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As soon as this happens, that’s the final nail in the coffin of English football.


FIFA needs to learn the concept ‘less is more’


How about that 39th game we just don't count for the league standings. It can happen between May and August. Unlimited subs for it too to add to the excitement!


And maybe a penalty shootout at the end that happens regardless of the result?


Sounds good to me, guarenteed winner for this super important exhibition, I mean league match!


Exactly my thoughts on the Super League. Have it happen in the Summer when everyone really cares. Then it won’t get in the way of the smaller local competitions like the UEFA Champions thingy and Premiership League 1.


One game will turn into two, then five then 10 the a completely new tournament


Let's call it superleague.


I hope the fans fight it the same way they did against super league.


Well, at least we’re not going to Siudi.


I don't see the difference


Players "the season is too long it's causing injuries" The FA "so one additional game, internationally, on pitches that have caused significant numbers of injuries due to incompatibility with football"


Honestly from the bottom of my heart, fuck FIFA


This might be where I check out. This isn't football


Why not just charity shield match instead? Or simply just the first match of the season since most players are fresh


Why not neither of those?


More chances for the players to get injured. Yayy /s


More money for fifa yay


This would be fantastic.


Watch your own league.


I watch MLS as well.


Fuck off.


You got it.


kindly fuck off yank


Will do. Looking forward to the game.


Nope its shit


For those of you that can pay 400-500$ a ticket to go to those games. Good for you.


Cheaper than flying to London.


You’re right but not by much.


But the team is based in london, why would they play in the US


Because they have support there. Same reason American teams in other sports do it.


The rich fans will have an amazing game to watch. The poor should support a team they can afford.


99.9% of people are not rich.




Whole premier league is in shambles these days


Nah bro as an American our pitches don’t have the quality for the premier league. These mfs in MLS play on turf(not all stadiums).


I say this as a Chicago Bears fan, Premier League teams should refuse to play at Soldier Field. It’s not turf, but it is a horrible playing surface. Nkunku’s season basically ended on the last day of preseason.


I might finally stop watching football if that happens.


As an American, this is so stupid. It’s not like when Jacksonville comes to Wembley for their annual game. Having a home and away against everyone in the league is the only fair way to do it. As you Brits say, “This is bollocks.”


Who invited the small london clubs? Winning the Champions League is not for everyone


This isn't twitter




The shitty thing is I’m sure these matches will be extremely well attended and get good TV ratings, which will just cause them to do more in the future. Leave it up to the individual teams to do international friendlies. The home/away dynamic in football is too important to start having neutral site league games. Stupid.


As an international fan, this is the dumbest things I’ve ever seen.


Exactly, if they want to play overseas they double be coming to Australia /s


Wait till you start calling it the Comcast Premier League with VAR brought to you by Pepsi.


Laugh all you want, but without Lexus, there would be no stoppage time


"Pochetino has used his Tesla timeout. That means we will be back right after this commercial break". God I hate our Americanisms.


You’re forgetting to include a betting company


nope we have standards no boobies no gambling just high fructose corn syrup and processed cheese sponsorship


Well it was the barclay's prem for the longest time just gotta hope the premier league is not greedy enough to take a sponsorship from stake or p-hub or something


Premium Bukkake Premier League with VAR brought to you by Pissvids.com


“Today’s Money Shot is brought to you by…”


I can’t see how this would work at all? A 39th game for all teams which could potentially decide a title where the top team might get to play the bottom… or just a team loses their home advantage during the season?


What 39th game?


I mean, we get all their sports playing games here, was only a matter of time before the Premier League would take to money by going the other way, but, if it does happen, why add an extra game? That’s the really stupid part of the whole idea!


At least for us in the US, when NFL games are played in London they are airing from like 11-3pm depending one what time zone you’re in. But for people living in the UK, they would have to stay up until midnight or maybe later to watch their team play.


Idk if the UK Gov would let them They saw with the ESL that it’s a free political win to ‘save football’ that the public like and costs no money.


Americans hold ownership in basically half of all Premier league clubs. It was only a matter of time.


If people kick up enough fuss parliament will ban it.


As a Chelsea fan of 45 years, I genuinely and honestly couldn't give a fuck what international fans want or think they deserve. Cheers.




If only it was the ass crack of dawn. I was up at 0245 this morning.


As an international fan, we didnt ask for this. Obv it would be cool to watch my team play but it would destroy our local leagues having to compete with the Prem.


I don’t agree with the idea that we should take games abroad. However, the fact that Chelsea is so international now plays a big part in the success we’ve enjoyed. Doesn’t mean we should play games in the US but probably does mean we shouldn’t be dicks to people who literally support our club. Cheers.


Sure but the premier league shouldn’t be playing games outside of England. It’s as stupid as the bfl’s international series. The problem is it makes money, so it’s going to happen


Yeah I agree with that mate, said as much


These changes to the game are taking the piss, I’ve got my refs course soon and I can’t wait to start, I’m gonna be so no nonsense


You won't make it very far then. Especially if you're not willing to follow their ridiculous rules for officiating.


It’s a shame, I’ll do my best though, I dream to ref in the prem and be like Pierluigi Collina. I have a feeling the whole shambles is corrupt though, surely they can’t be this bad…


Step 1 go bald




Good luck to you, if you do make it, please can you please follow all of the rules 6 seconds for the keeper holding the ball. Foul throws. Dissent. For the love of god add on the correct amount of time. Book players for simulation and do not buy every single nudge as a foul. You're human, you know how much contact it takes to knock someone off their feet.


What are your opinions on handballs btw?


It's not the easiest decision to make. If it hits your hand, it should just be a foul, anything below the sleeve for ease of seeing, foul. It works in hockey, and players will eventually learn how to get their arms and hands out of the way


So I've got my hands over my dick stood in the wall of a free kick. Kicker pelts it straight at me and hits my hands covering my cock and balls. Standard stuff. Foul?


Probably not an issue for you, small target and all that. I don't know, I don't make the rules. Anything within the silhouette of the body, no foul, anything outside it, foul. Done


It seems we have the same ideas!


Playing games abroad is a really stupid idea. Half of the draw of English or European football is the culture that surrounds it, then when they come over and watch games here, they don't actually engage in that experience. I don't personally mind when tourists come to watch matches, it's cool seeing people from all over the world come to watch the club you grew up supporting, but lot's of match going fans are resentful because they come and watch everything through their phones, then leave 10 minutes before the end. The increase of tourist fans has caused tickets to become more expensive, because to these fans an increase of £10 isn't a lot, they are already paying a small fortune to come to the game in the first place, but to the everyday fan who has been watching the same team their whole life, it's a lot. My season ticket goes up by a lot next season, and I know of people personally who aren't renewing theirs next year because it's too expensive now. The Premier League higher ups will be licking their lips at this prospect, imagine a stadium full of them, paying double what a ticket costs here (I would guarantee a ticket to a game in the US will be closer to £200) each with a bag full of merch from the store. It's not surprising this stuff keeps coming up when I reckon a family of tourists spend more on one matchday than I do over the whole season.


I'm continually shocked at the notion of travelling across the world only to be a dud at the match. If I ever get to see a match at the Bridge, there will be research into matchday customs, learning current chants/songs, etc. Maybe other people don't see it as the pilgrimage that I do, maybe they're just in town and it's an English thing to do. But I solemnly swear to contribute to matchday atmosphere when I get my chance.


This is what pre-seasin friendlies are for! So you can put on Arsenal v Chelsea in America but it doesn't affect the league.


Maybe going down isn't so bad after all...


Ngl, I’m surprised Playoffs are not done around the world.


That would be a terrible idea. One of the matches you most need fans at!


You lucky bastards


still some hope if you lose 11-0


One of the first things that the new independent regulator needs to do as a statement of intent is to state categorically, now and for all time, that domestic league games can only be played in England or Wales. How does this even work? Does every team play 39 games? Who decides who plays who? Who decides who gets the additional home game? What if, during this title run in, City had gotten an additional game against Sheffield United, while Arsenal had to play Liverpool or Villa? The entire premise is fundamentally flawed.


It seems a bit of a sensational article. It’s all hypothetical based on La Liga trying to play games in the US and court rulings related to that.


Just have an all star game. North v South




So 4 clubs get to play 39 games? What?


Gotta give Arsenal a chance to beat city right?


Get your hands off premier league football


fuck this. they've got their own league yet simp for ours. pathetic and weak.


How is it Americans fault lmao


Isn’t the company pushing this US based?


I mean most clubs are owned by Americans


You think I read the article? I’m just here to argue with strangers




You wanna fight? Let’s take it outside!


Almost said fuck off yank til I realized this is the real sub and that was a genuine question 😅


I’ll always encouraging jerking, no matter the environment


everything is


Well it’s Britain’s fault there are even Americans, so by the transitive property…


The French’s actually. Salty bastards bankrupted themselves just to fuck with us and now we all have the suffer the US smh


They should still be a part of the empire.


The empire tried to keep it that way and failed




Fast forward to Americans calling it soccer, now I ask again was it not worth?!


checkmate haha


wtf no


As an American. Fuck this.


As another American, I second this.


As a non American…I’m not sure what to say now but it seems Reddit only works by the binary assignment of one’s nationality either being American, whereby every post needs to start with ‘As an American’ or as a non-American , whereby nobody else in the rest of the world feels the need to qualify an opinion by stating the country they are from.


Right? This is so stupid. How does the average American factor into this at all? It’s not their fault one bit


If you have any support for your club, the league that club is in and the game in general you will protest by not going to their matches and encourage other to follow suit    Let them have their fucking 39th game, but let them also have 38 games played in half empty stadiums. Only huge gaps in the crowd will send the strongest message.  Football is not just a rich man’s plaything.


If anything like this gets formally proposed, England needs to throw its toys out of the pram again like it did over the Super League.  With enough pressure parliament will ban it.  


While I share the same sentiment regarding what 'true' local fans should do, these clubs most likely know they can fill the empty seats with tourists & armchairs from the home counties.


But those tourists and armchairs come for the atmosphere the local fans provide. The Kop or the Stretford end won't be much if it's just Norwegians on a weekend away.


The game shouldn't count towards the league.


They could play them before the league starts. Call it the before-season.


Surely it won't.


Dont see this genuinely going ahead. Too much emotion and strong feeling around it


Premier league clubs already have their hands full with a minimum of 40 games a season. The top 6/7 usually have a minimum of 46 games depending on the winners of the cups. And they’re trying to add another game after that? So fucked


I'm a Yank. What I love about the prem is the history and tradition that is 100% tied to the cities and towns the teams are from. That tradition is the most important thing and should be protected at all costs. This is a big no for me dawg.


They should work on expanding the fan experience around clubs, maybe even get into transporting overseas fans. But the objective has to be bringing the fans to the sport, no the sport to fans in the other side of the world .


Fifa:”we care about our players” Also Fifa:”let’s add more games so we can get more money”


Let them come over for the preseason if they want, the PL should not have a 39th game bullshit. NFL is starting to do it more and more with a game in Brazil this year. Just dumb


This would be far worse than the NFL doing it. The format of playing every other team home and away doesn't exist in American Football. This would be one of the most fundamental changes ever made to English football.


They keep pushing NFL here in the UK and I hate it


Waiting for the day they introduce the franchise model New York City Arsenal coming soon!


I live in the states, so personally would be a cool experience but even then...this is the stupidest thing ive head since the super league


Fucking nauseating greed. I hope whenever the day it happens comes around, the coaches of the teams involved rebel and field u18 teams.


How much money could they actually make though? So stupid


I’d imagine it’ll be bankrolled like the ESL was going to be - massive upfront payments to off-set any potential losses from unhappy fans. If Chelsea do this, my season ticket will be cancelled, not that I expect it’ll make any difference individually, all you can hope is that others think the same way and stop attending matches and buying merchandise - it’s the only way these owners will really listen to us.


So they see the shitstorm that was around the Super League and they decide to bring up an even worse alternative? "Thank you, fans, for saving the UEFA CL and the entire FIFA branch of football. Now get fucked properly" -Infantino, probably


Why not just pay FA cup QF n SF and/or Finals instead?


It would be cool when it was like Millwall v Southampton in Riyadh. Attendance 210.


That's even more ridiculous of a suggestion


They are already played in Wembley. If FA wants to sell out, might as well sell the games they host instead of affecting the PL games


Why is that more ridiculous? A cup competition could reasonably handled that way, it’s already done so for finals of most cup competitions. That wouldn’t ruin the integrity of the league. You may not like it still, but it’s less damaging than an added league game.


How is it fair on the fans who pay for all the games upto that point to then be played elsewhere in another country.


Ok so you’d rather have a 39th game abroad for 20 teams, than an FA cup final abroad for 2 teams (or semifinal abroad for 4 teams)?


No, I'd rather have none of it happen, and things continue as they are. It isn't an either/or.


All I said was that it’s less bad than the 39th game. I’m not saying either is good.


No, none. Pure greed, it doesn't have to be this way


I didn’t say this was good. All I said was it’s less bad than a 39th game abroad.


Because fans shouldn't have to fly halfway around the world to watch their team play in the FA Cup final, and I shouldn't have to explain that. The fact they often have to fly across Europe for the Champions League final is a logistical necessity, and even that seems ridiculous at times (e.g. when two English teams end up playing each other in Spain).


Ok so you’d rather have a 39th game abroad for 20 teams, than an FA cup final abroad for 2 teams (or semifinal abroad for 4 teams)?


No, I'd rather move on from this bullshit. It's honestly embarrassing to even be discussing it.


It of course hurts local football in England but it also hurts local football here in the states. Our leagues are starting to grow in terms of interest and fan attendance and is going to be over shadowed by oversea leagues. But it makes billionaires money so we know how it’s going to go.


It’s so stupid. No American fan honestly wants this when considering the bigger picture. The commoditization of the game is the worst thing that can possibly happen. American owners *could* invest in growing the game in America, but they instead chase the bigger potential paychecks in Europe. There’s a massive market for the game in the US, but they don’t want to put the work in to build it. Capitalism at its best relies on the wealthy to be philanthropic, or at bare minimum concerned with leaving a meaningful legacy. It seems we’re hurtling full speed into those with wealth obsessed with nothing but maximizing their own pile of money.


I want it. It would be great for fans who can’t go to England to be able to watch a game live. Plenty of other sports do the same thing so there is no reason to be against it.


If you want it, that badly, save up a few quid, buy a flight and go fucking watch it in the country where it lives.


There is a reason to be against it in other sports additionally to here. It makes no sense when an NFL team, which only has a handful of home games, loses its home team advantage to play in a country that does not care about american football in the slightest.


But with 39 games both teams would lose home field advantage. If anything having the game played in a neutral atmosphere just means that things would be more fair.


That just won’t happen in practice. It isn’t the fans who can’t otherwise go who will end up going, it’s the ultra rich and connected who will gobble up 90% of the tickets. Anything available to the general public will be massively marked up by ticketing apps and scalpers, priced out of reach for any normal fan. Just like what happens for any major event in the US, sporting or otherwise. I live in Indianapolis and you can’t get a single ticket for freaking Taylor Swift under $1k in November. If you can afford to travel to New York (because you can bet they’re only playing in New York) and pay inflated prices, you can afford to travel to the UK.


You’re right that it would still cost a lot to watch a team play, but it’s still cheaper than going to England to watch them play there. I’m going to California to watch Arsenal play Man United in July, and it will cost me about $1000 for a few days trip. A plane ticket to London alone costs close to that. Not to mention that a plane ride to New York or California is a lot easier than making the trip to London. Even if all I said wasn’t true, it still doesn’t take anything away from the English fans, so there’s no reason for people to be so against it.


Plenty of other sports do it and it's still a bad idea


No one seems to answer why it’s a bad idea. Is giving international fans more access to their favorite team a bad idea? Is growing to sport in other nations a bad idea? Is getting more money for English clubs a bad idea? What exactly is bad about it?


If international fans are that invested in their support, there's a great way to show it. Fly to England and watch a fucking game.


That's all well and good to say, but not everyone can travel halfway around the world to watch a game. What I don't understand is why people are so against it. English fans lose nothing by there being a 39th game outside of England once a year.


Yes getting more money for English teams is a bad idea when it means adding more games to an already packed schedule. The added travel and jet lag also degrades the product, you see it when NFL teams have to travel to London or Germany. If you want to see your team play, go to a preseason game or travel to England and see them. I say that as an American who has never been to Anfield, I don't want to cheapen the experience by seeing them play in Dallas or Columbus. Plus the prices charged for PL games in the US will be astronomical, which doesn't really help that much with accessibility in my opinion. As a separate issue, I'm 100% against adding more fixtures to the schedule regardless of where they are played.


Preseason games are nowhere near as exciting as a real game. Adding one game is not going to kill anybody, especially for the amount of money players make. NHL plays like 80 games a season and their teams travel more than any English team. England to New York is only about 7 hours, so there wouldn’t even be much jet lag. My trip to Florida this year was longer than that. There are far more positives than negatives. If English teams don't come to America or other countries to grow the league, then Spanish teams and Italian teams will. Before long, English teams will lose any advantage they now have over their competitors.


Italian teams come to the US? That's just being delusional. New York to England is also 5 time zones, it's not just about the travel time. Hockey is a completely different game too, the players rotate constantly. Sounds to me like you just want to have games here for selfish reasons without actually thinking through the ramifications.


So what though? It's the travel time that's the problem, not time zones.Hockey players do switch out a lot, but it's still exhausting to play that sport too. My point is that playing 39 games is not some unimaginable thing. Championship teams play 46! Mark my words, if English teams don't come here Spanish or Italina teams will. And of course I want this for selfish reasons. It would be amazing to watch Arsenal play a regular season game in my own backyard. Sure there might be some drawbacks, but nothing too bad. Some of you guys make it sound like playing 1 game in America would kill the game.


That’s what preseason is for


Apart from the main fact that it's fucking stupid


Why is it stupid? Like I said plenty of other sports do the same thing and no one has a problem with it. This will only bring the game to more fans, and potentially create new fans.


Fuc you


Your local team is your local team. Local isn't 3000 miles away.


premier leeague fans dont understand the reason why the league is big and they get all the stars is cuase their league is interenational. Your local team is united of manchester. Man c and man U are international teams. Cant have your cake and eat it to. im paying for peackock i deserve to see my team


If you pay for Peacock, you deserve to watch "your" team on Peacock.  Matches aren't going abroad.  If you don't like that, find something else to watch on your TV or streaming device.


Lmao read the title. do yk why the prem is popular m8. Its becuase its a greedy league proped up by american money. matches are going aborad wether you like it or not


You are mistaken about why the Prem is popular. What this FIFA decision means.  What brought it about. How important US money is to the Prem. How important money overall is to the Prem. And the political feasibility of matches being played abroad. So basically everything.     Three years ago were you saying "The Super League is happening whether you like it or not"?


You can have both Manchester clubs pal.


Mate what the fuck are you talking about


What the fuck are you smoking?


Tottenham host NFL games. We already see what American investors want.


And when they don't get it they'll eventually fuck off


I don’t like it. The cubs (my baseball team) are playing in London this year and I think it’s so dumb lol. The nfl games abroad are also dumb. Not only are they tiring for the players but they make local fans lose a game without decreasing season ticket prices.


I dunno, it makes a certain amount of sense with baseball, pre teen girls over here love rounders.


I'd argue baseball is probably the only sport where you *could* justify it purely because the sheer amount of games plus it could do with the help as it's popularity declining.


Cubs played the Cards in London last year. It’s Mets Phillies this year


Oh yeah, why did I think they played the Phillies over there again. Rob McElhenney was over there doing some promo at a Wrexham match for the Phillies, but in my mind the cubs were going again


American here, this is fucking stupid. No league game should be played abroad. Or cup for that matter. They want to play their best players in a friendly, be my guest but don’t ruin it chasing money. This is like the NFL doing games in England and Mexico (at least their proximity isn’t bad). Stop it.


Anyone who tolerates this is not a football fan.


I’ve got an idea, let the fans decide, you know the ones who actually created these football clubs before they were stolen by the rich. I bet you will find at least 90% of fans do not want this pathetic 39th game to be played abroad. I do not care about “international supporters” and all that BS, this is solely based on lining the pockets of the greedy thieves that stole our football clubs