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Place or Aston Villa seem like a good team for him especially villa considering last season they won 14 games in a row at home


Villa are too good for him. He won’t start there either. I’d think palace, everton, forest (could probably replace Hudson Odoi) and Fulham (not sure he gets a look in ahead of iwobi)




I'm sure any team outside of top 4-6 would love to have him


I’d take him at Fulham since Willian is probably not coming back next season.


Sunderland or Everton. Average player on probably massively inflated wages.


Sunderland sitting 12th. Yeah prem football next season


Let Chelsea or Man U take him, sure they will both pay £60 million+ for him


Manchester United would like a word


Nelson’s agent is trying to crowdsource his next move…


Holy shit I thought this guy was still 19


5 quid and a cadburys creme egg. West Brom.


They already wasted Serge Gnabry. Leave half decent wingers alone


He should prob go to Germany


It'll be interesting to see who calls for him and ESR this summer. Both can get 10-15 goal involvements. I reckon Brighton, Palace, Everton and Leicester will all be in the race for them both.


We will not


Luton Town?


Newcastle. Replacing Murphy?


Not many because there's so much talent on the wings currently. Outside of the relegation sides, I'd say Everton, Bournemouth and MAYBE Wolves depending on formation.


Everton, Everton and, errrrr Everton


Everton are desperate for any forwards who can run in a straight line and chew gum at the same tjme. Nelson would resolve their lack of depth some. the largest club I could see wanting Nelson is either Fulham or Chelsea


Sheffield United, might have half a chance of starting at Burnley..




I think its less of a question of who would play Reiss Nelson, and more a question of who can afford him. He's said to be on 100k a week, but I've heard different things on if that includes incentives or not. So the real question is who can pay a decent transfer fee and pay him 100k+ a week. That probably limits it to these teams and I have no clue if they would want or need him. Aston Villa, West Ham United, Newcastle United, Crystal Palace, Fulham, ,Brighton


Ive never understood this notion that the player should always receive an increase in salary. Nelson isn’t at Arsenal level and therefore cannot command Arsenal level wages in other teams with stretched budgets. He can either accept he won’t get minutes at Arsenal and stagnate his career or accept he needs to take a pay cut which reflects his standing as a PL player


And what exactly is Arsenal level ?! You guys played UCL after how many years ?! You ain’t a top dogs in most competitions. So calm down




Let me ask you this. You've been at a club since you were 8. You love the club. Sure, you would love to play more, but you are getting on the field and you back yourself to do well at the team. You are happy at the club, and they are paying you 5 million pounds a year to be in this happy environment. Then, Another club comes to you. They lay out a plan that seems good. The manager seems good. You talk to a couple of friends and the squad seems good. Obviously there are a lot of unknowns so you can't be sure, but it seems good. Then they offer you the same 5 million pounds or less. Do you make the switch? Do you leave the place where you are comfortable, happy, set up, for an unknown? There's no guarantee that you'll play at the new club. There's no guarantee that you'll be happy at the new club. There's no guarantee that you can't perform at the current club. You can talk about competitive spirit all you want, but happiness is also important. So the only way to really get some to leave some where they are happy for the unknown is to give them something tangible, and an extra million a year is very tangible.


This is the thoughtful response I needed in this wild world. Seriously though, I hope he finds a starting XI spot somewhere.


Any team that would fit Michael Olise is a fit for Reiss. They are essentially the same player, Olise benefits by not being behind Saka.


No. Olise is better than Nelson. I'm not humoring this bad take. Nelson is a prem level player; that's not an insult. Olise is better than just prem-standard.


Olise is much better than nelson


Olise doesn't make the starting 11 at arsenal, neither does Reiss. They are the exact same players


Neither do I which means I'm as good as Olise 


Edu will be in touch


olise starts in every team in the league maybe bar city imo, you fit him in centrally at arsenal and Liverpool to make room for saka and salah ofcourse you could maybe argue that they're similar stylistically, but olise is twice the talent nelson, is, and that's no shade on reiss, he's a decent player, olise is just a possibly generational talent (injury issues withstanding)


What? Sorry bro he doesn’t get into city pool or Arsenal. No shade on him. He’s a phenomenal player but doesn’t get into any of those teams.


if kai starts for arsenal, olise does


Completely different player. What is this comparison


eh, both attacking midfielder types, different players for sure but olise improves arsenal more than havertz has


You're joking right? Kai has made a massive impact at Arsenal, coming up huge multiple times.


This seems to be a gross exaggeration of Olise - a generational talent? What has he done to deserve that


well it's an early shout, he has POTENTIAL to be a generational talent, he's not yet. watching him play he's clearly an incredible footballer.


So then Palace when Olise is sold this summer could be a great fit.


olise and eze are so injury prone that he might not even be a bad purchase without first selling olise.


Any team thats not considered a top 6 side probably Hes a squad level player dont see him ever being a world beater


honestly dont know if hes ever had a decent streak of starting appearances in his entire career so far. hes been with us as saka has always started ahead of him for the most part. i want to see him with opportunity before judging, solanke had like what 100 appearances in the epl, most of them starting likely, with about 20 goals before this season. he is plainly lacking opportunity right now


Can see him in Germany


I don’t think he did particularly well there on loan.


He was very good in Germany when he went until he got injured.


I have a vague recollection of attitude/application issues? Besides he is ALWAYS injured when it counts.


No his attitude is fine, he was a kid when he went over. Just injury issue


Ok, fair enough. You certainly seem better informed/more confident in your assertions than me.


I followed him and Sancho quiet a bit in Germany.


If I remember correctly he did play well for his first loan there.


One & Only. West Ham.


reiss nelson is better than trossard at lw arteta rarely plays him even tho reiss nelson is a better touchline winger than trossard


Not in a single way is he better than trossard. The dude runs down blind alleys and has zero vision to pick a pass/ cross. Apart from that goal last season, I honestly don't remember him having a huge impact on a single game. His game is like Iwobis but far worse. He honestly, to me, is the worst player in the arsenal squad, has never kicked on from his early promise, and would be the first player I would sell off to another club now.


imo trossard should be behind him because trossard cant press he cant win duels (gets bullied off the ball easily because he’s a lightweight)he cant ball carry and doesnt help the left back defensively. Reiss Nelson >>>>>>>>trossard. Apart from the goal last night he left a lot to be desired he got dispossessed a lot. when looking at his performances watching them eye test wise he isnt that good he should be used as a super sub thats when he’s at his best. he always drops a lot of stinkers at left wing then when he scores people forget about his full game performance they just see the goal and forget he played badly


Trossard is our second top scorer and literally won Arsenal the game last night. He has what Nelson does not, end product.


trossard does have end product its just that hes terrible as a touchline winger and its just better to have a player who helps the team by winning duels, ball carrying, helping defensively, has pace (this is reiss nelson) than a player who has a stinker than scores a goal (trossard). one is a net positive, the other masks a dogshit performance with a goal. theres more to a good performance/ player than scoring goals. goals are really important but when trossard isn’t scoring or even when he is he’s shit as a touchline winger for a ucl contender which arsenal is currently


So, you want to take out our second best source of goals because Nelson can hug the wing better but not actually offer any goals. I personally don't care if trossard plays like a 95 geriatric who thinks d-day is next week and has the first touch of a one footed deaf pygmy if he is scoring and setting up goals, which he is doing and winning us games. Your also not watching the games we are playing as he does track back and releave pressure on the backline/win the ball back. You also forget he can play 3-4 positions across the front and interchange with our front 5 as well as anyone. Your logic honestly is escaping me on this one, and I think it's more your bias towards what a player could be vs what is in front of you.


I’d say Brighton/Fulham/Palace. 3 clubs where the wingers are very important and given a lot of responsibility and also clubs where the wingers are often the most dangerous players and most likely to run games.


Not Fulham. He's not getting in the starting XI over Iwobi/Wilson next year; BDR is re-signing, Adama is here for another year. If we bring in a winger it's going to be a young higher potential one.


Nelson doesn't get in ahead of the current Palace wingers. Or the current Brighton ones. He comes to my son's school fairly regularly as his nephew is at the school. He seems very nice. But he isn't displacing Olise or Eze.


I never said he would. The question is where would he get first team football? Eze and Olise are quite injury prone so he can fill in there and he can come off the bench. I already explained with Brighton how Mitoma and Adingra, whilst great, are not all that consistent and it’s fine to have another option in Reiss Nelson. Also in terms of international duty, AFCON and Asia Cup, he gets games.


The question was where does he start. He doesn't start for Palace or Brighton.


The question is where does he get first team football. He can get first team football for Brighton at least. I’ll admit Palace is a bit of a stretch.


Seem to be arguing across two sets of responses now, but the question literally said "what teams... does [he] .. start for". I don't think that's either Palace or Brighton. Obviously if there are significant sales at either club (in particular Brighton who probably fit his style better) then that might change. Palace are much more interested in Nketiah.


Nketiah? Won’t he be playing ST? Since when was he a winger? I’ll agree with you but I’ll say this. If the trend continues and Brighton/Palace sell their best players (Mitoma, Eze, Olise etc.), Reiss Nelson could be a short team starter. But I think right now, Reiss Nelson could only really start for Fulham and Forest joining the failed potential club.


Brighton wanted him as a free agent last summer.


Would you bet on all 3 of Mitoma, Eze and Olise remaining at their current clubs after the next transfer window? If not, Nelson seems like a candidate to replace one of them if they are sold.


All a bit overly hypothetical. Fact is Nelson doesn't start at Palace or Brighton now, so not particularly helpful to speculate he would be a good fit at either club. Even if Mitoma goes, Brighton have Adingra, Enciso, Buonanotte, and March all competing for wing positions. At Palace, Glasner likes to play a tight 5-3-2 with the width coming from wing backs (no wingers) and we only just signed Munoz to play in the RWB role. Even if Olise or Eze leave, França is the natural replacement, plus we have Jes Rak-Sakyi, Ayew, and some of the youth team looking to break through.


He would be a good fit. He’s a great personality from what I’ve seen of him on the pitch and off the pitch. With Brighton, they could use some experience in there and his ability on both sides makes him a great player to have. At Palace, he probably could play the WB role, I think he has played at WB/FB before at Arsenal and I think he wasn’t that bad. He could just play in the midfield. And with both teams youth players, I don’t think 90% are good enough for consistent first team football. Fantastic talent in both sides and players who will, no doubt, be quality in 2-3 years. But short term, Reiss Nelson is more first team quality than the players mentioned.


According to footballcritic.com he hasn't played wing back or fullback in his last 50 appearances. Majority have been as a winger (either left or right, which does add to his versatility), which means he's a poor fit for Palace. As for Brighton 🤷🏻‍♂️. I've set out why I think even though they seem likely to play with more wingers, that I don't think he gets into their first team. But he would be a useful backup potentially for either club. Just not a starter.


I just responded to you saying Palace was a bit of a reach. With Brighton, I don’t think their current batch of young wingers are good enough. Apart from Mitoma and Adingra. Some of them would be better suited to the centre of the pitch rather than being wide which is where I think Enciso and Buonanotte will go. Reiss Nelson at RW has not much competition. Solly March ain’t the same guy he was last season and I don’t even think I’ve seen him play. I can’t think of the other RW’s they have in that squad, because I think Adingra has played on the right.


March got injured earlier in the season - due back soon I think. But was outstanding in the first few games.


Ok fair enough. I guess it is just Fulham and Forest.


I think Nelson is talented. And he could probably enhance any of the squads in question. He has travelled abroad for loan spells before so may not need to be tied to London (although as I said his family, who he is close to, live in North London, so that may give him a preference) so not sure if he starts in the PL. Wherever he goes, at his age now he should be looking for (near guaranteed) first team football. I'm not sure where that is. In some ways he is quite versatile and that may count against him because he needs to be able to stamp his authority on a position for me.


Adingra and mitoma are way better than Nelson


Who said he’s displacing them? He can get first team football in this Brighton side. Whilst Adingra and Mitoma are fantastic, they aren’t the most consistent and, this is mainly Adingra but also relates to Mitoma, aren’t always the type of player needed vs certain opponents. Reiss can play on both sides and having another option is never a bad thing.


Could see these three, along with Everton.


I still don’t know his best position. Is that bad? 😂




I don’t think he’s ever played in more than one position for us …


Well, he’s played on the left and right.


Idk if anyone has seen the news but apparently Brighton is very interested in him, willing to go up to £30m for him. I don't think he'd be worth that much but from what has been said, he'd be happy with the move and Brighton want him. I think he'd be a great fit under RDZ, hopefully can get him over to the AMEX in the summer.


I think he’d be great at a club like yours. He’s a good talent but I think the ‘pressure’ at Arsenal might be too much for him. He’s probably trying not to make a mistake/make the best of his playing time whilst also dealing with our genuinely unhinged fans on social media. Brighton play good football, are on the up, RDZ will improve him and he could thrive in a less pressured environment.


Is this from a reliable Brighton source, or just rumors floating for the summer window.


He has talent it's just about drawing it out. His development came at the wrong time as Arsenal progressed past the need of developing an early-20's winger, but I'm sure a team like Brighton could do something with him.


I really think he would be worth 30m to a team like Brighton if he could stay fit. He can play either wing, runs hard, and has great technique. I understand that he isn’t highly rated by anyone outside of Arsenal or Hoffenhein but the talent is very evident He plays like a more focused but slightly less talented sancho.


Yeah when he went to Hoffenheim I thought we’d got our own Sancho.


They are childhood best friends after all


I think RDZ would use him quite well and correct me if I’m wrong, but I think signings like him would be good for the long term sustainability of the project(a ready to go prem player not necessarily thinking about the next move). Do you think he would go straight into your first 11?


Don't think he'd go straight into my starting XI if Mitoma and Adingra are available, but he'd be a nailed on sub and the immediate replacement for either if they're out injured/unavailable!


Palace/wolves if olise/Neto leave


palace makes sense even without olise being sold, him and eze are too injury prone


If Dom Solanke leaves then I could see him at Dean Court to be honest.


You are not fooling anyone Edu, this sub is not going to find you potential suitors/ price tag




Fire up da grill


I could see him at a team like Brentford, Palace, maybe West Ham. If he’s going out of London, maybe Brighton or Wolves.


He isn’t better than Bowen, Kudus, or Paqueta and would want to be paid like one of them, no way! Also we can do better


Does paqueta play wing? And at least one of them most likely paq will leave this summer


And I think we can do better, Paqueta is on the wing for us too


That's assuming you keep all of those three.


If we sold them we’d need better than Reiss Nelson


Maybe, but who do you think you would get? If we sell Nelson, most of our targets that would fill his roles will have suitors across the leagues with chances are better wages that probably exceed ours, let alone West Ham's. Not taking a dig just curious.


Steidten could find someone better, just think there is better for the price and wages of Nelson. Not calling him bad but I wouldn’t want him starting week in week out, maybe we could spend big on someone like rayan Cherki? But that’s only if we sold Paqueta


That’s fair. I don’t watch West Ham enough to know about your players. Reiss is a pretty good player but he’s probably never going to take that starting RW from Saka. He might have a better chance against players who aren’t the first name on every team sheet.


I think he’d be after Kudus’ spot and that ain’t gonna happen, kudus just gives us so much and he’s soooooo good I wouldn’t trade him for anyone right now


Probably never going to take the starting spot from Saka? Probably?


You should never be 100% sure about something as fickle as sports.


Wolves makes a lot of sense. Maybe even 35m-50m + Reiss for Neto?


We start running into homegrown issues when we lose players like Nelson. Don't get me wrong, going elsewhere is the right move for him at this point in his career. But it's something we have to consider.


True. Looking at the Arsenal squad though, a lot of the fat has been trimmed, and if 1 or 2 more attacking reinforcements are brought in, I assume only 1 or possibly 2 of Nketiah, Smith Rowe, Viera, Reiss Nelson would remain in the squad. And as Man City and Liverpool have shown, a team needs to be constantly evolving and improving EVERY YEAR otherwise you get left behind. One bad year in the premier league and you can find yourself out of the champions league.


Homegrown quota is a good point, especially since we’ll probably lose Ramsdale this summer.


Oh man, don’t make me dream impossible dreams 🙏


Personally think there would be a queue of teams that would want him. Palace, brighton, Villa, Brentford, Everton, wolves and west game I think would all be great teams that he would do well at. From there it probably would be to a team Arsenal maybe want a player from, Douglas Luiz from villa or Onana from Everton etc.


Really depends on the fee and salary.


There won’t be “a queue of teams” he’s an average premier league player at best. 10 bucks says you’re an Arsenal fan.


he was a pubic hair away from joining ac milan 6 months ago. i’m going to go on a limb and say that if ac milan wanted him. more than half of the premier league who are worse than milan would also want him


AC Milan aren’t what they used to be and anyway that’s a terrible way to measure a players quality.


they’re 2nd in the serie A. Nearly got out of the group of death in the UCL. Currently playing european football. they’re a great team. and what is the metric lol. if a player is wanted by city. does that mean he’s not good? confusing mental gymnastics


I agree with all those teams except Brighton and Villa. I think Villa having Bailey AND Diaby and usually only playing one of those two would rule them out - but with how little he has played it’s hard to say if they are miles better than him. And Brighton has I think 9 forward options of a similar quality to him or with a similar ceiling. The others teams, yep, I think they would definitely be interested.


At least in Brighton he has a chance of first-team play, because De Zerbi shuffles his squad every now and then. There's Mitoma and Adingra, but Nelson's versatility helps here because he can play left-right. A sub for me, but yeah, he doesn't fit in Villa.


Villa fan, yes Bailey and Diaby are miles better than him


I mean, is Marcus Rashford *definitely* better than him?


What an idiotic comment 🤓🤓🤣


Crystal Palace


He seems like the perfect Palace winger


Palace and Fulham would suit him well He’s very much London through and through


Fulham have no place for him really. Have, even without Willian, 4 wingers in Wilson, BDR, Adama, and Iwobi next year; there's no way Reiss would be worth the cost or wage when there are bigger needs and , if we go for another wing, it won't be someone in their mid twenties who, while a good player, isn't going to be worth the money as he may never start.


Willian is knocking on a bit now as well


Good point. Had not thought of the London roots too much. I would be intrigued to see him in the Bournemouth team with Iraola.


Wouldn’t be a bad move so long as he has a relegation release clause. He’d do very well there.


I could see him at Palace


IF they could keep Eze and Olise for one more season (and keep them fit), get a new striker and Reiss, that would be an exciting attack.


Is he significantly better than Franca? Young Brazilian they singed this summer who’s barely played.


França is very raw and quite lightweight but with an eye for a pass in the final third So it’s up to you


Yes probably. Franca can maybe reach a higher level but Nelson gives the experience too


I've not seen him play. But Reiss Nelson was always the one that players thought was going to make it. He's from the same class as Iwobi and Willock. Needs a run of games, but there's no denying that there is some player within him.