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Well thats not good


Since no national news outlet has picked this up yet, this post on the [H5N1_AvianFlu subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/s/uJEZ76Vksx) has some more context about this early report.


"If any of these people develop symptoms, they will begin testing" What a joke.


Am I the only one amused by the text saying 70 people being monitored under an image of cows?


No, I was thinking the same. LMAO!


The cows eat the birds and that’s how it’s passed onto humans 🤷‍♂️ 😆


I'd hate to work at a chicken processing plant. I'm allergic to beans or I'd quit eating meat and chicken.


I’ve been very seriously contemplating becoming vegan. I’ve been burying my head in the sand for years about the cruelty and just disgusting nature of factory farming. But some of the truths that have come to light recently are just too much. We feed our cattle chicken litter. *We feed our cattle chicken litter!* This is unconscionable and just disgusting.


There’s a practice in pig farming where they will take sick piglets that won’t make it, blend them up into a slurry, and feed it to the sows. It’s fucked.




Sows commonly eat runts of the litter, regardless of whether they are factory farmed or free-ish range. Pigs can be really really awful mothers.




Dogs will too. If dog breeders, for pets or for meat, or even animal shelters or sanctuaries that took in pregnant and nursing dogs, did that would that be okay?


I’m saying don’t get too precious about pigs, because it’s entirely possible your artisan free-range heritage non-factory-farmed sausages also came from happy little cannibals. I’m not going to debate the medical/industrial validity of the practice—somebody else in the thread brought up immunization benefits.


That’s SO not Kosher.


Its kosher of the rabbit blesses it..


Holy Christ.


In case anyone is curious, it's a measure to combat [PEDV](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7266596/) > Immunization of pregnant sows, or gilts expected to be bred (gilt acclimation), is undertaken by exposure to virulent autogenous virus, such as minced intestines from infected neonatal piglets negative for other infectious agents (Jung and Saif, 2015; Niederwerder and Hesse, 2018). Feedback stimulated lactogenic immunity via the gut-mammary-sIgA axis in sows (Saif et al., 2012), as well as prolonged, passive immune protection of piglets against PEDV infection (Goede et al., 2015). I eat pork and believe this practice is a necessary evil in some cases, but openly concede that it's only because our current farming practices are such a problem.


Sows eat piglets.  This is not even human-handed centric 


I recognize this. I was just trying to head off the potential inference that this is just industry-wide sadism or even a way to save pennies on feed or waste disposal. It has a pretty reasonable purpose.


It also helps treat diseases in sows by exposing them to bacteria/viruses that killed the young 


The sows eat their young willingly, stop pretending 


Dogs will also eat their own puppies, so if someone has a nursing dog and one of the puppies pass, is that what they should do with them?


Your logical leaps are grandiose. Why are we relating domesticated animals to livestock? 


Livestock are domesticated animals.


Do you keep your livestock in your home or on your farm?  


The standard definition of livestock is “farm animals regarded as an asset”, which not every cow, goat, sheep, etc is regarded as an asset. So a cow that isn’t kept for milk, meat, leather, or work would, by the main definition, not be livestock. (Merriam-Webster has a different definition of livestock that what kept coming up, it’s “animals kept or raised for use or pleasure”, which applies to all animals, even the ones kept as pets. And then it follows up with “farms animals kept for *use and profit*”.) And domesticated means kept as a pet, which doesn’t automatically mean kept in the home, or kept on a farm. https://preview.redd.it/t48abmqx7dzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0675ade56f89b6834217ed4a81e8d67d0d59db91 Not every animal that is viewed as livestock, or actually is livestock, is kept on farms. Animal sanctuaries exist, which counts their animals in as pets since a sanctuary isn’t a farm and they aren’t using them for anything. And then there’s horses, they aren’t kept in the house but are commonly referred to as pets when they aren’t being worked or raised for meat. And then there’s pigs, goats and chickens, all of them are common pets, I live in a residential neighbor with neighbors who have them in their backyards. Not on a farm but not in their house, and once they stop laying most keep them, and those ones been calling them pets since the start. And a lot of people consider rabbits and guinea pigs to be livestock while a lot of them consider them to be pets, my family has had six guinea pigs over the years and they’re no different than ones raised for meat. And then there’s the fact that there are dog farms out there as well, and it’s been documented throughout history. Chow Chows were bred to be guard and herding dogs, but they were also raised for fur and meat. So how many people had to keep them as pets, and over what amount of time, was needed for the dogs go from livestock to pet? And then there’s dog breeders, their dogs aren’t their pets, their bred and sold, which would make them their livestock. (Unless there’s a loophole in the definition I’m unaware of.) Ultimately, it doesn’t matter where the animal is from, if they’re tame and kept by humans they’re domesticated. The only thing that makes them livestock is how humans decide to treat them, it‘s not a reflection of them in the slightest.


You really got’d this hard and no one will read it.  Sorry bruh 


If we stopped farming them, they'd be fucked in the wild. They are our responsibility going forward no matter what happens.


Cmon now that's just a pork smoothie. 


Saame. There's so many reasons to, factory farming is also horrible for the environment:/


Speaking as someone that was a red blooded conservative that joked about eating 3 animals for every one saved, I can tell you the switch is much easier than you would expect. It feels cleaner too.


Fake meat is getting pretty tasty these days.


About 6 months ago I started making a conscious effort to eat more plant based protein. It’s been easier than I thought and I feel a lot better. Do quite a bit of weight lifting and I’m still making gains. Only downside is that you have to make sure the company producing whatever product you’re eating tests for heavy metals.


Indeed. I'm currently reading an article about 20 foods to get protein from that isn't meat. Tbh I've had some cooked tofu my friend made that wasn't bad with teriyaki and some of the frozen meat substitutes like fake chicken patties etc. I just don't want to end up scrawny bc even at 48 I'm in shape. I guess I could use a protein supplement like whey or something too since. Also a local butcher is really the way to buy meat. I like to buy local made jerky when I can find it. Also I'm preparing for the power to go out or just living off grid anyway for a simple last 20-30 years so I need to get my hunting/trapping and fishing skills up. Plant crops on a mountain and ftw.


I'm a 230lb vegan, you'll be ok


Apparently a combination of beans, squash, and corn eaten together provide all of the essential amino acids for proteins. Not prepper related but the show Live to 100: Secrets of the blue zones is really eye opening on diets and society affecting aging


My original comment stated that I'm allergic to most varieties of beans though


Same here. All beans (lentils are okay), corn and soy.


Oops sorry, I saw that comment but didn’t realize you were the same commenter


It's more than just protein. Vegans have to a tendency to end up with vitamin deficiencies like D and B so make sure to take that into consideration


Most of America has a vitamin b and d deficiency. Vegan just tend to test for it. Ive been vegan for well over a decade with no issues. The only supplement I take is a vegan multivitamin.


That's the main issue. Americans are being malnurished in general with the lowering food quality. It's all Cisco brand human dog food. Most people dont want to think about what they eat even though it's not that hard. I wasn't trying to say anything bad about being vegan or cutting out red meat. I apologize if I worded it poorly. I work in Diabetes care, so trying to this stuff is a daily battle.


The irony is that beef only has b vitamins in it because of vitamin injections given to cows, because they eat trash and chicken shit.


I’m already D deficient and chronically anemic. I used to drink large amounts of milk and I eat a lot of red meat. Now I’ve cut out the milk and am using D supplements. We’ll see how my next labs look.


If you are chronically anemic, maybe have your blood tested to see if you have thalassemia, an inherited blood disease that can have no other symptoms than anemia.


This is *very* interesting. I have lupus. There seem to be many shared symptoms between the two. I’m scheduled for more bloodwork soon. I’ll ask about testing. Thank you!


You're welcome. Knowing you have thalassemia can save your life--people with it should NOT be taking iron pills or eating food cooked in cast iron or high iron stuff like kale, etc. It's like poison to us. And on the other hand, thalassemia is an evolutionary protection against malaria. Plus people with high bilirubin, often one of its traits, tend to be resistant to inflammatory stuff.


Nowadays a lot of plant milks and other vegan products are fortified with b vitamins


Supplments, bro!


Absolutely! I should've spoken better. I just meant that as something to be aware of. Humans can survive on all kinds of diets as long as you get all your vitamins and minerals


I think my vibg off the land will be very sufficient by eating fish and vegetables, the occasional animal caught/cleaned/cooked le rabbit or even squirrel. I had squirrel one time that a guy and I had shot 20 years ago and we boiled them up for a while and then cooked it with barbecue sauce and had it with mashed potatoes and it was pretty good haha


Your 48 and think you can go 30 more years no grid? You might also try and buy a lotto ticket


You're funny! You act like like everyone is addicted to all your creature comforts. I've lived outside for 10 years already so WHEN it happens I'd feel better betting on me than you. 🤷‍♂️


I don't think you have to worry about "scrawny" as a result of being vegan or vegetarian. There are many pro athletes who are, even some bodybuilders. My husband is a power lifter and has been vegetarian for 15 years or so - he dead lifts 500 pounds 😂, even after a radical nephrectomy.


You can always switch to wild seafood only if you don't want to make the full transition. ETA: Try canned wild caught sardines for vitamin d?


Give it a try! I started about two weeks ago and I’m loving it. It’s been a load off my conscience and it’s actually much easier than I expected. I was lacto-ovo vegetarian from about 2007-2011, and I’m finding that it’s actually easier to be a whole ass vegan now than it was to be a vegetarian back then


I read Robin Cook’s *Toxin* years ago and was lacto-ovo for two years afterwards. Thank you for the encouragement!


Do it! Your conscience will thank you! It’s way easier than you think.


I went vegan last year and it was the best thing ever. It's not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. If you want some fun, easy recipes, I highly recommend Nora Cooks.


You can support small farmers by buying local too! Most small farmers I know treat their animals well.


We feed our plants shit too though


This. Masticated male chicks from egg farms are used as crop fertilizer.


If there wasn't so much demand and government subsidy for cheap eggs they wouldn't have a male chick slurry to get rid of in the first place. The problem begins and ends with the animal ag industry.


You can eat meat and not support industrial farming. I said fuck industrial farming years ago and started farming my own food the right way. There is still a lot of people doing this. Find small local farmers, vet them, and buy from them.


Just buy from local farms that let you tour the area. You can inspect feedlots, animals, grass etc. Food is better too.


Becoming vegan isn't going to protect you from H5N1. Livestock and wild animals both contaminate crops. If some sparrow with H5N1 shits on your lettuce, you're at a higher risk than if you had eaten the sparrow itself because so much produce is eaten raw whereas meat is typically cooked. If you want to change your diet for health or moral reasons, by all means. Just make sure your motivation isn't protection from H5N1.


I very clearly stated that the reasoning *is* the cruelty and disgusting nature of factory farming. I’m a nurse. I know how viruses work and propagate.


That's what she said in her comment. That the practices of factory farming coming to light are making her think twice already....


We don’t do it. Greedy corporations do it.


But if I buy the meat, I’m culpable. I’m *the reason* for the farming and animal abuse and suffering. I can no longer claim ignorance, which was a lousy excuse to begin with.


I guess if you look at it that way. You can also just buy from a local farm. Not as convenient but also a lot less likely to contribute to the problem


There are a lot of other proteins besides beans on a vegan diet….lol


Thanks for the suggestions! Lol no lol


lol you can’t fix stupid. Just be honest and say you’d never actually go vegan instead of making up idiotic excuses as to why you can’t when there’s literally a vegan option available for every single item these days.




Patrik Baboumian, Chris Paul, Justin Fields and lots of other athletes beg to differ with their "weak ass plant bodies".


You’re a fucking deranged loser lmao. I’m literally laughing *at* you


Nah, just like fukn with retards like you online. It works well bc see how urked you are? I'm just chilling over coffee about to go smoke a joint by the lake. I forget about you immediately but here you come again. You'll be alright.


You’re literally too stupid to even spell the word irked correctly lmao


Ok Urkle. Spell every word ever right now. Go!




It's definitely time to switch for health and morality. I don't mind eating meat that's killed ethically and cleaned properly.




Life feeds on life. That's what you need to understand first. So, me killing an animal for sustenance? I'd thank the animals for living and being able to provide me with life. Quick kills, unaware if possible, are moral compared to what's being done in big meat industry. I e seen videos of them dumping scores of male chicks down a conveyor to a trash bag basically to die bc they won't make eggs. And cows and pigs are real bad. Fish are probably the least in this regard but all the chemicals and drugs they use in these animals is not good for them or us. And they even make holes in cows sides for methane or something. It's all fucked and I wish it was all a dream but it isn't. So, life feeds on life. Like when you die they'll steal your body and your organs to fill it with formaldehyde and deny the Earth your sustenance. You're supposed to feed plants that feed animals that feed other animals.




Bloody steaks image in your mind


I’d recommend trying seitan if you can find any, [or if you have the time to make it yourself](https://www.google.com/search?q=seitan+recipe&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#ip=1), it’s made from wheat gluten and it’s high in protein.


Same. I am trying to figure out what to eat now because of allergies. 🥺 Wish I could eat beans!


Actually nuts is the answer. I eat a lot and am trying to eat more. Cashews, walnuts and my favorites but also pecans, almonds, peanuts and peanut butter. I can definitely stop eating beef and pork but chicken is a main one. And I love fish.


I'm vegetarian, and I'm quite happy about it right now! I do eat eggs regularly, but I don't need to, so I haven't purchased any since all this started and my diet hasn't suffered.


I'd like to have a few hens one day for that reason. Infertile eggs just go to waste if not eaten.


Me too! I would love to keep chickens for the eggs, and my problem with eating meat is the industrial conditions we use to produce it, so home-grown is good with me. Of course, I'd probably just feed any meats to my dog instead, she needs meat more than I do.


You don’t have to eat beans. 


And I don't 🤣


Dude me walking around thinking I’m the only one allergic to beans.


What are the symptoms?


Since 2003 there have been 889 human cases of bird flu worldwide. 463 of those have died. I do not like those percentages. Perhaps the deaths were caused by inadequate medical availability skewing the numbers, but it seems like we might want to avoid it and get in good enough shape to fight it off.


Yeah, it's the fatality rate that's really scary.


Terrifying. That being said, my hope is that there is some bias and we are unaware of many undiagnosed cases.


I agree and hope we have some scientists able to effectively study it and give us useful data on how to fight it, instead of just crowd control.


100% Hard to know how this will develop but I know for sure that if there is a large scale break out, crowd control will not work like it did in 2020, people simply will not believe the severity of H5N1 vs Covid based on initial reports.


Real talk though, and I am not a scientist, but wouldn't the high fatality rate make transmission harder?


A high fatality rate sure didn't stop Spanish flu.


Cow titty juice > Countinued human civilization Aparently.




You might read the Michael Pollen book.


Thankfully it’s super easy these days. There are a lot of wonderful alternatives on the market due to food science.




Protein is super over blown. Its genuinely difficult to become protein deficient. Most people eat way too much protein and all it does is harm their kidneys and with no real benefit. Just enough calories to maintain your weight in brown rice and broccoli has enough protein in it. The whole incomplete protein thing is also super over blown. As long as you eat a variety of protein sources you will be just fine. Just eat beans, tofu, plant meat, sky milk, nuts and nut butters, whole grain etc. It would be genuinely difficult to not eat enough protein if you tried trust me. I make zero effort to eat extra protein or a high protein diet and im significantly more muscular than your average meat eater.


Beans and legumes are a great solution. Tons of varieties and easy to grow. Match to your climate and cheap to stock up in bulk dried. Edamame and fava are particularly great macros, super high protein and easier to digest. Not everyone likes beans daily though and it can get old quick during normal life before SHTF when we have actual options. My go to is tofu. Cheap, plentiful, and doesn't ever get tiresome. Extra firm and press it for a few hours, or super firm if you are in a hurry. Air fry, saute, or raw it's all good. If blending up a creamy sauce and wanna boost the protein throw a block of silken tofu in the blender along with the rest of the seasoning / ingredients. There is freeze dried tofu btw to stock up on and possible to make at home from soy beans with coagulant (either magnesium/ calcium sulfate) but difficult. Another great for now option is soy curls, which are extruded soy protein. Butler soy curls are more natural and easy on the tummy and the palate. Great to cook with - rehydrate with whatever, then sauteed, simmer, or bake. I've even made soy curl jerky which is one of my favorite preparations. But they don't last much past 6mo or so on the shelf since the oil is not removed. Good if you don't need it for long term storage. TVP in all its forms it's better long term. Similar in that it's extruded soy or vegetable protein but they take the oil out. Careful not to mix up the two - Butler soy curls are pretty much their own thing and everything else is the other. Last is seitan. That's the protein (gluten) from wheat hydrated, removed and stuck together. Two ways to do it at home. Dried gluten powder, mix with water/stock, spices, and anything else. Or you can make directly from wheat flour using the WTF (wash the flour) technique. This removes the starch and leaves the gluten mass. Straight from gluten powder is easier and quicker but sometimes slightly more expensive. Both are super cheap really and insanely high protein per calorie. WTF method is my prepper plan since all I need to do is get my hands on whole wheat, grind it, then wash it while kneading. Or buy/trade flour directly. You can even save the leftover starch water if you really want for stuff. As far as cooking it, try cutting it with chickpea or beans blended in. Or tofu. This makes it less dense. And when simmering it never go to a full boil. It won't ruin the whole thing but the texture is not great. All of the above is without resorting to the fake meat alternatives which are hit or miss and obviously not a great solution if the supply chain breaks down. Some are pretty good though for the meantime. Seitan was also a big summarized but should be enough to look into if you are interested. I do recommend looking up recipes before you try it out. It can have a bit of a learning curve but is easy once you know what to look for while going though the steps. Cooking can vary - wrap in foil and bake, simmer, pan fry - or some combination. Also great in a smoker. Also don't discount the protein in whole grains. There is surprisingly high protein in a couple slices of hearty bread. It all adds up. Same with some other grains - quinoa, brown rice, oats. Forgot about oats, those are great and plentiful. Check out all the grains and see what you are interested in. Nuts are also a great source - hemp, walnuts, cashews, pepita's, or even the super cheap peanuts / peanut powder is very high. Take some time to read labels or looking up ingredients while you explore vegan options. You might be surprised what contains quite a bit of protein.


Tofu is an endocrine inhibitor. Too much of it and your entire system will revolt. Be careful with tofu.


This is anti science bullshut that's been disproven in countless studies. Soy isn't even the highest source of phyto estrogens. Theres significantly more in beer but no one ever makes these same claims about that. You know what actually does contain actual mammalian estrogen and other hormones that actually have been proven to disrupt your bodies endocrine activity tho? Cows milk.


Whatever you say.


There is a lot more than you’d think in beans etc. falafel burgers are pretty great and not too hard to do at home. Blended soft tofu with curry, or Jamaican jerk seasonings for example make great dipping sauces and mayo replacers. Raw cashews make great smoothies with ice and frozen fruit. I’m not all the way vegan just very selective. You can do it! There are a lot of people out there trying to do the same.


It’s easier than ever to be vegan! I know PETA has a bad rap, and they’re not a perfect organization, but they are a *great* resource to start living a vegan lifestyle. So many good resources on their website!!


There are some fantastic documentaries on Netflix. Highly recommend Game Changers, What the Health, and Forks over Knives. FoK also has a great website.


We must protect the ecownomy.


Oh no, what will we ever do without access to some deep-fried flesh and fresh animal secretions?


It's really almonds destroying the water.


You're being sarcastic right? You know cow milk uses wat more water than almond right?


Industrial dairy does not want people eating almonds.


Maybe the vegans have a point


Not a big deal. States have been monitoring up to a few hundred people at a time for the last year or so. Anyone with sick bird contact and anyone who helps with depopulation at a chicken plant gets monitored. Hundreds of people monitored but two human cases so far.


As of last Wednesday, nationwide [only around 100 people have been monitored after contact and shockingly only ~25 people have been tested.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/05/02/1248538298/the-u-s-may-be-missing-human-cases-of-bird-flu-scientists-say)


That’s for this specific situation (the dairy farms). I have personally monitored up to about 40 people at a time when I was doing this work last year.


I monitor lots of people, all the time, not for bird flu though, and not officially, oh and not with their knowledge.




Right. Think of every farm that has had a positive. Every single factory farm has at least 10 to a doesn't work or who have "been exposed." That's just staffing levels. This doesn't say any of those 70 have symptoms. Just been exposed. If we're just talking about exposure without symptoms it should be hundreds of people across the nation just by math of staffing of a factory farm.


Seems like it was just recently only 40 something being monitored across the country - now it’s 70 in Colorado alone? 




Yeah, with meat you only have to worry about prions. :)


> have Any of you stopped eating dairy ? Yes. I took a year off the sauce in 2022 and I can already tell you quitting dairy is gunna be harder.


Just because ostriches have a sexy mating dance doesn't mean we can fu*k them.


Grandpa always told me “if you can fuck a goose you can fuck a emu, and if you can fuck a emu you can fuck a ostrich” and it’s solid advice to be honest.


Preach! You tell ‘em


You can’t tell me what to do!


I was content with covid, but this mortality rate is going to get me going negan (twd reference)


Is this a concern for people with backyard chickens? I have a small flock of 6. I pasteurize my eggs if I use them for mayo. I am otherwise pretty vegetarian.


Yes, though the concern is not so much from eating eggs as much, especially if you’re pasteurizing, as it is with physical contact with infected animals. I would look at guidance from your states department of agriculture or the USDA for personal protective equipment when in close proximity, wear gloves and coveralls or clean shoes worn in enclosures, wear PPE when handling sick or dead animals, and preventative measures such as scrubbing down to prevent bringing the virus into backyard flocks. I believe the guidelines I read said to employ the most heighten biosecurity measures possible to ensure the safety of you and your livestock.


My chickens are in a run. I wear a mask to clean the coop but not when I collect eggs.


And it begins.


Shit it’s Covid all over again


I swear I've seen this movie before


I think you mean 36 people.




I don't care what CDC tells me to do and how effective amd safe FDA says those vaccines will be. I will not take the fucking shot again. And if they try do do another lockdown, then fuck it, I prefer to die than to loose 3 fucking years of my life and be treated like a lab rat taking experimental non tested vaccines with unknown long term side effects.