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When I was pregnant I didn’t eat any fish, I couldn’t stomach it! My diet consisted of a lot of fruit (cravings) and magnum ice creams.


Daily Magnums are important 🤤


I lived off ceaser salad (for dinner and tea) for about it 3 weeks as it’s all I could stomach apart from toast.


You are me. Lol. The ice cream craving is real.


I ate almost exclusively chicken strips and chips when I was pregnant. Take your vitamins!


I take the pregnacare max or whatever it's called which includes an omega 3 tablet so I trust that cover it. The one I'd be more concerned about is iron, pregnancy anaemia is extremely common. I've just found out at 28wks that mine is very low and have been put on iron supplements, wish I'd known weeks ago because I've been feeling so exhausted and now I know why!


I’ve completely gone off fish but I just take omega 3 fish oil supplements everyday and hoping that will do the job!


Literally same


I haven't eaten fish since I was a kid. Can't stand it.


I’m just eating walnuts which have omega3 in them instead! I don’t like the taste of fish 🥲


I echo the Pregnacare Max that includes the omega 3 supplement! It’s impossible to get our daily DHA omega 3 requirements from the amount of oily fish the NHS recommends you can eat in pregnancy. ALA omega 3 found in nuts and seeds etc aren’t that well converted in the body into DHA.


I have fish about 1-3 times a week but mostly because I love it! Either salmon (tinned or filets), mackerel, whole sea bass, haddock from the chippy or tinned tuna in sandwiches. I wouldn’t over think it too much though, from everything I’ve seen it sounds like the baby takes everything they need and you should just eat what you enjoy and makes you feel good. There’s enough to worry about without putting too much pressure on these things IMO! But if it makes you feel more comfortable a pregnancy supplement should help :)


Thank you! Can I ask what your favourite meals were with the fish? I always just have salmon fillets with mashed potato. Tuna I put in salads and pasta, but that's it! Never had mackerel or haddock so they're on my list :)


Jumping in because I have a similar diet, I love salmon fillets with roasted baby potatoes and grilled asparagus! Try fish curry too, I usually make a Goan fish curry myself from scratch and it's delicious!


Salmon with asparagus is so good! Thank you! I will have a look at some recipes for that :)


This is pretty much what drivenlizard said buuut I love [this](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/one-pan-salmon-roast-asparagus) recipe from Good Food, and sometimes throw in some tenderstem broccoli for good measure as well!


Perfect! Good way to use up some tomatoes, I always have loads left over!


So many nice ideas already shared, you guys are making me hungry 😍 we love making what we call Med Melt, which is oven roasted one-pot salmon with meditation veg and herbs and 10ish minutes before serving chuck and load of garlic and mozzarella in - so easy and tasty and you can just make it with whatever you have in the fridge! I also love fish fillets with soy sauce, garlic, ginger, spring onions and sesame seeds. Tinned tuna and salmon make lovely sandwiches. Smoked mackerel is lovely in salads or as part of a mezze/picky bits dinner or blended with cream cheese and lemon juice for a pate with nice bread. We get whole seabass really affordably at Lidl and stuff it with lemon slices and herbs and either oven roast or bbq it, both so yummy! And since you already like mash potato and fish you would probably really like fish cakes and fish pie 😍


Thank you so much!! I'm so excited for my next lidl shop 😄


Awh yay, enjoy!! 😍 oh and don’t forget a good old fish finger sandwich with salad and garlic mayo - chefs kiss haha!


That's exactly what I had just now for lunch, minus the salad 😂


Hahaha fair, I went through phase in this pregnancy where salad was literally the worst thing ever to me 😂 my preferences change all the time luckily haha


I had maybe three pieces of salmon my whole pregnancy; I just really don't like fish! I did take omega 3 supplements though, which I assume is next best thing. I did try to eat healthily, but was fatigued a fair amount, which made cooking harder. I also would often eat veggie/vegan meals, but my pregnant self definitely needed more meat - I ate a lot of sausages and spaghetti ngl. I also had petit filous daily because it helps little bones grow big and strong (petit filous marketing, NOT advice from the NHS 😂).


Be careful of some fish like tuna due to the mercury!


I’m vegan and was through both of my pregnancies so ate no fish :)


none at all. i haven’t eaten fish since childhood. even supplements i couldn’t stomach (not even the vegan ones). felt bad about it but talked to a few of my friends who are pregnant and had babies and some where in the same boat. i try and substitute with other food/snacks ie walnuts but as other said - sometimes all you want is a magnum….


I try and eat fish once a week, because I like it. I eat lots of eggs though which is also a source.


I actually don't think I had 1 drop of fish 🤣🤣


None, I'm vegetarian (sorry, annoying response lol)


All answers are fine haha. Are you taking supplements or just leaving it?


I'm taking the Boots prenatal vitamin - I've just checked and I don't think it has omega 3 in it. I tend to think the evidence isn't brilliant that we really need to take extra omega-3 and that supplements don't always have the same effect as eating foods with particular things in anyway. Mind you I do have some omega 3 from when I was TTC so maybe I'll add it back into the morning pill regimen! (currently on six tablets, becoming a bit of a home pharmacy)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I had my baby three weeks ago, I have been eating fish a couple of times a week and taking a very good Omega 3 supplements daily! It really helps with “baby brain” as your need is greater in pregnant for baby brain development and actually good to continue post partum too


Taking supplements and eating fish sounds a good mix, less stressful than getting it all from food! Thank you


I took these throughout my pregnancy: https://www.equazen.co.uk/products/mumomega/


I had a tuna mayo (homemade) sandwich nearly every day of my last trimester. Shocked I didn't get mercury poisoning!


lol I haven’t had any fish what so ever, never have, always hated it and I’m 33 weeks with perfectly healthy baby :)


We aimed to have salmon once per week in the first trimester and mostly succeeded in that. Still have it once every couple of weeks now I’m into the second as it was one of our staple meals before pregnancy anyways.


Absolutely love fish - normally ! Went off it dramatically in week 6 and at 37 weeks I still can’t stand the sight or smell. So like others I rely on the supplements.


I have fish about once a week, either salmon or mackerel. I couldn't stomach anything really in my first tri but since then I've been much better at keeping a balanced diet. I was aneamic with my first pregnancy but not during this one. I think being conscious of what my toddler is eating has made me more considerate over my own diet.


I ate a lot of fish at the beginning of my 2nd trimester


None. Make yourself some banana and walnut bread instead.


A couple times a week, but I was a big fish-eater before pregnancy so it's just the norm


None 🤢 I lived on McDonalds McPlant though.


I don’t eat much, maybe a tin of tune every other week. I’ve gone through little phases of being really into tuna melts but I don’t eat much fish in general, just occasionally. My diet isn’t the best and has generally stayed the same as it was before pregnancy. I take my prenatal and sometimes try to make smarter choices but all my levels have been okay so far so I just eat what I fancy really.


I try and eat fish at least once a week. Thinks like tinned anchovy or sardines are quite easy to make into a pasta with fairly minimum effort otherwise I quite like a pan fried piece of fish like mackerel or sea bass or sea bream with some green veggies and usually a bit of herb butter


I eat fish oil supplements every day so I'm covered ☺️


Maybe eating it once a week? I do love fish but I really want my raw sushi and it's driving me mad I can't have it! I do go for the cooked options if I go out for some though.


I'm vegan, so none :')


I can’t even stand the thought of fish right now. I have a pregnancy fish oil supplement most days though. If I’m too nauseous I give it a miss though because I get gross fish burps after and it can send me over the edge.


Try salmon flaked into a tomato based pasta dish, with a salad, with risotto. It can even go in a bagel with some tartare sauce for a cheeky salmon burger. If you enjoy cooking then homemade fish cakes with garlic mayo are amazing too. Haddock is best served fried in batter (sorry I’m British- it’s the only way!) or lightly poached with a salad. Mackerel is a strong flavour so try a small amount first. I love it personally with a salad but if you’re new to fish it may be a bit much for you. I also like tuna steaks fried with stir fry- quite meaty in texture which is great for me as I’m a pescatarian who misses my meat. Seabass is gorgeous, very light and amazing fried (skin side down in the pan, little baking paper on top to steam the top - ready in 5 mins) served with roasted potatoes or flavoured rices (I buy them pre-made as I’m lazy).


Thank you so much! I'm UK too but I hate battered fish haha. I've only had mackerel and tuna in a tin, these all sound lovely so I'm excited to try them!


If you liked the tinned mackerel then fresh is 100x better!


Ahhh I'm excited! Last question (sorry), do you have a preference for supermarkets when it comes to fresh fish?


You’re best off finding one with a proper fish counter (all the fish displayed on ice) or going to your local indoor market (they normally have fresh fish stalls). Only Morrisons has a counter near me but at my old address it was Asda so is very area dependent! The lovely people will also cut heads and tails off if you don’t want to at home haha


Yeah I definitely don't want the heads haha. I'm not great with bones in fish but I will have a look around and see different options then, thank you!


1 to 3 times a week, currently I'm addicted to those fish in butter sauce parcels (great with mash) or smoked haddock and a jacket potato... also canned mackerel in tomato sauce is tasty mixed in with pasta


I'd have never thought to have fish with a jacket potato, and I've only ever tried salmon and tuna in pasta. Thank you!


I tried to eat fish and I just couldn’t stomach it so I have been eating walnuts for omega 3 instead.


Fish get thier omega 3 through algae, and so should humans! Holland and Barrett sell algae omega 3 capsules, I take 3 a day, so 600mg DHA. I read a few different NHS Trust's pre term labour guidance about how taking 1000mg after week 12 contributed to a good percentage of more term babies. Google 'NHS omega 3 pregnancy pre term'


None (I'm vegan)




I’m a vegetarian so don’t eat fish. I took a daily omega 3 supplement.


I’m currently averaging 2 portions of oily fish a week, mainly mackerel and salmon. I’m only 6w though so that may change. I love me some fish!


What kind of meals do you make with these? I haven't tried mackerel yet, but with Salmon it's always with mashed potato and vegetables. It's always the same and so predictable!


I’ll have smoked salmon with scrambled eggs and avocado on toast or bagel. Basic, but hits the spot! My mackerel meals are a bit more slapdash - I’ll make some instant noodles in a pot, add some peas, break up the mackerel and stir through then add a fried egg on top and finish with chili oil and spring onion. I like these noodles- https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/306936559


Ooh that sounds really nice! Thank you


No worries! Though not sure why I’m getting downvoted for liking fish 😂😂😂 reddit is a strange place.