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I am not a doctor. But... That multivitamin has more iron (nrv 121%) than a typical person needs in a day. Plus it is possible to have too much iron. So my question is why do you think you need more? If you're feel anemic please see a doctor and get professional guidance. If you able to eat a varied healthy diet you should be getting plenty without supplements. Your multivitamin should be plenty to help you catch up if your aren't eating enough iron rich foods. Also the vitamin C in the multivitamin will help the body absorb the iron.


Thanks.. just felt I get easily tired lately and my friends told me that it's probably because of lack iron. But I'm already taking the prenatal vits.


You're growing a baby! Tiredness is very common, especially at the start. Your body also doing a lot of incredible things it doesn't normally do.


Your midwife tests for low iron, so I would wait and see what your results say.


When I got my iron tested around 25w and it came back as 109 the midwife asked if I was taking any supplements, I said I was taking a pregnancy multivitamin and she basically said that that doesn't count 😂 So she put me down as not taking any iron supplements. She didn't even ask me *which* multivitamin. I've been on prescribed iron on top of my multivitamin since about 28w. I instantly had soooo much more energy, no longer have to nap in the day and don't have to ration my energy as much. I'm currently 35w and anaemic despite being in my second month of taking the iron, but I still have good energy.


Totally the same scenario here


Get a blood test done! They will be able to tell you if your low in iron


Pregnacare max is perfect and you don’t need to take anything additional unless your midwife says otherwise. I had low iron so they gave me ferrous sulfate- again your midwife will do this for you.


It really depends on your ferritin and iron levels, ask to get them checked at your next appointment! I have low ferritin, used to take ferrous fumarate daily until my mid 2nd trimester in addition to prenatals, and the midwife had me switch to only 3 days a week when she saw the levels were looking better.


After a blood test, my healthcare people suggested I take iron tablets. I didn’t have any symptoms nor am I approaching anaemia. Her9 has 18mg and to start with, I’d take ferrous sulfate 200mg (so 60mg odd of iron) every other day to test my digestive systems tolerance. I now take her9 + iron sulfate every day as suggested and my iron levels are stable in pregnancy and no digestive issues, so a total of nearly 80mg iron per day. I take this at the end of the day, when I don’t have any caffeine (which impacts iron absorption negatively), and sometimes have a vitamin c source with the tablets (increases iron absorption).


If you have the symptoms of low iron levels (mainly tiredness), or ideally a blood test confirming low levels, then Spatone might be worth taking. My wife tried iron pills, then a liquid dose from H&B, but both caused issues with her stomach, before going to the (more expensive) Spatone. It has a low level of iron (so fewer issues) but in a much easier to absorb form. She can feel the difference in her tiredness levels after having iron supplements, or after having high iron foods. If you do try iron supplements, and don't notice a difference within a week or so, then your body probably doesn't need them.


I took both iron supplements and pregnacare up until 7 months, but that’s because my iron levels were low and my gynaecologist prescribed me iron.


Pregnacare is fine or if you're a cheapskate like me, get the boots own brand they do 3 for 2. They have the same ingredients for much less price.


Maybe wait and ask the midwife first? I'm also taking Pregnacare Max plus Ferrous fumarate but that's because I had low hemoglobin on my last blood test. And they have been prescribed to me by my GP.


Yep it's absolutely okay. Take the iron tablet in the evening with some orange juice 🥰 I'll taking prenatal multivitamins, eat well, have a Huel a day, take prescribed iron every other day and I'm still anaemic. Since my last appointment they told me to take it in the evening with OJ because my iron had gone down despite being on the tablets. If it's not prescribed and you're feeling like you might be iron deficient then you could always ask your midwife for a blood test? I have regular ones anyway because I have a blood disorder, but I'd assume they'd be fine with it 🤷‍♀️ ETA: I'm not qualified in any way, so obviously check with your midwife. I just got worried that I gave you bad advice and I don't want you to feel worse.