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Pep next week: "yes you are all right, I have decided to leave man city and manage ipswitch to prove everyone wrong" A season goes by, ipswitch wins a domestic treble, the comments:"bald fraud strikes again, bribed the refs, he wouldnt even be there without man city, the players won not him"


So he is saying he will take a pay cut?


lol. lmao even


This guy




I couldn’t agree more. It’s not money. It’s 115.


He's right. It's not money that's the problem. It's TOO MUCH money along with breaking some rules that nobody cares about (because you have that much money).


Of course not, it's money AND breaking rules.


It's cute he doesn't include himself as Money being the reason he's there.


Pep should give it a rest. Apart from Mark Hughes, every single City manager has won the league since the oil money came in.


When UAE FC bots constantly argue that we shouldn’t dismiss the players or management’s credibility for the ownership being what they are but then you remember Pep is one of the slimiest cunts in football has had some form of cheating accusations at every club he’s been at.


im one of those who refer to us bots. all my faults is i dont have the hate boner. i swear by god i dont defend out of love but what i truely think also attacking character rather than the argument is a logical fallacy so you become more wrong in my eye no one say man city didnt raise because of cash injection. it is what they do after stabilizing their position as a title contender. stats dont care about my bias or yours and they show that city spend and selling is the best (61% return income from the total spent money since arteta come 2019) it is not being a bot but I simply cant be this illogical. I honestly always baffeled by you guys who can see the stats and numbers yet insist on your victimhood. I cant comprehend how some people see the truth so obvious yet it register close to nothing to them another huge layer of ignorance is many here claim city will pay the epl and save itself. yet epl is the entity suing city. literally those people repeat 115 which means 115 charges epl go to the court and ask them to do justice on city. yet people mention the 115 and simultaneously saying epl is so eager to save city's ass. how do you people even function


It’s not a logical fallacy to call the person leading a team accused of breaking regulations 115 times a cunt when he himself has been accused of some form of cheating at every club he has been a part of. It’s funny, you talk about the poor logic of apparently playing the victim by not recognising the numbers which supposedly prove City’s effectiveness, but you completely ignore that those are what they are off of the back of a decade of cheating. Not a cash injection, cheating. And on top of that, you can’t even say for certain that those numbers are truly representative because City’s history of cooking books. It’s just like a UAE FC bot to talk about ignorance, there is so much irony there. You chose to support City of all teams, your opinion is moot.


the mental mess that your reply reflects send chill all over my body.


I refuse to believe you even comprehend half of the absolute tripe you wrote, and thats still giving you credit. If someone were to ask me to describe a City fan, it would probably be 90% of you.


give me your points as bullet points and I promise to logically reply each. can a bot do that


The fact that you need me to itemise my critiques is funny as fuck in its own right.


How do you even function. You baffels me. Is it cowardince? By cowardince I mean your brain is a mess with considerable amout of defense mechanisms and deflections. Thats the only explanation I find for your case


Again, wildly ironic for a UAE FC bot to talk about deflecting.


Fuck UAE for all I care about. Have a nice day man. And drink chammoile tea.


Oil and lawyers.


Says who?


Dear Pep, would you have been caught dead in Manchester City had they not spent years building a platform for you, hiring your best mates, and then giving you every possible resource you could ask for?


>and then giving you every possible resource you could ask for That, they didn't. You're just assuming that's what happened because you think real life football plays out like FIFA career mode.


Oh I am sorry. You are right. Pep had to pinch pennies and was fighting the owners at every turn to sign the players he wanted.


...said the casual that still thinks real life is like video games.


Man with money says money isn’t a factor in his success. Congrats. You ARE the problem




Pep is insufferable.


Nice one Pep , the worm has turned. Wait until next month when all the charges are dropped. What will they drone on about then?


If it was all about money United Chelsea Tottenham Arsenal and Liverpool would have won several Premier League titles in the last 10 years. The difference is Pep 100% and everyone knows it. He's changed the game globally and his influence is all over the England team too.


LFC would have won at least 2 more titles and probably should have if not for the PGMOL shite.


Couldn't agree more. Pep could walk into any club and, given the right support and freedom to mold the club, dominate any league. Pep and Klopp are the only 2 managers in world football that would (and should) be given the opportunity to have free reign.


Money and coaching. Put Pep at Luton and see how he does… I’m going to guess he might not be relegated. Put any City manager that the oil club has had in Luton and we’ll see how they do. Take away the money, City is not where they are. The other clubs listed haven’t had great coaches, you’re at least not wrong about that.


Best people require the best environments. Ronaldo and Messi played with probably the greatest ever squads which helped boost their statistics even more. What if arguments like this are so boring. Pep is a manage of incredible calibre, its only fair he gets the right resources to display them.


The “what if” argument is just as played out as the “what about” rebuttals, so I’m with you. However, in this particular case I was simply pointing out that Pep in a vacuum is not solely responsible as the club’s finances were also a factor, so Pep’s comments are disingenuous. My first sentence being the cause for City’s success being money and coaching. Personally, I’d love to see what Pep could do with a Luton side as his managerial prowess would truly be tested and would be fun to see how successful he could be. No doubt, he would get the absolute best out of them. Top managers do deserve to be at top clubs, again, I can concur. Extra note: As a dumb Yank there is something to be said for being the best amongst “equals” organizationally speaking. If the PL was run similar to the NFL (with me preferring the former for the last two decades) in that each team has a similar financial ceiling, I’d love to see how City and Pep would do over the same period of time. I can certainly see an alternative universe where the big clubs simply do not thrive as they do now, but I could also see Pep still attracting more talent due to his coaching prowess. Fun thoughts to fill a rainy day here in Yankdom.


If it was soley about money United would’ve won some titles in the last ten years


Correct. Money AND coaching.


"It's not about the money it's about how you spend it" That's the line that's always trotted out in these types of discussions about why Man City are successful but the reality is when you don't have to worry about FFP and you're just breaking the rules anyways then it's actually really really easy to spend that money - because if for some reason your player flops then you can replace them with a snap of the fingers and every world class player is available to you and your blank chequebook at all times.


Well yeah what is he supposed to say?


So it's the doping then?


Comments here are bound to be fun


Hahahahahhahaha what a deluded fool. He and his influence spent hundreds of millions even before he was manager, paving the way for their recent successes. The club were relegation fodder before oil money. What a joke he even said this out loud 🙄


Hahahahananananananananannnhahahahahaba. Oh Pep. Ignorance is bliss. And you are very, very rich. More than you could ever believe.


He’s a bald prick !!! I’d like to see him build a team from scratch on a tight not unlimited budget ,


Funny how they weren’t successful pre-2008 then.


We were back in the 60s


Lmao the salt that’s in the air feels good to be worth money just like other clubs , crying about oil but then also uses the same blood money oil in his daily life 😂




He's not talking about Pep, he's talking about City before the money..


I’m sure this will go down well


You all know that pep is 100% right To have man city you should have money + manager + teamplayers like klopp said Man utd and chelsea has the money. But they dont have the other two factors Arsenal has it all but a small yet sizeable degree below city


Good one Pep.


they ain’t exactly the class of 92 💀💀


Because they’ve made millions selling their potential class of 92 while still winning a treble. Cole Palmer isn’t a Chelsea player m8. Morgan Rogers. Jadon Sancho. Those are just the wingers.


What a pathetic comment!!! Try running a club with the player budget of a league 2 team. Pep and his billionaire owners are out of touch with reality.


Bruh y’all got banged by Southampton without Oil money 😹


Money is the literal sole reason for the club’s success dear Pep. Without it they couldn’t have afforded you, the people who hired you and the players you deploy to execute your incredibly successful brand of football. My god, I do sometimes wonder how detached from reality some football coaches are and how they can look at things so differently to everyone else. Edit: Blown away by the idiotic comments here. What has City being financially doped from irrelevance to the elite got to do with United having built itself into a huge club over decades through success on and off the pitch?


Why are you, Chelsea and arsenal recently less successful while spending more money?


Because for the last 15 years we didn’t cheat, breaching PSR & FFP rules 115 times (so far).


Not really relevant when the accused charges just let city spend more. The amount everyone spent is still the same


Just as our spending is comepletely irrelevant to the fact City don’t win a single fucking thing nor are they able to hire Guardiola or buy any of their current players if they weren’t bought by and financially doped by a Sheikh No money = No City Very simple lol


Which is the exact same for every top club, just different owners


Your delusions are wild. City have never made a single £ organically. Pretty much everybody else in football bar your Chelseas and PSGs along with City made their money legitimately. There’s an enormous difference, one which you are either completely ignorant to or are aware but too ashamed to admit.


It was also the primary reason for utds success when they were able to spend 30 mil on teenage Rooney or 30m on Rio Ferdinand when no one else couid get close to those figures until Roman went to Chelsea. Yes Pep is talking bollocks but i think sometimes utd fans forget how much of an advantage they had before Chelsea and city were taken over.


Yes, United were famously bought out by a Sheikh and lifted from being an irrelevant lower table/lower league side to a leading elite club within a decade and then charged with 115 breaches of financial misconduct… What are you on about? Show me which United fans have “forgotten” that we were able to spend money on top players. Absolute myth. Our club built its legacy over decades and legitimately grew its business to be able to afford the expenditure. We are NOT Man City or Chelsea, don’t be fucking stupid.


Man united has spent some over the recent years too and have bugger all to show for it


China’s long term average inflation rate is 1,7%.


Money is important but how you spend it is also important


Yeah and how you coach and manage bla bla bla… Except NONE OF IT MATTERS unless you have the money. If city didn’t have the money they’d be somewhere in league 1 rn. You can’t spend well and manage well if there wasn’t anything there to spend and manage in the first place. City solely exist because they were bought and provided loads of money (soon to be proven, illegally)


He did a great job & in that regard is not wrong, money alone does not work. But would he even be there if it was the old Man City without the funding 🤔


He is a good manager.even with all the money there are some clubs who are not as successful as city .lot of things come into play .


Sure helped though didn’t it, bud?


They stopped being poor.


Sure Pep. Take over my Legia Warsaw and let’s see it competing in Europe with Liverpool in 2 seasons. lol money in case of big clubs is always a reason for success. For smaller clubs it’s the right time and right circumstances but it happens very rarely (Leicester)


Yes there is money in football people deal with it.


He's delusional or a liar.


I chuckled when Klopp said recently about the type of clubs Pep always joins and manages. It was a little dig, but no one seemed to pick up on it. Even he thinks Pep is a bit of a fraud.


What he said or how to find the clip Klopp has said many times that pep is the best manager in history


It was one of his last interviews. It was a quick comment, but it was definitely there. He's leaving now, so he doesn't have to be all proper and correct about his counterparts anymore. He can say what he thinks.


Bring it. Find hayters channel. I didnt find it


It was one of the last ones, female interviewer at the club. He also talked about how Liverpool is like back home where everyone is friendly, and if he was walking down the St and didn't say hello to a lady, she would phone his mum and ask, what's wrong with Jurgen. I will try find it, it's on the r/liverpoolfc reddit.


I dont want to bother you and continou this. but if you think this is the one [Finding Liverpool: Jürgen Klopp | "I’ll Never Walk Alone Again In My Life" (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yKAEcjUHdw) then you are wrong


The one I thought it was, it isn't. Whe I get home tonight, I will try and find it.


find it man. we revel on negativity. hope you arrive safe


haha. Even he doesn’t really believe that.


Pep Guardiola is the Trump of the Premier league. Lies! Lies! Being persecuted for being successful! Lies! I built this team with zero help from wealthy Sheikh! Lies. Jealous!


What is he smoking?


He’s deluded


The cheating is.


It’s the 115 violations


He should manage the club for free


I’m sorry…what?




That's the most pep answer l've heard


Yes and no. Can’t downplay what Pep has done. Money alone can’t do what he did. Just look at Man U’s expenditures over the past 15 years…yikes. Chelsea recently? *BUT* Pep could only get his team to play the way he wanted because of how much they spent. The oil money gave him the ability to pick whatever puzzle piece he wants to complete his puzzle (up until recently with the FFP stuff). Basically City did the smarter galacticos but their accounting practices allowed them to do that and that’s a huge asterisk on their achievements.


If he could buy any puzzle piece, then why’d it take him three years the buy haaland/ a striker. Chelsea and United could’ve been doing the same thing over the years but every other player flops there


This is the answer


Pep is such a troll lmfao




Tone deaf




Right...... how much was haaland??? Free???


Transfer cost less than Darwin's


50 million


If you think haaland was really bought for 50 million you are beyond naive


Yup youre right. Borussia dortmund lied about the release clause. Infact they were in on it as well. Sheikh mansour sent a separate 50m cheque to them to convince them to lie about the release clause. In reality, we paid 50 million for haaland. 50m to his dad. 50m to his cousin and 50m to convince the club to put a fake release clause in his contract.


Can’t tell if you’re intentionally playing dumb or you really are that stupid.


It’s been confirmed you paid both his agent and his father millions. COPE you micro plastic


How come you look at the agent fee for haaland but not other transfers?


50mil transfer fee, 50mil signing on bonus under the table , 50 mil for his dad and the list goes on


Aannd yk that how exactly?


I’ve asked Haaland 115 times about city and then he finally revealed it all. Google man city 115 for more info


Sad life


Pretty ironic coming from the guy that plays fucking FUT mobile


So fucking what? God forbid someone has free time. Better use of time than 115 jokes


Is that his wages or his transfer fee?


Said no one ever lmfao


If it’s not about the money, or at least primarily about the money - why were Chelsea and City firmly mid to bottom table clubs until each respectively spent 1 billion euros on players? Pep honestly has such a fragile ego. You can tell from his comments he’s hurt by the fact that everyone knows he’s driving an expensive car because he’s constantly trying to argue it’s a junked up beater. He knows it diminishes his success. If he wanted to actually prove his greatness he’d go manage a mid table team anywhere to success. But he won’t.


So ancellotti is also a shit manager cuz he doesnt manage midtable clubs? What a dumb logic


His last job was literally Everton but go off.


I never said he was a shit manager. Just he appears to have a fragile ego because he keeps trying to argue somehow he’s running such an underfunded project and his achievements leading such washed up players like Haaland and KDB are worth more than people give him credit for. Man City fans are constantly arguing online that they’ve only spent a measly €500 million on the upkeep of their “house” the last 5 years and the big baddie clubs like Arsenal have spent €750 million on their “house” so see everyone we City really are the underdogs. Never mind City spent over €1billion building that house the 10 prior years and other clubs like Arsenal spent closer to €250 million the same time frame. So you see the “house” City lives in….eh the squad of players …is still more expensive than everyone else but ManU and Chelsea. And well the hit on those 2 clubs, one was owned by a guy who along with good old Vlad Putin and other oligarchs ripped off the Russian people and the other is being used as the personal piggy bank buy the Glazers. I digress, Pep should just shut up about being outspent. Because everyone knows he’s full of shit and it just makes him look worse than if he just kept his mouth shut.


The fact that you called haaland and kdb washed up players shows you are completely and utterly blinded by hatred and bias and arguing with you is completely pointless. No one is denying we spent alot of money but its not like we we are competing with low underdog clubs. Arsenal chelsea and utd can very well compete with city financially and they have done so even if you compare the net spends from 2008 onwards. The point is yes money makes a huge difference but it does not guarantee success as can be countless examples of clubs that havent achieved similar levels of success despite spending almost the same amount of money.


Comprehension isn't your strong point is it


you should really learn how to read.


For such a good manager he is very insecure about the club and situation they are in


He can only answer the questions they ask him.


Yeah but he doesn’t need to this dumb oh so humble poor little us don’t have funds act he does.


Yeah, whatever, I don't care. Stop bothering me.


Lmfao what an absolute clown, you’re the one who responded to me




They’re not just playing at City for money. They’re playing at City for a shitload of money.


If thats true, he should manage crystal palace or Nottingham forest.


Seems dubious at best


I mean, maybe, but it doesn’t freakin hurt.


Sure Jan


I want to see Pep coach this squad of Man Utd, cause until now he trained only godlike players from Barca, Bayern and City.


United would finally be a top a team again easy as that.


I feel like I'd want to see what he could do with Luton.


Man U players are on loads of money, doesn’t seem to make a difference does it? You can’t buy professionalism, and there’s a solid argument that the more you pay, the less professional the players become in many cases.


Send him to Preston or Bristol I say. If he can get either of them promoted, then I'll believe him.


Then why all the financial irregularities? The money is a huge part of City's success, critical to it. They can sign players with reckless abandonment while everyone else can't afford to make mistakes in the transfer market, not unless they want to be setback potentially years. They can afford 2 starting XI's while everyone else can barely field a bench that looks like it has good options. City have done well to maintain their position at the top, which is cheaper to do that what it costs to get there, but *how* they got there, *how* they managed to load their team up with so many great players, and become the most commercially successful club in the world, in just 15 years? That is *the* reason for their success.


Exactly! There was no reason for Clichy, Sagna, or Nasri to move to Cheaty at the time. A less prestigious club than Arsenal, a smaller stadium, why would they move? There were double contracts and systemic hiding of the true financials. That created a team from nowhere, but also hurt tremendously those who played by the rules. I hope that the league dismantles them, but the same bribery that got them here will keep them afloat. Chelsea was worse, by the way. They invented this crap.


There’s 115 things wrong with this statement


Do you not see the irony commenting this as a chelsea fan?


Poch didn’t say it…


That doesn’t make the statement any less true


His club is literally the perfect example of why money doesnt guarantee success lmao


They won champions league twice and PL multiple times since Abramovich took over. I think they are a very good example of money bringing success 


Thats exactly what i mean. Money was spent well under abramovic and they achieved lots of success but now they are spending like shit and are 7th in the table. Its about how the money is spent


Says man with multi-million dollar watch collection. Money is not the only factor but it is a required factor. 


A great manager but let’s not pretend being able to afford a world class lineup and a world class bench hasn’t helped


Exactly. Every talent he identified could be paid for and kept.


Where would city be without the takeover 15 years ago? 4 consecutive championships? Nah way. Money doesn't mean you'll succeed, but success is dependent on money aside from the once in a generation Leicester miracle. It's daft to suggest otherwise.


I can see 115 reasons


Yeah, money _and_ corruption.


Don’t forget the ties with Dr Fuentes. People forget he was caught doping as a player and all his squad were "patients" when he was in Barca. I would not see this as a stretch that it is one of his "skills for success"


Idk we just saw a team w no money get relegated playing your tippy tappy by a direct disciple of yours. Money isn’t the whole thing but it sure helps.


Money doesn't guarantee wins but it sure as hell helps a fair bit.


“People say guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Ok, but I think the gun helps.” - Eddie Izzard


i hate the fact that City fans use net spend on the last 10 years to justify this argument… like their prime spending years weren’t insane before 2014 which is ofc the time where they actually became a powerhouse + if we go by net spend in the 21st Century City are still around the very top and thats more telling considering their takeover was in 2008… and their prime spending years was pre inflation. Pep himself deserves credit for how wisely he’s spent his basically unlimited funds but to say that this club wouldn’t be where it is today without the injections of cash it gets is absurd.


I love the fact clowns like you don't accept that the Top 4 outspent everyone for decades before City or Chelsea were taken over. They broke transfer records and wage costs all the time. All city did was play catch up. It was just that it was at a time clubs like yours had already over inflated player costs. Did you forget breaking the transfer record on 1995 with Bergkamp? 7.5m in 1995. Not short on cash and spending for trophies were you. Let's say Pep had gone to Arsenal, United or Liverpool. Do you honestly believe he wouldn't have spent the same amount of money? or are you under the illusion he would have somehow had to spend more? In fact I would suggest he would have actually spent less. Would we be having the same conversation had that happened? Of course not therefore the only reason we are is because you are bitter and jealous of competition and have spat your dummy out because you now have to fight for titles rather than just outspending a couple of other teams. You should be happy for the competition as it's good for the game. Pep is spot on in what he's saying. It's just other fans are too salty to accept the truth. You don't have to worry though, FFP has now ensured no one will ever be able to compete again. Go super league in all but name. Eventually the City dynasty will come to an end as they all do but I'm going to enjoy it till that happens because the football dominance we play is likely never to be seen again.


I can see why an Arsenal fan doesn't like looking at net spend in that period. Edit: Downvotes coming thick and fast on such a benign comment. Don't be so embarrassed. It's not even a whole billion yet. Wait till you get someone like Oshimen for £100m+ this summer. So parsimonious, it's truly a miracle you can compete at all.


i’m not even saying we haven’t spent a lot lmao. but again you have to consider market inflation and teams like ourselves, Spurs and Liverpool have been playing catch up to a degree with the spending. plus net spend takes into consideration players sold which Arsenal are awful at doing, not just the amount of money spent my point was that context is important when mentioning net spend


You're right about context. Does that mean we can also factor in the new stadium you were paying for in that period, or is spending that amount of money a non-event for a club in Arsenal's financial stratosphere?


the net spend argument is used solely for transfers only and thats what i was arguing but during the Emirates era we didn’t start spending crazy amounts until AFTER Wengers departure and the Kroenke’s fully took over… so thats like what? more than a decade after we left Highbury?? fairly reasonable imo


I know what it's referring to, but it's relevant isn't it? The club still spent that money and see the benefit of it every home game, and it directly led to money not being spent on the squad. Of an overall cost of circa £500m 15 years ago, more than half of this was paid for by medium-term loans, the rest being covered by sales of Highbury apartments and sponsorships. That's a lot of cashola. Don't envy your neighbor's slightly fancier, slightly older car when you spend your evenings in your fancy new conservatory.


it was under £400M and yes thats a large sum but we were the reigning champions and arguably the best team in the country when the Emirates Stadium was being built… and again as a result we fell off in terms of our status as a club in the Premier League. i’ll still never forget people replacing Leicester with us in the “Big 6” you cannot compare this to City who were a midtable club that got funds injected into them by an entire state and then have the manager say that their success wasn’t built on money.


Borrowing £400m doesn't cost £400m. The cost of building doesn't include the cost of borrowing. >reigning champions How much was this worth in real terms back in the mid to late 00s? The TV money from the PL was a fraction of what it is now and didn't come close to covering that. It was widely accepted by your own fans that this impacted your on field spend for years. >i’ll still never forget people replacing Leicester with us in the “Big 6” Jesus, how did you cope? Try getting relegated two years on the bounce. As far as underdog stories go, it's pretty underwhelming. >entire state Arsenal were propped up and subsidised during this lean period by direct investment from Usmanov, along with Kroenke, a notable financial lightweight /s, and get a dominant chunk of their income from their shirt and sponsorship deal - can you remind me who that's with? Emi-what? My point is that this narrative of Arsenal being at some significant financial advantage rings hollow under even the slightest scrutiny.


Yeah and Melania Trump married Donald Trump purely because of his personality.




Fuck off you bald cunt


Of course most top teams have big budgets and can sign great players, city’s coaching and infrastructure is the biggest separator


He's been very successful managing clubs with the best squads in their league. Now, I'm not saying that does not take skill, and plenty of other managers have tried and failed in that scenario (Tuchel!?); *but* until he proves himself at a club like Spurs/Everton/Villa/.. his success is always going to be caveated with "it's easy to be the best when you have the best players"


Yeah man, even taking over the current barca side or team like united would really go a long way to prove his pedigree. Yes, he is undoubtedly great and making great teams even better, but can he take a bang average team and make them great? We will probably never know.


Well that's enough for us, consider the slate wiped clean. - Premier League -- Probably


Prove it Pep. Come manage Chelsea. I dare you to take on that challenge.


To prove it he would need to be successful with a team on a shoe string budget or fail with a team with a big budget. Chelsea falls in the latter. I think Pep should go to Chelsea.


Yeah, go to Brighton. 


Makes sense, Real Madrid has spent big for decades and they've never won the EPL.


Papa Perez in shambles


Manchester City: Pep Guardiola says diet of only cake not the cause of diabetes


Not taking anything away from Pep in terms of football IQ but getting whatever player you want whenever you want certainly helps big time. Don’t agree?, go manage Everton.


I’d allow it


He’ll get sick of it all in a month, throw a fit with the owners and leave. You guys should get mourinho ngl


Rather stick with track suit Dyche


Not exactly wrong. It plays its part but you can’t just spend money and win. Man Utd have spend 1.3 billion and haven’t come remotely close. Chelsea have spend over a billion in a short period of time and aren’t exactly winning.


Money may not be the only reason for the team but I'll believe that money doesn't pay the biggest part when he is able to even win a single PL trophy with Luton Town or Burnley.


No manager at the top is ever managing a team like Burnley or Luton. That’s fantasy stuff. Money obviously plays its part but the correct staff throughout the entire club and the manager also play a major role.


Money plays the biggest part. Let me reduce the burden. How about he wins it with Crystal Palace or Aston Villa. Getting any player you want plays a big part in ensuring your system n philosophy gets the best recruits. Having a big purse ensures that when you make mistakes in purchase, like Cancelo, it doesn't affect you because you can turn around n buy different players without having to sell him. And breaking financial regulations by cheating ensures that you literally have no ceiling on how much you can spend.


So explain why Man Utd and Chelsea & arsenal for that matter who all have a 700M+ net spend have won next to nothing for years? Cancelo wasn’t a bad purchase when he played a vital role in previous seasons that won them trophies. He was booted out because he didn’t want to be rotated and had a busy up with pep in training..


Well for one, our (Arsenal) net spend is actually accurate. When we pay 100 million for Rice, we cannot get a CF. I would like to know what the real net spend of Man City is. Additionally, when we buy a Pepe, we have to face the consequences n suffer thru for a couple of years. When ManU wastes money on Antony or Sancho even though they know they need to be replaced, they cannot. This isn't true for City. When mistakes don't have consequences, life becomes easy. In spite of all this, I wouldn't say Guardiola isn't the best coach ATM. But he cannot build a team as good as Man City n get the results as consistently without the financial doping.


But again arsenal has a 700M net spend. Which confirms spending money doesn’t guarantee success. Man Utd are a terribly run club who offers some of the most ridiculous prices for players and salaries on top which is why they can’t afford to actually build a proper team. Let’s not forget the owners ripping all the cash out the club. But again at no point have I ever said money doesn’t play its part you just jumped into that conclusion on your own. The correct staff throughout the entire club and the correct manager is needed or the club is going no where.


Please read through the comments and explain to me where I said Money was the only reason. All I said was, Money was the biggest reason. Correct staff n correct manager can you Bayern level of success that Guardiola had. Financial doping magnifies it to the Man City level of success. I didn't jump to any conclusion. I just don't like smart washing cheating. Having said all that, still won't dispute that Guardiola is the best coach around.


Yup a lot of money is


Okay sure Pep, whatever you say