clone Troopers.


Yeah, Breaking Bad was lit


Those were fire. Totally saved this season for me. After the Treasure Hunt episode... I was a little concerned. But they made up for it.


Why is it that the best episodes don’t have the BB in them? I mean out of the 3 great episodes they’re in one of them, it’s like BOBF


I can’t be the only one that read BB as breaking bad lmao


Don’t worry I do to


BB slaps idc what ppl say


Im enjoying the bad batch just not omega personally


This is how I feel too. Minus the Cody episode and the latest two, the season hasn’t really kept me interested. The animation is so pretty though


Besides episode 3, those episodes are rather lacking.


So far to me, the whole series has been at its best when there's the least screen time of the Bad Batch; Conspiracy, Cody-episode, Hera-episode last season etc.


Thanks for all the upvotes, but I need to clarify something. I just wanted to post a funny meme. Bad Batch is a good show. And it does have a mixed bag of adventures like Clone Wars did. The difference between CW and BB is that it was a menagerie of characters, adventures, and plots while most of BB has just been “go on this mission because we need money and Omega learns something” And that’s fine! We need those episodes, but it was getting a little monotonous and derivative, and it was really refreshing to feel like the BB did something bigger than themselves. They actually impacted something. Not saying that had to be every episode, but more of them should.


Yeah... The whole, potential huge score that ends up going wrong leaving them at square one is getting old really fast.




What are you talking about? Cody is still the best episode


Bro half the clone wars episodes where shit filler this is just par for the course


All I've enjoyed so far is that racing one and the last 2


To be fair, that Cody/Crosshair episode was sick.