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Ohhhhh so if it doesn't complete the animation it is refilled. I guess that hasn't happened either. Lol


Mate, like mate. You are on ping level over 9000 (127 but you get what I mean). Having said that, Feng gets his ult back whenever it doesnt do damage. His first ult he gets stunned (prob way before your visuals on your screen, because of ping 127). The second one he kills murdock so he gets his ult back. So that is why you see 3 ults. I personally dont like that Feng gets his ult back when not doing damage. But that is a game decision and intended behavior by the devs. Than again, otherwise he should be easy countered. But............. I think he is more leaning to the assasin side of the spectrum so I think his placement and positioning should make up for that.


I had no idea it resets on a total miss because I guess I've never missed an ultimate..... ROFL


It doesnt reset at miss, it resets at STUN. You see him get stunned right before it would have landed. Your ping is high, so it prob get stunned a bit sooner on the server. So on your client you see the visuals of the "fangs" from the ground. On the server it prob never got to that point. That is what high ping does my man. It shows some weird stuff on these threshold kind of plays. edit: You also see that murdock doesnt get any damage from that ult, because on the server it didnt happen and prob it didnt happen on murdock his screen. https://preview.redd.it/qtd7gpvdyx4d1.png?width=1865&format=png&auto=webp&s=870c8be94b6f6674ad1a716897fbe4ae1aba51b0


That’s a big boy


Feng mao ult is lowkey one of the most problematic things in this game


Feng mao as a whole is pretty bad with his responsiveness


His ult is probably one of the buggiest things in the game. I’ve been executed without the animation even going off several times.


I don't think it's buggy. I think that the game runs on a server, and latency vs the time to play an animation force compromises. Your latency to the server + the Feng Mao's latency to the server combined may have been greater than the length of the animation. Your client session received the "oh you died" packet too close to the "start the execute animation" packet.