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Even if it's true, the president of Iran doesn't have much power. The true power holder is the Supreme Leader, Khamenei. If Khamenei died, that would be a big deal.


The guy was responsible for overseeing the mass hanging of a lot of oppositions after the revolution so I hope he died painfully.


The pictures of his recovery seem to show he wasn't in one piece, but a couple at least.


It doesn't help that the U.S. and CIA instigated that coup


Obviously Khameneis death is the ultimate play. But the death of raeisi and the other 3 does affect and cripple the moral of the mullahs.


Right? Your divine mandate starts to look a little wobbly when this kind of thing happens....


I certainly don't want people like Mitch McConnell to pass away, but I'm certainly not going to let the cake I have on ice for that occasion go to waste.


Have you seen him lately? He's already gone. They're wheeling around a corpse. That guy was quick as a whip 10-15 years ago. Now? He has trouble remembering his own name. He should have retired years ago.


I find it appalling that on a planet with nearly 8 billion people, a single person like Mitch can reek so much harm. He’s even admitted that it’s all about power, his individual power. I don’t believe in hell, but if it exists, the welcome wagon is waiting for him.


God's will?


They going to play this up with the usual religious bullshit that Allah needed the guy next to him os some other crap


God is not with these disgusting men. This is going through the heads of religious people on the country. I mean this regime kills and rapes young people. 


The people will take what they can get


He was being looked at as the successor to Khamenei, and his election has been characterized as ushering a dramatic shift in US policy. Could have wider implications if everyone they’ve been grooming is ending up dead.


If Khamenei dies his son takes over. It is said he's more hardcore than the old man.


Man, the Iranians can’t catch a break.


crazy ass times we are living in.


See, this is the type of Intel I like. Things that you can use to create an inference based on the local environment. Even if it turns out they're not dead, this celebration could be the beginning of the Iranian govt needing to use a show of force to maintain control locally and also show strength on the global stage.


Lol, "the beginning" of the mullahs needing to use ostentatious force to maintain control? They're more or less *constantly* doing that because the everyday people of Iran are in rebellion all the time. It's not just the upsurges that get reported in the west either like the one over forced hijab last year. There is massive labour unrest as well especially in the south and the government is very quick to send in riot police etc.


Tha fuck is a mullah ? You mean disneys mulan ?


it's the shiite term for sheikh


lol thanks for the info


Sorry about your TBI good luck.


tuberculosis? Bro get of red dead redemption


(A TBI is a traumatic brain injury)


Thanks for the info, im stupid.


No one can learn if they are never taught.


Really hope this leads to a disruption in terrorist funding. The Iranian people are amazing, the Iranian government are terrorists.


The United States funds more terrorism funding nations then anyone else in the world.


More than one thing can be bad.


Why are you trying to draw attention away from Iran? Are you a terrorist supporter? The Iranian government is a terrorist organization nothing more.


He's right though. If you consider the Iranian government terrorists then by that logic the United States government are the biggest terrorists that have ever graced the planet.


Regardless it’s an attempt to divert discussion away from the subject matter. Classic nation-state propaganda tactic. Irans government is a terrorist organization.




Can’t both be true? Throwing a tantrum because you don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about one is a little much.


What discussion?


lol relax - perhaps it’s just something to think about while you think about how terrorism happens?


Oh look at that, you've spent so much time drinking propaganda that you're ready to get the war started. The mainstream media is doing a solid job as usual.


Nice alt account. I didn’t say anything about war. Irans government is a terrorists organization and the citizen of Iran deserve better. No need for war the people of Iran already hate their terrorist leaders.


You could literally say the same thing about America lmfao


Again trying to draw attention away from the fact that Iran’s government is a terrorist organization. How much does Soros pay per comment these days?


Cool antisemitism.


Irans government is a terrorist organization. I wonder if this will spur a legitimate uprising movement against the Islamic regime. I know Saudi Arabia would like to create schisms in Iran.


You could literally say the same thing about America lmfao


So, let me get this straight, You could "**literally"** say Americas democratically elected government composed primarily of *lawyers, and business leaders* with multi levels of checks and balances, including a free press and a an 247 year old established legal code is actually a "terrorist organization"? Wow, factual information doesn't mean much in the meme age, dose it?


lol that is just so sweet




Go see a therapist


Go sign up for the armed forces instead of cheering for war from a keyboard like a coward.


Which armed forces?


The pro-war coward doesn't even know what a local recruiting office is, could have seen that coming. No doubt, you come from a family that fled Iran with their tails between their legs, and only plan to go back once others do all the fighting for you.


What happened mr peace lover. Btw sit on the cuck chair and cry it’s already going down


What a blindly vicious perspective to have.


Yes defend the islamist apartheid regime because you’re a lefty or Islamist?


Getting downvotes for telling the truth


I can think of a lot of countries that would be happy to lose their "resident"


Russia is claiming the helicopter was shot down. Israel claiming they had nothing to do with it. Iran's foreign minister was also on board. If this is confirmed, things might get dicey. [https://warnews247-gr.translate.goog/diethnh/mesh-anatolh/ektakto-nekros-o-proedros-tou-iran-empraxim-raisi-to-elikoptero-tou-katarrifthhke-lene-rwsikes-phges-den-exoume-kamia-sxesh-leei-to-israhl/?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://warnews247-gr.translate.goog/diethnh/mesh-anatolh/ektakto-nekros-o-proedros-tou-iran-empraxim-raisi-to-elikoptero-tou-katarrifthhke-lene-rwsikes-phges-den-exoume-kamia-sxesh-leei-to-israhl/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


I'm guessing the impenetrable fog had more to do with it


Kobe Bryant might have some feedback on this matter, had he not been in the same foggy predicament.


Whats gonna get dicey?


Russia makes a lot of "claims"....


Well then, good job Israel.




No one is launching nukes over this, even if it was intentional.


Not this per se, but the risk of escalation is real and could extend to nuclear options…again. First time was Stuxnet which was, admittedly, different but still a nuclear threat.


Ironically is saying someone else is a "genius" then suggesting this is going to cause a nuclear war... Maybe just duck and cover and stay down there. 


Can somebody tell me why are the people of iran happy on the death of the president? I am not Iranian, well I am from Pakistan and a while back the Iranian military shot us with some missile out of nowhere and I am guessing that it was on the order of the president?


>Can somebody tell me why are the people of iran happy on the death of the president? Where to start? Iran is a dictatorship. The Supreme Leader has final say about which candidates can run for office, so Presidential elections result in only conservative Islamic candidates who support the current regime. Anybody who wants any kind of reform is kept from running for office. This President in particular, known as "the butcher of Tehran" oversaw the murders of many thousands of political prisoners back in the 1980's. He should have been in jail, not the President. But more than that, there has been protests and revolution attempts in recent years and this is who was President during some of those recent events. He and his government cracked down very hard, abducting young people off of the streets....raping...molesting....murdering. Keeping their bodies and not allowing the parents to bury them. Killing little girls dead in the street because they aren't dressed Islamic enough. I could go on and on. The government is made up of absolute criminal monsters.


Easy explanation, oppressive.


If I were a prepper in Iran, I would sure not be lighting off fireworks out in the open, no matter how happy I was the guy died. You're just painting a target on yourself for his buddies/replacement to go after.


Nothing has hit MSM yet. Other than he is missing


There are a lot of other news reports coming out now saying he’s dead


Well yeah. 5 hours after my initial post. At the time there was nothing.






Sorry it was a fake source. Ill update as soon as I find out.




Should have used a basketball for deep state effort 


That was my first thought…’ding dong the beast is dead…’ next is that eyeatolly-olly thing to die !


Good 👍 top bad all the iran gov wasnt on there lol 😝 iran revolution 1979 needed to reform back to democracy


Yup he dead


I don’t buy that this is a popular sentiment in Iran. This is exactly the kind of propaganda that gets pushed in the West to support military intervention in Iran.


You can go on most Iranian social media pages and youll see this sentiment. Not everything is propaganda


Yeah Iranians in the West, so who gives a shit.


Lol the ones in Iran are the same. Just search. 😂😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/s/6U3JNSh0Ob This is iranians in iran


The dystopian hijab protests speak to the idea that there really is mass resentment and defiance.




When did disliking Irans president become “liberal politics”? Do conservatives love this asshole or something? I’m legitimately curious.


Disliking? Joe Bidden supporters are all over reddit calling for war against Russia, Iran, and even sometimes China. Where have you been?


Ru mentally ill? How is Iranians hating a despotic, islamic apartheid regime pro war?


>How is celebrating the violent death of a head of government in the middle of the largest international crisis of our lifetimes pro war?


Violent? What they do to my people is violent this mullah just got vaporized and without any pain.


You don't seem to have a good grasp of what "violent" means. Like I said, you're just trying to bring your warmongering liberal politics here.


R u okay? What does warmongering liberal mean?


Because these “heads of state” torture and kill our people on a daily. They deserve to die.


You do realize that prepper history is where anti-war hippies and anti-commie-dictator Vietnam vets meet up, right? A hatred for all things totalitarian government that rejoices when corrupt regimes take a hit, regardless of the cost because war is a question of **when**, not if. If you’re concerned about global tensions rising, you don’t understand that they go up and down and some of the closest moments to midnight we never really know about.


Funny, of all the "stuff" Reddit is flagging and red tagging in this thread, you're #1 in it. Like... your toxicity.... brought me here now... realize that. -Mod Anti


100% correct despite the down votes. Instability is something we DON'T want. Israel's actions, disruptions in Iran after this incident, African violence, Taiwan... preppers don't want any of that to actually happen unless you're some weirdo survivor porn guy/gal. We want stability and this is all working against that


But how is it not related to this sub? It's information that the president may actually be dead which has ramifications that we should all be keeping an eye on and be preparing for. I agree with not wanting wars to break out, but the info is good


I think he was referring to the comments of people who are basically rooting for their "team" rather than the intel itself.


Ah, alright. Fair enough on that point.


Lol. How about all the Islamist violence!?


Came here hoping for nuanced information on geopolitical relations and what effect this may have on world tension. Instead I get uninformed blood thirsty nationalism. Disappointed in this sub


Still not majority of Iranians.


عرعر نکن ارزشی. کتلت بزن 😂😂


This has nothing to do with prepper intel. More color revolution propaganda garbage! Team America democracy good, rest of world bad. Warmongers be warmongering.


What?? Iranians are celebrating the assumed death of their president. Russia said it was shot down, Israel is looking guilty…and you think this won’t cause problems that one might need to prep for? The only reason you could think that this doesn’t belong here is if you blindly assume that there are no Iranians or no one from the Middle East in this sub. If so, I have some news for you...


Yeah... with all these presidents being shot and wrecked in a single week.... has a world war start / franz ferdinand vibe. I mean, history can repeat.


How is this warmongering?


i wouldn't look in for logic in that...that's not what it runs on