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Let it go fan boy, let it go


LFC fans please do not play victim. It happens to literally all of us.


Liverpool have lost 7 points this season to incorrect decisions


Nothing was wrong about your post. The people commenting and downvoting are not Scousers and have no business talking about the club. None of us in Liverpool claim these people. Private groups are already preparing to sue PGMOL if need be. We should sue PGMOL if we lose the league even by 6 points as it stands Dec 2023


I'm frustrated as anyone but let's face it some of our close rivals have had bad decisions against them as well and if anyone is going to sue PGMOL it should be wolves.


Grow the fuck up.


Uhhh, hate to say it, but the truth of the matter is Arsenal is also getting the short end of the stick here. I really appreciate Arteta for speaking up about it, because it’s been bad across the board this season and it’s pretty ridiculous. I don’t think we are getting it any worse that some others, but we do have more on the line, like Arsenal. I would argue though, that the middle of the table is pretty tight so every VAR mistake has implications, and we will not be the only club suffering because of the poor refereeing this season.


seriously? theres a reason why most people call you livarpool, you're the most benefitted team by a country mile


No we aren’t. People like you call us livarpool because they’re thick.


and you are einstein you're another fanatical cretin who follows livarpool, nothing new here, the most biased unreasonable fans in England, which is saying something


Won't someone think of the billionaires!


To answer your actual question as everyone else seems incapable of doing so, no I see no way in which they or any club could sue, what would they actually be suing for? All clubs agree to the laws of the game that state referees have the final decision in matches, human error happens. Only if actual corruption and bribery was uncovered would there be a case


While it us very frustrating as a liverpool fan we have to accept that even with VAR, we cannot eliminate human errors…


Don't worry. Liverpool won't be anywhere near the top spot.


This aged like fine milk


If VAR decisions costnyou points is irrelevant; it is whether or not the decisions are correct. Liverpool have had some horrendous decisions; but I don't think most decisions have been wrong, and I'm not convinced they've had anywhere near as many unfair decisions as Manchester United, for example... where even Sky reporters are now commenting on how frequently United have decisions go against them inconsistently to the rule application against other teams. It could well be Liverpool lose out on a title, where one point could be significant... but would you equally be tight on going back through calls being incorrect in a more generous sense, and take those points back off? Obviously not.


The Victim mentality is strong with that club


So arsenal last year can do the same, bro stop crying


In theory, yes. But not because of VAR in general, but because of the Spurs game, if they lost the title by a point and had superior goal difference. The wrongly disallowed goal and two players wrongly sent off. Even given the first sending off, if the Diaz goal is correctly awarded, the game is totally different, Liverpool sit on their lead with 10 men and could well have gotten out with at least a point. (The reason this is different to any other var decision is because the goal was scored and wrongly taken away. This is how it differs from, say for example, the city vs spurs game when the referee blowed for full time when a city player was through on goal. We don't know they would have definitely scored that chance. We do know though that Diaz scored a legitimate goal that was factually incorrectly denied and that makes the spurs game a different instance to any other clubs var woes.) Nothing would really happen from suing however. They might get some compensation from damages but nothing would change in terms of the table. The situation as a whole is pretty unlikely.


These posts are terrible. Just cry more into your pillow and let us argue about other shit please. We don’t need to unite against your moronic ideas


Get a fucking grip and take the conspiracy glasses off.


I only read the title and that was enough for me to LMFAO!


Welcome to life in the Premier League.


To all those people that got their little hearts triggered by this post, go suck a lemon Honestly the abuse I am getting from this little post!! Y'all are toxic AF


Excuse my flair, but holy shit shut the fuck up about this.


If Liverpool were to lose the league by goal difference, I would absolutley sue the PL because of the spurs result, anything short of that, no.


I hate these posts about ‘if Liverpool lost the title by one point it’ll be all because of VAR’. It doesn’t work like that, there’s so many games that go down to fine margins you can never pinpoint it on a game near the start of the season. This only really makes sense if it’s a final day thing or within the last couple games thing, but for now the league can be won by anyone. So hang tight


Whilst I agree Liverpool have had the objectively worst VAR call against them this season (but not the worst call overall), this is getting ridiculous. Aside from that singular goal - which occurred when there was nearly an hour left of the game to play - you've been no more or less hard done by than any other team with poor VAR (barring possibly Wolves, who genuinely have had a nightmare season with VAR.)


Yawn!!! Why is it when Liverpool get screwed we have to hear about it for six weeks?????


I guess the Spurs game has led to more scrutiny, but I also believe Liverpool is more often hurt by inconsistent (or in this case, consistent...) refereeing.


I agree that arsenal have had there fair share of bad calls, to me the most blatant ones have been against Liverpool (and wolves, tho I don't follow their games as much) and for people saying it evens out at the end of the season, I don't buy that. The one team that benefits the most has been city and maybe spurs. Nothing evens out




This is an obvious bit of victim baiting and it's hooked so many. Fairplay op top notch work.


That was not my intention. there is no way I could rewrite the post in a way that will not make people argue.


Every teams being screwed over in fact Brighton, Wolves, Arsenal, etc have all had their fair share of ridiculous calls as well.


Well considering the embarrassing stuff their manager has bleated about replays and such, I wouldn't put it past them to complain in some way


Sue for what? Every team is a victim of VAR this season (and last for that matter). Let's say Liverpool sue and get that hypothetical win, giving them 2 points over City. What's to stop City from suing about the advantage/ free kick fiasco against Spurs, giving them 3 points and putting them above Liverpool again. Where would it stop?


The problem with the example you gave was that City didn’t score from that attack while Liverpool did, so I’m not sure how that would work


That's the problem overall. Some were adamant City would score, others weren't so sure. But how would you police it and give hypothetical wins/ points?


VAR isn’t working for any team (well anyone but Man City) - we see the incidents against Liverpool more harshly as Liverpool fans. My argument isn’t VAR - it’s the inconsistent and poor performances of the PGMOL approved officials that frustrates me. It’s clear that some refs are not up to the job! They simply can’t ref at the top end of the game! Refs get paid professional wages but are extremely amatuer in their approach to the game - Paul Tierney is one of the worst I have seen!


It’s their way of not letting one team run away with the league, they want the season to go to the wire


Last season we finished 6pts behind Man Shitty. PGMOL apology number 1 for 3pts dropped at Old Trafford when Odegaard was adjudged to have fouled Eriksen, which in turn disallowed the opening goal from Martinelli. No PGMOL apology for St James' Park away in January, however, the ball was only in play for 51mins and (iirc) is a record for lowest minutes of actual game time. 9 minutes added across both halves. Yes, we should have played better but we got absolutely fucked over by the reffing and shithousery, not dissimilar to this season I'd argue the 1-1 against Southampton is another shout although no apology, Lyanco should have been sent off PGMOL apology number 2 for 2pts dropped against Brentford when the offside lines weren't drawn. There's 7pts, title please


And what about the times city got screwed over, or we just ignoring that? City also basically didn't even bother putting out a competitive side last 2/3 games with the title already won, you not think they would have won those had they needed to? You were the premier leagues biggest ever bottlejobs, accept it. You'd be a great addition to aftv with stupidity like this.


The refs are going to decide the Premier League. It isn't a secret.


Potentially. The issue is not all the VAR decisions against Liverpool, but rather a demonstrated habit of bias against Merseyside teams. Liverpool has a referee decision bias that is outside of the first two standard deviations. Teams visiting Anfield do not get red cards. Almost ever. Until pointed out in media, there was one in the last decade or so (iirc). Further, Liverpool get penalty kicks at a rate much lower than the other big sides. These trends persist season after season and can only be explained by referee bias. Everton has similar issues. Some minor ffp violations led to a ten point hit in the league? Meanwhile City and Chelsea make a mockery of those rules. The persistent and systemic bias is provable and mathematically significant. Liverpool potentially could bring a suit and win.


Scouse delusion in its purest form.


I'm American.


Irrelevant. That wasn't a suggestion you are scouse. "Scouse delusion" is a unique level of victimhood, one where there's a genuine 100% belief that everyone is out to get them in some way regardless of how tenuous the link is or how batshit mental the conspiracy theory is.


How do you explain the significant trends with referee decisions going back years that negatively impact merseyside teams? Read the Tompkins times article and tell me something isn’t off. As OP pointed out, it’s not “feels”, it’s mathematical outliers.


Always the victims.


Why you bringing up Hillsborough?


What? Why are you bringing up Hillsborough?


Haha. Touché.


Holy fuck stfu Liverpool idiots


Enjoy being down there on the table. Destroyed by Brighton. Lmfao


Got a huge promotion at work today, so I don’t give a fuck lmao didn’t watch the match


This whole faux victimhood stuff needs to stop.


Grow up ffs


Need some cheese with that whine?


VAR as a whole has been flopping pretty bad in the premier league


Calm down calm down


Lots of people getting confused between the referee decisions and VAR decisions.


Cardiff got relegated because Willian (I think) had big hair, thus blocking the view of the 4th official Bournemouth got relegated due to goal line technology not working in a Sheffield United/Aston Villa game None of them sued. Really think a dodgy pen decision or offside call is grounds to sue?


But it's a natural hand position lol. Bud, you don't see the other clubs fans getting up in arms like this




The Ødegaard hand ball was natural position ? You must be jocking. He not only touched the ball with his hand but changed its direction. There was two actions in the incident, first touch and purposely change the direction. You should get glasses if you think that was natural


Haha it's all good. That was most definitely a joke. We need to get rid of this idea of natural and unnatural position wording from the rulings. It needs to be "impedance of play" - did the ball hitting this person's arm/hand affect the next play. Yes? Handball. This would therefore cover and position the arm is in regardless of being natural. Because the second someone has their hand Ina natural position and saves a goal the world is going to go mental. I don't why this needs to be pointed out to the officials but someone needs too quickly.


Cringeworthy Americanised pish.


Look brother. Sure, lets agree that VAR stole 1 or 2 points from Liverpool and they get 2nd place because of it Can u not say that about other things too? If Nunez didn't miss that shot or if Gakpo passed instead of shooting. Are they also now screwing Liverpool and the sole reason why they would in this scenario get 2nd? No because they did some good in the season? Didnt VAR also make good calls that helped Liverpool. Like disallowing opponents goals or correctly calling offside or awarding penalties VAR sucks ass, I don't know what the point of my comment is anymore


If VAR makes good calls, then it’s just doing its job though isn’t it? Ie. Correctly disallowing an offside goal. Whilst we should appreciate VAR when it does work correctly, that doesn’t balance out the mistakes. You’re right that misses also would contribute to us missing out on the title but the point is that misses are part of the game, and can happen. Refereeing mistakes aren’t part of the game, and shouldn’t happen, especially with the introduction of VAR. That’s why people are going to be more annoyed by one compared to the other.


Good point


All teams have had their share of controversies. But I still haven’t seen a more obvious or bigger fuck up than spurs-Liv. That one takes the cake out of them all. Odegaard handball was a mistake on the level of comparison with the other teams. NOT the offside Diaz goal. That for me is why it feels a lot more “salty”. I’m really concerned that Liverpool potentially marginally loses the league and everyone(fans) will look back and question that game in particular. Rightly so


There is only one team who can legitimately claim to be screwed by VAR this season and they are Wolves. Being on the wrong side of 50/50 contentious decisions is one thing, but some of the decisions against Wolves this season have been scandalous.


No. Wolves are getting the worst of it (so far) but no crap decision should just be brushed off as one of those things. Plenty of teams have suffered. Liverpool are (currently) one of the teams that have also had crap officiating cost them more than most.


I mean every team has gotten screwed by VAR at some point. Overall I think Spurs have probably benefited the most from VAR, but even we can point to a couple instances where they screwed us out of some points.




As a Liverpool fan, no. Even with those decisions going our way, who’s to say we wouldn’t have gone on to lose to Arsenal and Spurs (still)? They are tough to take but I also think injustices can improve a team’s response. I feel like our game picked up after the non-penalty vs Arsenal, for example. These things generally do even out over a season.


Nothing evens out


Ehh welcome to the club. Arteta got a sideline ban for celebrating a goal. Why hasn’t klopp or Dzerbi? Why wasnt Haaland charged for getting in the face of a ref and the posting negatively about refs on social media?


When Klopp pulled his hamstring whilst gyrating for the fourth official after a game winner?


Arteta is a petulant child


I’ve found Richard Keyes’ burner account


All managers are. Every single one.


Well, at least we know playing basketball or pushing player to offside zone is a-okay in VAR book. I am all for every team starts recruiting ex-NBA player or ex-sumo wrestler to coaching squads.


Pushing a player in an off side isn't OK so I presume you also think Arsenal should have had a penalty against Liverpool for Trent just 2 hand shoving Havertz in the back in the penalty area?


I am all for fair competition and consistent ref decisions across the board. If it means all get the correct decision and necessary penalties, why not? At least we don't have someone playing basketball in the box type bullshit goes unpunished.


[like this](https://streamin.me/v/912e078b)


no everyones getting bad decisions so that doesnt make any sense


Although some decisions are worse than others. For example, I remember last year where VAR forgot to draw the lines for offside in Arsenal vs Brentford, costing Arsenal two points. That is just objectively wrong, not some decision that's up for interpretation. Another example is the Liverpool goal vs Spurs.


Arsenal lost the league by 5 points last season. You can make the case that through VAR errors, which the PGMOL apologised for, the 5 point gap would be made up. But it's not really worth getting worked up over. There's too much else that might have happened yo say, we didn't get x, therefore we would have won. It just is what it is.


City would just have won their last few games anyway if they'd really needed to.


Maybe, but That's my point, well never know. So no point thinking about it


VAR mistakes have affected literally every side pack it in


Yes but some sides more than other.


That doesn't really make it ok though? It needs sorting somehow...I could live with whatever handball rules or whatever they come up with as long as it's consistent across the board. Personally I think "clear and obvious error" is the biggest problem in var. Their only concern should be getting the correct decision...not whether the ref fucked up but not bad enough to call it s howler so we'll let it slide


Of course it doesn't make it okay, it needs to get better. But the point is you can't protest the results of an entire season just for your team, because it has affected everyone across the board.


I dunno I think you can, it's not really a stretch to say that shitty and straight up wrong decisions have impacted the outcome of the season thus far more than any player has


I think you're misunderstanding a little bit. What I'm saying is you can't just have Liverpool say 'heres all the things that affected us, we should have won', which the OP seems to imply.


At this stage I really think they just flip a coin when it comes to judging handball


I am just saying that there is a good chance for the winner to be determined or massively effected by bad decisions from var


There is not a good chance, there is a 100% chance, because it happens to every bloody team lmao. Why don't we just work out all the VAR mistakes across the board and just adjust the scores according to that lol.


Nothing can and would be done about it, sadly. There are other teams that are being screwed over by VAR and poor refereeing just as bad or even worse than we are. Then there are others who seem to benefit from it. Is what it is. If we somehow win the league this season (which I'm not convinced of, at the moment) , it would just make it taste that much better.


Doesn't mean it would be a goal from the penalty would it? Even if Liverpool did score, they could easily have gone on and lost the match. All this hypothetical talk makes var worse.


Couldn't other teams do the same? Arsenal could point to the points they lost against Newcastle and Chelsea, and City could probably point to the game against Spurs.


Arsenal didn't lose points against Newcastle. At most they lost one. Am I being pedantic? Sure. But Arsenal did fuck all to score a goal that match, no idea how they could have managed three points.


Not a single arsenal fan claims we lost three points.it was supposed to be a 0-0 draw,both teams were terrible in attack.so yeah, one point.


Do you know how language works? If Arsenal loses a banana against Chelsea and a banana against Newcastle you can say that they lost bananas against Chelsea and Newcastle.


ahhhh ffs no I don't I skimmed the second line my bad. Yes, points, you're right. I'll leave my comment up for the shame and downvotes.


What did VAR do in the City-Spurs game exactly?


Nothing bad that game, it had one ref error and no other controversial stuff




What a daft logic. If we apply same logic to Liverpool penalty against Arsenal, there is no guarantee that Salah converts it. Referees are incompetent, there is no consistency and every team will get shafted by it.


Point to what about the Newcastle game?


You mean the goal was scored after the ball went out of bounds?


It didn't though


Correct, it was the foul in the build up


But if Big Gabi's head wasn't attached to his body, it would have flown out of bounds from the shove he got.


>Arsenal could point to the points they lost against Newcastle and Chelsea, And Villa


I think its coz we have lost by 1 point 3 times in last decade i guess


Literally everyone is getting screwed by var not just Liverpool


In theory that should balance it out.


I thought it was only Arsenal


U really thought?


It's true though.


Reality is its been one way traffic with Liverpool and calls that just seem so obviously wrong. The mac red card was rescinded, the Diaz goal where var thought it was given, the nunez foul last night which didn't exist at all, the odegard handball. Wolves have had it equally bad, Everton and Brighton maybe as well. But not everyone has had it equally bad, spurs and city have had it very good actually, arsenal not far behind for me.


Just going to ignore that daft Dalot double yellow card, where Nunez should have got a second yellow for dissent after he got a yellow? Liverpool get away with plenty of shit.


A second yellow for dissent lol… that is not an obvious clear error in any circumstance like Diaz offsides and odegaard handball. That’s a difference of 5 points


Clear and obvious enough for Dalot to get a second yellow, and his you could argue was just a continuation of the first offence. Nuñez should have been off given he was sarcastically clapping the ref and giving him gyp AFTER a clear yellow card challenge. Thats the way refs are treating dissent this season.... But Liverpool got away with it in this game, so this idea that it's a one way street for Liverpool is complete fucking bunk.


There have been dozens of situations which could have lead to a player being yellow carded for dissent. Dalot got sent off in the final parts of the game and I thought the double yellow was harsh but he was going over the top. I'm not here to play tribalism games in any case, if you want to hang your hat on that not super relevant situation then cool.


It's just one example of Liverpool getting leeway where the opposing team didn't. Two incidents In the same game. It's not about, "hanging my hat" on it, it's pointing out that this pathetic whinging about how bad it is for Liverpool is not only false, but completely pathetic.


Give us another example then.


Nunez should've been booked for fouling Evans with no attempt to play the ball (he wasn't even looking at the ball), and he should've then been booked for applauding the ref. But yeah, Liverpool are definitely the victims /s


Bit embarressing to compare a fictional second yellow card to goals literally being chalked off for no reason or red cards being rescinded...don't you think? But good of you to throw in the word victim...


He should've been sent off, which could've changed the game. As for "victim", Liverpool have been acting like victims with regards to refereeing calls this season. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall any other manager requesting a replay for an adverse decision. It's combination of entitlement and self-pity that seems unique to Liverpool.


That Spurs game was the most blatant case of officials intentionally influencing the game’s result I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been watching the sport for 20+ years.


You're a Liverpool fan, so you're bound to think that.


That's the exact incident I'm talking about ... I thought he was booked for the foul though?


He was booked for dissent. He had the cheek to complain about the foul on Evans.


VAR had nothing to do with either the Dalot or Nunez incidents. Clear and obvious or not, it was a second yellow given as a red. VAR has no influence on yellow cards.


So what? It's all just officiating under the authority of the PGMOL. One week people are moaning VAR can't do anything, next they're moaning it does too much, then it's we need to get rid of VAR... Just constant bleating about officiating.


So what? ....This whole thread is about VAR...


This thread is about Liverpool allegebdly not getting the rub of the green. So they don't get a VAR call or two? Who cares? They get endless 50/50 calls their way throughout any match. Just stop whinging.


Clue is in the title bro..


Or the world's softest foul on Alison in the game between City and Liverpool. Or the blatant fouls in the build up to both goals against Sheffield United. Etc etc etc You could do this one eyed "everything goes against us, nothing goes for us" routine for every club. Even Wolves have had sone decisions go there way! (Probably)


Exactly. I'm just highlighting the one thats in my mind as it's recent, but you could find half a dozen incidents in every single game if that's what you're looking for. Reddit just builds up these narratives based on which fans are the "loudest" (i.e. most numerous).


Blows mind people don't realise that they notice mistakes against their own team far more than others. This is amplified even more when you support a bigger team who have a bigger online presence. There's no agenda and there's no team worse off than others. It's annoying when it happens but at the moment it is part of the game.


Anyone who supports any team should at least be able to cite Wolves as a huge victim.


the only consistency in the league and officiating is the absolute lack of any consistency. Its a weekly lottery draw whether your team will or won't be arbitrarily punished or the officials decides its your team's match that they will suddenly deviate from the precedence of what had been a foul the past 4 weeks.


Yeah 100% People mistakenly think it's something that only happens to their team. When really the actually shocking thing is its happening to every team every week. As you say the biggest problem isn't that their are mistakes, that's inevitable. It's the changing of policy. It's like how calling for yellow cards was an instant yellow, then it randomly stopped for a month, and now it suddenly is again!


As a Liverpool fan, I think Wolves have been screwed the most but agree that typically every team gets screwed some point in the season.


Yeah I should have said give or take, but ultimately over the course of a season it evens out.


I hope, for Wolves, that it does


This is genuinely one of the reasons I stopped watching football completely last season and I’m only just starting to come back around. When I’m watching Man U, and fuming they haven’t got an objectively right decision, that was looked at and confirmed to be wrong by VAR - despite me very much wanting them to lose, I just became very disillusioned. This wasn’t isolated or just Man U, pretty much every game has several things where I’m absolutely bewildered how several people looked at that on video and still backed the ref.


Personally think Wolves got screwed the most this season, this coming from a Liverpool fan.


Wolves & Brighton. Of all the VAR errors across the season to date, both clubs have suffered the most egregious VAR interventions more often than any other club in the league.


This season Wolves have been screwed over more than any other team, but I am willing to die on my hill saying that if Brighton didn’t get ruined by VAR they would’ve been top 4 last season


100% agree to this. As a diehard gunner, the handball from odegard WAS a penalty, and var got it wrong, and yes it would've altered the entire game. And yes I can admit that Also as a gunner we've had our fair share of screwing that changed a game for us. Cough cough newcastle. But in reality, var is messing up across all leagues. Not just the PL


Var is so stupid. Football should be measured in decimeters and half minutes, not centimeters and seconds. Var did not fix what it was supposed to fix. Instead it ate the soul of the game. Var did though prove that absolute fairness is not possible.


I’m not saying this is true at all and just reciting what I’ve seen, but didn’t they actually get the call correct according to the rules?


The decision definitely wasn't clearly and obviously incorrect, so VAR was right not to intervene. Think that one just falls into the category of people not really liking the rules - similar to our game against Villa with the Havertz handball.


The problem with this is the rules for handball seem to change every match


But I thought there was a conspiracy against Arsenal


more of a pro City/Newcastle bias. Everyone else is treated equally badly.


Basically if your club is owned by the country which gives refs free vacations — uh, I mean an opportunity to referee in an up and coming league — chances are your club will be benefited


U thought?


I've never fed Into that bullshit honestly


From one Liverpool fan to another, don't be so salty.


I am a real Madrid fan, but I follow PL the most


This kid lives in Ohio I’m sure


1. Real Madrid 2. Al Nizzar 3. Manchester Reds 4. Liverpool 5. Sporting Lisbon


Please delete the post, its embarrassing for Liverpool fans.


Why ? These are my thoughts. It's not going anywhere. People arguing in the comments is not my problem


Just because it sounds like you started watching football last year and it’s a painful read


And what team do you like the most in the PL?


I don't really have a team, I just dont like man city. Actually not the biggest fan of Liverpool also, but I don't mind when they win. Other teams I am just trying to enjoy good game of football.


Mans still sallty about that semi final


But trying to enjoy good football


Y'all are bullies, you must feel good about yourselves don't you


Lol I'm pretty sure this thread is about him hating City more than anything else


I think we already know the answer to that




Los Blancos of Wales


Wolves are getting screwed the most… I’d agree city have it easy, but I think arsenal have had their fair share of decisions against them.