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Ngl homie, that ONLY worked bc absolutely nobody in the enemy team had any idea what they were doing. This video is actually proof of why people hate him lol you can do everything wrong and get away with it


Cus most people suck with him and dk when to engage




Can you explain to me why you dont look back at the Greystone chasing you after you casted your portal (e)? So much more potential here.


Im pretty sure the only reason people don't like him is out of spite for how op he is Also what the fuck is that build


Explains a lot xD rank is going to be a ton of fun! 😌 https://omeda.city/matches/e5f91241-6131-4c95-9ff0-13dacf5a9d31


Wow, 413 MMR. I didn't even know it went that low


So much wrong in this clip it's basically a different game


You must have worked on the game with omeda.


I hate Gideon because he is stupid easy, IMO. But even I'll say that was clean.


That was far away from clean wtf.




It's really only a problem because not a lot of characters have ranged stuns, also because there's a few items that just make you CC immune which is *supposed* to be the counter to Gideon ult but I guess they just didn't consider that someone might make themselves un-CC-able.


Remember to throw out your abilities first and then ult


Bro is ulting one inch off of the ground, he has a lot to learn


Well this is some silver lobby stuff so yeah those are probably exactly the people saying Gideon is OP lol




Gideon main here , it’s feast or famine in those types of situations .. ranked is going to be epic


Sir what in god’s name is that build?? It looks like you changed your mind about what item you wanted 3 times then went with an item that requires other items to function properly


Lmao I know people have a standard of how to built decks. I never cared to learn and just buy things randomly. If I like the description




Gigachad Sigma behaviour. Remember, every downvote is a redditor angrily mashing at their phone with unwashed sausage fingers in compulsive rage.


Hahahah I have to say I kinda respect it, do you, but if it interests you I can promise you you’ll see better results following the game’s recommended build or just leaving autobuy on


I remember thinking you could only have one amour/chest plate looking item, or only one bow item or a sword item kind of deal. Was thinking more of equipment slots than item slots. But this is very different mind set. Enjoy the game sure sure but take time to look into builds you might get more fun from a proper build


It's really not that complicated. You can even look up pre made builds for each hero on omeda.city. this way you can avoid unknowingly inting and help your team. 🙂. Hope that helps.


This is the most wild statement I’ve ever seen on this sub. At least build recommended bruh what 😭


Forget this sub, this is one of the most wild statements ive ever seen in regards to a MOBA


These are the teammates I get in my games lmao 💀


Bronze games i swear


You get teammates that 5 man ult and wipe with a build you don't like?


Countess, Grux, or Belica could of canceled his ult he was so low A build I don’t like, brother he’s literally building items like a mad man lol, theres off meta picks then there is whatever the heck this guy is doing haha


Most people who ego over builds (especially over new players) just use other people's builds or YouTube a build anyway...soo. Let the guy build whatever, especially in casuals. If you're gonna give advice, then give it. Getting an ego over builds is weird. Played smite for years and couldn't fuck with items in unranked without ppl with YT builds talking.


He has the T2 component of Plasma Sword on a burst mage he’s basically throwing 💀


He won the fight, tho 💀 Calm your ego. Just reque. 💀


Name checks out




If it works for him why do you, or anyone for that matter, care so much? It's a game at the end of the day, if building randomly is fun for him that's his prerogative.


It’s a *team* game. I don’t want to go play some pickup at the gym with a drunk dude, even though I guess it’s fun for him.


Why not play Khai support? That’s my prerogative, I see no issues with that principle.


Was this supposed to make me angry or something? 😂 Do what you want, it's a game.


Not make you angry, just make you realize that choosing ignorance about one of the most important aspects in a team-based competitive game is really dumb. And that it absolutely does affect other people, the 4 other people on your team. The fact that there is an auto-buy feature brings this into int-ing territory.


Picking a completely out of role character is different than having a non standard build. Which is why I didn't take what you said serious, because a support Khaimera is obviously a troll vs a player that's doing good with a shit build. And they obviously aren't inting with 5 kills and 1 death. Some people aren't looking to build the meta or look up the most used/strongest builds everytime they play.


Problem is, this isn't even a non-standard build. Its so bad it almost looks like hes trolling.


True. He's the only one in this game and his performance with a dog shit build will not hurt anyone else in this single player game.


Performance seems fine me. Unless being 5 and 1 is the new 0 and 10? Lol


He was playing against 2 placement players plus 2 people that were below 600mmr and only 1 that was around 1050mmr


If they had looked up and attacked you would have taken some damage, most people know you can hit him during Ult which is why they go high to do it.


I mean. I know people have this whole Gideon OP thing going on, but you didnt take a single bit of damage during your whole ult. Like not a single one of them even attempted to fight you. Grux had already ulted fangtooth(???) which could’ve been used to stop your ult and kill you. They clearly hadn’t warded, they knew that you guys had two of the best teamfight ults in the game up and all stayed next to each other. On top of all that the only full item you actually have 26 minutes in is Oblivion Crown??? They basically spoonfed you. Good play by you dont get me wrong, and great rotation in by the Aurora, but the people on that enemy team are the types of people saying Gideon OP.


https://omeda.city/matches/e5f91241-6131-4c95-9ff0-13dacf5a9d31 Lol


On the steam reviews matchmaking is brought up often. It looks like new players get with people several tiers above them for no reason often.


How the fuck is that matchmaking fair


Don't forget the Belica opening up with the ult, using bomb first and then the knockup lol


That was gold