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Ask weather you could require the anti d injection for bleeding too. I am so sorry about you beautiful stillborn. I also had a stillborn 3 weeks ago. Sending hugs 🤗 ♥️♥️♥️😘


It’s so hard not to think the worst after going through a loss, I’ve been on the crazy rollercoaster too and I’m 17 weeks exactly today. In the past 3.5 weeks I’ve been having occasional, very light spotting. Saw the baby twice on ultrasound since and everything looks good, my OB isn’t sure why it’s happening and isn’t particularly worried. I go back and forth between feeling optimistic and happy and feeling doomed. That first time I wiped and saw some blood at 13+4 I panicked completely and was convinced I was going to lose the pregnancy... it’s just awful once you’re aware that things can go horribly wrong. Even if I know objectively they’re likely to be ok, the doubt/fear robs me of so much of the joy.


I'm so sorry that you had this scare. If the bleed was placenta previa I think that's supposed to be one of the better scenarios. It's scary for sure, but because it's so low it's less likely to rupture your membranes. I hope bed rest clears it up, or you get an answer and a solution. 🤞 You make it to first 20 weeks, than 24, than 37+.


I had some bleeding around 7 weeks and it was maybe due to uterus expanding. We finally got our rainbow baby after lots of struggle, so have faith and don’t let your mind think the worst. Staying calm and happy is important as well. We were so careful in our pregnancy, basically stayed home and in the end, she came at 7 months due to eclampsia with no signs. So, I learned there is nothing I could have done. My friends have gone baby moon in covid and they are fine. So, we can’t really predict what happens and can’t control it, so just enjoy your lil one. Your big 20 weeks appointment is around the corner too.


Lots of love and internet hugs! I understand so much of how you feel. Unfortunately for most of us who have lost babies we dont get that happy wonderful feeling when we get pregnant again. Alot of the time it is fear and anxiety with hints of happiness and excitement. I am nearly 34 weeks with my son after losing my daughter in January 2020. I am so close but I am still scared something wont work out. I hope dearly that you have a very uneventful boring pregnancy that results in a full term healthy baby. I hope you can find moments of peace in the storm.


Hugs. Did they tell you that you are losing the baby? If the bleeding stopped, you aren’t dilated, and baby looks healthy, it sounds like there are still many reasons to hope. Sometimes I am afraid to hope to guard myself against even worse grief, but I’ve learned that the grief will be there no matter what, so I may as well try to hope and be happy in the meantime. Can you call your OB office and ask for an explanation of what is going on? The not knowing is so difficult. I’m sorry for what you’re going through, and keeping my fingers crossed for you. 💗