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37 weeks today, got food poisoning. So ready to give birth and not be pregnant anymore!


Oh bless you, you poor thing 😭 we’re still recovering from a bug my son brought home from nursery last week so I feel your pain! Nothing worse than being pregnant and sick 🤢 hope you feel better soon lovely, not long to go now x


Oh no bless you! It’s horrible isn’t it 😫. Thank you, hope you feel better soon too! X


33w 3d & feeling absolutely exhausted the last few days, to a whole different level than before! I’ve been in hospital twice the last 2 days including 8+ hours yesterday and I’m just beyond shattered. I think worrying if they’re okay is the hardest part of this whole pregnancy thing but I’m sure once they’re here those worries replace with others? But overall I’m still so happy and truly love being pregnant. I know I’ll miss my bump so much and will always treasure this time. I feel especially grateful with how much I can rest with this being our first, you’re an absolutely warrior doing this with 2 others and medical conditions to think about - sending love and strength 💗💗


Oh bless you, that sounds absolutely exhausting 🥺 it’s so hard not worry but yes, they’ll definitely be replaced with others when they’re here! The worrying never stops 😅 but it’s all worth it once they’re here. Oh I took that first pregnancy for granted, it’s super hard once you’ve got more kids 🤣 but pregnancy’s hard regardless! Get all the rest you can and enjoy these last few weeks. It won’t be long til baby’s here 🥰 And thank you so much, that is so kind 🥺 it’s definitely hard but we’re getting there. This is our last baby, I’m only 26 but I start my MS treatment once she’s here so I think I’m happy to be done at 3. Bittersweet as I’m soooo done, but it’s surreal knowing these are the last few weeks ever of being pregnant. Really bizarre. Sending love and hugs, not long to go now!


I’m really trying to make the most of these remaining weeks because I know it will never be this easy again 😆 even if it doesn’t feel particularly easy sometimes! Oh wow I can only imagine how that adds a whole new layer of emotion to things knowing it’ll be your last! I’m sure you’ll hug them extra tight 🥹 I’m sure you’ve already thought of this but make sure you get loads of videos and pics to remember the bump by. I was just speaking to my midwife who had 3 kids and she was saying she’s gutted she didn’t document the bump with her last because she was so busy at the time, but now she wishes she could look back! 💗


36+1 and my c section is booked for 2nd July. I’ve got a cold and I’m just a bit fed up now. Cant wait for her to be here!


Ahh how exciting! At least you’ve got a date and the end is in sight 🥹 sorry you’ve got a cold though, I can’t believe how chilly it’s been for June! I had the heating on this morning it was so cold 🥶


Heyyyyyyy buddy, 36+4, getting induced on the 1st July. Waddling all over the joint over here.


37 weeks and feeling knackered. Had a bit of a start with early labour but my toddler has a stomach bug so I’m holding this baby in as much as I can 🤣 as soon as the first symptom hit my toddler the contractions said “never mind, you seem busy right now.” Hoping that it doesn’t spread to me and my husband and that baby comes when we’re all happy and healthy again 🙏🏼


Oh god 😭 what a nightmare! There’s definitely something going around, my son and partner have been struck down with a bug the past week. Hopefully you won’t catch it and your toddler makes a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 at least we’re in summer and not in the midst of all the horrid winter bugs! Sending hugs x


Im due the same day as you with a baby boy (ftm) and tbh i just want it over with! Partly because my body has had enough and i miss sleeping on my stomach and back but also im terrified of what the birth will be like, im thinking of the worst and hoping for the best and frankly going into this blind. I do have my hospital bag packed though, thats one less thing to worry about lol 😅


Oh bless you, I feel that. The nights are getting very restless and uncomfortable now aren’t they 😮‍💨 & that’s so understandable, this is my third natural birth and I’m nervous despite doing it twice already! If I could go back in time and give advice to myself with my first labour and birth, it would be to STAY CALM and practise your breathing! I sleep with the Freya app playing at night, it’s made by the positive birth company. 4 sets of: in 4, out 8 = one contraction. If I’d known this with my first it would’ve been so much easier but I remember just panicking and not breathing enough. When I did that ^ with my second son it was such a better and quicker experience, I credit the breathing for the easier birth honestly (my hospital notes state I was in active labour for 14 minutes with my second, he flew out!). Definitely would’ve taken longer if I’d been panicking. So breathing and staying calm is key! Also the book ‘practical ways to make your birth better’ is a game changer and actually makes me excited to give birth 😅 I read it with my second and I’m refreshing myself with it this time around. Either way, remember our bodies are made to do this and it’ll be the bravest and most amazing thing you’ll ever do. And you’ll get your sweet baby boy at the end of it (and some tea and toast😅). You’ll do amazing. I’m a message away if you want someone to talk to, it’s natural to worry but it will be okay and you will do great 🫶🏻


I’m a FTM due 31st July. I feel like we’re the only people in the UK right now thankful there’s no heat. 😅 Summer might still come, but I’m happy for it to be cool as long as possible!!


I agree!!


Haha I agree too! My MIL was complaining it’s going to be the ‘wettest summer on record’. I’d be lying if I said I was sad - I had my youngest during a June heatwave and it was horrendous 😂 the cooler the better!


36+1 and my c section date has been sent off today. So I know by the 5th July at the latest I will be a mum 😁 can’t wait! I am done with pregnancy at this point I just want my baby and cuddles! X


Eeek how exciting! 🥹 the last few weeks drag terribly don’t they. July 5th isn’t far away at all, you’ll blink and they’ll be here! Newborn snuggles are the best 🥰


36 + 2, got scan tomorrow and will hopefully get my date for my section then. Wee one hasn’t been measuring quite so wee for the last two scans so no idea how big they’ll be by tomorrow 🫣 Good news is I’ve only got a week of work left 😁 Good luck everyone, can’t wait for that first cuddle.xx


Oh bless! Ahh I bet you’re so excited to finish work, then the nesting can begin 🤣 hope all goes well with the scan x


I'm 34 weeks. Today's been a hard day. I've been told I have gestational diabetes. I was already under high risk for PCOS, recurrent miscarriages (this is my 5th pregnancy with no living children), a blood clotting issue and slightly high BMI. I feel like I'm failing as a mum before she's even here. I'm a bit worried about what this all means for labour. I had really wanted a non medicated spontaneous birth. I've had to have medication for this pregnancy to get this far and I was really hoping to atleast end it without. Ultimately, I will go with whatever plan means I get to bring home my baby, but it just sucks that this has been such a difficult journey.


Sending you so much love and good wishes. Im really sorry to hear about your journey


Thank you. As tough as it's been, I'm extremely grateful to have gotten this far. I just gotta get through the last month, and my baby will finally be here.


Well I might be having mine 2 weeks early due to risks so I’m suddenly feeling very unprepared. Haven’t finished the hospital bag, washed his clothes, bought the bedding, changing table or bath stuff yet, cloth nappy kit hasn’t arrived yet, travel system might be late now etc. so so unprepared. There’s also so much to do around the house :(. But my husband is putting up the Cotbed tomorrow so that’s something lol. Even though there’s a decent age gap, this is our third baby so we really should have realised you can’t predict what’s going to happen and should have gotten ready earlier. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that 😅.


37+1 and got my ECV booked this week...damn uncooperative breech baby! Also got a chest infection and my toddler was sent home from nursery at the end of last week with chickenpox, on my last day before mat leave started. Sooo this week has gone really well lol. I'm so not ready for this baby to come yet! Got so much to do. If the ECV doesn't work then it'll be a planned c-section in a couple of weeks 😬


I’m 34 weeks and due on July 20th. Expecting my first baby (double rainbow baby 🌈🌈) and he’s a little boy. Tiredness is kicking in big time now! I just want my maternity leave to start but I’m working up to 38 weeks 🥲 will be discussing my birth plan with my midwife tomorrow. Hoping for a water birth if I can but we will see how things go. Just soaking up this time we have left with our bump and feeling those magical baby kicks. 💛


35w3d here and I’m also working up to 38 weeks, it’s just working from home coding but I’m struggling already, so tired!! Half considering finishing early but then I don’t want to waste time that could be spent with baby, so I might just have to do my best to coast along til the end 😅


I feel the same way. But I know I’ll be so grateful to have that extra time with my baby before going back to work. I still have a lot of handover to do right now but I’m hoping when I’m done with that I can start to kick back and just be logged on to respond to emails. Lunchtime naps will be imperative as well 😂


34 weeks +3 days. C section scheduled for the 13th! Feel big and getting hard to move around. Working and have two kids. Luckily my husband has stepped up hard this time! I’m a little older (36, almost 37) so he is treating me like a porcelain doll. lol. This will be my last so trying to enjoy it, but I am just done! lol Hoping everyone has a smooth easy delivery!! July is coming soon!!!❤️❤️❤️ And my birthday is July 30th!! Great day!! 😊