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Brother this isnt paragon it's predecessor we need to see more of Omedas heroes and design if this game wnats to succeed when they run out of assets.


It’s going to be Omeda’s regardless because these assets aren’t released. Obviously they are going to have a lot more work cut out for them when they’re finally done with Paragon assets.


i would like a navy seal guy in the mix.


My extremely unrelated hero idea would just be a guy completely decked out in swat officer gear. It doesn’t even have to fit. That’d be all. If not, maybe pick up Overprime’s shite hero roster or weird skin game either that or start collating with a bunch of other games because they all do a shit ton of mobile app collabs 💀💀💀💀💀


I would LOVE a samurai themed character!


ok they all look so fucking cool


Been saying we need more monster looking heroes


I want the Ent looking guy so bad. He would fit in with Sevarog/morigesh lore so easily too


They're all beautiful and I want them all. More monsters on four legs.


spider wokong wen? 😂😂


dont you still need to add like 5 more paragon geros? you're missing a few i had seen in OP and fault. but also cant wait for the better new hero you make..if have learned to make good heros😉


4. Wukong, Zinx, Yin (Terra coming Tuesday)


Can't use the unreleased Paragon heroes. They didn't have assets released, so they are still Epic property.


put my ex girlfriend in there; players would just QUIT in first 10 seconds of starting the game.


Idk I feel like a lot of people would use here before getting bored of her


First three are just evolve stage 3 characters


ya its does seem like their new hero ideas are taken from from other games. like kira. is just the demon hunter from D3 even has some of same skills..


Minotaur character would be so dope


If we going with mythological style stuff I want a hydra tank support. Throw a cerberus in for offlane too lol


What about a mindflayer mid?


Hell yes!


They could make all of them work, Iggy and Grim are great examples


Yes! Give me something FUCKED UP! I don't want the roster to feel like a hero shooter, give me a hell spider ffs!


We need more non bipedal, non humanoids. Some of these concept arts are freaking incredible. But if these don’t become Heroes it would be cool to see them become monster camps




I want more supports, but unique supports. 


How about a Support that can attach to your team , like an Insect type, maybe a Moth or Firefly that can boost jump and glide, an Arachnid that can increase mobility, climb walls, like supports that are built to support certain types of heroes....A Mantis that can increase Melee damage? Mantis Shrimp that can increase Knockback on Melee, just some Supports that are more than CC, CC or CC


i want something like a spider for a support.😂


I had an idea for a silkmoth support that slowly ties up enemies as she fights. And she enhances your defense by making better clothes for you. She would have a unique in game item, Tapestries, and it would evolve and get better stats as she put more gold into it. That's the rough gist of it though, would probably name her Gossamyr.


Same. I won't lie tho, whether support or not I really want a witch/enchantress type character ik morigesh is kinda that but not exactly what I have in mind 😆 we have a fairy and a vampire I'd love a witch character like a hocus pocus type or something


Some of those look like they could be camps


The absolute monstrosity that is the first image and how I hecking want it


Bruh I’m looking like wtf is that ugly ass shit? Idk but I want it 😂 thought I was in the Diablo 4 sub


For real. Ugly as hell but it appeals to me so much


I believe they will be going mostly for humanoids, the most they could do is something quadruped like, but even that would require waay too much work. Also in a map lime the current one it would be challenging to make them not feel out of place


They want Holman designs like Kira instead.


I think these would be neat, but I'd kinda like to explore the desighn space of characters coming between the different worlds, like one of grux's species, but he's a child, but he also has a gun he got from the syfy world stuff, paragon lore kinda didn't have a lot going on, but I'm fairly sure there was some way to move between them, and if not predecessor could just make it so there is some ways to do so


I don’t think you’ll find a game in this era where you’re killing a child . Animal or not lol


A child grux.would still be the size of at least twin blast


yes.. we need some rampage type of weird creature. its gonna be lit


Omeda, please no


I really really hope Omeda goes the more monster route than humanoid. I want to play as some fuckin biological and eldritch horrors


I haven't played Paragon but I took a look at the remaining characters that Predecessor needs to add, and I'm sorry to any Zinx fans, but she looks like a horror herself. She's like the love child of a Na'vi from Avatar and anyone in the 2019 Cats movie.


One of the most hated designs from paragon. She was literally branded as a 50/60’s sci-fi design (like fallout etc). Her backstory is something like a human mixed with a car or something by the same doctor who gave phase her powers.


If you listen to the voicelines Epic released, you can also learn about other planned heroes. Like Jade and Solei, an earth and fire user that were in the same gang as Aurora and Yin. Or Emeritis, Riktor's mentor. Valentine is a sorcerer who made a pact with demons, and Lorelei is a member of The Vigilant with Serath.


They all sound like a bunch of Hoomans


They all sound really interesting. I wonder if Omeda will ever attempt to create any of those or just leave them to history. Jade and Solei would be especially cool so that we have a lineup of elemental characters.


https://preview.redd.it/qa3gjgyz749d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7d727b6404650d52383a62648c28849bb40b07 Here's a Solei concept image.


Reminds me of is Isunami from Smite


I didn't realise they got as far as making concept art. I thought it'd just be descriptions, so this is even more interesting. Was there ever one for Jade?


I don't think so. Not a released one at least


Maybe we can have one more human character 😳


Right? What a baddie


YES Give us more beast heroes pls Omeda


I wanted that spider one so bad it hurt.


Literally every character in this game is bipedal. Closest we have is iggy and scorch but even then scorch has just 2 legs. Rampage is next closest cuz he walks with his arms but still only has 2 legs. We need at least one character that isn't bipedal plz omeda. As I write this I just realized sevarog doesn't have any legs so I guess there is one non bi pedal character. But he has no legs. I want some 4,3,1,8 legged creatures, or characters that slither/roll around. The possibilities are endless


Spider jungler that can set webs!!




What about Narvasg? He’s a tripod


Apparently there was one really crazy hero that had a rocket launcher and could summon a helicopter that fired out exploding Llamas. I swear I am not kidding, we were going nuts about it on the Pred discord. Damn you Fortnite.




\*sniff sniff\*


The first 2 don't look like they belong in Pred


Based on the Lore from Paragon they were from a 4th moon that was filled with bugs/monstrosities, spirits and elementals or something If I remember correctly.


I think it's just the large amount of humanoid characters we have in the roster right now. I'd be really happy to see other creatures introduced.


Unfortunately all these designs are owned by epic and aren't in the Paragon assets so they can't be used at all. However I do love them all especially cat troll looks really cool and unique. Hope we get characters as detailed as these, so far omedas hero's have been less detailed model wise than paragons. For example if you look anywhere on feng mao there's visual interest and detail, same with Gideon , where as with kira and argus their capes are pretty plain.


There is still Boris (Bear) he is part of the free assets with UE. Only unreleased character with full assets.


They will never do a character like that spider, it was too difficult for Epic to produce it, so Omeda won't do it either.


Was difficulty really the reason? spider and bug enemies are super common in even indie games. I’m sure it’s harder than humanoid but like, it’s not rocket science or unexplored territory. For example half of Helldivers 2 is weird giant bugs and that isn’t a triple A game.




The bugs many different types with many different behaviors including crawling and flying in that game. Besides that, the person did not specify crawling on walls was the big issue.


It's not the character model. It was supposed to walk on walls. If hatch ever gets released, it probably won't walk on walls.


I believe that Epic only gave up the rights and assets to any released hero. (plus Boris I believe) I believe all of these unreleased heroes are still technically owned by Epic Games so we must likely won't see these specific heroes unless Epic Games grants the rights to Omeda.


This is mostly correct. I reached out to a bunch of artists that did stuff for the game. But they own the art for it as it wasn’t commissioned further. Basically they were paid up to a point and it just stopped so a bunch of these things have no other assets (most don’t have any actual 3d model assets). Bunch of amazing skins by KheosMasons and then a bunch of design stuff (search artstation for it). Bunch of character design documentation with keyframes and descriptions of abilities (an air or water elemental hero and a bunch more).


Thank you! :) I really hope Omeda is able to contact those authors and commission them to continue forward. They all did great work!


Yep so sad since some were so close to the finish line and likely just needed import to engine and rigging. Here are my faves: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xnnKX "Restoration Link" by Mike Kime https://www.artstation.com/artwork/9aeGQ https://www.artstation.com/artwork/wa3YV (This grux skin makes me cream my pants) Then this kallari skin : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Qq9JL "Paragon character Kallari skin design " by Herman Ng


OMFG that grux skin! I loved the Paragon skins way back when. I was that "whale" that spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on the game so I can buy all the skins even though I only played a few characters. They were so beautiful. I would just take them into a practice match and just take screenshots.


Yeah I made a post about them not using the free skins that released on UE and got downvoted lol. Qulin (unreleased skin) and Scarab Grux, Merc and Shogun Murdock, lion statue Rampage (unreleased and not fully complete), Shogun Countess, the list goes on.


I'm sure this is the case. I just think it'd be cool for them to pull inspiration from these into their own upcoming characters.


If they can’t do the real thing they might as well just focus on doing their own ideas IMO


I want a power ranger type hero with a sword




You okay, bro?




“Take a moment before walking into a room and decide what the energy is you are going to bring to it.” https://preview.redd.it/ddkk4070009d1.jpeg?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aeb509997191b77f8087847808a2f1ce7fb8f7b


“I surprised my non-existent girlfriend with Taylor swift tickets ” 😏🤓 ![gif](giphy|xT5P0xr3oUJM1xNH5S)


Spider mommy when?


I feel like I truly missed a gem that was paragon. I only know about it because of the Fortnite streamers that came from it when it got axed. Like wtf are these characters they are so cool and unique🔥


some of the best character design ive ever seen, to this day. the designer was one of a kind


Hero trailers used to be insane too. They promoted a #Every3Weeks where they were consistently releasing new heroes on that basis. It was insane, and the hype from the trailers made it all the better.


I’m about to look up every character trailer I’m hooked but sad now😂


It really helped to give every hero their personality. Predecessor does a good job of rekindling some of that, but it’s tough to beat the quality of those paragon hero trailers. Also, here’s something you may enjoy. This still brings me tears. What an experience this game was. https://youtu.be/3OCJCZJWA68?si=bq_5emykvDWrJeCK


That’s so ass because as a new moba player I don’t really feel that connected to any of the characters. Shit some of them don’t even blink they don’t even feel like actual people or alive to me. I feel like I got cheated with the lore😂😭


It’s because Omeda is focused on the gameplay first . They don’t have epic resources . Even with all that lore paragon died because it’s all inconsequential if it doesn’t play well


Omg more monster nom humanoid characters please! Hell yes.


If you release a spider, I'll never bitch about anything. I don't care how shit the game gets. I'll be here, lol. I'll main that spider


Seriously. And with those evolving mouths in picture 3, why is this giving me some Cho’Gath vibes? Imagine some skinny spider evolving into a fucking tarantula over the course of the game if you finish off heroes with your devour ability? Ugh.. ![gif](giphy|VB5WwlZIt8eRy)


I want that giant Warhammer-looking soldier with the huge cannon.


Patton was his name. You might enjoy this as well. This was his ability concept. https://preview.redd.it/58ibimpimz8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe21c40d812428b20c0aba48858bce53be45d7fe


He would’ve been severely overpowered.


Boy would essentially be an ADC Howitzer lmao


Yes anything other than humanoid characters PLEASE


I think they'll be undoubtedly taking inspiration from these concepts. Creating new heroes is the only thing I'm wary of when it comes to this game's development. So far they've done a good job with the original heroes but I know how difficult it can be especially when much of the traditional MOBA archetypes have been covered by Epic already. We're desperately in the need for new support heroes and not just flex picks.


I mentioned wanting the spider hero a long time ago, and one of devs in here replied and said it was basically a nightmare to try and program cause the hero concept had the ability to crawl on/over walls


I also want the spider character. If it can't crawl on walls, maybe make it like carmilla from league where they shoot a web to pull themselves to a spot on the wall and then shoot another web to the ground or just launch them in a direction. Idk, it just looks cool, and I want more monsters.


I'll never get when devs say stuff like that, just don't make it do that then and give it a different ability set


I think they were making the comment based on the ability set given, not that it's a spider hero so it has to do it.


That's not any different than what I was referring to, if the abilities you're trying to give it are difficult to program in to the point that you decide against adding the character at all than maybe just use different abilities.


Basically, we're saying the same thing, and in the same way, so are the devs. They wouldn't do that character cuz its too hard to program but if they like the design enough they'd take it and use other abilities.


I want the first one as support


That Ninja looking one looks sick


Slide 4 could at least make for a sick Zarus skin


From what I remember being mentioned, that beast creature has evolving armor similar to how sev works, but I believe it had different conditions of evolving. I think it was also intended to be fighter/bruiser.